Save Western Civilization => Save America => Topic started by: Allen-T on May 25, 2007, 09:15:58 AM

Title: Excellent Sermon Exposing Martin Luther King
Post by: Allen-T on May 25, 2007, 09:15:58 AM
Click on the link and go to the bottom of the page there are two links, pt.s 1 & 2. Great and informative sermon.


Title: Re: Excellent Sermon Exposing Martin Luther King
Post by: BabylonianJew on May 25, 2007, 09:52:56 AM
Click on the link and go to the bottom of the page there are two links, pt.s 1 & 2. Great and informative sermon.


Stromfront although anti-Semitic organization has good information about that [censored]
Title: Re: Excellent Sermon Exposing Martin Luther King
Post by: Imerica on May 25, 2007, 10:05:24 AM
I don't believe a word of that article. Not a single word. And what they said about his wife was horrible. Pure propaganda at its worst.
Title: Re: Excellent Sermon Exposing Martin Luther King
Post by: fjack on May 25, 2007, 12:52:39 PM
What fact don't you believe about mike lucifer king. Was he not a plagarist like the darkie that wrote 'Roots' and was sued by a white woman antropoligist? Did not bobbie kennedy have him bugged? Was he not a drunkard whore monger like jesse and al? Was he not a commie? Was he not living a wonderful lifestlye unlike most of the whites and his african followers? Did you ever notice that none of the king children worked for a living? How did coretta survive? Where did the money come from? I know that hoprah, the admitted crack head whore slut, sent her some money. What was it that was so great about king? If you think he was such a moral paragon, then you approve women beating, drunkeness, cheating on one's spouse, lying to gain a college degree and hating white people. Have I made any faux pas in my comments? Please feel free to correct any inacurracies in what I have stated. I am finished with the blacks. They refuse to see the course that they are going on is going to lead to their demise. It is a fact that the hispanics are going after the blacks and they will take care of them once and for all. Look what is happening in LA and Chicago. The blacks have been so dependent on whitety that they are unable to care for themselves. All I can say it is no great lose that the blacks are killing themselves and the hispanics are helping them. So be it.
Title: Re: Excellent Sermon Exposing Martin Luther King
Post by: BabylonianJew on May 25, 2007, 02:11:59 PM
that site has creep music on its pages weird.
Title: Re: Excellent Sermon Exposing Martin Luther King
Post by: MasterWolf1 on May 25, 2007, 02:21:58 PM
What fact don't you believe about mike lucifer king. Was he not a plagarist like the darkie that wrote 'Roots' and was sued by a white woman antropoligist? Did not bobbie kennedy have him bugged? Was he not a drunkard whore monger like jesse and al? Was he not a commie? Was he not living a wonderful lifestlye unlike most of the whites and his african followers? Did you ever notice that none of the king children worked for a living? How did coretta survive? Where did the money come from? I know that hoprah, the admitted crack head whore slut, sent her some money. What was it that was so great about king? If you think he was such a moral paragon, then you approve women beating, drunkeness, cheating on one's spouse, lying to gain a college degree and hating white people. Have I made any faux pas in my comments? Please feel free to correct any inacurracies in what I have stated. I am finished with the blacks. They refuse to see the course that they are going on is going to lead to their demise. It is a fact that the hispanics are going after the blacks and they will take care of them once and for all. Look what is happening in LA and Chicago. The blacks have been so dependent on whitety that they are unable to care for themselves. All I can say it is no great lose that the blacks are killing themselves and the hispanics are helping them. So be it.

Have you noticed the media and blacks claimed MLK was a  peace (of course the media thought Arafat was a man of peace) but, about MLK all the streets and blvds named MLK Blvd is the most dangerous in town.
Title: Re: Excellent Sermon Exposing Martin Luther King
Post by: Imerica on May 25, 2007, 02:29:59 PM
Bernice Albertine King- Bernice was only five years old when her father died. At 17, she was invited to speak at the United Nations in the absence of her mother. She is a graduate of Douglass High School in Atlanta and she graduated from Spelman College with a degree in psychology before earning a joint degree in Theology and Law at Emory University.

Martin Luther III (October 23, 1957 Montgomery, Alabama) the first son of civil rights leader Martin Luther King, Jr. and Coretta Scott King. His siblings are Dexter Scott King, and Rev. Bernice Albertine King. He is also the brother of the late Yolanda Denise King... King served as an elected commissioner of Fulton County, Georgia, from 1987 to 1993.

In 2007, King was unanimously elected to head the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), a civil rights organization founded by his father. At the helm, King's relationship with some board members deteriorated. Chairman Claud Young briefly suspended King in 2001, citing absence from the office and erratic communication. King left the SCLC in January 2004 to take over the King Center for Nonviolent Social Change from his brother, Dexter Scott King.

Martin Luther King III is now heading an organization he founded in 2006 called Realizing the Dream.

Dexter Scott (January 30, 1961 Atlanta, Georgia) He attended his father's alma mater, Morehouse College and majored in Business Administration....Mr. King is currently Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Center for Nonviolent Social Change, Inc. (The King Center), in Atlanta, Georgia. Mr. King has served as a member of the board of directors since 1984. The King Center is dedicated to promoting the life, work and philosophy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. The King Center is the official living memorial dedicated to the legacy of Dr. King.

 Mr. King splits his time between Los Angeles and Atlanta pursuing his responsibilities in media and entertainment, which include producing several projects which are both King legacy and non-King legacy related.

Yolanda Denice King King was a human rights worker and actress. She was a member of the Board of Directors of the Martin Luther King Jr. Center for Nonviolent Social Change, Incorporated (the official national memorial to her father) and was founding Director of the King Center's Cultural Affairs Program. She served on the Partnership Council of Habitat for Humanity, was the first national Ambassador for the American Stroke Association's "Power to End Stroke" Campaign, a member of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, a sponsor of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, Human Rights Campaign, and held a lifetime membership in the NAACP. King received a B.A. degree with honors from Smith College in Northampton, Massachusetts, a Masters degree in Theatre from New York University and an Honorary Doctorate of Humane Letters from Marywood University. In 1978 she starred as Rosa Parks in the TV miniseries King (which was based on her father's life and released on DVD in 2005). Ms. King was a spokesperson for the national stroke awareness association.
Title: Re: Excellent Sermon Exposing Martin Luther King
Post by: fjack on May 25, 2007, 02:31:12 PM
MasterWolf, it is funny that you have made that point. I remember watching a documentary on the history channel where some braided black man went all over the country and made a piligramge to all the MLK blvk's throughout the country. Every, every single one was a ghetto, a slum, uninhabitibule for white people. I remember he went into a Chinese take out place on a Martin lucifer blvd. in, you take you choice area, and the place where you ordered your food was covered with bullet proof glass, you had to shove your money into a kind of revolving door and then the chinese guy would send your order through the same door with your change. Naturally this dread locked primitive was shocked that these hard working people would be afraid of his fellow creators of civilization. I just don't get it. What is wrong with these people? It can't be all of us. Even the new immigrants know that something is not right.
Title: Re: Excellent Sermon Exposing Martin Luther King
Post by: Hail Columbia on May 25, 2007, 03:18:27 PM
I don't believe a word of that article. Not a single word. And what they said about his wife was horrible. Pure propaganda at its worst.

Imerica, I'm wondering, why the hell does Martin Luther King have all of these streets named after him throughout the country, when other American heroes such as George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Pershing, Robert E. Lee, Benjamin Franklin, Stonewall Jackson, Douglas MacArthur, George S. Patton, and Dwight D. Eisenhower do not have as many streets named after them combined?
Title: Re: Excellent Sermon Exposing Martin Luther King
Post by: Imerica on May 25, 2007, 03:45:06 PM
I don't believe a word of that article. Not a single word. And what they said about his wife was horrible. Pure propaganda at its worst.

Imerica, I'm wondering, why the hell does Martin Luther King have all of these streets named after him throughout the country, when other American heroes such as George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Pershing, Robert E. Lee, Benjamin Franklin, Stonewall Jackson, Douglas MacArthur, George S. Patton, and Dwight D. Eisenhower do not have as many streets named after them combined?

I've lived in many places where those American heros are represented as names on street signs. Take San Diego for instance... nothing but the street signs with Ex President's street signs. If you'd like to see a more 'formidable' President's name on a streets sign,  contact your the Powers that Be, in you neck of the woods.
Title: Re: Excellent Sermon Exposing Martin Luther King
Post by: MasterWolf1 on May 25, 2007, 03:58:50 PM
MasterWolf, it is funny that you have made that point. I remember watching a documentary on the history channel where some braided black man went all over the country and made a piligramge to all the MLK blvk's throughout the country. Every, every single one was a ghetto, a slum, uninhabitibule for white people. I remember he went into a Chinese take out place on a Martin lucifer blvd. in, you take you choice area, and the place where you ordered your food was covered with bullet proof glass, you had to shove your money into a kind of revolving door and then the chinese guy would send your order through the same door with your change. Naturally this dread locked primitive was shocked that these hard working people would be afraid of his fellow creators of civilization. I just don't get it. What is wrong with these people? It can't be all of us. Even the new immigrants know that something is not right.

If it wasn't for the Koreans in Flushing and the Chinese in Flushing (for those outside of NY it is a neighborhood in Queens), If it was not for the Asians building communities and businesses in Flushing it would end up the same way as Corona or Roosevelt by Elmhurst.
Title: Re: Excellent Sermon Exposing Martin Luther King
Post by: ChaimBenMordechai on May 27, 2007, 05:39:49 AM
I don't believe a word of that article. Not a single word. And what they said about his wife was horrible. Pure propaganda at its worst.

Imerica, I'm wondering, why the hell does Martin Luther King have all of these streets named after him throughout the country, when other American heroes such as George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Pershing, Robert E. Lee, Benjamin Franklin, Stonewall Jackson, Douglas MacArthur, George S. Patton, and Dwight D. Eisenhower do not have as many streets named after them combined?

