General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Hidden Author on May 28, 2007, 04:36:55 AM

Title: Why I'm so "critical" of JTF
Post by: Hidden Author on May 28, 2007, 04:36:55 AM
I know I seem critical of JTF but the truth is that I'm trying to have a dialogue with JTF rather than accept a monologue from JTF. After all, I can truthfully say (or at least I hope I can truthfully say) that you guys don't expect me to go down and suck Chaim's...you get the idea.
Title: Re: Why I'm so "critical" of JTF
Post by: cosmokramer on May 28, 2007, 04:39:55 AM
We know where you are coming from, but why the homosexual reference. I think Chaim would beat  a man to a pulp  if they tried that on him.
Title: Re: Why I'm so "critical" of JTF
Post by: Allen-T on May 28, 2007, 06:31:13 AM
We know where you are coming from, but why the homosexual reference. I think Chaim would beat  a man to a pulp  if they tried that on him.

He stabbed a black muslim with a pencil 1st day in the clink! ;) ;)
Title: Re: Why I'm so "critical" of JTF
Post by: DownwithIslam on May 28, 2007, 06:40:22 AM
Hidden Author, why do you feel you have to debate him. Are you on the side of protecting righteous people or are you in the Muslim nazi camp? If you are not on the same team as the muslims, I don't see why you always have to question Chaim. If you keep on criticising everything we stand for than people are going to begin to think you are a muslim nazi.
Title: Re: Why I'm so "critical" of JTF
Post by: DownwithIslam on May 28, 2007, 06:41:16 AM
The queer reference doesn't make you seem any more legit anyways.
Title: Re: Why I'm so "critical" of JTF
Post by: DownwithIslam on May 28, 2007, 06:42:21 AM
You see that, the guy who happens to be the most critical of Chaim has homosexual thoughts at the top of his head. How strange.
Title: Re: Why I'm so "critical" of JTF
Post by: cjd on May 28, 2007, 07:09:51 AM
Hidden Author I have always found people that use that sort of statement as you did to be either non white or a person of very minimal intelligence. If you don't agree with what Chaim says thats fine. Everyone doesn't have to agree with everyone here. Chaim answers your questions and comments each week and never resorts to insults or statements like the one you made. You have an agenda here that goes past disagreeing with Chaim 50% of the time and thats fine just do it in a respectful manor or get lost.
Title: Re: Why I'm so "critical" of JTF
Post by: Dr. Dan on May 28, 2007, 09:06:08 AM
Hidden Author

The JDL and JTF is pretty much about teaching choose to defend themselves and quit being a bunch of moronic wimps...that's the bottom line.  How come every nation and every religion is allowed to show their strength, but Israel gets the shaft when she defends herself?  I'm sick and tired of our people looking like and acting like and taking on the designation of "victims". We need to be respectful of ourselves so that others can respect us...and very few nations respect us truely.

Engaging in a debate with Chaim doesn't mean accusing him of being Jimmy SUllivan or a skizoid.  Chaim is very real!  IF you wnat to engage in dialogue or debate with him, do it with respect eye to eye.
Title: Re: Why I'm so "critical" of JTF
Post by: Daniel on May 28, 2007, 09:15:14 AM
We know where you are coming from, but why the homosexual reference. I think Chaim would beat  a man to a pulp  if they tried that on him.

I'm pretty sure Hidden Author meant it as a figure of speech, not a homosexual reference.
Title: Re: Why I'm so "critical" of JTF
Post by: Daniel on May 28, 2007, 09:20:23 AM
Hidden Author, why do you feel you have to debate him. Are you on the side of protecting righteous people or are you in the Muslim nazi camp? If you are not on the same team as the muslims, I don't see why you always have to question Chaim. If you keep on criticising everything we stand for than people are going to begin to think you are a muslim nazi.

I think you're making a false dichotomy here. Just because someone disagrees with the positions on one side doesn't make him aligned with the other side. By that logic, any of us who were opposed to the Iraq war, that must mean that we were Saddam Hussein supporters. When Bush stated, "You are either with us or with the terrorists", it may have sounded really cheeky, but on closer inspection, the logic behind that statement is absolute BS.
Title: Re: Why I'm so "critical" of JTF
Post by: Lisa on May 28, 2007, 10:13:42 AM
Hidden Author, your attempts at "dialogue" with Chaim sound just like the rantings of Pat Buchanan and Helen Thomas.   

Now just out of curiosity, what do you agree with Chaim about?  It doesn't sound like much, judging by the tone and content of your questions. 
Title: Re: Why I'm so "critical" of JTF
Post by: Bannedfan on May 28, 2007, 10:13:54 AM
I know I seem critical of JTF but the truth is that I'm trying to have a dialogue with JTF rather than accept a monologue from JTF. After all, I can truthfully say (or at least I hope I can truthfully say) that you guys don't expect me to go down and suck Chaim's...you get the idea.
Hidden, the obscene statement here is all I need to know that you are a troll.
Title: Re: Why I'm so "critical" of JTF
Post by: Bannedfan on May 28, 2007, 10:15:42 AM
My guess is Hidden Author is probably a fairly educated and bright liberal professor who just wants to have some knee-jerk yuks with a right-wing website he doesn't like.
Title: Re: Why I'm so "critical" of JTF
Post by: Lisa on May 28, 2007, 10:19:31 AM
Liberal professors are the worst!
Title: Re: Why I'm so "critical" of JTF
Post by: cjd on May 28, 2007, 10:54:20 AM
My guess is Hidden Author is probably a fairly educated and bright liberal professor who just wants to have some knee-jerk yuks with a right-wing website he doesn't like.

