Save Western Civilization => Save America => Topic started by: RationalThought110 on May 25, 2007, 04:31:08 PM

Title: The porn industry needs to be destoryed
Post by: RationalThought110 on May 25, 2007, 04:31:08 PM
This story has been reported in various sources:


If this story is true, then these people are nuts. 
Title: Re: The porn industry needs to be destoryed
Post by: kahaneloyalist on May 25, 2007, 06:41:16 PM
That entire industry is sick and evil and is a poison to the entire world >:(
Title: Re: The porn industry needs to be destoryed
Post by: Sarah on May 29, 2007, 09:44:22 AM
It even comes on freeview television here. My little brother was sitting on the floor flicking through the channels and on one called ftn where good movies are usually shown.....there was a porn programme on. I could have smashed the T.V.....and then people wonder why Britain has the highest earliest pregnancy rate in Europe....its not because kids aren't taught "whatever" at school, its because this filth is broadcasted everywhere.
Title: Re: The porn industry needs to be destoryed
Post by: BabylonianJew on May 30, 2007, 03:44:06 PM
It even comes on freeview television here. My little brother was sitting on the floor flicking through the channels and on one called ftn where good movies are usually shown.....there was a porn programme on. I could have smashed the T.V.....and then people wonder why Britain has the highest earliest pregnancy rate in Europe....its not because kids aren't taught "whatever" at school, its because this filth is broadcasted everywhere.

What you said is so true. The fact that sex education from what i have heard actually lead people to do sex.
Title: Re: The porn industry needs to be destoryed
Post by: Sarah on June 02, 2007, 12:45:00 PM
Its idiotic, kids find out by their own discreet means and so all the "education" is unnessecary.
Title: Re: The porn industry needs to be destoryed
Post by: Nic Brookes on June 02, 2007, 04:38:12 PM
To be fair it is good for the less socially active students

(edit: NOT the porn industry... sex eduaction)
Title: Re: The porn industry needs to be destoryed
Post by: Joe Schmo on June 02, 2007, 04:54:04 PM
Pornographers must be put to death, and anyone found in posession of porn must be given a considerable prison term.

This is the only way that we can rid society of this terrible cancer.
Title: Re: The porn industry needs to be destoryed
Post by: Nic Brookes on June 02, 2007, 05:12:11 PM
Pornographers must be put to death, and anyone found in posession of porn must be given a considerable prison term.

This is the only way that we can rid society of this terrible cancer.

It'll just send it underground. In every society there is erotica... even african schvartza society *shudder*

And muslims have camels
Title: Re: The porn industry needs to be destoryed
Post by: Joe Schmo on June 02, 2007, 05:26:17 PM
Pornographers must be put to death, and anyone found in posession of porn must be given a considerable prison term.

This is the only way that we can rid society of this terrible cancer.

It'll just send it underground. In every society there is erotica.

Then let them go underground...and risk being put to death.

In every society there is evil.  This does not mean that it should be tolerated, does it?
Title: Re: The porn industry needs to be destoryed
Post by: Nic Brookes on June 02, 2007, 08:16:35 PM
Pornographers must be put to death, and anyone found in posession of porn must be given a considerable prison term.

This is the only way that we can rid society of this terrible cancer.

It'll just send it underground. In every society there is erotica.

Then let them go underground...and risk being put to death.

In every society there is evil.  This does not mean that it should be tolerated, does it?

No but we will never rid the world of it, like homosexuality which is also evil. There is no easy solution. The best thing about porn is the fact you can choose to not watch it.
Title: Re: The porn industry needs to be destoryed
Post by: Dissenter on June 02, 2007, 08:22:53 PM
Pornographers must be put to death, and anyone found in posession of porn must be given a considerable prison term.

This is the only way that we can rid society of this terrible cancer.

No, don't kill them. Just force them to listen to the music of Scriabin. ;D

Seriously, are you for real? By the time that you got through "destorying" people, there wouldn't be anybody left.

"Everybody deserves death but you and me, and sometimes I wonder about you." (Scriabin) ;D

Pornography, like homosexuality and every other vice, should be forced back to where it was in the 1950s - underground.

I remember growing up in Baltimore in the 1950s, getting promptly hustled out of adult book stores and taverns during my daily romps through the city. Drugs were also around, but you almost never heard of them unless some black public figure, a musician or athlete, died of a heroin overdose.

Anyway, with the internet, and with the power of the media, and with the apparent indifference of the American public, it's hard to see what can be done, now that the cat's been let out of the bag.
Title: Re: The porn industry needs to be destoryed
Post by: Joe Schmo on June 02, 2007, 08:42:32 PM

Seriously, are you for real? By the time that you got through "destorying" people, there wouldn't be anybody left.

"Everybody deserves death but you and me, and sometimes I wonder about you." (Scriabin) ;D

1)  Are you suggesting that everyone on Earth is a pornographer?  I want to destroy evil, not good.

2)  I never said that. 

I'm quite real.  Its YOU that I wonder about, dissenter.
Title: Re: The porn industry needs to be destoryed
Post by: Dissenter on June 02, 2007, 10:04:29 PM
Seriously, are you for real? By the time that you got through "destorying" people, there wouldn't be anybody left.

"Everybody deserves death but you and me, and sometimes I wonder about you." (Scriabin) ;D

1)  Are you suggesting that everyone on Earth is a pornographer?  I want to destroy evil, not good.

2)  I never said that. 

I'm quite real.  Its YOU that I wonder about, dissenter.

There's an old Quaker proverb which goes: "Everybody's crazy but me and thee, and sometimes I wonder about thee."

Most people - not just smut peddlers and their customers - are fallible. Therefore, most people are evil. Therefore, most people should be killed.