I've lived in many places where those American heros are represented as names on street signs. Take San Diego for instance... nothing but the street signs with Ex President's street signs. If you'd like to see a more 'formidable' President's name on a streets sign,  contact your the Powers that Be, in you neck of the woods.

Better they should name a street for Evan Mecham who had the chutzpah to stand up and rescind the king "holiday' in Arizona...

All he said that they needed to find jobs instead of geting a holiday.
Title: Re: Excellent Sermon Exposing Martin Luther King
Post by: Imerica on May 27, 2007, 05:43:29 AM
I don't believe a word of that article. Not a single word. And what they said about his wife was horrible. Pure propaganda at its worst.

Imerica, I'm wondering, why the hell does Martin Luther King have all of these streets named after him throughout the country, when other American heroes such as George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Pershing, Robert E. Lee, Benjamin Franklin, Stonewall Jackson, Douglas MacArthur, George S. Patton, and Dwight D. Eisenhower do not have as many streets named after them combined?

I've lived in many places where those American heros are represented as names on street signs. Take San Diego for instance... nothing but the street signs with Ex President's street signs. If you'd like to see a more 'formidable' President's name on a streets sign,  contact your the Powers that Be, in you neck of the woods.

Better they should name a street for Evan Mecham who had the chutzpah to stand up and rescind the king "holiday' in Arizona...

All he said that they needed to find jobs instead of geting a holiday.
Then that would be true of all of the white people who are unemployed during Presidents' Day. Should they go  out and look for jobs also?
Title: Re: Excellent Sermon Exposing Martin Luther King
Post by: MasterWolf1 on May 27, 2007, 01:30:05 PM
All American presidents are scrunched up for one day... All the great founding fathers.. Washington, Adams, Jefferson.. Great men who battled the odds and won the odds for giving us a great nation.  Why does MLK deserve one full day all to himself?  They close down everything for a well known communist. 
Title: Re: Excellent Sermon Exposing Martin Luther King
Post by: MasterWolf1 on May 27, 2007, 01:39:01 PM

Myths of Martin Luther King

There is probably no greater sacred cow in America than Martin Luther King Jr. The slightest criticism of him or even suggesting that he isn’t deserving of a national holiday leads to the usual accusations of racist, fascism, and the rest of the usual left-wing epithets not only from liberals, but also from many ostensible conservatives and libertarians.

This is amazing because during the 50s and 60s, the Right almost unanimously opposed the civil rights movement. Contrary to the claims of many neocons, the opposition was not limited to the John Birch Society and southern conservatives. It was made by politicians like Ronald Reagan and Barry Goldwater, and in the pages of Modern Age, Human Events, National Review, and the Freeman.

Today, the official conservative and libertarian movement portrays King as someone on our side who would be fighting Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton if he were alive. Most all conservative publications and websites have articles around this time of the year praising King and discussing how today’s civil rights leaders are betraying his legacy. Jim Powell’s otherwise excellent The Triumph of Liberty rates King next to Ludwig von Mises and Albert J. Nock as a libertarian hero. Attend any IHS seminar, and you’ll read "A letter from a Birmingham Jail" as a great piece of anti-statist wisdom. The Heritage Foundation regularly has lectures and symposiums honoring his legacy. There are nearly a half dozen neocon and left-libertarian think tanks and legal foundations with names such as "The Center for Equal Opportunity" and the "American Civil Rights Institute" which claim to model themselves after King.

Why is a man once reviled by the Right now celebrated by it as a hero? The answer partly lies in the fact that the mainstream Right has gradually moved to the left since King’s death. The influx of many neoconservative intellectuals, many of whom were involved in the civil rights movement, into the conservative movement also contributes to the King phenomenon. This does not fully explain the picture, because on many issues King was far to the left of even the neoconservatives, and many King admirers even claim to adhere to principles like freedom of association and federalism. The main reason is that they have created a mythical Martin Luther King Jr., that they constructed solely from one line in his "I Have a Dream" speech.

In this article, I will try to dispel the major myths that the conservative movement has about King. I found a good deal of the information for this piece in I May Not Get There With You: The True Martin Luther King by black leftist Michael Eric Dyson. Dyson shows that King supported black power, reparations, affirmative action, and socialism. He believes this made King even more admirable. He also deals frankly with King’s philandering and plagiarism, though he excuses them. If you don’t mind reading his long discussions about gangsta rap and the like, I strongly recommend this book.

Myth #1: King wanted only equal rights, not special privileges and would have opposed affirmative action, quotas, reparations, and the other policies pursued by today’s civil rights leadership.

This is probably the most repeated myth about King. Writing on National Review Online, There Heritage Foundation’s Matthew Spalding wrote a piece entitled "Martin Luther King’s Conservative Mind," where he wrote, "An agenda that advocates quotas, counting by race and set-asides takes us away from King's vision."

The problem with this view is that King openly advocated quotas and racial set-asides. He wrote that the "Negro today is not struggling for some abstract, vague rights, but for concrete improvement in his way of life." When equal opportunity laws failed to achieve this, King looked for other ways. In his book Where Do We Go From Here, he suggested that "A society that has done something special against the Negro for hundreds of years must now do something special for him, to equip him to compete on a just and equal basis." To do this he expressed support for quotas. In a 1968 Playboy interview, he said, "If a city has a 30% Negro population, then it is logical to assume that Negroes should have at least 30% of the jobs in any particular company, and jobs in all categories rather than only in menial areas." King was more than just talk in this regard. Working through his Operation Breadbasket, King threatened boycotts of businesses that did not hire blacks in proportion to their population.

King was even an early proponent of reparations. In his 1964 book, Why We Can’t Wait, he wrote,
No amount of gold could provide an adequate compensation for the exploitation and humiliation of the Negro in America down through the centuries…Yet a price can be placed on unpaid wages. The ancient common law has always provided a remedy for the appropriation of a the labor of one human being by another. This law should be made to apply for American Negroes. The payment should be in the form of a massive program by the government of special, compensatory measures which could be regarded as a settlement in accordance with the accepted practice of common law.
Predicting that critics would note that many whites were equally disadvantaged, King claimed that his program, which he called the "Bill of Rights for the Disadvantaged" would help poor whites as well. This is because once the blacks received reparations, the poor whites would realize that their real enemy was rich whites.
Myth # 2: King was an American patriot, who tried to get Americans to live up to their founding ideals.

In National Review, Roger Clegg wrote that "There may have been a brief moment when there existed something of a national consensus – a shared vision eloquently articulated in Martin Luther King, Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" speech, with deep roots in the American Creed, distilled in our national motto, E pluribus unum. Most Americans still share it, but by no means all." Many other conservatives have embraced this idea of an American Creed that built upon Jefferson and Lincoln, and was then fulfilled by King and libertarians like Clint Bolick and neocons like Bill Bennett.

Despite his constant invocations of the Declaration of Independence, King did not have much pride in America’s founding. He believed "our nation was born in genocide," and claimed that the Declaration of Independence and Constitution were meaningless for blacks because they were written by slave owners.

Myth # 3: King was a Christian activist whose struggle for civil rights is similar to the battles fought by the Christian Right today.

Ralph Reed claims that King’s "indispensable genius" provided "the vision and leadership that renewed and made crystal clear the vital connection between religion and politics." He proudly admitted that the Christian Coalition "adopted many elements of King’s style and tactics." The pro-life group, Operation Rescue, often compared their struggle against abortion to King’s struggle against segregation. In a speech entitled The Conservative Virtues of Dr. Martin Luther King, Bill Bennet described King, as "not primarily a social activist, he was primarily a minister of the Christian faith, whose faith informed and directed his political beliefs."

Both King’s public stands and personal behavior makes the comparison between King and the Religious Right questionable.

FBI surveillance showed that King had dozens of extramarital affairs. Although many of the pertinent records are sealed, several agents who watched observed him engage in many questionable acts including buying prostitutes with SCLC money. Ralph Abernathy, who King called "the best friend I have in the world," substantiated many of these charges in his autobiography, And the Walls Came Tumbling Down. It is true that a man’s private life is mostly his business. However, most conservatives vehemently condemned Jesse Jackson when news of his illegitimate son came out, and claimed he was unfit to be a minister.

King also took stands that most in the Christian Right would disagree with. When asked about the Supreme Court’s decision to ban school prayer, King responded,

I endorse it. I think it was correct. Contrary to what many have said, it sought to outlaw neither prayer nor belief in god. In a pluralistic society such as ours, who is to determine what prayer shall be spoken and by whom? Legally, constitutionally or otherwise, the state certainly has no such right.

While King died before the Roe vs. Wade decision, and, to the best of my knowledge, made no comments on abortion, he was an ardent supporter of Planned Parenthood. He even won their Margaret Sanger Award in 1966 and had his wife give a speech entitled Family Planning – A Special and Urgent Concern which he wrote. In the speech, he did not compare the civil rights movement to the struggle of Christian Conservatives, but he did say "there is a striking kinship between our movement and Margaret Sanger's early efforts."

Myth # 4: King was an anti-communist.

In another article about Martin Luther King, Roger Clegg of National Review applauds King for speaking out against the "oppression of communism!" To gain the support of many liberal whites, in the early years, King did make a few mild denunciations of communism. He also claimed in a 1965 Playboy that there "are as many Communists in this freedom movement as there are Eskimos in Florida." This was a bald-faced lie. Though King was never a Communist and was always critical of the Soviet Union, he had knowingly surrounded himself with Communists. His closest advisor Stanley Levison was a Communist, as was his assistant Jack O’Dell. Robert and later John F. Kennedy repeatedly warned him to stop associating himself with such subversives, but he never did. He frequently spoke before Communist front groups such as the National Lawyers Guild and Lawyers for Democratic Action. King even attended seminars at The Highlander Folk School, another Communist front, which taught Communist tactics, which he later employed.