You're giving him too much credit.
Yes! I have a feeling Trumpeldor is right on this one your giving him to much credit.
Title: Re: Why I'm so "critical" of JTF
Post by: Bannedfan on May 28, 2007, 11:34:12 AM
The reason I say that is because as lame as they are, his questions are usually worded quite well. Also, didn't Yacov say his IP was of a California university?
Title: Re: Why I'm so "critical" of JTF
Post by: Imerica on May 28, 2007, 12:05:41 PM
Hidden, perhaps the phrase you would have been better off saying "kissing Chaim's a**". Same affect, different 'view'.
Title: Re: Why I'm so "critical" of JTF
Post by: MasterWolf1 on May 28, 2007, 12:15:04 PM
Erica, no need for that.
Title: Re: Why I'm so "critical" of JTF
Post by: Lubab on May 28, 2007, 12:21:17 PM
Can we do without the language of the gutter, especially when speaking of someone as special and holy as Chaim. After all he's given for his people he deserves a bit more respect than that even if you disagree with him.
Title: Re: Why I'm so "critical" of JTF
Post by: Lisa on May 28, 2007, 12:26:55 PM
So Hidden Author, despite your gutter language, you still haven't told us why you are critical of JTF.  What is it you object to? 
Title: Re: Why I'm so "critical" of JTF
Post by: MasterWolf1 on May 28, 2007, 12:29:51 PM
He sounds like a leftist that is constantly miserable.
Title: Re: Why I'm so "critical" of JTF
Post by: Dr. Dan on May 28, 2007, 12:54:17 PM
I have listened to about half of the ask jtf program this week and at one portion, Chaim hits the nail with the hammer.

None of this is about Kahane, chaim, etc etc etc etc...  It's the ideology...to not be a bunch of wimps. that Includes Jews as well as righteous people.  When we see evil, we need to speak up and cause fear in the hearts of evil people...

If you don't like chaim's cursings and rough and tough speak on certain groups...ignore those things and listen to what ideally works for you...Imerica...you agree that evil black culture needs to be stopped..so gain inspiration and find answers to your questions for certain evil black cultural behavior.
Title: Re: Why I'm so "critical" of JTF
Post by: Imerica on May 28, 2007, 12:59:18 PM
I have listened to about half of the ask jtf program this week and at one portion, Chaim hits the nail with the hammer.

None of this is about Kahane, chaim, etc etc etc etc...  It's the ideology...to not be a bunch of wimps. that Includes Jews as well as righteous people.  When we see evil, we need to speak up and cause fear in the hearts of evil people...

If you don't like chaim's cursings and rough and tough speak on certain groups...ignore those things and listen to what ideally works for you...Imerica...you agree that evil black culture needs to be stopped..so gain inspiration and find answers to your questions for certain evil black cultural behavior.

I agree that the negative black culture needs to be stopped , not that people need to be killed in order for it to be stopped.. not unless they kill others (I'm pro-death penalty). If you're a man who rapes women, you should be raped. If you're a man who kidnaps children you should be kidnapped and have unspeakable things done to you. As for those who participate in activities that involve looting, you should have something stolen from you. If you're that idiot on the video MarZutra just posted (grinding on a table- nasty) you should be given an instructional video on how to REALLY dance.
Title: Re: Why I'm so "critical" of JTF
Post by: MasterWolf1 on May 28, 2007, 01:09:55 PM
I have listened to about half of the ask jtf program this week and at one portion, Chaim hits the nail with the hammer.

None of this is about Kahane, chaim, etc etc etc etc...  It's the ideology...to not be a bunch of wimps. that Includes Jews as well as righteous people.  When we see evil, we need to speak up and cause fear in the hearts of evil people...

If you don't like chaim's cursings and rough and tough speak on certain groups...ignore those things and listen to what ideally works for you...Imerica...you agree that evil black culture needs to be stopped..so gain inspiration and find answers to your questions for certain evil black cultural behavior.

I agree that the negative black culture needs to be stopped , not that people need to be killed in order for it to be stopped.. not unless they kill others (I'm pro-death penalty). If you're a man who rapes women, you should be raped. If you're a man who kidnaps children you should be kidnapped and have unspeakable things done to you. As for those who participate in activities that involve looting, you should have something stolen from you. If you're that idiot on the video MarZutra just posted (grinding on a table- nasty) you should be given an instructional video on how to REALLY dance.

Then where are the so called black leaders to stand up and condem their communities instead of blaming everyone else?
Title: Re: Why I'm so "critical" of JTF
Post by: Dr. Dan on May 28, 2007, 01:24:11 PM
I have listened to about half of the ask jtf program this week and at one portion, Chaim hits the nail with the hammer.

None of this is about Kahane, chaim, etc etc etc etc...  It's the ideology...to not be a bunch of wimps. that Includes Jews as well as righteous people.  When we see evil, we need to speak up and cause fear in the hearts of evil people...

If you don't like chaim's cursings and rough and tough speak on certain groups...ignore those things and listen to what ideally works for you...Imerica...you agree that evil black culture needs to be stopped..so gain inspiration and find answers to your questions for certain evil black cultural behavior.

I agree that the negative black culture needs to be stopped , not that people need to be killed in order for it to be stopped.. not unless they kill others (I'm pro-death penalty). If you're a man who rapes women, you should be raped. If you're a man who kidnaps children you should be kidnapped and have unspeakable things done to you. As for those who participate in activities that involve looting, you should have something stolen from you. If you're that idiot on the video MarZutra just posted (grinding on a table- nasty) you should be given an instructional video on how to REALLY dance.