Where have we heard that before? Pretty close to home, I think. And yet we can't understand why people think we're crazy.

PS: Half of the traffic on the internet is pornography, and has been since its inception. So I guess that half of the people in the world with computers, or who read a novel by Harold Robbins, should be killed or locked up.

You did say that.
Title: Re: The porn industry needs to be destoryed
Post by: Joe Schmo on June 02, 2007, 10:18:10 PM
Seriously, are you for real? By the time that you got through "destorying" people, there wouldn't be anybody left.

"Everybody deserves death but you and me, and sometimes I wonder about you." (Scriabin) ;D

1)  Are you suggesting that everyone on Earth is a pornographer?  I want to destroy evil, not good.

2)  I never said that. 

I'm quite real.  Its YOU that I wonder about, dissenter.

There's an old Quaker proverb which goes: "Everybody's crazy but me and thee, and sometimes I wonder about thee."

Most people - not just smut peddlers and their customers - are fallible. Therefore, most people are evil. Therefore, most people should be killed.

Where have we heard that before? Pretty close to home, I think. And yet we can't understand why people think we're crazy.

PS: Half of the traffic on the internet is pornography, and has been since its inception. So I guess that half of the people in the world with computers, or who read a novel by Harold Robbins, should be killed or locked up.

You did say that.

No I didn't.

I said that PORNOGRAPHERS should be killed.

Anyone caught in posession is given a jail sentence...just like most do states regarding drugs.

I am NOT saying, 'kill everyone who uses porn'.

Pornographers will be allowed to cease their degenerate behaivior.  If they chose not to comply, in front of a firing squad they shall go.
Title: Re: The porn industry needs to be destoryed
Post by: Nic Brookes on June 03, 2007, 08:08:26 AM
Seriously, are you for real? By the time that you got through "destorying" people, there wouldn't be anybody left.

"Everybody deserves death but you and me, and sometimes I wonder about you." (Scriabin) ;D

1)  Are you suggesting that everyone on Earth is a pornographer?  I want to destroy evil, not good.

2)  I never said that. 

I'm quite real.  Its YOU that I wonder about, dissenter.

There's an old Quaker proverb which goes: "Everybody's crazy but me and thee, and sometimes I wonder about thee."

Most people - not just smut peddlers and their customers - are fallible. Therefore, most people are evil. Therefore, most people should be killed.

Where have we heard that before? Pretty close to home, I think. And yet we can't understand why people think we're crazy.

PS: Half of the traffic on the internet is pornography, and has been since its inception. So I guess that half of the people in the world with computers, or who read a novel by Harold Robbins, should be killed or locked up.

You did say that.

No I didn't.

I said that PORNOGRAPHERS should be killed.

Anyone caught in posession is given a jail sentence...just like most do states regarding drugs.

I am NOT saying, 'kill everyone who uses porn'.

Pornographers will be allowed to cease their degenerate behaivior.  If they chose not to comply, in front of a firing squad they shall go.

It's a touchy subject, and I can almost guarantee there would be outcry. People would not stand for this and cite "freedom of expression". I think we have to accept that porn will never go away, but righteous people should just ignore it.
Title: Re: The porn industry needs to be destoryed
Post by: Sarah on June 03, 2007, 11:30:33 AM
I think what dissenters trying to say scriabin is if every single evil is destroyed or punished then it would include all of us because we've all done something bad in different circumstances.

I also think the same evil committed by two people may be punished differently due to their position, one may be unaware but constantly influenced. The other maybe had approached the evil off hand and willingly.
Title: Re: The porn industry needs to be destoryed
Post by: Joe Schmo on June 03, 2007, 11:34:34 AM
I think what dissenters trying to say scriabin is if every single evil is destroyed or punished then it would include all of us because we've all done something bad in different circumstances.

I also think the same evil committed by two people may be punished differently due to their position, one may be unaware but constantly influenced. The other maybe had approached the evil off hand and willingly.

Wow.  Everyone here loves porn!!  >:(

We don't seem to care that children are all watching porno these days, is this good?!

I don't have to worry about getting laws passed against pornography, G-d will take care of the porno problem by destroying us.  ;D
Title: Re: The porn industry needs to be destoryed
Post by: Sarah on June 03, 2007, 11:44:57 AM

No one loves porn its just, it is easy to say destroying people would rid of its evil! There needs to be a more methodical way of totally eradicating it and even if a genius suggestion was sought out it would probably be even harder to actually apply!

........anyway how would you be able to seek out all of the people who deal with porn?

Also there are actually porn companies!!! Which is ABSOLUTELY shocking!! Why are they allowed to work and publish??!
Title: Re: The porn industry needs to be destoryed
Post by: Joe Schmo on June 03, 2007, 11:55:22 AM

No one loves porn its just, it is easy to say destroying people would rid of its evil! There needs to be a more methodical way of totally eradicating it and even if a genius suggestion was sought out it would probably be even harder to actually apply!

........anyway how would you be able to seek out all of the people who deal with porn?

Also there are actually porn companies!!! Which is ABSOLUTELY shocking!! Why are they allowed to work and publish??!

What about children?

Mark Twain said something to the effect of, "Innocence ends the moment lust begins."

Screw the children, we want our porn.  Is this the official JTF position?
Title: Re: The porn industry needs to be destoryed
Post by: Nic Brookes on June 03, 2007, 12:27:44 PM
This is a very touchy subject and one which could divide our movement. Nobody is saying porn is good, we just accept it will never be fully removed from society. As you say, Scriabin, G-d will be the judge. As a result is can be low on our priorites as there is very little we can do about it. Without the sex industry, people will operate it themselves, demand is such.
Title: Re: The porn industry needs to be destoryed
Post by: Sarah on June 05, 2007, 02:10:22 PM
scriabinim confused. What was the point you were trying to make, sorry.
Title: Re: The porn industry needs to be destoryed
Post by: Joe Schmo on June 05, 2007, 02:17:39 PM
scriabinim confused. What was the point you were trying to make, sorry.