King’s sympathy for communism may have contributed to his opposition to the Vietnam War, which he characterized as a racist, imperialistic, and unjust war. King claimed that America "had committed more war crimes than any nation in the world." While he acknowledged the NLF "may not be paragons of virtue," he never criticized them. However, he was rather harsh on Diem and the South. He denied that the NLF was communist, and believed that Ho Chi Minh should have been the legitimate ruler of Vietnam. As a committed globalist, he believed that "our loyalties must transcend our race, our tribe, our class, and our nation. This means we must develop a world perspective."

Many of King’s conservative admirers have no problem calling anyone who questions American foreign policy a "fifth columnist." While I personally agree with King on some of his stands on Vietnam, it is hypocritical for those who are still trying to get Jane Fonda tried for sedition to applaud King.

Myth # 5: King supported the free market.

OK, you don’t hear this too often, but it happens. For example, Father Robert A. Sirico delivered a paper to the Acton Institute entitled Civil Rights and Social Cooperation. In it, he wrote,

A freer economy would take us closer to the ideals of the pioneers in this country's civil rights movement. Martin Luther King, Jr. recognized this when he wrote: "With the growth of industry the folkways of white supremacy will gradually pass away," and he predicted that such growth would "Increase the purchasing power of the Negro [which in turn] will result in improved medical care, greater educational opportunities, and more adequate housing. Each of these developments will result in a further weakening of segregation."

King of course was a great opponent of the free economy. In a speech in front of his staff in 1966 he said,

You can’t talk about solving the economic problem of the Negro without talking about billions of dollars. You can’t talk about ending the slums without first saying profit must be taken out of slums. You’re really tampering and getting on dangerous ground because you are messing with folk then. You are messing with captains of industry… Now this means that we are treading in difficult water, because it really means that we are saying that something is wrong…with capitalism… There must be a better distribution of wealth and maybe America must move toward a Democratic Socialism.

King called for "totally restructuring the system" in a way that was not capitalist or "the antithesis of communist." For more information on King’s economic views, see Lew Rockwell’s The Economics of Martin Luther King, Jr.

Myth # 6: King was a conservative.

As all the previous myths show, King’s views were hardly conservative. If this was not enough, it is worth noting what King said about the two most prominent postwar American conservative politicians, Ronald Reagan and Barry Goldwater.

King accused Barry Goldwater of "Hitlerism." He believed that Goldwater advocated a "narrow nationalism, a crippling isolationism, and a trigger-happy attitude." On domestic issues he felt that "Mr. Goldwater represented an unrealistic conservatism that was totally out of touch with the realities of the twentieth century." King said that Goldwater’s positions on civil rights were "morally indefensible and socially suicidal."

King said of Reagan, "When a Hollywood performer, lacking distinction even as an actor, can become a leading war hawk candidate for the presidency, only the irrationalities induced by war psychosis can explain such a turn of events."

Despite King’s harsh criticisms of those men, both supported the King holiday. Goldwater even fought to keep King’s FBI files, which contained information about his adulterous sex life and Communist connections, sealed.

Myth # 7: King wasn’t a plagiarist.

OK, even most of the neocons won’t deny this, but it is still worth bringing up, because they all ignore it. King started plagiarizing as an undergraduate. When Boston University founded a commission to look into it, they found that that 45 percent of the first part and 21 percent of the second part of his dissertation was stolen, but they insisted that "no thought should be given to revocation of Dr. King’s doctoral degree." In addition to his dissertation many of his major speeches, such as "I Have a Dream," were plagiarized, as were many of his books and writings. For more information on King’s plagiarism, The Martin Luther King Plagiarism Page and Theodore Pappas’ Plagiarism and the Culture War are excellent resources.

When faced with these facts, most of King’s conservative and libertarian fans either say they weren’t part of his main philosophy, or usually they simply ignore them. Slightly before the King Holiday was signed into law, Governor Meldrim Thompson of New Hampshire wrote a letter to Ronald Reagan expressing concerns about King’s morality and Communist connections. Ronald Reagan responded, "I have the reservations you have, but here the perception of too many people is based on an image, not reality. Indeed, to them the perception is reality."

Far too many on the Right are worshipping that perception. Rather than face the truth about King’s views, they create a man based upon a few lines about judging men "by the content of their character rather than the color of their skin" – something we are not supposed to do in his case, of course – while ignoring everything else he said and did. If King is truly an admirable figure, they are doing his legacy a disservice by using his name to promote an agenda he clearly would not have supported.

Title: Re: Excellent Sermon Exposing Martin Luther King
Post by: fjack on May 27, 2007, 03:30:08 PM
Unseal these records now!. Let us see everything. As far as Dyson goes, he is another afrimative action Ph.D in sociology who is a white hater and a complete moron. He loves rappers and heaps wonderful praise on nopac shakar. You notice I said nopac. He can't be two pack becaise he was shot in the head by co-intel operators acting under orders of J. Edgar Hoover, who is really alive and is secretly pulling the strings of Government and was the guy who warned all the Jews to exit the world trade center before Richard Nixon ordered the black ops to force the muslims to pilot planes into them. If you don't believe me, just ask Amiri Baraka and Cornel West. They will be more that glad to tell you 'the real story'.
Title: Re: Excellent Sermon Exposing Martin Luther King
Post by: Bodhi on May 27, 2007, 07:15:47 PM
then you approve women beating, drunkeness, cheating on one's spouse, lying to gain a college degree and hating white people

Three out of five, wow, that's really bad.........for the record I love white people and would NEVER lie for a college degree!

No, in all seriousness, it is sometimes amazing to me that people here will quote THE most ant-semitic sources on the web.....that seems strange to me. ???
Title: Re: Excellent Sermon Exposing Martin Luther King
Post by: fjack on June 02, 2007, 02:12:01 PM
I want to see these records now, I want his Ph.d lifted and I want to stop that abomination of a shrine that is being put up in Washington DC. I also want that drunks bust removed from the Capitol's building lobby. If we must have his bust somewhere, put it in a whore house or liquor store.
Title: Re: Excellent Sermon Exposing Martin Luther King
Post by: Allen-T on June 03, 2007, 05:55:20 AM
MasterWolf, it is funny that you have made that point. I remember watching a documentary on the history channel where some braided black man went all over the country and made a piligramge to all the MLK blvk's throughout the country. Every, every single one was a ghetto, a slum, uninhabitibule for white people. I remember he went into a Chinese take out place on a Martin lucifer blvd. in, you take you choice area, and the place where you ordered your food was covered with bullet proof glass, you had to shove your money into a kind of revolving door and then the chinese guy would send your order through the same door with your change. Naturally this dread locked primitive was shocked that these hard working people would be afraid of his fellow creators of civilization. I just don't get it. What is wrong with these people? It can't be all of us. Even the new immigrants know that something is not right.

Many years ago I stopped my cab to get some Chinese food near Springfield Blvd. & Hempstead Ave in Q.V. While I was waiting for my food some [censored] with a pit bull decides to menace another [censored] also waiting for food. 30 minutes I had to wait after I got my food before I could leave without getting mauled. This is before the days of cell phones.   
Title: Re: Excellent Sermon Exposing Martin Luther King
Post by: ChaimBenMordechai on June 03, 2007, 10:29:45 AM
I don't believe a word of that article. Not a single word. And what they said about his wife was horrible. Pure propaganda at its worst.

Imerica, I'm wondering, why the hell does Martin Luther King have all of these streets named after him throughout the country, when other American heroes such as George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Pershing, Robert E. Lee, Benjamin Franklin, Stonewall Jackson, Douglas MacArthur, George S. Patton, and Dwight D. Eisenhower do not have as many streets named after them combined?

I've lived in many places where those American heros are represented as names on street signs. Take San Diego for instance... nothing but the street signs with Ex President's street signs. If you'd like to see a more 'formidable' President's name on a streets sign,  contact your the Powers that Be, in you neck of the woods.

Better they should name a street for Evan Mecham who had the chutzpah to stand up and rescind the king "holiday' in Arizona...

All he said that they needed to find jobs instead of geting a holiday.
Then that would be true of all of the white people who are unemployed during Presidents' Day. Should they go  out and look for jobs also?

Explain to me why i set your fellow bipeds getting welfare while driving Cadillacs
Title: Re: Excellent Sermon Exposing Martin Luther King
Post by: MasterWolf1 on June 03, 2007, 12:15:04 PM
Chaim ben Pesach once said the good thing about Martin Lucifer King day is that for 1 day out of the year you do not get UMMM HMM when you call customer service.  People can actually get jobs done without screw ups.  Ever gone to the post office?  Call up Verizon if its not going to Bangladesh its going to Harlem?  Ever had to deal with the cable company?  And some 3rd world dribbler answer? 
Title: Re: Excellent Sermon Exposing Martin Luther King
Post by: Imerica on June 03, 2007, 03:08:47 PM
I don't believe a word of that article. Not a single word. And what they said about his wife was horrible. Pure propaganda at its worst.

Imerica, I'm wondering, why the hell does Martin Luther King have all of these streets named after him throughout the country, when other American heroes such as George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Pershing, Robert E. Lee, Benjamin Franklin, Stonewall Jackson, Douglas MacArthur, George S. Patton, and Dwight D. Eisenhower do not have as many streets named after them combined?

I've lived in many places where those American heros are represented as names on street signs. Take San Diego for instance... nothing but the street signs with Ex President's street signs. If you'd like to see a more 'formidable' President's name on a streets sign,  contact your the Powers that Be, in you neck of the woods.

Better they should name a street for Evan Mecham who had the chutzpah to stand up and rescind the king "holiday' in Arizona...

All he said that they needed to find jobs instead of geting a holiday.
Then that would be true of all of the white people who are unemployed during Presidents' Day. Should they go  out and look for jobs also?

Explain to me why i set your fellow bipeds getting welfare while driving Cadillacs
I'm not a biped (I shudder to inquire as to what that means...so I won't ask). And WE don't have a Cadillac. But you seem to have issues. Your sentence doesn't make one ounce of sense.