Then where are the so called black leaders to stand up and condem their communities instead of blaming everyone else?

I think imerica acknowledges there are very few if any...and just as some Jews do with Chaim ben Pesach...mute the curses but get the answers, she probably does the same with Farrakahn...mute the racism, but listen to the empowering positives (if any)...am I being accurate when i say that, Imerica?
Title: Re: Why I'm so "critical" of JTF
Post by: Imerica on May 28, 2007, 01:27:02 PM
I have listened to about half of the ask jtf program this week and at one portion, Chaim hits the nail with the hammer.

None of this is about Kahane, chaim, etc etc etc etc...  It's the ideology...to not be a bunch of wimps. that Includes Jews as well as righteous people.  When we see evil, we need to speak up and cause fear in the hearts of evil people...

If you don't like chaim's cursings and rough and tough speak on certain groups...ignore those things and listen to what ideally works for you...Imerica...you agree that evil black culture needs to be stopped..so gain inspiration and find answers to your questions for certain evil black cultural behavior.

I agree that the negative black culture needs to be stopped , not that people need to be killed in order for it to be stopped.. not unless they kill others (I'm pro-death penalty). If you're a man who rapes women, you should be raped. If you're a man who kidnaps children you should be kidnapped and have unspeakable things done to you. As for those who participate in activities that involve looting, you should have something stolen from you. If you're that idiot on the video MarZutra just posted (grinding on a table- nasty) you should be given an instructional video on how to REALLY dance.

Then where are the so called black leaders to stand up and condem their communities instead of blaming everyone else?

I think imerica acknowledges there are very few if any...and just as some Jews do with Chaim ben Pesach...mute the curses but get the answers, she probably does the same with Farrakahn...mute the racism, but listen to the empowering positives (if any)...am I being accurate when i say that, Imerica?
What in the hell? NO, you're not accurate. I've been outspoken on Farrakhan's negativity as well as the other 'leaders'. Wow. I never said Farrakhan, Jackson and Sharpton weren't racists. In fact I've said on WAY too many ocasions that they are against whites and Jews. But I guess you didn't read any of that.
Title: Re: Why I'm so "critical" of JTF
Post by: Dr. Dan on May 28, 2007, 01:31:27 PM
I have listened to about half of the ask jtf program this week and at one portion, Chaim hits the nail with the hammer.

None of this is about Kahane, chaim, etc etc etc etc...  It's the ideology...to not be a bunch of wimps. that Includes Jews as well as righteous people.  When we see evil, we need to speak up and cause fear in the hearts of evil people...

If you don't like chaim's cursings and rough and tough speak on certain groups...ignore those things and listen to what ideally works for you...Imerica...you agree that evil black culture needs to be stopped..so gain inspiration and find answers to your questions for certain evil black cultural behavior.

I agree that the negative black culture needs to be stopped , not that people need to be killed in order for it to be stopped.. not unless they kill others (I'm pro-death penalty). If you're a man who rapes women, you should be raped. If you're a man who kidnaps children you should be kidnapped and have unspeakable things done to you. As for those who participate in activities that involve looting, you should have something stolen from you. If you're that idiot on the video MarZutra just posted (grinding on a table- nasty) you should be given an instructional video on how to REALLY dance.

Then where are the so called black leaders to stand up and condem their communities instead of blaming everyone else?

I think imerica acknowledges there are very few if any...and just as some Jews do with Chaim ben Pesach...mute the curses but get the answers, she probably does the same with Farrakahn...mute the racism, but listen to the empowering positives (if any)...am I being accurate when i say that, Imerica?
What in the hell? NO, you're not accurate. I've been outspoken on Farrakhan's negativity as well as the other 'leaders'. Wow. I never said Farrakhan, Jackson and Sharpton weren't racists. In fact I've said on WAY too many ocasions that they are against whites and Jews. But I guess you didn't read any of that.

I want to make sure I'm not putting words in your mouth, but in the past you seemed to elaborate that although those three are racists, they have otherwise done good things for the community whether it was inspiration to be better black americans or to create centers to find jobs.  Is that what you meant?
Title: Re: Why I'm so "critical" of JTF
Post by: Imerica on May 28, 2007, 01:35:41 PM
I have listened to about half of the ask jtf program this week and at one portion, Chaim hits the nail with the hammer.

None of this is about Kahane, chaim, etc etc etc etc...  It's the ideology...to not be a bunch of wimps. that Includes Jews as well as righteous people.  When we see evil, we need to speak up and cause fear in the hearts of evil people...

If you don't like chaim's cursings and rough and tough speak on certain groups...ignore those things and listen to what ideally works for you...Imerica...you agree that evil black culture needs to be stopped..so gain inspiration and find answers to your questions for certain evil black cultural behavior.

I agree that the negative black culture needs to be stopped , not that people need to be killed in order for it to be stopped.. not unless they kill others (I'm pro-death penalty). If you're a man who rapes women, you should be raped. If you're a man who kidnaps children you should be kidnapped and have unspeakable things done to you. As for those who participate in activities that involve looting, you should have something stolen from you. If you're that idiot on the video MarZutra just posted (grinding on a table- nasty) you should be given an instructional video on how to REALLY dance.

Then where are the so called black leaders to stand up and condem their communities instead of blaming everyone else?