That, for the first time in human history, children can and do watch the most perverted and graphic sexual acts via DVD or the internet. 

As a result, the damage done to our society in the future will be INCALCULABLE (that means it cannot be measured  ;)).
Title: Re: The porn industry needs to be destoryed
Post by: Sarah on June 06, 2007, 12:34:21 PM
That was fully agreed upon, so why did you get annoyed?
Title: Re: The porn industry needs to be destoryed
Post by: Joe Schmo on June 06, 2007, 01:16:11 PM
That was fully agreed upon, so why did you get annoyed?

Perhaps because you ASKED!
Title: Re: The porn industry needs to be destoryed
Post by: Zvulun Ben Moshe on June 06, 2007, 01:23:23 PM
I think, the porn industry is a part of a bigger social illness caused by a vaccum of ideology.

Erotica, however, will exist till the end of days.
Title: Why?
Post by: Duncan on June 08, 2007, 11:20:27 AM
To play the 'devil's advocate'....

what exactly is porn?

how do you define the limits between permissable sexiness and lewd acts?

is a short-story about love-making pornographic? how about a 20 minute video?

isn't porn basically an educational program on how to be a better lover to your spouse?

pornographic materials are not criminal in a country like the USA because the Right to free speech is protected and if a person wishes to express that artistic talent through some kind of sexual display then so be it. we do not have to watch their 'work of art' nor do we need to support the so-called 'artist' in their endeavors.

Just my two pennies... ymmv

Title: Re: Why?
Post by: Joe Schmo on June 08, 2007, 01:36:29 PM
To play the 'devil's advocate'....

what exactly is porn?

how do you define the limits between permissable sexiness and lewd acts?

is a short-story about love-making pornographic? how about a 20 minute video?

isn't porn basically an educational program on how to be a better lover to your spouse?

pornographic materials are not criminal in a country like the USA because the Right to free speech is protected and if a person wishes to express that artistic talent through some kind of sexual display then so be it. we do not have to watch their 'work of art' nor do we need to support the so-called 'artist' in their endeavors.

Just my two pennies... ymmv

Porn supporters should be executed too!
Title: Re: The porn industry needs to be destoryed
Post by: Nic Brookes on June 08, 2007, 03:08:11 PM
I think, the porn industry is a part of a bigger social illness caused by a vaccum of ideology.

Erotica, however, will exist till the end of days.

Title: Re: The porn industry needs to be destoryed
Post by: Sarah on June 09, 2007, 02:35:01 PM
I consider nude art to be unacceptable as well, however it is fully accepted as being "beautiful". Also the fact it exists so publically, in galleries etc It may be a still sculpture or a still unreal image but be it real people or not, it represents the same meanings.
Title: Re: The porn industry needs to be destoryed
Post by: Zvulun Ben Moshe on June 09, 2007, 09:04:10 PM
I consider nude art to be unacceptable as well, however it is fully accepted as being "beautiful". Also the fact it exists so publically, in galleries etc It may be a still sculpture or a still unreal image but be it real people or not, it represents the same meanings.

I think, Middle-Eastern people are more conservative in that respect.

Europeans, on the other side, have always been into eroticism. It was apparent in Ancient Greek and Roman cultures, as well as at later stages.
Title: Re: The porn industry needs to be destoryed
Post by: tonythetiger on June 09, 2007, 10:27:55 PM
I remember watching a documentary on adult film stars a while back. After watching them recount the details of their lives, it would seem one was more screwed up than the other. There was this one actress being interviewed on the program. When asked about her past, she disclosed that she was molested as a child, she ran away, she sold her body on and off screen, the amount of drugs she was addicted to, the orgy parties, the constant pressure of getting work ("bribing" producers), the repeated suicide attempts. After that, she just broke down and couldn't finish the interview. That was like she was reliving the ordeal. Who wouldn't feel bad for her. That's where I agreee the porn industry is evil. Not only because it's wrong, it exploits young women who were mostly victimized during their impressionable years. A lot of abused girls wind up involved in pornography, prostitution, or something that has to do with sex. But the mainstream paints it as a glamorous industry. That industry is corrupt beyond damnation...............
Title: Re: The porn industry needs to be destoryed
Post by: Joe Schmo on June 09, 2007, 11:26:12 PM
I remember watching a documentary on adult film stars a while back. After watching them recount the details of their lives, it would seem one was more screwed up than the other. There was this one actress being interviewed on the program. When asked about her past, she disclosed that she was molested as a child, she ran away, she sold her body on and off screen, the amount of drugs she was addicted to, the orgy parties, the constant pressure of getting work ("bribing" producers), the repeated suicide attempts. After that, she just broke down and couldn't finish the interview. That was like she was reliving the ordeal. Who wouldn't feel bad for her. That's where I agreee the porn industry is evil. Not only because it's wrong, it exploits young women who were mostly victimized during their impressionable years. A lot of abused girls wind up involved in pornography, prostitution, or something that has to do with sex. But the mainstream paints it as a glamorous industry. That industry is corrupt beyond damnation...............

"Oh, the poor porno girls."

Give me a break.

The CHILDREN that see this crap are the victims. 

"Who wouldn't feel bad for her?"