My  QUESTION was since you feel that blacks should be out looking for jobs on MLK' day, shouldn't the white people who are unemployed during Presidents' Day go out looking for work? Wait...a lot of jobs and govt. agencies are closed on those days. lol
Title: Re: Excellent Sermon Exposing Martin Luther King
Post by: Imerica on June 03, 2007, 03:11:12 PM
Chaim ben Pesach once said the good thing about Martin Lucifer King day is that for 1 day out of the year you do not get UMMM HMM when you call customer service.  People can actually get jobs done without screw ups.  Ever gone to the post office?  Call up Verizon if its not going to Bangladesh its going to Harlem?  Ever had to deal with the cable company?  And some 3rd world dribbler answer? 
Both you and Chiam are wrong about that. The only people you seem to encounter are ignorant blacks...and I'm sorry for that but understand there are blacks that work for the same companies who NEVER speak that "ummm-hmmm' language you are talking about, on their jobs. There are some blacks that if you call their companies, you'd never know they're black because of their use of Proper English.
Title: Re: Excellent Sermon Exposing Martin Luther King
Post by: Nic Brookes on June 03, 2007, 05:26:46 PM
Sorry... that was immature ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Excellent Sermon Exposing Martin Luther King
Post by: Imerica on June 03, 2007, 06:17:23 PM
Sorry... that was immature ;D ;D ;D
But its mature when Chaim says it? And for the record, I didn't say the 'umm-hmmm' comment to be funny... I used it as an example.
Title: Re: Excellent Sermon Exposing Martin Luther King
Post by: Imerica on June 03, 2007, 06:18:11 PM
Sorry... that was immature ;D ;D ;D
And it would be immature only if I used it at the end of a response..just to say it. I didn't do it that way.
Title: Re: Excellent Sermon Exposing Martin Luther King
Post by: Johnson Brown on June 03, 2007, 08:15:53 PM
All MLK was interested in doing was getting liberal white women into bed, yes he had a dream
Title: Re: Excellent Sermon Exposing Martin Luther King
Post by: Hail Columbia on June 03, 2007, 08:36:15 PM
All MLK was interested in doing was getting liberal white women into bed, yes he had a dream

He sure had a wet dream!
Title: Re: Excellent Sermon Exposing Martin Luther King
Post by: MasterWolf1 on June 03, 2007, 09:55:22 PM
MLK had a dream where he can get everyone on MLK Blvd to go mug people on Park Ave. 

MLK had a dream where a crack head mama with 10 babies from different daddies can collect 10 different checks at the beginning of the month.

MLK had a dream where Affirmative Action with low IQs be taking jobs from people far more qualified and screw up on the job.

Title: Re: Excellent Sermon Exposing Martin Luther King
Post by: Nic Brookes on June 04, 2007, 08:15:20 AM
Sorry... that was immature ;D ;D ;D

Look, it happened again! ;D

When Chaim says it it is hilarious... he mocks blacks which is funny.
Title: Re: Excellent Sermon Exposing Martin Luther King
Post by: nessuno on June 04, 2007, 11:46:16 AM
I don't believe a word of that article. Not a single word. And what they said about his wife was horrible. Pure propaganda at its worst.

Imerica, I'm wondering, why the hell does Martin Luther King have all of these streets named after him throughout the country, when other American heroes such as George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Pershing, Robert E. Lee, Benjamin Franklin, Stonewall Jackson, Douglas MacArthur, George S. Patton, and Dwight D. Eisenhower do not have as many streets named after them combined?

I've lived in many places where those American heros are represented as names on street signs. Take San Diego for instance... nothing but the street signs with Ex President's street signs. If you'd like to see a more 'formidable' President's name on a streets sign,  contact your the Powers that Be, in you neck of the woods.

Better they should name a street for Evan Mecham who had the chutzpah to stand up and rescind the king "holiday' in Arizona...

All he said that they needed to find jobs instead of geting a holiday.
Then that would be true of all of the white people who are unemployed during Presidents' Day. Should they go  out and look for jobs also?

Explain to me why i set your fellow bipeds getting welfare while driving Cadillacs
I'm not a biped (I shudder to inquire as to what that means...so I won't ask). And WE don't have a Cadillac. But you seem to have issues. Your sentence doesn't make one ounce of sense.

My  QUESTION was since you feel that blacks should be out looking for jobs on MLK' day, shouldn't the white people who are unemployed during Presidents' Day go out looking for work? Wait...a lot of jobs and govt. agencies are closed on those days. lol
Main Entry: bi·ped
Pronunciation: 'bI-"ped
Function: noun
Etymology: Latin biped-, bipes, from bi- + ped-, pes foot -- more at FOOT
: a two-footed animal
just thought I'd help you out -  really nothing to shudder about.
Im erica are you comparing MLK to our Founding Fathers?
Wow - that is definitely a stretch and a bit offensive too.

Title: Re: Excellent Sermon Exposing Martin Luther King
Post by: Imerica on June 04, 2007, 11:56:55 AM
I don't believe a word of that article. Not a single word. And what they said about his wife was horrible. Pure propaganda at its worst.

Imerica, I'm wondering, why the hell does Martin Luther King have all of these streets named after him throughout the country, when other American heroes such as George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Pershing, Robert E. Lee, Benjamin Franklin, Stonewall Jackson, Douglas MacArthur, George S. Patton, and Dwight D. Eisenhower do not have as many streets named after them combined?

I've lived in many places where those American heros are represented as names on street signs. Take San Diego for instance... nothing but the street signs with Ex President's street signs. If you'd like to see a more 'formidable' President's name on a streets sign,  contact your the Powers that Be, in you neck of the woods.

Better they should name a street for Evan Mecham who had the chutzpah to stand up and rescind the king "holiday' in Arizona...

All he said that they needed to find jobs instead of geting a holiday.
Then that would be true of all of the white people who are unemployed during Presidents' Day. Should they go  out and look for jobs also?

Explain to me why i set your fellow bipeds getting welfare while driving Cadillacs
I'm not a biped (I shudder to inquire as to what that means...so I won't ask). And WE don't have a Cadillac. But you seem to have issues. Your sentence doesn't make one ounce of sense.

My  QUESTION was since you feel that blacks should be out looking for jobs on MLK' day, shouldn't the white people who are unemployed during Presidents' Day go out looking for work? Wait...a lot of jobs and govt. agencies are closed on those days. lol
Main Entry: bi·ped
Pronunciation: 'bI-"ped
Function: noun
Etymology: Latin biped-, bipes, from bi- + ped-, pes foot -- more at FOOT
: a two-footed animal
just thought I'd help you out -  really nothing to shudder about.
Im erica are you comparing MLK to our Founding Fathers?
Wow - that is definitely a stretch and a bit offensive too.


Are you a conspiracy theorist? Does everything you read have to have an underlying peice of deception? BOTH holidays are national holidays. And since the person I responded to posed the comment that blacks should be out looking for jobs during MLK day, I asked if he thought the same about whites who are unemployed on President's Day. The point is that there aren't many businesses open on both days. How could anyone find work when employers are off work?

Title: Re: Excellent Sermon Exposing Martin Luther King
Post by: Imerica on June 04, 2007, 11:58:18 AM
I don't believe a word of that article. Not a single word. And what they said about his wife was horrible. Pure propaganda at its worst.

Imerica, I'm wondering, why the hell does Martin Luther King have all of these streets named after him throughout the country, when other American heroes such as George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Pershing, Robert E. Lee, Benjamin Franklin, Stonewall Jackson, Douglas MacArthur, George S. Patton, and Dwight D. Eisenhower do not have as many streets named after them combined?

I've lived in many places where those American heros are represented as names on street signs. Take San Diego for instance... nothing but the street signs with Ex President's street signs. If you'd like to see a more 'formidable' President's name on a streets sign,  contact your the Powers that Be, in you neck of the woods.

Better they should name a street for Evan Mecham who had the chutzpah to stand up and rescind the king "holiday' in Arizona...

All he said that they needed to find jobs instead of geting a holiday.
Then that would be true of all of the white people who are unemployed during Presidents' Day. Should they go  out and look for jobs also?

Explain to me why i set your fellow bipeds getting welfare while driving Cadillacs
I'm not a biped (I shudder to inquire as to what that means...so I won't ask). And WE don't have a Cadillac. But you seem to have issues. Your sentence doesn't make one ounce of sense.

My  QUESTION was since you feel that blacks should be out looking for jobs on MLK' day, shouldn't the white people who are unemployed during Presidents' Day go out looking for work? Wait...a lot of jobs and govt. agencies are closed on those days. lol
Main Entry: bi·ped
Pronunciation: 'bI-"ped
Function: noun
Etymology: Latin biped-, bipes, from bi- + ped-, pes foot -- more at FOOT
: a two-footed animal
just thought I'd help you out -  really nothing to shudder about.

So its supposed to be an insult that black people have two feet? For Shame! ::)
Title: Re: Excellent Sermon Exposing Martin Luther King
Post by: nessuno on June 04, 2007, 12:02:29 PM
I don't believe a word of that article. Not a single word. And what they said about his wife was horrible. Pure propaganda at its worst.

Imerica, I'm wondering, why the hell does Martin Luther King have all of these streets named after him throughout the country, when other American heroes such as George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Pershing, Robert E. Lee, Benjamin Franklin, Stonewall Jackson, Douglas MacArthur, George S. Patton, and Dwight D. Eisenhower do not have as many streets named after them combined?

I've lived in many places where those American heros are represented as names on street signs. Take San Diego for instance... nothing but the street signs with Ex President's street signs. If you'd like to see a more 'formidable' President's name on a streets sign,  contact your the Powers that Be, in you neck of the woods.

Better they should name a street for Evan Mecham who had the chutzpah to stand up and rescind the king "holiday' in Arizona...

All he said that they needed to find jobs instead of geting a holiday.
Then that would be true of all of the white people who are unemployed during Presidents' Day. Should they go  out and look for jobs also?

Explain to me why i set your fellow bipeds getting welfare while driving Cadillacs
I'm not a biped (I shudder to inquire as to what that means...so I won't ask). And WE don't have a Cadillac. But you seem to have issues. Your sentence doesn't make one ounce of sense.