I think imerica acknowledges there are very few if any...and just as some Jews do with Chaim ben Pesach...mute the curses but get the answers, she probably does the same with Farrakahn...mute the racism, but listen to the empowering positives (if any)...am I being accurate when i say that, Imerica?
What in the hell? NO, you're not accurate. I've been outspoken on Farrakhan's negativity as well as the other 'leaders'. Wow. I never said Farrakhan, Jackson and Sharpton weren't racists. In fact I've said on WAY too many ocasions that they are against whites and Jews. But I guess you didn't read any of that.

I want to make sure I'm not putting words in your mouth, but in the past you seemed to elaborate that although those three are racists, they have otherwise done good things for the community whether it was inspiration to be better black americans or to create centers to find jobs.  Is that what you meant?

I cleared that up last month on here and Youtube that although Sharpton and Farrakhan seem to be present during job openings they have nothing to do with them. So it changed my view. I don't like either of them. Even Jackson who is lesser of the three evils but still evil in my eyes. Satisfied?
Title: Re: Why I'm so "critical" of JTF
Post by: mord on May 28, 2007, 02:17:27 PM
This clown is a holocaust revisionist of lowest form  he qoutes from the an Israeli extreme fringe writer who's articles are posted on mark weber's site take a look at the prominent article by yair Kotler this guy is a revisionist


O.K. heres his question from yom Hazicharon

1. Have you heard of Yair Kotler's expose Heil Kahane? In the book, he seems to make a good case against Kahane based on his questioning of many people who have knew Kahane over the years. Why should we believe your account of Meir Kahane's character over Yair Kotler's? True you knew the man better than Kotler but Kotler gathered the perspectives of both friends and opponents of Kahane as opposed to you with your bias in favor of the man.

2. Part of the reason people believe the mainstream media over alternative media sources as yourself is because the mainstream media either cites sources or sends reporters to the scene. JTF does neither. So if you can't send reporters to the scene, could you at least cite sources? It would lend your viewpoints credibility since you happen to be a secondhand source of information. Thanks.
Now here are foot notes from mark 'gay' webers article

Heil Kahane (New York: Adama, 1986), by Israeli investigative journalist Yair Kotler
. Avishai Margalit, "The Violent Life of Yitzhak Shamir," The New York Review of Books, May 14, 1992, pp. 18-24.; Lenni Brenner, Zionism in the Age of the Dictators (1983), pp. 266-269.; L. Brenner, Jews in America Today (Lyle Stuart, 1986), pp. 175-177.; Sol Stern, L. Rapoport, "Israel's Man of the Shadows," Village Voice (New York), July 3, 1984, pp. 13 ff.; Israel Shahak, "Yitzhak Shamir, Then and Now," Middle East Policy, Vol. 1, No. 1, 1992.
R. Friedman, The False Prophet (1990), pp. 4, 61-63, 68, 78, 82.
Yair Kotler, Heil Kahane, pp. 27-29.; R. Friedman, The False Prophet, pp. 71-75.; J. Kifner, "Meir Kahane," The New York Times, Nov. 6, 1990, p. B 13.
R. Friedman, The False Prophet, pp. 85-98.
R. Friedman, The False Prophet, pp. 87, 105-108.
Y. Kotler, Heil Kahane (1986), pp. 46-51.; R. Friedman, The False Prophet,

It also mentions Robert Friedman a well known liar and someone who wrote a couple of article for the village voice BTW Friedman is not a Jew
Title: Re: Why I'm so "critical" of JTF
Post by: Bannedfan on May 28, 2007, 02:23:35 PM
not unless they kill others (I'm pro-death penalty). If you're a man who rapes women, you should be raped. If you're a man who kidnaps children you should be kidnapped and have unspeakable things done to you. As for those who participate in activities that involve looting, you should have something stolen from you. If you're that idiot on the video MarZutra just posted (grinding on a table- nasty) you should be given an instructional video on how to REALLY dance.
If you really agree with all of this, you should join us this instant.
Title: Re: Why I'm so "critical" of JTF
Post by: Dr. Dan on May 28, 2007, 02:27:00 PM
I have listened to about half of the ask jtf program this week and at one portion, Chaim hits the nail with the hammer.

None of this is about Kahane, chaim, etc etc etc etc...  It's the ideology...to not be a bunch of wimps. that Includes Jews as well as righteous people.  When we see evil, we need to speak up and cause fear in the hearts of evil people...

If you don't like chaim's cursings and rough and tough speak on certain groups...ignore those things and listen to what ideally works for you...Imerica...you agree that evil black culture needs to be stopped..so gain inspiration and find answers to your questions for certain evil black cultural behavior.

I agree that the negative black culture needs to be stopped , not that people need to be killed in order for it to be stopped.. not unless they kill others (I'm pro-death penalty). If you're a man who rapes women, you should be raped. If you're a man who kidnaps children you should be kidnapped and have unspeakable things done to you. As for those who participate in activities that involve looting, you should have something stolen from you. If you're that idiot on the video MarZutra just posted (grinding on a table- nasty) you should be given an instructional video on how to REALLY dance.

Then where are the so called black leaders to stand up and condem their communities instead of blaming everyone else?

I think imerica acknowledges there are very few if any...and just as some Jews do with Chaim ben Pesach...mute the curses but get the answers, she probably does the same with Farrakahn...mute the racism, but listen to the empowering positives (if any)...am I being accurate when i say that, Imerica?
What in the hell? NO, you're not accurate. I've been outspoken on Farrakhan's negativity as well as the other 'leaders'. Wow. I never said Farrakhan, Jackson and Sharpton weren't racists. In fact I've said on WAY too many ocasions that they are against whites and Jews. But I guess you didn't read any of that.

I want to make sure I'm not putting words in your mouth, but in the past you seemed to elaborate that although those three are racists, they have otherwise done good things for the community whether it was inspiration to be better black americans or to create centers to find jobs.  Is that what you meant?

