General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: edu on November 07, 2010, 11:02:26 PM
While in the past the USA has played a good role in the redemption process, such as improving freedom and civil rights for oppressed Jews and helping them against the Nazis in World War II and in the vote to establish the state of Israel in the UN, in later years in many areas the USA has been more of a minus for Israel than a plus.
1 It pressures Israel to make suicidal peace deals
2 Gives more arms and aid to the Arab enemies than to Israel {better it give nothing to either side, or if they give to Israel, it should be as reparations for "peace deal damage" and not as aid}
3 It is a source for warped moral values, such as, homosexuality, etc.
4 Its irresponsible economic policies threaten to seriously damage the whole world economy
5 It encourages Israel to look to the USA as their savior as oppose to trying to solve the problems themselves and to depend on G-d.
Given these problems, would it be better for Israel to have, the USA split up to 50 separate countries, or do you believe, that a split USA might even be worse for Israel?
It would be better if obama dropped dead.
All nations can not be trusted not to turn against Israel. There will be righteous people in most of them, that will not agree, but I don't think that Israel has any permanent ally but God.
I voted a split is bad for Israel. Actally I think it would be good if it forcedIsrael to act like it was not part of the US looking for the love of the gentile [annex all of the 'territories' and eliminate Muslim threats, unconventinally if needed; no consultation w/ anyone esp. galut Jews].
While in the past the USA has played a good role in the redemption process, such as improving freedom and civil rights for oppressed Jews and helping them against the Nazis in World War II and in the vote to establish the state of Israel in the UN, in later years in many areas the USA has been more of a minus for Israel than a plus.
1 It pressures Israel to make suicidal peace deals
2 Gives more arms and aid to the Arab enemies than to Israel {better it give nothing to either side, or if they give to Israel, it should be as reparations for "peace deal damage" and not as aid}
3 It is a source for warped moral values, such as, homosexuality, etc.
4 Its irresponsible economic policies threaten to seriously damage the whole world economy
5 It encourages Israel to look to the USA as their savior as oppose to trying to solve the problems themselves and to depend on G-d.
Given these problems, would it be better for Israel to have, the USA split up to 50 separate countries, or do you believe, that a split USA might even be worse for Israel?
On points 1, 2 and 5 : you should blame Israeli Jews and their persistent Galut mentality instead of America. America acts like every other nation, i.e. it pursues its own interests. The problem is not America, the problem is that, after thousands of years of exile and persecution, many Jews suffer from a mental disease that consists in feeling they have to ask Gentiles for permission instead of acting normally like any other people sovereign in its own land.
Your points 3 and 4 reflect primitive anti-american thinking because you are blaming America for things that it cannot be held accountable for, at least not more than many other nations in the world, including Israel.
yaakov mendel writes:
On points 1, 2 and 5 : you should blame Israeli Jews and their persistent Galut mentality instead of America. America acts like every other nation, i.e. it pursues its own interests. The problem is not America, the problem is that, after thousands of years of exile and persecution, many Jews suffer from a mental disease that consists in feeling they have to ask Gentiles for permission instead of acting normally like any other people sovereign in its own land.
Your points 3 and 4 reflect primitive anti-american thinking because you are blaming America for things that it cannot be held accountable for, at least not more than many other nations in the world, including Israel.
Of course its true that weak and to some extent evil leadership in Israel makes it bad for the Jews. However, that doesn't make America blameless for its aid to evil.
To make an analogy, let's say someone does things that are dangerous to his health and becomes sick. He might be to blame, but we also try to change, the environment around that person, to make his recovery as easy and comfortable as possible.
As far as point 4, let me explain myself. When Giant Loan companies for example, were about to go bankrupt, due to their irresponsible decisions, congress felt compelled to intervene, thinking that "they were too big to fall" without destroying the economy. If that's true for the Giant Loan companies even more so for the country as a whole. Given Obama's lending binge shouldn't we also, be looking for ways to overcome Obama's too big to fall /fail policies?
It will not change anything. It will cause just more anti jewish propaganda and another pointless blame for separation. Guess who will be the target :::D. Same old story, just like with politics.
It won't be long until the Muslim Nazis start wanting independent states over here. The area around Michigan will probably be the first.
The idea that America could break up into separate states is fanciful. I can't see this happen soon. The US is not the former Yugoslavia or the former USSR. National unity is much stronger. The states of the USA have no desire to break away.
I can't see any good ground for thinking that it could benefit Israel nor any other Western country anyway. Those who would rejoice would be the Muslims. The Europeans are weak, it would be madness to rely on them to defeat Djihad if America falls. Israel is not big enough to save the Western world on its own. America, IF properly governed, is still by far the best bulwark of Western civilization. That is why Muslims hate America so much. What we need is certainly not to weaken America, on the contrary we need America to be as strong as possible against Islam. What we need first is to get rid of Obama.
If only the South has won the civil war, the sixteenth amendment would have never passed. The North had implemented the income tax for the first time once the south seceded.
If the current course that America is taking on world issues continues I foresee that America will break up within the next 50 years. There are many issues which are tugging at the American public which causes the desire to succeed from the Union. Sometimes I hear talk about California succeeding from the Union, other times I hear about Texas succeeding. America is nowhere near monolithic and the unity is quickly dissipating.
I think the federal government is too big and powerful, I would support a neo Confederate States Of America with the constitution intact. This federal government is not friendly towards Jews.