My  QUESTION was since you feel that blacks should be out looking for jobs on MLK' day, shouldn't the white people who are unemployed during Presidents' Day go out looking for work? Wait...a lot of jobs and govt. agencies are closed on those days. lol
Main Entry: bi·ped
Pronunciation: 'bI-"ped
Function: noun
Etymology: Latin biped-, bipes, from bi- + ped-, pes foot -- more at FOOT
: a two-footed animal
just thought I'd help you out -  really nothing to shudder about.
Im erica are you comparing MLK to our Founding Fathers?
Wow - that is definitely a stretch and a bit offensive too.


Are you a conspiracy theorist? Does everything you read have to have an underlying peice of deception? BOTH holidays are national holidays. And since the person I responded to posed the comment that blacks should be out looking for jobs during MLK day, I asked if he thought the same about whites who are unemployed on President's Day. The point is that there aren't many businesses open on both days. How could anyone find work when employers are off work?

I stand corrected - thanks for the explanation.
Title: Re: Excellent Sermon Exposing Martin Luther King
Post by: nessuno on June 04, 2007, 12:04:59 PM

So its supposed to be an insult that black people have two feet? For Shame! Roll Eyes

Yes Im erica exactly  ;) imagine using the expression two footed animal to describe black people.
Title: Re: Excellent Sermon Exposing Martin Luther King
Post by: Hail Columbia on June 04, 2007, 06:40:04 PM

Are you a conspiracy theorist? Does everything you read have to have an underlying peice of deception? BOTH holidays are national holidays. And since the person I responded to posed the comment that blacks should be out looking for jobs during MLK day, I asked if he thought the same about whites who are unemployed on President's Day. The point is that there aren't many businesses open on both days. How could anyone find work when employers are off work?


My beef with Martin Luther King Day is that not only is there no other federal holiday named after a person, not even after one of our Founding Fathers, but because we have too many federal holidays as it is.  Besides, why is MLK day treated as a sacred day by everyone, while Presidents Day and Memorial Day are treated much more as occasions for sales discounts?
Title: Re: Excellent Sermon Exposing Martin Luther King
Post by: nessuno on June 04, 2007, 07:36:48 PM

Are you a conspiracy theorist? Does everything you read have to have an underlying peice of deception? BOTH holidays are national holidays. And since the person I responded to posed the comment that blacks should be out looking for jobs during MLK day, I asked if he thought the same about whites who are unemployed on President's Day. The point is that there aren't many businesses open on both days. How could anyone find work when employers are off work?


My beef with Martin Luther King Day is that not only is there no other federal holiday named after a person, not even after one of our Founding Fathers, but because we have too many federal holidays as it is.  Besides, why is MLK day treated as a sacred day by everyone, while Presidents Day and Memorial Day are treated much more as occasions for sales discounts?
Good question!  Why does MLK have his own day - and George Washington not.
I remember celebrating Washington and Lincoln's Birthday's separately when I was a small child.
Title: Re: Excellent Sermon Exposing Martin Luther King
Post by: Johnson Brown on June 04, 2007, 07:52:37 PM

Are you a conspiracy theorist? Does everything you read have to have an underlying peice of deception? BOTH holidays are national holidays. And since the person I responded to posed the comment that blacks should be out looking for jobs during MLK day, I asked if he thought the same about whites who are unemployed on President's Day. The point is that there aren't many businesses open on both days. How could anyone find work when employers are off work?


My beef with Martin Luther King Day is that not only is there no other federal holiday named after a person, not even after one of our Founding Fathers, but because we have too many federal holidays as it is.  Besides, why is MLK day treated as a sacred day by everyone, while Presidents Day and Memorial Day are treated much more as occasions for sales discounts?
Good question!  Why does MLK have his own day - and George Washington not.
I remember celebrating Washington and Lincoln's Birthday's separately when I was a small child.
Because this is a self hating white country, they had to make room for MLK day so they had to make Washington's and Lincoln's together or there would be an extra holiday and the government can't have that.
Title: Re: Excellent Sermon Exposing Martin Luther King
Post by: Imerica on June 05, 2007, 01:17:22 AM

Are you a conspiracy theorist? Does everything you read have to have an underlying peice of deception? BOTH holidays are national holidays. And since the person I responded to posed the comment that blacks should be out looking for jobs during MLK day, I asked if he thought the same about whites who are unemployed on President's Day. The point is that there aren't many businesses open on both days. How could anyone find work when employers are off work?


My beef with Martin Luther King Day is that not only is there no other federal holiday named after a person, not even after one of our Founding Fathers, but because we have too many federal holidays as it is.  Besides, why is MLK day treated as a sacred day by everyone, while Presidents Day and Memorial Day are treated much more as occasions for sales discounts?
Our Founding Father's Birthdays happen to be in February. They share a day... Then, on top of that EVERY president who has ever served in the White House is honored. On Presidents'  Day my kids learn about George Washington, Abraham Lincoln and the other Presidents in school. On Memorial day my family observes and gives respect for those of our American troops who have given their lives for the country. We don't participate in any "President's Day Sales". I think those things are quite redundant.
Title: Re: Excellent Sermon Exposing Martin Luther King
Post by: Imerica on June 05, 2007, 01:22:58 AM

Are you a conspiracy theorist? Does everything you read have to have an underlying peice of deception? BOTH holidays are national holidays. And since the person I responded to posed the comment that blacks should be out looking for jobs during MLK day, I asked if he thought the same about whites who are unemployed on President's Day. The point is that there aren't many businesses open on both days. How could anyone find work when employers are off work?


My beef with Martin Luther King Day is that not only is there no other federal holiday named after a person, not even after one of our Founding Fathers, but because we have too many federal holidays as it is.  Besides, why is MLK day treated as a sacred day by everyone, while Presidents Day and Memorial Day are treated much more as occasions for sales discounts?
Good question!  Why does MLK have his own day - and George Washington not.
I remember celebrating Washington and Lincoln's Birthday's separately when I was a small child.
Because this is a self hating white country, they had to make room for MLK day so they had to make Washington's and Lincoln's together or there would be an extra holiday and the government can't have that.
Their birthdays are celebrated together because they are Presidents who happen to have birthdays just days apart. If there was another Civil Right's leader's birthday in January, I'm sure Martin wouldn't have a day of his own...It would be called Civil Rights Leaders Day.
Title: Re: Excellent Sermon Exposing Martin Luther King
Post by: Hail Columbia on June 05, 2007, 07:33:43 AM

Are you a conspiracy theorist? Does everything you read have to have an underlying peice of deception? BOTH holidays are national holidays. And since the person I responded to posed the comment that blacks should be out looking for jobs during MLK day, I asked if he thought the same about whites who are unemployed on President's Day. The point is that there aren't many businesses open on both days. How could anyone find work when employers are off work?


My beef with Martin Luther King Day is that not only is there no other federal holiday named after a person, not even after one of our Founding Fathers, but because we have too many federal holidays as it is.  Besides, why is MLK day treated as a sacred day by everyone, while Presidents Day and Memorial Day are treated much more as occasions for sales discounts?
Our Founding Father's Birthdays happen to be in February. They share a day... Then, on top of that EVERY president who has ever served in the White House is honored. On Presidents'  Day my kids learn about George Washington, Abraham Lincoln and the other Presidents in school. On Memorial day my family observes and gives respect for those of our American troops who have given their lives for the country. We don't participate in any "President's Day Sales". I think those things are quite redundant.

But is it named after a specific one of them?  Since when did Martin Luther King become more important than the Founding Fathers that he has a holiday specifically named after him?  Why can't there be a Civil Rights Day to take the place of Martin Luther King Day?
Title: Re: Excellent Sermon Exposing Martin Luther King
Post by: nessuno on June 05, 2007, 07:47:05 AM
Chaim Ben Pesach Day - sounds great - we'll have to work on that.
I don't think blacks will mind if MLK gives up or shares his day - right?

Title: Re: Excellent Sermon Exposing Martin Luther King
Post by: Imerica on June 05, 2007, 09:30:06 AM

Are you a conspiracy theorist? Does everything you read have to have an underlying peice of deception? BOTH holidays are national holidays. And since the person I responded to posed the comment that blacks should be out looking for jobs during MLK day, I asked if he thought the same about whites who are unemployed on President's Day. The point is that there aren't many businesses open on both days. How could anyone find work when employers are off work?


My beef with Martin Luther King Day is that not only is there no other federal holiday named after a person, not even after one of our Founding Fathers, but because we have too many federal holidays as it is.  Besides, why is MLK day treated as a sacred day by everyone, while Presidents Day and Memorial Day are treated much more as occasions for sales discounts?
Our Founding Father's Birthdays happen to be in February. They share a day... Then, on top of that EVERY president who has ever served in the White House is honored. On Presidents'  Day my kids learn about George Washington, Abraham Lincoln and the other Presidents in school. On Memorial day my family observes and gives respect for those of our American troops who have given their lives for the country. We don't participate in any "President's Day Sales". I think those things are quite redundant.

But is it named after a specific one of them?  Since when did Martin Luther King become more important than the Founding Fathers that he has a holiday specifically named after him?  Why can't there be a Civil Rights Day to take the place of Martin Luther King Day?
His birthday is a month before theirs. That's the only reason his birthday is celebrated first. Want a timeline?

Refer to this webpage...

MLK's birthday wasn't made a national holiday until January 20, 1986.

Refer to this webpage...