I cleared that up last month on here and Youtube that although Sharpton and Farrakhan seem to be present during job openings they have nothing to do with them. So it changed my view. I don't like either of them. Even Jackson who is lesser of the three evils but still evil in my eyes. Satisfied?

just was looking for a clarification.
Title: Re: Why I'm so "critical" of JTF
Post by: Hidden Author on May 28, 2007, 02:28:46 PM
Hidden Author, your attempts at "dialogue" with Chaim sound just like the rantings of Pat Buchanan and Helen Thomas.   

Now just out of curiosity, what do you agree with Chaim about?  It doesn't sound like much, judging by the tone and content of your questions. 

I agree with Chaim about the evil of Islam and Mohammed. I agree with Chaim about the injustice of affirmative action. I agree with Chaim about the absurdity of trying to bring democracy to the Muslims of Iraq.

I disagree with Chaim about the evil of Christian Arabs in the Holy Land. I disagree with Chaim about referring to black people as monkeys (this reduces the movement's chance of success to a probability of virtually zero).

I made the "homosexual reference" because you guys are miffed that I do not suck up to Chaim. This "homosexual reference" is no more graphic that Chaim's comments about Bush and the NWO guys putting their noses up Arab tuchises!
Title: Re: Why I'm so "critical" of JTF
Post by: Dr. Dan on May 28, 2007, 02:31:56 PM
Hidden Author, your attempts at "dialogue" with Chaim sound just like the rantings of Pat Buchanan and Helen Thomas.   

Now just out of curiosity, what do you agree with Chaim about?  It doesn't sound like much, judging by the tone and content of your questions. 

I agree with Chaim about the evil of Islam and Mohammed. I agree with Chaim about the injustice of affirmative action. I agree with Chaim about the absurdity of trying to bring democracy to the Muslims of Iraq.

I disagree with Chaim about the evil of Christian Arabs in the Holy Land. I disagree with Chaim about referring to black people as monkeys (this reduces the movement's chance of success to a probability of virtually zero).

I made the "homosexual reference" because you guys are miffed that I do not suck up to Chaim. This "homosexual reference" is no more graphic that Chaim's comments about Bush and the NWO guys putting their noses up Arab tuchises!

ummm, i don't know about that...Oral sex of two males and smelling someone's backside..two different things.... ;D ::)
Title: Re: Why I'm so "critical" of JTF
Post by: mord on May 28, 2007, 02:32:06 PM
This guy is not a Leftist he is a Revisionist
Title: Re: Why I'm so "critical" of JTF
Post by: Bannedfan on May 28, 2007, 02:38:12 PM
I disagree with Chaim about the evil of Christian Arabs in the Holy Land. I disagree with Chaim about referring to black people as monkeys (this reduces the movement's chance of success to a probability of virtually zero).

I made the "homosexual reference" because you guys are miffed that I do not suck up to Chaim. This "homosexual reference" is no more graphic that Chaim's comments about Bush and the NWO guys putting their noses up Arab tuchises!
You are an idiot, a loser, a moron, a probable Holocaust-denier, and, with your latest gem, a probable flaming homosexual. No straight person is going to just make fellatio references to another male like that in regards to themself, no matter how much they do not like them. You are profoundly deluded if you consider a comment about westerners kissing Arab butt (which is a common figure of speech in the English language and is never meant literally) to be on a par with your apparent desire to have sex with Chaim.

Mods, it's time we ban this queer.
Title: Re: Why I'm so "critical" of JTF
Post by: Imerica on May 28, 2007, 02:42:30 PM
not unless they kill others (I'm pro-death penalty). If you're a man who rapes women, you should be raped. If you're a man who kidnaps children you should be kidnapped and have unspeakable things done to you. As for those who participate in activities that involve looting, you should have something stolen from you. If you're that idiot on the video MarZutra just posted (grinding on a table- nasty) you should be given an instructional video on how to REALLY dance.
If you really agree with all of this, you should join us this instant.
I couldn't express this more strongly: I've been raised already. I don't need to be told how, when and who to fight. I'll continue to fight the negativity by being aware and teaching my children how to behave better. If you're into the dirty fighting.. go right ahead.
Title: Re: Why I'm so "critical" of JTF
Post by: mord on May 28, 2007, 02:43:53 PM
More proof read about mark weber


Mark Weber is Director of the Institute for Historical Review, an independent “think tank” and publishing-educational enterprise based in southern California.

He was born on October 9, 1951, in Portland, Oregon, where he was also raised. He studied history at the University of Illinois (Chicago), the University of Munich (Germany), and Portland State University, from where he received a bachelor's degree in history (with high honors). He then did graduate work in history at Indiana University (Bloomington), where he served as a history instructor and received a Master's degree in European history in 1977.

During the five years he lived in Washington, DC (1978-1983), he carried out extensive historical research at the National Archives and the Library of Congress. Weber is the author of many articles, reviews, and essays dealing with historical, political, and social issues, which have appeared in a variety of periodicals, and in a range of languages.

In March 1988, he testified for five days in Toronto District Court as a recognized expert witness on Germany's wartime Jewish policy and the Holocaust issue.

Weber has been a guest on numerous radio talk shows, and has appeared many times on television, including on the nationally broadcast “Hannity and Colmes” and “Montel Williams" shows. Millions of Americans saw and heard him speak about the Holocaust issue on an edition of the CBS network television program "60 Minutes." He has conducted countless interviews with television, radio and print journalists from across the United States, and from Britain, Germany, Sweden, Lebanon, Iran, South Africa, and other countries.

