General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: The proud Jew on October 23, 2010, 05:43:52 PM
does anybody have any reasons why we have not rescued gilad schalit
because our leaders are pu*sies .
heres how we should get him out: block all shipments from and to hamastan, completely close off its borders, and start bombing the living daylights out territory, do that until they give back shalit.
it would involve killing a lot of terrorists and if israel did that then western media would complain and call "war crimes"
good idea, block all shipments and everything to gaza. It does not matter what the media says because 1. Most of the technological innovations are made in israel. 2. we can basically say were going to excecute all of our arab terreorist prisoners. And it disgusts me that our lleaders would want to negetoiate with these animals. I just think these filthy animal leaders we have dont care about the jews that have to be in bomb shelters.
does anybody have any reasons why we have not rescued gilad schalit
I've wondered this a million times. And the only answer that I can come up with is this: We can pressure the arabs with all sorts of things. But all they have to do -- and I believe would do -- is simply say that "if you do this [whatever it is], then you'll be getting Gilad back in a coffin". Unless the Israeli's decide to sacrifice Gilad, then Israel can't threaten them with too much. Does this make sense?
yes it does make sense. we dont have leaders that listen to us in israel and in america. In america they listen to special interest groups and in israel they listen to the USA as a slave and care about world opinion.