So you see, he's being hated (in this situation) simply because his birthday is a month before the our Founding Father's bdays. Tsk.
Title: Re: Excellent Sermon Exposing Martin Luther King
Post by: fjack on June 05, 2007, 06:24:32 PM
Why can't we have a James Earl Ray holiday, to me he was a great hero and why can't we have a Lee Harvey Oswald holiday, certainly he was a hero to a lot of people. mlk was a drunk, a liar, a whore monger, a plagarist and everywhere he went a riot followed. I am sick and tired of even hearing his name. If he would have not been shot he would have died of aids or some other sexually transmiited plague, he also  would have given it to that wife he so loved, or he would have keeled over from acute acoholism. He is nothing more that a typical ghetto crawler along with his homo commie friends.
Title: Re: Excellent Sermon Exposing Martin Luther King
Post by: MasterWolf1 on June 05, 2007, 06:47:33 PM
And they force MLK day down everyones throat.  WHY?  MLK WAS a Communist.  Would you have Marxist day too??
Title: Re: Excellent Sermon Exposing Martin Luther King
Post by: nessuno on June 05, 2007, 07:24:56 PM
And they force MLK day down everyones throat.  WHY?  MLK WAS a Communist.  Would you have Marxist day too??
That may be next - oh wait... we have to make Cinco De Mayo a National Holiday first.

Having a child in elementary school - I know how true your statement is -  they talk about MLK quite a bit.  The music teacher in the school told her classes how evil Columbus was - that was all they got about him.  Washington and Lincoln got a bit more coverage - but not much.   
Title: Re: Excellent Sermon Exposing Martin Luther King
Post by: Imerica on June 06, 2007, 12:45:05 AM
Why can't we have a James Earl Ray holiday, to me he was a great hero and why can't we have a Lee Harvey Oswald holiday, certainly he was a hero to a lot of people. mlk was a drunk, a liar, a whore monger, a plagarist and everywhere he went a riot followed. I am sick and tired of even hearing his name. If he would have not been shot he would have died of aids or some other sexually transmiited plague, he also  would have given it to that wife he so loved, or he would have keeled over from acute acoholism. He is nothing more that a typical ghetto crawler along with his homo commie friends.
Wow, tell us how you REALLY feel... ::)
Title: Re: Excellent Sermon Exposing Martin Luther King
Post by: Johnson Brown on June 06, 2007, 07:04:37 PM
see prize see prize I am here.
Title: Re: Excellent Sermon Exposing Martin Luther King
Post by: fjack on June 11, 2007, 07:14:33 AM
You bet! That is the way I really feel. I have utter contempt for this pig. I take it that you approve of abuse of women, of lying, of cheating and alcoholism. That is what this commie pawn was all about. Do you really believe that a thing like this piece of garbage who lies to his wife and family would all of a sudden tell you the truth. I don't think so.
Title: Re: Excellent Sermon Exposing Martin Luther King
Post by: Imerica on June 11, 2007, 11:39:35 AM
You bet! That is the way I really feel. I have utter contempt for this pig. I take it that you approve of abuse of women, of lying, of cheating and alcoholism. That is what this commie pawn was all about. Do you really believe that a thing like this piece of garbage who lies to his wife and family would all of a sudden tell you the truth. I don't think so.
First of all, I have this propensity not to involve myself in the marriages of other people...living or dead. Makes my life a whole lot easier. So I guess you can say that I don't care what he and his wife went through in their  marriage. That's what marriage therapists are for. What I care most about is the impact he had in the Civil Rights Movement. If MLK drank, it didn't seem to have an impact on his ability to move millions in this country to accept blacks. (And I'm not advocating drinking in any capacity). Scandal seems to be the oil that greases the wheel that makes the world go round'... And when people go looking for it, they usually find it.

Now, I'm not saying that what that dumb article said about MLK's affairs are remotely true... after all, the site that the info  came from wasn't developed by anyone with any kind of journalistic background: But from someone who hates MLK for inciting any kind of positive change in America. Deflecting his good works with bad press about his personal life only makes that person (the gossiper) seem desperate for attention.

That would be akin to everyone who has insulted Chaim for his long stint in jail for what HE did. The lot of you love this man and would follow him to the depths of hell for the sake of saving Israel, dispite the fact that he hurt people. If you're uncomfortable with the example I used, you know how I feel.
Title: Re: Excellent Sermon Exposing Martin Luther King
Post by: MasterWolf1 on June 11, 2007, 01:39:42 PM
The question is why we must have MLK day force down our throats?  You mean to tell me this communist dog, traitor, who hated America must have one day all to himself and we close down everything for this day and obligated to observe this day when we had wonderful men like our founding fathers who deserve real recognition all clumped into one day and you hear blacks " Colombus Day be racist", " President Day was racist".  You all can thank Christopher Colombus for landing in the west that we are here today. And thank our founding fathers like Washington and Jefferson for giving us such a great gift.  This nation.   What gift MLK give us????  "I have a dream one day Black thugs will rob from little old ladies"?
Title: Re: Excellent Sermon Exposing Martin Luther King
Post by: Imerica on June 11, 2007, 01:56:09 PM
The question is why we must have MLK day force down our throats?  You mean to tell me this communist dog, traitor, who hated America must have one day all to himself and we close down everything for this day and obligated to observe this day when we had wonderful men like our founding fathers who deserve real recognition all clumped into one day and you hear blacks " Colombus Day be racist", " President Day was racist".  You all can thank Christopher Colombus for landing in the west that we are here today. And thank our founding fathers like Washington and Jefferson for giving us such a great gift.  This nation.   What gift MLK give us????  "I have a dream one day Black thugs will rob from little old ladies"?
He dosen't have to be forced down your throat... what you can do is celebrate the day off by doing something YOU want to do for yourself. You can ignore the fact that MIL lived in the first place...(I doubt he'd mind...) I've never called Columbus Day racist but I can't understand why a day is celebrated in the honor of someone who landed on someone else's land, then helped to irraticate the Natives here just to say he 'owned/discovered (stole)' some land. I never called Washington or Jefferson racist...after all, one of the two had children, willingly with a slave he owned...Sally Henton ring a bell? Now there are desendents of Jefferson and Henton in the world. :)

Martin Luther King, Jr. made sure that blacks' voices were heard during the civil right's movement. This was surely a time that blacks needed representation. And that dream had nothing to do with black thugs robbing little old ladies. Everyone has a choice to do right or do wrong...unfortunately those evil blacks ignored the true message of his speeches and lost their minds. Don't blame that on him.
Title: Re: Excellent Sermon Exposing Martin Luther King
Post by: MasterWolf1 on June 11, 2007, 04:10:58 PM
I don't have to celebrate anything about MLK he was a communist.  And no one has to actually celebrate anything about MLK.  His so called civil rights ended up in the civil wrong.
Title: Re: Excellent Sermon Exposing Martin Luther King
Post by: Hail Columbia on June 11, 2007, 05:48:55 PM
I never called Washington or Jefferson racist...after all, one of the two had children, willingly with a slave he owned...Sally Henton ring a bell? Now there are desendents of Jefferson and Henton in the world. :)

The allegation that Thomas Jefferson fathered a child with his slave is a hoax.  It has been disproven by DNA evidence.
Title: Re: Excellent Sermon Exposing Martin Luther King
Post by: fjack on June 11, 2007, 06:13:06 PM
Imerica, why won't they release the records of this drunken white hater whore monger pig? Why? Did you know that the white hater taylor branch in his book said that mlk had a stash of whores all over the country, but taylor the filthly self hater would not say who they were. I did see on tony brown's journal that a Louisana rep said that she was mlk's pet pig for many years. Is tony brown a liar? Why do you ignore the facts? Can't you face up to the fact that this primate was a drunken whore monger cheat fraud phoney fake and a fraud? Or is it because you see so much in him as you see in yourself.
Title: Re: Excellent Sermon Exposing Martin Luther King
Post by: MasterWolf1 on June 11, 2007, 06:26:35 PM
They been shoveling this manuer for 40, 50 years. Look I never owned a slave.  My ancestors weren't even on this continent owned slaves so in all actuallity I owe blacks nothing.   Remember the repartation crap?  Anything they can do to try to swindel people for money.  How about billions of money lost and wasted in trying to help those who never want to get ont heir own 2 feet to help themselves?  And if you have no intention of wanting to "celebrate" Martin Lucifer King day they start throwing the race card.  Well, that race card attempt never has and never will wash with me.  They been here 500 years and still they complain that "they oppressed".  Concidered what they were doing in Africa, they were still unable to rub 2 sticks together to build fire I think they have gotten it pretty damn good here.  We give em free housing, free medical, free foodstamps, free money.  I mean how much more can you possibly do for people who refuse to do for themselves? 

Thats it maybe I should get me a black dog and name it Foodstamps.
Title: Re: Excellent Sermon Exposing Martin Luther King
Post by: Imerica on June 11, 2007, 07:46:34 PM
Imerica, why won't they release the records of this drunken white hater whore monger pig? Why? Did you know that the white hater taylor branch in his book said that mlk had a stash of whores all over the country, but taylor the filthly self hater would not say who they were. I did see on tony brown's journal that a Louisana rep said that she was mlk's pet pig for many years. Is tony brown a liar? Why do you ignore the facts? Can't you face up to the fact that this primate was a drunken whore monger cheat fraud phoney fake and a fraud? Or is it because you see so much in him as you see in yourself.
Why are you asking me? LOL I don't work for the FBI... why don't you go to their website and ask them why they won't release the FBI info on MLK? Hope it makes you feel better. lol

You all are up in arms over hearsay...that's all it can be called since the FBI files are sealed. And his own friend, Abernathy, while he admits that MLK had extra marital affairs, he never did a lot of the things that you and people on different sites say he did. And white haters usually don't hang around a lot of white people. And another thing.. who in the hell is Tony Brown?

And lastly, just because you're angry with MLK for your own personal reasons dosen't give you the right to disrespect me by assuming that I'm doing the things 'YOU SAY' he did.
Title: Re: Excellent Sermon Exposing Martin Luther King
Post by: Imerica on June 11, 2007, 07:54:48 PM
They been shoveling this manuer for 40, 50 years. Look I never owned a slave.  My ancestors weren't even on this continent owned slaves so in all actuallity I owe blacks nothing.   Remember the repartation crap?  Anything they can do to try to swindel people for money.  How about billions of money lost and wasted in trying to help those who never want to get ont heir own 2 feet to help themselves?  And if you have no intention of wanting to "celebrate" Martin Lucifer King day they start throwing the race card.  Well, that race card attempt never has and never will wash with me.  They been here 500 years and still they complain that "they oppressed".  Concidered what they were doing in Africa, they were still unable to rub 2 sticks together to build fire I think they have gotten it pretty damn good here.  We give em free housing, free medical, free foodstamps, free money.  I mean how much more can you possibly do for people who refuse to do for themselves? 