He lived and worked for two and one-half years in Germany (Bonn and Munich), and for a time in Ghana (West Africa), where he taught English, history, and geography at an all-Black secondary school.
He moved to southern California in early 1991 to work for the IHR. He was the editor of the IHR's Journal of Historical Review from April 1992 to December 2000. He has been Director of the IHR since 1995.

Now an ips from California and  he's pro african which i don'nt care either way.Just the point he objected to anti black views

Title: Mord, can you prove your allegations against me?
Post by: Hidden Author on May 28, 2007, 05:14:42 PM
Can anyone else? Am I not allowed to disagree with Chaim? I happen to be have done a paper on Religious Zionism in Israel for one of the college classes in which I am a student. Heil Kahane by Yair Kotler is rather prominent amongst the literature on the role of Kahane. It may be because of media bias against Kahane but still Heil Kahane is one of the few books on Kahane. Now you can call me names but that will show a lack of intelligence. A truly intelligent person will try to refute me or even better accept that some people (such as myself) don't bow down to Chaim and will ask critical questions as a result!
Title: Re: Mord, can you prove your allegations against me?
Post by: Daniel on May 28, 2007, 05:24:26 PM
Can anyone else? Am I not allowed to disagree with Chaim? I happen to be have done a paper on Religious Zionism in Israel for one of my college students. Heil Kahane by Yair Kotler is rather prominent amongst the literature on the role of Kahane. It may be because of media bias against Kahane but still Heil Kahane is one of the few books on Kahane. Now you can call me names but that will show a lack of intelligence. A truly intelligent person will try to refute me or even better accept that some people (such as myself) don't bow down to Chaim and will ask critical questions as a result!

Sure, you can ask the critical questions and you don't need to kiss his [censored]. You just can't not suck his you know what or anything else that will get the homophobes on here up in arms  :laugh:
Title: Re: Why I'm so "critical" of JTF
Post by: ftf on May 28, 2007, 05:27:26 PM
I don't think anyone here is afraid of homosexuality, we just recognise that it is evil.

Of course the word homophobe is a total nonsense, homo is greak for same, phobe is from the greak phobia, fear, therefore homophobe means "same fear"...
Title: Re: Why I'm so "critical" of JTF
Post by: Daniel on May 28, 2007, 05:33:10 PM
I don't think anyone here is afraid of homosexuality, we just recognise that it is evil.

Of course the word homophobe is a total nonsense, homo is greak for same, phobe is from the greak phobia, fear, therefore homophobe means "same fear"...

All right, fine, gay-basher then!

You remind me of this friend I had who said, "You call me homophobe. But I'm not a homophobe since phobia means fear. And I'm not afraid of them. I'll kick their ass!" And he was being serious.
Title: Re: Why I'm so "critical" of JTF
Post by: ftf on May 28, 2007, 05:37:26 PM
"gay-basher", that would be one who bashes "gays" now as gay is really a word that means happy, that would mean one who bashes happy people, which may actually be an accurate description of me, as at Judo I do "bash" some people into the floor, and most people who do Judo enjoy, and are therefore happy while doing it...

I don't on the other hand "bash" homosexuals. I just say that what they are doing is evil.
Title: Re: Why I'm so "critical" of JTF
Post by: Lisa on May 28, 2007, 05:40:18 PM
I agree with Chaim about the evil of Islam and Mohammed. I agree with Chaim about the injustice of affirmative action. I agree with Chaim about the absurdity of trying to bring democracy to the Muslims of Iraq.

I disagree with Chaim about the evil of Christian Arabs in the Holy Land. I disagree with Chaim about referring to black people as monkeys (this reduces the movement's chance of success to a probability of virtually zero).

It sounds like you're one of those so-called "Christian" Arab trolls who identifies racially, politically and socially with the moosies.  No one with half a brain in his head who believes in the evils of Islam would ever ask Chaim about Israel's use of "disproportionate" force, which you did a few weeks ago. 

So either come clean or I'll ban you myself, after everyone here flames the snot out of you!
Title: Re: Why I'm so "critical" of JTF
Post by: ftf on May 28, 2007, 05:41:46 PM
I have to agree, Israel did employ disproportionate force, disproportionately small force.
Title: Re: Why I'm so "critical" of JTF
Post by: Hidden Author on May 28, 2007, 06:18:21 PM
I agree with Chaim about the evil of Islam and Mohammed. I agree with Chaim about the injustice of affirmative action. I agree with Chaim about the absurdity of trying to bring democracy to the Muslims of Iraq.

I disagree with Chaim about the evil of Christian Arabs in the Holy Land. I disagree with Chaim about referring to black people as monkeys (this reduces the movement's chance of success to a probability of virtually zero).

It sounds like you're one of those so-called "Christian" Arab trolls who identifies racially, politically and socially with the moosies.  No one with half a brain in his head who believes in the evils of Islam would ever ask Chaim about Israel's use of "disproportionate" force, which you did a few weeks ago. 

So either come clean or I'll ban you myself, after everyone here flames the snot out of you!

I recognize that certain dangers may prompt Israel to use a high degree of military force; what stumped me was that he denied that a high degree of military force was in fact used! Especially since everyone in the ground over there said so.