The idea that America could break up into separate states is fanciful. I can't see this happen soon. The US is not the former Yugoslavia or the former USSR. National unity is much stronger. The states of the USA have no desire to break away.
I can't see any good ground for thinking that it could benefit Israel nor any other Western country anyway. Those who would rejoice would be the Muslims. The Europeans are weak, it would be madness to rely on them to defeat Djihad if America falls. Israel is not big enough to save the Western world on its own. America, IF properly governed, is still by far the best bulwark of Western civilization. That is why Muslims hate America so much. What we need is certainly not to weaken America, on the contrary we need America to be as strong as possible against Islam. What we need first is to get rid of Obama.
If you could only see what it is like elsewhere in the US, many of the people and states want to break away.
Don't tempt Obama. Although, he would never do anything to help us. btw Because of the moron in the Honkey House, I call our country the USSA.
The idea that America could break up into separate states is fanciful. I can't see this happen soon. The US is not the former Yugoslavia or the former USSR. National unity is much stronger. The states of the USA have no desire to break away.
I can't see any good ground for thinking that it could benefit Israel nor any other Western country anyway. Those who would rejoice would be the Muslims. The Europeans are weak, it would be madness to rely on them to defeat Djihad if America falls. Israel is not big enough to save the Western world on its own. America, IF properly governed, is still by far the best bulwark of Western civilization. That is why Muslims hate America so much. What we need is certainly not to weaken America, on the contrary we need America to be as strong as possible against Islam. What we need first is to get rid of Obama.
If you could only see what it is like elsewhere in the US, many of the people and states want to break away.
It's interesting because it's not at all the prevalent perception in Europe. I mean, we sometimes hear about the disputes and tensions with the the federal state, but a vast majority of Europeans are far from suspecting that there is a a will to break away in many states.
I think the federal government is too big and powerful, I would support a neo Confederate States Of America with the constitution intact. This federal government is not friendly towards Jews.
Aren't you afraid that dissolving the Union would weaken the power of America on the international stage and its ability to conduct a foreign policy ?
Also, could you explain why the federal government is "not friendly" towards Jews and what you mean by that ? (I'm curious, no controversy intended).
yaakov mendel asks:
Aren't you afraid that dissolving the Union would weaken the power of America on the international stage and its ability to conduct a foreign policy ?
What foreign policy are you trying to protect?
yaakov mendel asks:
Aren't you afraid that dissolving the Union would weaken the power of America on the international stage and its ability to conduct a foreign policy ?
What foreign policy are you trying to protect?
Not a particular foreign policy, but the ability to conduct a foreign policy in general.
Any split in the US would mean there will lesser countries in place of what was once the US. The balance of power in the world would be greatly upset, and despotic countries would feel free to become more agressive. Most of all the ideals of what made America great would be lost without the existence of the US.
With that said, we in this country are bringing about the split. First off we are letting in illegal immigrants who have zero loyalty to this country, and we are letting them stay here. We have blacks who hate the guts of the US, who feel they can possibly take over the country and set up a new black America in it's place. We have self hating Jews who are promoting the destruction of America and Israel by standing up for the enemies of these countries. We have self hating whites, especially the young ones, supporting Obama and all the left winged anti America agendas. Then we have on the other side true Americans composed of self respecting whites, Jews, and even some right winged Hispanics and blacks. So as you can see lines are being drawn and if the right doesn't take control in America and Israel, you will have civil war and a spliting of great nations into lesser nations.
As for people disloyal to America and Israel, like Chaim said they should be encouraged to leave. After the Revolutionary War, there were some Americans who were still loyal to England. America was thier home but they felt the US had no right to exist as a seperate nation and that she was the property of England. Those loyalist were told to leave the US and live in England because the Founding Fathers felt that it was destructive to have people like that living in your country. The same can be said today.
I think it would be better if you were split up into five parts.
I go for "it won't make a difference". I believe that it will not matter for the USA in current situation. However for my country Israel, it could go from already bad situation to worse scenario possible, and not only in the matter of anti Israel propaganda.
Don`t forget about future "mass deportation" of people who don`t know Torah (according to words of kahan was right)."Mass deportation" will cause a mass language barrier and alot of "friend smacking". In order to create balance between the two, you must always disagree and vote for other option in the poll.In addition you must remember that English is not my mother language and you always so much "above" me due to language barrier.
and not only in the matter of anti Israel propaganda.
How is that bad? Demonizing Nazi propaganda makes people think that we're not weak, pathetic and self-hating as we really are.
No, but it would be better to remove all illegal aliens, people who support them, Muslims, and evil white and black people from the United States and move them to either Africa, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, or Antarctica.
and not only in the matter of anti Israel propaganda.
How is that bad? Demonizing Nazi propaganda makes people think that we're not weak, pathetic and self-hating as we really are.
Well maybe is who you are, not me. Or you address yourself as "we" because it is your habit or something?
Wow!!!! Another big word he learned. I said quite the opposite. If you suffering from my language barrier i think you should move to someone with your "speed". You know, someone of your "high level".
It would be better if obama dropped dead.
One of our(Serbian) ex-intelligence agents(Jugoslav Petusic) said that one black man is going to win presidential elections in USA and that he is going to be killed.
He said that about 3 years ago.
He worked for French ,Israeli ,USA intelligence and stopped being active after the war in ex-YU.
It would be great if there could be a country where righteous non Jews could live they wouldn't have to live there only if they wanted