Thats it maybe I should get me a black dog and name it Foodstamps.
No one said that you had anything to do with slavery. So no, you don't owe any black person whose ancestors were slaves an apology, any reparations or nothing of the sort. Housing here isn't free... medical still requires a co-payment. However I am with you on your last point,.... not the "black dog ::) " statement... but the "How much more could you possibly do for people who refuse to do for themselves?" I think there are able bodied blacks out there who can do more for themselves than Uncle Sam could ever do. Unfortunately some get comfortable at the bottom and don't mind staying there. A pity for them. As a former child whose mom was on public aid; which helped to feed and clothe my siblings and I, I understand the meaning of hard work. That experience humbled me to the point that I don't take for granted that there are other things out there for me to do besides just get on public assistance. As long as I'm educated, I can have a job.
Title: Re: Excellent Sermon Exposing Martin Luther King
Post by: takebackourtemple on June 11, 2007, 10:22:12 PM
   I'm wondering what really happened the day Rosa Parks was arrested. I'm wondering if she just sat down peacefully or if she sat down and started making a lot of noise. From a moral standpoint I don't feel that anyone should be discriminated based upon race, however, I do respect a private bus company's right to make their own rules. When the government starts funding the private bus companies, it should be the tax payers who deserve representation to decide the rules. The busses were a lot more privately run back in the 50s.
   While I do believe it was wrong to discriminate against blacks in the 50s, I can't help but notice the public transportation systems today and imagine that many of the same problems existed back then. Take the NYC subway system. Almost all of the homeless bums are black. Looks at all the rap noise that they blast in the cars. Look at the graffiti problem back in the 80s. The city has to spend extra money to make the cars graffiti resistant and the scratchiti still exists. Look at all the muggings that take place. Take a look at the busses in any other city. Most of them are funded by white tax payer money, but the passengers are just about all black. My gut feeling about Montgomery Alabama was that they had to institute these policies for safety and quality of life. The south is known for southern hospitality and my feeling is that if Rosa Parks was quite, orderly and polite she might have been asked to move but would not have been fined or arrested. Michael Lucifer King was an opportunist who used this as an example to scam a lot of people for money.
Title: Re: Excellent Sermon Exposing Martin Luther King
Post by: Imerica on June 12, 2007, 12:31:08 AM
   I'm wondering what really happened the day Rosa Parks was arrested. I'm wondering if she just sat down peacefully or if she sat down and started making a lot of noise. From a moral standpoint I don't feel that anyone should be discriminated based upon race, however, I do respect a private bus company's right to make their own rules. When the government starts funding the private bus companies, it should be the tax payers who deserve representation to decide the rules. The busses were a lot more privately run back in the 50s.
   While I do believe it was wrong to discriminate against blacks in the 50s, I can't help but notice the public transportation systems today and imagine that many of the same problems existed back then. Take the NYC subway system. Almost all of the homeless bums are black. Looks at all the rap noise that they blast in the cars. Look at the graffiti problem back in the 80s. The city has to spend extra money to make the cars graffiti resistant and the scratchiti still exists. Look at all the muggings that take place. Take a look at the busses in any other city. Most of them are funded by white tax payer money, but the passengers are just about all black. My gut feeling about Montgomery Alabama was that they had to institute these policies for safety and quality of life. The south is known for southern hospitality and my feeling is that if Rosa Parks was quite, orderly and polite she might have been asked to move but would not have been fined or arrested. Michael Lucifer King was an opportunist who used this as an example to scam a lot of people for money.

So you think that just because you saw some blacks on public transportation acting stupid, that Rosa Parks must have been that kind of person? Whatever...

Here's an account of what 'really' happened on that day...

Dates: February 4, 1913 - October 24, 2005
Also known as: Mother of the Civil Rights Movement
On December 1, 1955, forty-three year old Rosa Parks boarded a Montgomery, Alabama city bus after finishing work as a tailor's assistant at the Montgomery Fair department store. As all black patrons were required to do, she paid her fare at the front of the bus and then re-boarded in the rear. She sat in a vacant seat in the back next to a man and across the aisle from two women.

After a few stops, the seats in the front of the bus became full and a white man who had boarded, stood in the aisle. The bus driver asked Parks, the man next to her, and the two women to let the white man have their seats. As the others moved, Parks remained in her seat. The bus driver again asked her to move, but she refused. The driver called the police, and she was arrested.
The arrest of Parks sparked the bus boycott in Montgomery. After Parks arrest, community leaders spread the word that a one day bus boycott was scheduled for December 5. On that cold and cloudy morning, onlookers watched as the buses drove by with few black passengers onboard. The boycott had been a success. The boycott continued and lasted for 381 days. On December 20, 1956, buses were desegregated.


Sometimes saying , "No, I won't move." without having to raise your voice makes people who don't like rejection act out the way the bus driver chose to. So she was arrested for saying "no". Plus she was sitting at the back of the bus! She obeyed the law! Because the bus was crowded she and two other black people were told to get up to let ONE man sit down. She refused and then she got arrested. I wouldn't have gotten up either. I feel like this...even though those were the times, she obeyed the seating law.

My best friend took her children to a museum in Michigan where the bus that Rosa Parks made history on, was there on display. She had each of her kids board the bus and sit in Rosa's seat. She told me that they had new appreciation for human rights after sitting in that seat.
Title: Re: Excellent Sermon Exposing Martin Luther King
Post by: takebackourtemple on June 12, 2007, 10:34:52 PM

   While the story sounds convincing, I really don't buy it. I can beleive that the company might have had one or two bad bus drivers. I doubt the entire police department was in on the action. They were good bible beleiving Christians and probably would do nothing more than escort her off the bus if she was not causing problems.
   I really find it difficult to beleive a bus driver would stop his route when the bus was crowded to argue with a lady who was just being a good citizen. Most drivers would want to finish the route as quickly as possible so they could have more free time when they finish.
   Separate but equal was the policy back then so I find it real hard to beleive that she would be asked to vacate a seat in the back resevered for blacks.
   Unfortionately I have not been able to find sources that tell the other side of the story. An excellent job has been done to purge things such as the testimony of the bus driver, the arresting officers, and bystanders onboard the bus. I hope someone on this forum might be able to help me find some of these sources as they will shed light onto the truth.
Title: Re: Excellent Sermon Exposing Martin Luther King
Post by: BabylonianJew on June 13, 2007, 01:11:58 AM

   While the story sounds convincing, I really don't buy it. I can beleive that the company might have had one or two bad bus drivers. I doubt the entire police department was in on the action. They were good bible beleiving Christians and probably would do nothing more than escort her off the bus if she was not causing problems.
   I really find it difficult to beleive a bus driver would stop his route when the bus was crowded to argue with a lady who was just being a good citizen. Most drivers would want to finish the route as quickly as possible so they could have more free time when they finish.
   Separate but equal was the policy back then so I find it real hard to beleive that she would be asked to vacate a seat in the back resevered for blacks.
   Unfortionately I have not been able to find sources that tell the other side of the story. An excellent job has been done to purge things such as the testimony of the bus driver, the arresting officers, and bystanders onboard the bus. I hope someone on this forum might be able to help me find some of these sources as they will shed light onto the truth.
   Here is another link about the communist Michael Lucifer King: http://christianparty.net/mlk.htm

You do know that Christianparty is anti-Semitic organization its more anti-Semitic than anti-Black!
Title: Re: Excellent Sermon Exposing Martin Luther King
Post by: takebackourtemple on June 13, 2007, 09:26:15 PM
Thanks for the insight.
Title: Re: Excellent Sermon Exposing Martin Luther King
Post by: BabylonianJew on June 13, 2007, 11:53:40 PM
Thanks for the insight.

No problem!
Title: Re: Excellent Sermon Exposing Martin Luther King
Post by: fjack on June 16, 2007, 08:28:33 AM
Parks was a secretary for the national association for the advancement of criminal people. She was trained to disrupt the bus service. There was another black thing that did the same as parks but she was a foul mouthed whore and the national association for the advancment of criminal people would not back her. They decided to go with parks who did fill their bill. They instructed her on what to do. It is interesting to note that the picture that you see of her on the bus was staged by the New York Times. The white man you see sitting behind her was a reporter for the New York Times. Parks also went to the same commie training camp school that michael lucifer king went to. Parks died broke. At the time of her death she was trying to extort monies from some rappers that used her name in one of their vulgarities. She died broke, a complete failure in life.
Title: Re: Excellent Sermon Exposing Martin Luther King
Post by: Imerica on June 16, 2007, 07:08:09 PM
Parks was a secretary for the national association for the advancement of criminal people. She was trained to disrupt the bus service. There was another black thing that did the same as parks but she was a foul mouthed whore and the national association for the advancment of criminal people would not back her. They decided to go with parks who did fill their bill. They instructed her on what to do. It is interesting to note that the picture that you see of her on the bus was staged by the New York Times. The white man you see sitting behind her was a reporter for the New York Times. Parks also went to the same commie training camp school that michael lucifer king went to. Parks died broke. At the time of her death she was trying to extort monies from some rappers that used her name in one of their vulgarities. She died broke, a complete failure in life.
You are a liar. Rosa Parks was a tailor's assistant who had to take the bus EVERYDAY after work. You saying that she was some 'plant' the NAACP put on the bus is like Allen saying that I'm a spy. Some people will demean others only do it to discredit them.