Title: Re: The porn industry needs to be destoryed
Post by: tonythetiger on June 10, 2007, 03:35:28 AM
Well that's your choice and your opinion. Remember I said, the girl was molested as a child. Victims of molestation are NEVER the same again, in case you didn't know. Some people can't cope with the pain, they engage in wicked acts to escape. And a lot of adult film stars, have admitted experiencing sexual abuse in their childhood, they are completely lost without hope. Now, I felt bad for this ONE actress, because she had a dysfunctional life, not ALL THE POOR PORNO GIRLS. IT IS NOT TO DOWNPLAY AN INNOCENT CHILD WATCHING PORNOGRAPHY.  So do yourself a favor, DON'T PUT WORDS IN MY MOUTH. A LOT of adult film stars them are their own worst enemy and G-d has a way of dealing with them. AIDS, STD's, Drug addiction etc. And you honestly think I condone children watching pornography?

You just watch your tone with me................
Title: Re: The porn industry needs to be destoryed
Post by: Sarah on June 10, 2007, 08:50:25 AM
There are a lot of adult film stars who have suffered from abuse while youngsters BUT there are thousands more who are suffering and are NOT film stars AND are good people. I think dysfunctional families are used as an excuse everybody has something messed up in their lives, you live with it, get over it and try to differ from your aggressors.
Title: Re: The porn industry needs to be destoryed
Post by: Joe Schmo on June 10, 2007, 12:01:17 PM
To become addicted to drugs, one needs to physically do drugs.

One needs only to look to become addicted to porn.
Title: Re: The porn industry needs to be destoryed
Post by: tonythetiger on June 10, 2007, 04:10:30 PM
Good point, Sarah. It's true they use it as a crutch to justify their behavior, reaping what they sow later on. Whereas other victims of molestation lead productive lives, blocking out the trauma while maintaining a sense of morality.(I tip my cap to them.) An old saying comes to mind "You can take a horse to the river, but you can't make it drink."
Title: Re: The porn industry needs to be destoryed
Post by: Imerica on June 12, 2007, 11:13:25 AM
To be fair it is good for the less socially active students

(edit: NOT the porn industry... sex eduaction)
I agree with that. But I also think that sex education, when taught correctly has a way of influencing children not to give their bodies to just ANYONE. Waiting is best but if they insist on not waiting, they should be educated about STD's, the emotional aspect of giving yourself in that way, and contraception.
Title: Re: The porn industry needs to be destoryed
Post by: Sarah on June 12, 2007, 01:05:54 PM
To become addicted to drugs, one needs to physically do drugs.

One needs only to look to become addicted to porn.

For some it would almost blind them for life. It depends, if you're a twisted person ready to indulge in evil then its non-stop, however people with some sense of moral recognition i do believe turn away and  never dare look again.
Drugs stimulate physical changes that are hard to stop, porn is stemmed by the imagination.....
Title: Re: The porn industry needs to be destoryed
Post by: Sarah on June 12, 2007, 01:07:31 PM
To be fair it is good for the less socially active students

(edit: NOT the porn industry... sex eduaction)
I agree with that. But I also think that sex education, when taught correctly has a way of influencing children not to give their bodies to just ANYONE. Waiting is best but if they insist on not waiting, they should be educated about STD's, the emotional aspect of giving yourself in that way, and contraception.

I think its ridiculous to HAVE to teach children not to give their bodies to anyone. What happened to self-control and morals?!?!
Title: Re: The porn industry needs to be destoryed
Post by: Nic Brookes on June 12, 2007, 02:55:38 PM
Sexual thoughts are normal. They keep you from homosexuality and other evils.  Porn isn't normal. It encourages deviant behavior.
Title: Re: The porn industry needs to be destoryed
Post by: Imerica on June 12, 2007, 03:25:38 PM
Sexual thoughts are normal. They keep you from homosexuality and other evils.  Porn isn't normal. It encourages deviant behavior.
That depends on how you look at it (no pun intended). For couples, porn is used to keep the home-fires burning. SOmetimes there is one person in the couple who attaches easily to watching porn just for kicks, then becomes addicted. Therapy for them (personally) and marriage councelling for the couple as a whole; my suggestion.
Title: Re: The porn industry needs to be destoryed
Post by: Nic Brookes on June 12, 2007, 03:40:00 PM
For couples, porn is used to keep the home-fires burning.

If they are not close enough as couples to keep these metaphorical fires burning, THEY SHOULD NOT BE TOGETHER, CERTAINLY NOT IN ANY KIND OF MARRIAGE.
Title: Re: The porn industry needs to be destoryed
Post by: Imerica on June 12, 2007, 03:57:12 PM
For couples, porn is used to keep the home-fires burning.

If they are not close enough as couples to keep these metaphorical fires burning, THEY SHOULD NOT BE TOGETHER, CERTAINLY NOT IN ANY KIND OF MARRIAGE.
Are you married?
Title: Re: The porn industry needs to be destoryed
Post by: Imerica on June 12, 2007, 04:04:00 PM
To be fair it is good for the less socially active students

(edit: NOT the porn industry... sex eduaction)
I agree with that. But I also think that sex education, when taught correctly has a way of influencing children not to give their bodies to just ANYONE. Waiting is best but if they insist on not waiting, they should be educated about STD's, the emotional aspect of giving yourself in that way, and contraception.

I think its ridiculous to HAVE to teach children not to give their bodies to anyone. What happened to self-control and morals?!?!

Actually its not rediculous but I'll lend this much to the conversation. There are some parents who are so closed off from their children and sex that they won't dare speak the word in front of them. My grandmother was like that. She told my mother  nothing, so by the time it came to me asking my mom to give me, her first born, the 'talk' she shuddered, filibustered and changed the subject... then she turned on PBS and lo & behold "The Miracle of Childbirth" was just coming on. She left me sitting there watching it. It didn't answer the questions I needed to know about sex but it had to do for the moment.