As for banning me...If you want to ban for disagreeing with Chaim, then ask Chaim about it. If he feels that my questioning is powerful enough to destroy his reputation, then by all means let him assert his authority--after all, this is the JTF Forum. But otherwise, you should let me be here--after all, even your beloved Chaim sees me as an asset. "How is Hidden Author an asset?" you ask. If you listen to the Ask JTF shows all the time, you'll notice that he uses me as an example of how tolerant and open to criticism and dialogue JTF is. And if you ban me without Chaim's explicit approval, then your action will contradict Chaim's words!
Title: Re: Why I'm so "critical" of JTF
Post by: Imerica on May 28, 2007, 06:25:12 PM
I agree with Chaim about the evil of Islam and Mohammed. I agree with Chaim about the injustice of affirmative action. I agree with Chaim about the absurdity of trying to bring democracy to the Muslims of Iraq.

I disagree with Chaim about the evil of Christian Arabs in the Holy Land. I disagree with Chaim about referring to black people as monkeys (this reduces the movement's chance of success to a probability of virtually zero).

It sounds like you're one of those so-called "Christian" Arab trolls who identifies racially, politically and socially with the moosies.  No one with half a brain in his head who believes in the evils of Islam would ever ask Chaim about Israel's use of "disproportionate" force, which you did a few weeks ago. 

So either come clean or I'll ban you myself, after everyone here flames the snot out of you!

I recognize that certain dangers may prompt Israel to use a high degree of military force; what stumped me was that he denied that a high degree of military force was in fact used! Especially since everyone in the ground over there said so.

As for banning me...If you want to ban for disagreeing with Chaim, then ask Chaim about it. If he feels that my questioning is powerful enough to destroy his reputation, then by all means let him assert his authority--after all, this is the JTF Forum. But otherwise, you should let me be here--after all, even your beloved Chaim sees me as an asset. "How is Hidden Author an asset?" you ask. If you listen to the Ask JTF shows all the time, you'll notice that he uses me as an example of how tolerant and open to criticism and dialogue JTF is. And if you ban me without Chaim's explicit approval, then your action will contradict Chaim's words!
Hidden, you are so right!

Are we expected to agree with each and every point made here by JTF'ers? If so, where is that individuality thing supposed to come in at? At what point do we stand up for our own beliefs instead of living a cookie-cutter life?
Title: Re: Why I'm so "critical" of JTF
Post by: Dr. Dan on May 28, 2007, 06:36:34 PM
I agree with Chaim about the evil of Islam and Mohammed. I agree with Chaim about the injustice of affirmative action. I agree with Chaim about the absurdity of trying to bring democracy to the Muslims of Iraq.

I disagree with Chaim about the evil of Christian Arabs in the Holy Land. I disagree with Chaim about referring to black people as monkeys (this reduces the movement's chance of success to a probability of virtually zero).

It sounds like you're one of those so-called "Christian" Arab trolls who identifies racially, politically and socially with the moosies.  No one with half a brain in his head who believes in the evils of Islam would ever ask Chaim about Israel's use of "disproportionate" force, which you did a few weeks ago. 

So either come clean or I'll ban you myself, after everyone here flames the snot out of you!

I recognize that certain dangers may prompt Israel to use a high degree of military force; what stumped me was that he denied that a high degree of military force was in fact used! Especially since everyone in the ground over there said so.

As for banning me...If you want to ban for disagreeing with Chaim, then ask Chaim about it. If he feels that my questioning is powerful enough to destroy his reputation, then by all means let him assert his authority--after all, this is the JTF Forum. But otherwise, you should let me be here--after all, even your beloved Chaim sees me as an asset. "How is Hidden Author an asset?" you ask. If you listen to the Ask JTF shows all the time, you'll notice that he uses me as an example of how tolerant and open to criticism and dialogue JTF is. And if you ban me without Chaim's explicit approval, then your action will contradict Chaim's words!

Hidden Author..I'm not sure if it was you or Goldman that I called an idiot...

However, you attempt to use logic in your arguments to disprove Chaim..but you don't seem to have any logic of your own to prove your point of view to be correct...this method of "dialogue", in my eyes, does make you look like an idiot. 

Imerica on the other hand, has logic to her opinions...I agree that she has a good heart and good intentions..I just disagree wtih her logic...

But you...you just bash in an intellectual way.  Why don't you give us your opinions about how Israel ought to defend herself by ?
Title: Re: Why I'm so "critical" of JTF
Post by: Lisa on May 28, 2007, 06:40:33 PM
I recognize that certain dangers may prompt Israel to use a high degree of military force; what stumped me was that he denied that a high degree of military force was in fact used! Especially since everyone in the ground over there said so.

Oh please!  The mainstream media always frets about Israel using "excessive" or "disproportionate" force.  Chaim probably denied it because he takes what the MSM says with a grain of salt.  The fact is, not enough force was used, as the soldiers are still missing and Hezbollah is as powerful as ever. 

As for banning me...If you want to ban for disagreeing with Chaim, then ask Chaim about it. If he feels that my questioning is powerful enough to destroy his reputation, then by all means let him assert his authority--after all, this is the JTF Forum. But otherwise, you should let me be here--after all, even your beloved Chaim sees me as an asset. "How is Hidden Author an asset?" you ask. If you listen to the Ask JTF shows all the time, you'll notice that he uses me as an example of how tolerant and open to criticism and dialogue JTF is. And if you ban me without Chaim's explicit approval, then your action will contradict Chaim's words!

Again, spare me!  People here have disagreed with Chaim.  But they do so respectfully.  They don't barge in here like a cross between Pat Buchanan and Helen Thomas, demanding to know why Israel does not kowtow to "world opinion" more than she already is doing.   

