Save Western Civilization => Save America => Topic started by: Confederate Kahanist on August 07, 2010, 11:00:38 PM

Title: The cost of Kagan's confirmation
Post by: Confederate Kahanist on August 07, 2010, 11:00:38 PM

Russ Jones - OneNewsNow - 8/6/2010 9:00:00

Elena Kagan (Solicitor General nominee)The Senate on Thursday confirmed Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan, making her the fourth female to serve on the nation's highest court. The 50-year-old Harvard Law School graduate is scheduled to be sworn in Saturday (August 7). While Kagan's confirmation isn't a surprise for most, the possible backlash some lawmakers may face as a result of their vote could be.


On a Senate vote of 63-37 Kagan was expectedly awarded the top jurist job to the Supreme Court. Bob Knight, senior writer for Coral Ridge Ministries and senior fellow for American Civil Rights Union, says those who voted to confirm Kagan could pay a heavy price in the mid-term elections.
"Sixty-three senators are going to have to answer to their constituents why they put on the U.S. Supreme Court a woman who altered a report by physicians that said -- and I'll sum it up -- that there really aren't any circumstances to justify a partial-birth abortion," Knight explains. "She made it say in some circumstances it may be the best single way to save a life of a mother."
That modified report, according to Knight's column on Thursday -- "The Kagan moral train wreck" -- was used as "falsified evidence" in a Supreme Court case and amounts to "fraud, plain and simple" on the part of the nominee.

Robert KnightBut there is more, says Knight, moving on to Kagan's position on man-and-wife marriage.
"Then she threw the case in the Defense of Marriage Act trial in Massachusetts," he continues. "She presented no evidence that marriage had anything to do with the well-being of children. I mean, come on -- that's a very big reason for [traditional] marriage."
Knight contends while Kagan succeeds the left-leaning retired Justice John Paul Stevens, her young age promises to provide her many years to rule against cases which support traditional family values.
"It might seem like a simple switch -- one liberal [Stevens] for another [Kagan]," he comments. "But Elena Kagan is a very dangerous appointee because she's already shown as solicitor general of the United States [under Barack Obama] that she's willing to let her activist agenda get in the way of the law."
Senator Ben Nelson (D-Nebraska) joined 36 Republicans as the lone Democrat voting against Kagan. Five Republican senators joined 58 Democrats in voting for Kagan -- Lindsey Graham (South Carolina), Susan Collins (Maine), Olympia Snowe (Maine), Richard Lugar (Indiana), and Judd Gregg (New Hampshire).