The problem is that there are adults who are comfortable with their sex lives but not comfortable enough to tell their children the truth. You can't have self-respect, or self-control for that matter if you aren't taught from the beginning about the variables in which you'd need to enact those qualities.
Title: Re: The porn industry needs to be destoryed
Post by: Nic Brookes on June 12, 2007, 05:02:53 PM
For couples, porn is used to keep the home-fires burning.

If they are not close enough as couples to keep these metaphorical fires burning, THEY SHOULD NOT BE TOGETHER, CERTAINLY NOT IN ANY KIND OF MARRIAGE.
Are you married?

No. As you are clearly pretending you have some kind of knowledge here, you would know all about porn. Please, do go on and show us all how immoral you are.
Title: Re: The porn industry needs to be destoryed
Post by: Imerica on June 12, 2007, 07:19:59 PM
For couples, porn is used to keep the home-fires burning.

If they are not close enough as couples to keep these metaphorical fires burning, THEY SHOULD NOT BE TOGETHER, CERTAINLY NOT IN ANY KIND OF MARRIAGE.
Are you married?

No. As you are clearly pretending you have some kind of knowledge here, you would know all about porn. Please, do go on and show us all how immoral you are.
From my knowledge, as a woman who has been happily married for the past 13 years, I know a little about porn. And it has nothing to do with immorality. Like I said, in a committed relationship, porn has been used to aid in repairing (without getting TMI with you) sexual relationships. I'm not speaking of those who delve into the genre of erotica to simply 'get off' but to learn what to do to keep things interesting in the bedroom. I don't pretend to know anything. There are some things I know about and some I don't. This, I know about.
Title: Re: The porn industry needs to be destoryed
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on June 13, 2007, 12:02:53 AM
From my knowledge, as a woman who has been happily married for the past 13 years, I know a little about porn. And it has nothing to do with immorality. Like I said, in a committed relationship, porn has been used to aid in repairing (without getting TMI with you) sexual relationships. I'm not speaking of those who delve into the genre of erotica to simply 'get off' but to learn what to do to keep things interesting in the bedroom. I don't pretend to know anything. There are some things I know about and some I don't. This, I know about.
Erica, shut up.
Title: Re: The porn industry needs to be destoryed
Post by: Imerica on June 13, 2007, 01:47:07 AM
From my knowledge, as a woman who has been happily married for the past 13 years, I know a little about porn. And it has nothing to do with immorality. Like I said, in a committed relationship, porn has been used to aid in repairing (without getting TMI with you) sexual relationships. I'm not speaking of those who delve into the genre of erotica to simply 'get off' but to learn what to do to keep things interesting in the bedroom. I don't pretend to know anything. There are some things I know about and some I don't. This, I know about.
Erica, shut up.
If I was talking you might have a leg to stand on with that little comment, CF. ;)
Title: Re: The porn industry needs to be destoryed
Post by: Nic Brookes on June 13, 2007, 01:47:36 PM
For couples, porn is used to keep the home-fires burning.

If they are not close enough as couples to keep these metaphorical fires burning, THEY SHOULD NOT BE TOGETHER, CERTAINLY NOT IN ANY KIND OF MARRIAGE.
Are you married?

No. As you are clearly pretending you have some kind of knowledge here, you would know all about porn. Please, do go on and show us all how immoral you are.
From my knowledge, as a woman who has been happily married for the past 13 years, I know a little about porn. And it has nothing to do with immorality. Like I said, in a committed relationship, porn has been used to aid in repairing (without getting TMI with you) sexual relationships. I'm not speaking of those who delve into the genre of erotica to simply 'get off' but to learn what to do to keep things interesting in the bedroom. I don't pretend to know anything. There are some things I know about and some I don't. This, I know about.

How can you repair a relationship with something so evil? By your logic, if you lose faith in Judaism/Christianity, you can regain it by watching muslims practice their "religion". Please explain to me how this differs.
Title: Re: The porn industry needs to be destoryed
Post by: Imerica on June 13, 2007, 02:23:05 PM
For couples, porn is used to keep the home-fires burning.

If they are not close enough as couples to keep these metaphorical fires burning, THEY SHOULD NOT BE TOGETHER, CERTAINLY NOT IN ANY KIND OF MARRIAGE.
Are you married?

No. As you are clearly pretending you have some kind of knowledge here, you would know all about porn. Please, do go on and show us all how immoral you are.
From my knowledge, as a woman who has been happily married for the past 13 years, I know a little about porn. And it has nothing to do with immorality. Like I said, in a committed relationship, porn has been used to aid in repairing (without getting TMI with you) sexual relationships. I'm not speaking of those who delve into the genre of erotica to simply 'get off' but to learn what to do to keep things interesting in the bedroom. I don't pretend to know anything. There are some things I know about and some I don't. This, I know about.

How can you repair a relationship with something so evil? By your logic, if you lose faith in Judaism/Christianity, you can regain it by watching muslims practice their "religion". Please explain to me how this differs.
We're not talking about religion, Nic. We're talking about porn. If in the wrong hands, porn can be a fixture in which a person could act out on innocent women and children but that's not the porn industry's fault... its the sick mind that attaches to it that is to blame. On the other hand, porn has its uses in some marriages. Its not the fixer-uper of choice for EVERYONE's marriage but for those who do use it in the marriage to 'help out' it works. The only thing is that it has to be a mutual decision to watch it. There are sex therapists who recommend porn or some kind of erotica when couples are having intimacy issues.