And personally, I don't want to ban you just yet.  I prefer arguing first.   
Title: Re: Why I'm so "critical" of JTF
Post by: mord on May 28, 2007, 06:48:05 PM
Christians that aren'nt afraid to speak out in the mid-east or lived there and left  http://search.yahoo.com/search?p=christian+girls+raped+in+bethlehem&fr=yfp-t-501&toggle=1&cop=mss&ei=UTF-8
Title: Re: Why I'm so "critical" of JTF
Post by: jazzloversinc on May 28, 2007, 07:23:39 PM
I was hoping Israel would FINALLY fling a nuke over there.  I was shocked and dismayed on how the world turned Israel into the villian in that last exchange with the muslims.  I can only say..the arabs have bought stock in everything ..especially the media.  BEWARE of George Soros...a jew himself who is heck bent on destroying the USA. 
Title: Re: Why I'm so "critical" of JTF
Post by: mord on May 28, 2007, 07:25:26 PM
Yes we have plenty on here about soros and his crimes against humanity
Title: Re: Mord, can you prove your allegations against me?
Post by: Bannedfan on May 28, 2007, 07:47:27 PM
Can anyone else? Am I not allowed to disagree with Chaim? I happen to be have done a paper on Religious Zionism in Israel for one of my college students. Heil Kahane by Yair Kotler is rather prominent amongst the literature on the role of Kahane. It may be because of media bias against Kahane but still Heil Kahane is one of the few books on Kahane. Now you can call me names but that will show a lack of intelligence. A truly intelligent person will try to refute me or even better accept that some people (such as myself) don't bow down to Chaim and will ask critical questions as a result!
You, my friend, are a Zundelist retard. Don't think your pseudo-intelligent words can save you now. You already made your point very clear--that you want to have a sodomy session with Chaim. You are a sick bastard and I suspect your time on this forum is very limited.
Title: Re: Why I'm so "critical" of JTF
Post by: Bannedfan on May 28, 2007, 07:49:32 PM
As for banning me...If you want to ban for disagreeing with Chaim, then ask Chaim about it. If he feels that my questioning is powerful enough to destroy his reputation, then by all means let him assert his authority--after all, this is the JTF Forum. But otherwise, you should let me be here--after all, even your beloved Chaim sees me as an asset. "How is Hidden Author an asset?" you ask. If you listen to the Ask JTF shows all the time, you'll notice that he uses me as an example of how tolerant and open to criticism and dialogue JTF is. And if you ban me without Chaim's explicit approval, then your action will contradict Chaim's words!
No, dumbarse, we want to ban you for professing your desire to have sex with Chaim.
Title: Re: Why I'm so "critical" of JTF
Post by: mord on May 28, 2007, 07:51:21 PM
most nazi types are queers
Title: Re: Why I'm so "critical" of JTF
Post by: DownwithIslam on May 28, 2007, 10:20:27 PM
Hidden Author, with all the Muslim Nazi states unfortunately in existence, for you to be at all critical of Chaims agenda shows what a monster you are. I also don't agree with Chaim on everything but I always focus on what I do agree with which happens to be most things.  If you are only here to criticize and you don't want to help us become a mass movement, then why do you waist your time here at all? 
Title: Re: Why I'm so "critical" of JTF
Post by: Hidden Author on May 29, 2007, 02:39:59 AM
Can any of you prove your allegations against me about how I am supposedly a Holocaust-denier, a homosexual or a monster? Most Americans are moderates i.e. they think more like me than like you--are they also Holocaust-deniers, homosexuals and monsters?
Title: Re: Why I'm so "critical" of JTF
Post by: Hidden Author on May 29, 2007, 04:19:27 AM
Hidden Author,

Obsense comments of a sexual nature can get you banned.

But Chaim talks about Bush putting his nose up Arab rears! At any rate, calling me a Holocaust denier, a homosexual and a monster are as obscene or more than anything I've said--will you also ban the people who make such libels?
Title: Re: Why I'm so "critical" of JTF
Post by: Sarah on May 29, 2007, 10:51:30 AM
I think this is blowing completely out of proportion on hidden authors behalf. From what i'm reading Hidden made a metaphorical comment be it evil or good, MANY PEOPLE seemed to have selected that sentence only to comment on......it seems to have grabbed your attention so much that you are thinking about it just as much. Just drop it, leave it...otherwise you're participating in the badness of it all trying to announce and spread it further!!

And i support Hidden merely because he wants "dialogue" and that is a sense of self independence and thinking. With a man like Chaim, anyone would like to debate or disagree with him partially because you get a clearer picture and understanding when he replies!

If he called one of you a homosexual.....or monster then you'd be the slightest bit offended im sure. So if you want respect or support then you better earn it because trashing people in favour of JTF isn't going to make the world a better place.
Title: Re: Why I'm so "critical" of JTF
Post by: Lisa on May 29, 2007, 11:28:51 AM
My problem with our troll is that he comes here spouting left wing propaganda without explaining where he's coming from, or why he's asking such questions. 

Others have disagreed with Chaim on certain issues, but they've always done so politely -- not the case with Hidden Author. 

Also, Hidden Author says he/she agrees with Chaim about the threat of Islamism, but I'm not sensing any kind of agreement whatsoever in his questions or other posts.  All I sense is opposition and derision. 
Title: Re: Why I'm so "critical" of JTF
Post by: Shlomo on May 29, 2007, 11:30:31 AM
I know I seem critical of JTF but the truth is that I'm trying to have a dialogue with JTF rather than accept a monologue from JTF. After all, I can truthfully say (or at least I hope I can truthfully say) that you guys don't expect me to go down and suck Chaim's...you get the idea.

Hidden Author, this is a religious forum. Please keep this kind of comment to yourself.