That picture you are referring to was taken after blacks got the right to board the buses just like whites. Of course there 'may have been a reporter behind her'. That picture wasn't of the incident. What she did made news. And what are you attempting to accomplish by stating that she died broke. Obviously money dosen't matter to her now. Get over yourself.
Title: Re: Excellent Sermon Exposing Martin Luther King
Post by: takebackourtemple on June 16, 2007, 10:39:59 PM
   If it wasn't staged, how do they know exactly what bus it was? I'm assuming they had quite a few on the route. It is interesting to see that the black community let her die broke. She succeeded in extorting her landlord to give her free rent the last few years of her life. The landlord was going to evict her and then suddenly changed his tune. Probably because she threatened to label him as a racist.
Title: Re: Excellent Sermon Exposing Martin Luther King
Post by: cjd on June 16, 2007, 10:49:47 PM
   If it wasn't staged, how do they know exactly what bus it was? I'm assuming they had quite a few on the route. It is interesting to see that the black community let her die broke. She succeeded in extorting her landlord to give her free rent the last few years of her life. The landlord was going to evict her and then suddenly changed his tune. Probably because she threatened to label him as a racist.
The thing that always amazed me was that she was attacked and robbed by a black teen in her home in the last few years of her life. This goes to show you that nothing and nobody is safe from evil blacks. Here was a person that should have been held in high regard in the black community and even she was not exempt from the satanic behavior of crazy blacks.  What chance would the average white person have living in the same place.
Title: Re: Excellent Sermon Exposing Martin Luther King
Post by: Imerica on June 16, 2007, 11:48:34 PM
   If it wasn't staged, how do they know exactly what bus it was? I'm assuming they had quite a few on the route. It is interesting to see that the black community let her die broke. She succeeded in extorting her landlord to give her free rent the last few years of her life. The landlord was going to evict her and then suddenly changed his tune. Probably because she threatened to label him as a racist.
I know what bus I took from home to school every day, when I was in high school and I graduated 15 years ago. Its called memory. ::) And the last few years of Rosa's life she was suffering from dimentia. You think she had the werewithal to swindle money from her landlord JUST within the last 3 years of her life? Why hadn't she done it before? And it wasn't the responsibility of the black community to keep money in Rosa's pockets. She worked before AND after the civil rights' movement. I'm sure she had some kind of social security benefit and other people around her taking care of her until she died though.

God bless her for refusing to give up her seat, for I would be in the back of the bus cowering at the feet of the 'evil' white man. (this is excluding the good white people).
Title: Re: Excellent Sermon Exposing Martin Luther King
Post by: fjack on June 17, 2007, 09:04:45 AM
Parks worked for Ed Nixon as his secretary at the national association for the advancement of criminal people. She also sewed to bring in some extra dough. The action she took was 'planned'. The first patsy that nixon used was such a degenerate mess that he decided that it would look bad if he decided to back her. Parks wasn't like the first woman so they decided that she would be the one to destroy public transportation for everyone. Try and ride a bus or the subway in New York and you will see what I mean. The picture that you see of her on the bus with the white man setting behind her (he was a NY times reporter) was staged after the fact. In later life rosa worked for white hater john conyers, who wife was recently locked up after a drunden brawl in some gin mill. So besides destroying public transportation she also sponged off the taxpayer by having a do nothing job in the congress. When conyers was running for re-election or wanted some kind of stupid anti-white law passed, he would let rosa out of the closet and parade her around likea pet. These are facts!. It is also a fact that she went to the same communist fronted high school that michael lucifer king went to. If you read and see most of the articles written about her, you are given the impression that she did not know michael lucifer king, but then again, what would you expect from a white hating, liberal anti american mass media. So the next time you see black youth destroying buses and subway cars, throwing garbage all over the subway stations, sleeping on subways, using platforms and cars as toilets, annoying whtie passengers by constantly demanding monies and generally acting afro centric, you can just say, 'thank you miss rosa'.
Title: Re: Excellent Sermon Exposing Martin Luther King
Post by: nessuno on June 17, 2007, 10:31:23 AM
You learn something new every day!
Thanks FJack for enlightening me.
I never knew that Rosa Parks worked for the NAACP or John Conyers.
It only takes a little research to see that what you say is true.
Title: Re: Excellent Sermon Exposing Martin Luther King
Post by: fjack on June 17, 2007, 12:31:44 PM
"destroy mass transportation' Rosa was an organizer for the national association for the advancement of criminal people. The naacp was loaded with commies who reconized that the blacks would follow any type of organization that would promise them anything. That is why so many blacks are becoming muslims. The muslims know that the blacks will believe any one that tells them how evil whites and expecially Jews are. When the blacks have served their purpose that muslims will enslave them like they have been doing for 1400 years. I am sure Imerica will rant and rave but she was only told black mythology, such as the black invention myths. The liberal media will only publish what it wants. You rarely ever see the later speeches of king where he is calling for reparations, saying that he wants tribute from coca cola, banks, insurance companies. He also said that the US was the worst oppressor in the world and that it must become more communistic to ease the plight of the black hordes. We did not have too much trouble with the wetbacks, since the memory of Eisenhower was still fresh in their minds. Listen to that swine's speech at the Riverside church and you can get a little glimpse into what that drunken whore monger white hater was all about.
Title: Re: Excellent Sermon Exposing Martin Luther King
Post by: cjd on June 17, 2007, 12:37:46 PM
fjack, your posts are always factual and enlightening.
Title: Re: Excellent Sermon Exposing Martin Luther King
Post by: takebackourtemple on June 17, 2007, 12:50:00 PM
   And the last few years of Rosa's life she was suffering from dimentia.
   She was mentally ill her entire life.

   You think she had the werewithal to swindle money from her landlord JUST within the last 3 years of her life? Why hadn't she done it before?

   She spent most of her life swindling money from people. That was the one thing she was good at in life. With her stature after the bus fiasco it was a lot easier for her to.

   And it wasn't the responsibility of the black community to keep money in Rosa's pockets.

   Yes, the black community expected whites to finance her. It's easy to demand that the white tax payer and wealthy businesses support her. It's another thing to reach into your own pockets and give something to her.

   G-d bless her for refusing to give up her seat, for I would be in the back of the bus cowering at the feet of the 'evil' white man. (this is excluding the good white people).

   I agree that it is wrong to discriminate against someone based on race. The racial segregation was a lesser of two evils when it was compared to all the damage that blacks did to the public transportation system. It was something that separated good people from bad people, but was not perfect since there were a handful of good blacks and bad whites. I would think that separating the bus based on taxes(or a first class bus fare) that patrons paid would be a better system. The bottom line though is that this particular bus company was a private business, this act was staged, and Rosa Parks was not just a quite law abiding passenger who sat down in a seat resevered for blacks and was asked to stand for someone who was white.
Title: Re: Excellent Sermon Exposing Martin Luther King
Post by: Johnson Brown on June 17, 2007, 04:18:48 PM
   If it wasn't staged, how do they know exactly what bus it was? I'm assuming they had quite a few on the route. It is interesting to see that the black community let her die broke. She succeeded in extorting her landlord to give her free rent the last few years of her life. The landlord was going to evict her and then suddenly changed his tune. Probably because she threatened to label him as a racist.
The thing that always amazed me was that she was attacked and robbed by a black teen in her home in the last few years of her life. This goes to show you that nothing and nobody is safe from evil blacks. Here was a person that should have been held in high regard in the black community and even she was not exempt from the satanic behavior of crazy blacks.  What chance would the average white person have living in the same place.
You are right.
If the black community could take care of Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson why couldn't they take care of poor Rosa Parks
Title: Re: Excellent Sermon Exposing Martin Lucifer King
Post by: takebackourtemple on June 17, 2007, 05:11:08 PM
The white man you see sitting behind her was a reporter for the New York Times.

   That's interesting. If it was a racially segregated bus and she was sitting in the black only section, how was there a white sitting behind her?
Title: Re: Excellent Sermon Exposing Martin Lucifer King
Post by: cjd on June 17, 2007, 05:29:02 PM
The white man you see sitting behind her was a reporter for the New York Times.

   That's interesting. If it was a racially segregated bus and she was sitting in the black only section, how was there a white sitting behind her?
The buses were not so much segregated however blacks were required to sit in the rear. Whites could sit where they liked and if the front was full they could go to the rear and demand a black give up their seat. Thats the way it was done back then.
Title: Re: Excellent Sermon Exposing Martin Lucifer King
Post by: ScotcH on June 18, 2007, 09:42:07 AM

   That's interesting. If it was a racially segregated bus and she was sitting in the black only section, how was there a white sitting behind her?

You All watch to much TV... that Rosa Park-N-RIDE was a SLAVE...the white man's SERVANT !! You is a SLAVE Now...Umm-hummm 8)
Title: Re: Excellent Sermon Exposing Martin Luther King
Post by: fjack on June 18, 2007, 07:00:46 PM
Forget about a white sitting on a bus, whites must first check the sits to see what is left behind by the homeless, the youth and the more or less useless air hogs. Ms. rosa is the one to blame for the collaspe of mass transportation. Since she and her commies hate white america friends the mass transit system is a cesspool. I am sure that ms rosa would be proud.
Title: Re: Excellent Sermon Exposing Martin Luther King
Post by: takebackourtemple on June 18, 2007, 07:35:23 PM
   Also remember that public busses were such a big deal because most blacks couldn't and still can't learn how to drive.   

   In order to drive you must first know how to read so you can pass the written test and read signs on the road. I know in New York the written test is a joke, because they have to dumb it down for affirmative action morons. Once you pass the written test you have to practice and learn how to drive. Most blacks are either too lazy to go through the discipline of learning how to drive or they're irresponsible and do crazy things that cause a lot of accidents. Just look at the demographics of licensed drivers who get into car accidents. If someone comes out with BS statistics that state otherwise, just look for yourself the next ten times you see accidents on the road. Nine out of ten you will probably see a black involved. Oh wait, the white was at fault because he was a racist. Another good test of the statistics is to call an insurance company up for a quote. Give them a white neighborhood and a black one and see which rate is higher.
   Chaim did a show where he pointed out that in Israel around %90(I don't remember the exact number) of the automobile accidents were by Arabs. The remaining %10 also included people who got into accidents because Arabs threw rocks at their cars.