I'm a Christian who thought long and hard about what being a married, sexually active Christian would mean to me. That was a small part of me becoming Christian because couples are seen as people who are like robots for Jesus when it comes to intimacy with your spouse. What should you do, or not do; say or not say? So I've decided that whatever I need to do within the confines of my marriage to my husband to make things 'work', I'll do (and he agrees with this also.) We'll do everything short of adding a 3rd party to our marriage. (That, I dont' agree with... but to each his/her own.)
Title: Re: The porn industry needs to be destoryed
Post by: Joe Schmo on June 13, 2007, 07:13:55 PM
Sexual thoughts are normal. They keep you from homosexuality and other evils.  Porn isn't normal. It encourages deviant behavior.
That depends on how you look at it (no pun intended). For couples, porn is used to keep the home-fires burning. SOmetimes there is one person in the couple who attaches easily to watching porn just for kicks, then becomes addicted. Therapy for them (personally) and marriage councelling for the couple as a whole; my suggestion.

For women MAYBE.

Porn turns men into obsessed sex-addicts.
Title: Re: The porn industry needs to be destoryed
Post by: Imerica on June 13, 2007, 09:25:30 PM
Sexual thoughts are normal. They keep you from homosexuality and other evils.  Porn isn't normal. It encourages deviant behavior.
That depends on how you look at it (no pun intended). For couples, porn is used to keep the home-fires burning. SOmetimes there is one person in the couple who attaches easily to watching porn just for kicks, then becomes addicted. Therapy for them (personally) and marriage councelling for the couple as a whole; my suggestion.

For women MAYBE.

Porn turns men into obsessed sex-addicts.
You're right... men with no self-control and usually a fixation on sex before they even view porn for the first time can be a big problem.
Title: Re: The porn industry needs to be destoryed
Post by: ftf on June 14, 2007, 06:01:08 PM
Bassically Imerica is saying that Porn is good as a sex manual for married couples. If you want a manual buy a flipping book. Porn affects a lot of people in very very bad ways, and there is absolutely no question on this issue, it should definately be banned.
Title: Re: The porn industry needs to be destoryed
Post by: Nic Brookes on June 14, 2007, 06:16:24 PM
Banning it will not make it go away. I am realistic here.
Title: Re: The porn industry needs to be destoryed
Post by: ftf on June 14, 2007, 06:18:36 PM
Banning it will not make it go away. I am realistic here.
Of course it won;t go away completely, but it will prevent it from being really easy to get hold of.
Title: Re: The porn industry needs to be destoryed
Post by: Nic Brookes on June 14, 2007, 06:21:52 PM
Not really, people will just make amateur porn and distribute it themselves
Title: Re: The porn industry needs to be destoryed
Post by: ftf on June 14, 2007, 06:25:24 PM
With execution as the punishment if your caught?
Title: Re: The porn industry needs to be destoryed
Post by: Imerica on June 14, 2007, 09:58:29 PM
With execution as the punishment if your caught?
LOL Depending on the capacity of the 'caught' act, I think castration would be a great punishment.
Title: Re: The porn industry needs to be destoryed
Post by: Joe Schmo on June 14, 2007, 10:00:40 PM
With execution as the punishment if your caught?
LOL Depending on the capacity of the 'caught' act, I think castration would be a great punishment.
That's fine, but you cannot castrate a woman.

There are MANY female pornographers.  They're not all 'actresses'.
Title: Re: The porn industry needs to be destoryed
Post by: Shoshana on June 25, 2007, 01:07:12 AM
I am completely against pornography and would be for illegalization of porn and of course prosecution of those possessing or making pornography.
Title: Re: The porn industry needs to be destoryed
Post by: PsyEythan on June 25, 2007, 02:39:10 AM
You guys should relax a bit with the executions thing, we are not islamonazis. "If I don't like it than put it to death, it's evil!" is something I will expect to hear from a crazy muslim nazi, not people.
Anyway, porn really is a problem. It may help some people but the effect that it has on children and teenagers is dangerous. It makes them think of women as things G-d created for them only to have sex with. About all teenagers I know(12-18) and even older dudes just see women that way. They have no feelings, desires, nothing, only a body to have sex with. Some even told me it sucks to be a woman because are being used for sex, and what's really sad is that stupid teenagers like men like that.
Title: Re: The porn industry needs to be destoryed
Post by: Joe Schmo on June 25, 2007, 03:03:37 AM
You guys should relax a bit with the executions thing, we are not islamonazis. "If I don't like it than put it to death, it's evil!" is something I will expect to hear from a crazy muslim nazi, not people.
Anyway, porn really is a problem. It may help some people but the effect that it has on children and teenagers is dangerous. It makes them think of women as things G-d created for them only to have sex with. About all teenagers I know(12-18) and even older dudes just see women that way. They have no feelings, desires, nothing, only a body to have sex with. Some even told me it sucks to be a woman because are being used for sex, and what's really sad is that stupid teenagers like men like that.

Yeah.  Stupid men.

We should AT LEAST castrate all the male bastards who are addicted to porn.

How dare they see Women as sex objects.  This kind of sick male behavior is unnatural, evil and unacceptable.
Title: Re: The porn industry needs to be destoryed
Post by: Joe Schmo on June 25, 2007, 03:43:51 AM
You guys should relax a bit with the executions thing, we are not islamonazis. "If I don't like it than put it to death, it's evil!" is something I will expect to hear from a crazy muslim nazi, not people.

You're so right.  We should outlaw the death penalty entirely.
Title: Re: The porn industry needs to be destoryed
Post by: PsyEythan on June 25, 2007, 04:03:44 AM
You guys should relax a bit with the executions thing, we are not islamonazis. "If I don't like it than put it to death, it's evil!" is something I will expect to hear from a crazy muslim nazi, not people.

You're so right.  We should outlaw the death penalty entirely.

No, some people deserve that.
Title: Re: The porn industry needs to be destoryed
Post by: Joe Schmo on June 25, 2007, 04:05:58 AM
You guys should relax a bit with the executions thing, we are not islamonazis. "If I don't like it than put it to death, it's evil!" is something I will expect to hear from a crazy muslim nazi, not people.

You're so right.  We should outlaw the death penalty entirely.

No, some people deserve that.

They're all men, right?
Title: Re: The porn industry needs to be destoryed
Post by: PsyEythan on June 25, 2007, 04:19:45 AM
You guys should relax a bit with the executions thing, we are not islamonazis. "If I don't like it than put it to death, it's evil!" is something I will expect to hear from a crazy muslim nazi, not people.

You're so right.  We should outlaw the death penalty entirely.

No, some people deserve that.

They're all men, right?

I AM a man...
I have a feeling I sent out a wrong message in my post. Let me give you an example of what I was talking about. Little kids that instead of playing catch or something, run after each other and say "ha ha I touched your pu***/d***." is this acceptable? or natural? or I just played the wrong games?
Title: Re: The porn industry needs to be destoryed
Post by: Joe Schmo on June 25, 2007, 04:31:54 AM
You guys should relax a bit with the executions thing, we are not islamonazis. "If I don't like it than put it to death, it's evil!" is something I will expect to hear from a crazy muslim nazi, not people.

You're so right.  We should outlaw the death penalty entirely.

No, some people deserve that.

They're all men, right?

I AM a man...
I have a feeling I sent out a wrong message in my post. Let me give you an example of what I was talking about. Little kids that instead of playing catch or something, run after each other and say "ha ha I touched your pu***/d***." is this acceptable? or natural? or I just played the wrong games?

You appear claim that women are the biggest victims of porno.

I could not disagree MORE.  MALE CHILDREN are the biggest victims of porno in my opinion.

When lust begins, innocence ends.  We now have--due to modern technology--nine, ten, eleven year-old boys watching porn and losing their innocence forever.

We would have no porn if women had the decency to not engage in slutty behavior.  No one is forcing these girls to behave this way, the money is what's luring them in.  This is all an offshoot of Women's Lib.

Believe me, men do not like being harassed by slutty women.  If a man is forced look but not touch some whore, he'll become extremely frustrated, GUARANTEED.

Title: Re: The porn industry needs to be destoryed
Post by: PsyEythan on June 25, 2007, 04:38:06 AM
You guys should relax a bit with the executions thing, we are not islamonazis. "If I don't like it than put it to death, it's evil!" is something I will expect to hear from a crazy muslim nazi, not people.

You're so right.  We should outlaw the death penalty entirely.

No, some people deserve that.

They're all men, right?

I AM a man...
I have a feeling I sent out a wrong message in my post. Let me give you an example of what I was talking about. Little kids that instead of playing catch or something, run after each other and say "ha ha I touched your pu***/d***." is this acceptable? or natural? or I just played the wrong games?

You appear claim that women are the biggest victims of porno.

I could not disagree MORE.  MALE CHILDREN are the biggest victims of porno in my opinion.

When lust begins, innocence ends.  We now have--due to modern technology--nine, ten, eleven year-old boys watching porn and losing their innocence forever.

We would have no porn if women had the decency to not engage in slutty behavior.  No one is forcing these girls to behave this way, the money is what's luring them in.  This is all an offshoot of Women's Lib.

Believe me, men do not like being harassed by slutty women.  If a man can look but not touch, he will become VERY frustrated, GUARANTEED.

Sex is ONLY appropriate in PRIVATE.

You misunderstood me, and it seems that we think alike, you basically summed up what I wanted to say just added the part with the slutty women, which I agree too. But I also believe that it effects children's behavior, like that example I gave.
Title: Re: The porn industry needs to be destoryed
Post by: Joe Schmo on June 25, 2007, 04:43:30 AM
You guys should relax a bit with the executions thing, we are not islamonazis. "If I don't like it than put it to death, it's evil!" is something I will expect to hear from a crazy muslim nazi, not people.

You're so right.  We should outlaw the death penalty entirely.

No, some people deserve that.

They're all men, right?

I AM a man...
I have a feeling I sent out a wrong message in my post. Let me give you an example of what I was talking about. Little kids that instead of playing catch or something, run after each other and say "ha ha I touched your pu***/d***." is this acceptable? or natural? or I just played the wrong games?

You appear claim that women are the biggest victims of porno.

I could not disagree MORE.  MALE CHILDREN are the biggest victims of porno in my opinion.

When lust begins, innocence ends.  We now have--due to modern technology--nine, ten, eleven year-old boys watching porn and losing their innocence forever.

We would have no porn if women had the decency to not engage in slutty behavior.  No one is forcing these girls to behave this way, the money is what's luring them in.  This is all an offshoot of Women's Lib.

Believe me, men do not like being harassed by slutty women.  If a man can look but not touch, he will become VERY frustrated, GUARANTEED.

Sex is ONLY appropriate in PRIVATE.

You misunderstood me, and it seems that we think alike, you basically summed up what I wanted to say just added the part with the slutty women, which I agree too. But I also believe that it effects children's behavior, like that example I gave.

This is why the death penalty is the only solution.

Porno CANNOT be stopped otherwise.
Title: Re: The porn industry needs to be destoryed
Post by: PsyEythan on June 25, 2007, 04:47:09 AM
You guys should relax a bit with the executions thing, we are not islamonazis. "If I don't like it than put it to death, it's evil!" is something I will expect to hear from a crazy muslim nazi, not people.

You're so right.  We should outlaw the death penalty entirely.

No, some people deserve that.

They're all men, right?

I AM a man...
I have a feeling I sent out a wrong message in my post. Let me give you an example of what I was talking about. Little kids that instead of playing catch or something, run after each other and say "ha ha I touched your pu***/d***." is this acceptable? or natural? or I just played the wrong games?

You appear claim that women are the biggest victims of porno.

I could not disagree MORE.  MALE CHILDREN are the biggest victims of porno in my opinion.

When lust begins, innocence ends.  We now have--due to modern technology--nine, ten, eleven year-old boys watching porn and losing their innocence forever.

We would have no porn if women had the decency to not engage in slutty behavior.  No one is forcing these girls to behave this way, the money is what's luring them in.  This is all an offshoot of Women's Lib.

Believe me, men do not like being harassed by slutty women.  If a man can look but not touch, he will become VERY frustrated, GUARANTEED.

Sex is ONLY appropriate in PRIVATE.

You misunderstood me, and it seems that we think alike, you basically summed up what I wanted to say just added the part with the slutty women, which I agree too. But I also believe that it effects children's behavior, like that example I gave.

This is why the death penalty is the only solution.

Porno CANNOT be stopped otherwise.

Then it probably be only those who are responsible for the making of porn, I think people like cameramen and people like that should just be thrown into jail for a while.

Oh, and the people who publish it should die too, especially those who are responsible for publishing via internet.
Title: Re: The porn industry needs to be destoryed
Post by: Joe Schmo on June 25, 2007, 04:49:03 AM
You guys should relax a bit with the executions thing, we are not islamonazis. "If I don't like it than put it to death, it's evil!" is something I will expect to hear from a crazy muslim nazi, not people.

You're so right.  We should outlaw the death penalty entirely.

No, some people deserve that.

They're all men, right?

I AM a man...
I have a feeling I sent out a wrong message in my post. Let me give you an example of what I was talking about. Little kids that instead of playing catch or something, run after each other and say "ha ha I touched your pu***/d***." is this acceptable? or natural? or I just played the wrong games?

You appear claim that women are the biggest victims of porno.

I could not disagree MORE.  MALE CHILDREN are the biggest victims of porno in my opinion.

When lust begins, innocence ends.  We now have--due to modern technology--nine, ten, eleven year-old boys watching porn and losing their innocence forever.

We would have no porn if women had the decency to not engage in slutty behavior.  No one is forcing these girls to behave this way, the money is what's luring them in.  This is all an offshoot of Women's Lib.

Believe me, men do not like being harassed by slutty women.  If a man can look but not touch, he will become VERY frustrated, GUARANTEED.

Sex is ONLY appropriate in PRIVATE.

You misunderstood me, and it seems that we think alike, you basically summed up what I wanted to say just added the part with the slutty women, which I agree too. But I also believe that it effects children's behavior, like that example I gave.

This is why the death penalty is the only solution.

Porno CANNOT be stopped otherwise.

Then it probably be only those who are responsible for the making of porn, I think people like cameramen and people like that should just be thrown into jail for a while.

Fair enough.

Obviously, these people would be given a chance to cease their evil behavior.

Once the law is passed, however...
Title: Re: The porn industry needs to be destoryed
Post by: PsyEythan on June 25, 2007, 04:52:03 AM
You guys should relax a bit with the executions thing, we are not islamonazis. "If I don't like it than put it to death, it's evil!" is something I will expect to hear from a crazy muslim nazi, not people.

You're so right.  We should outlaw the death penalty entirely.

No, some people deserve that.

They're all men, right?

I AM a man...
I have a feeling I sent out a wrong message in my post. Let me give you an example of what I was talking about. Little kids that instead of playing catch or something, run after each other and say "ha ha I touched your pu***/d***." is this acceptable? or natural? or I just played the wrong games?

You appear claim that women are the biggest victims of porno.

I could not disagree MORE.  MALE CHILDREN are the biggest victims of porno in my opinion.

When lust begins, innocence ends.  We now have--due to modern technology--nine, ten, eleven year-old boys watching porn and losing their innocence forever.

We would have no porn if women had the decency to not engage in slutty behavior.  No one is forcing these girls to behave this way, the money is what's luring them in.  This is all an offshoot of Women's Lib.

Believe me, men do not like being harassed by slutty women.  If a man can look but not touch, he will become VERY frustrated, GUARANTEED.

Sex is ONLY appropriate in PRIVATE.

You misunderstood me, and it seems that we think alike, you basically summed up what I wanted to say just added the part with the slutty women, which I agree too. But I also believe that it effects children's behavior, like that example I gave.

This is why the death penalty is the only solution.

Porno CANNOT be stopped otherwise.

Then it probably be only those who are responsible for the making of porn, I think people like cameramen and people like that should just be thrown into jail for a while.

Fair enough.

Obviously, these people would be given a chance to cease their evil behavior.

Once the law is passed, however...

Now I can fully agree, I thought you just wanted to kill them without giving them another option.

Oh, and the people who publish it should die too, especially those who are responsible for publishing via internet."
Those guys must die too.
Title: Re: The porn industry needs to be destoryed
Post by: RationalThought110 on June 29, 2007, 06:53:35 AM
This is a very touchy subject and one which could divide our movement. Nobody is saying porn is good, we just accept it will never be fully removed from society. As you say, Scriabin, G-d will be the judge. As a result is can be low on our priorites as there is very little we can do about it. Without the sex industry, people will operate it themselves, demand is such.

Similarly, abortions will occur.  However, conservatives should try and ensure that other conservatives wouldn't want to have an abortion. 

Conservatives probably shouldn't worry so much if anarchists decide to have an abortion.