Save Western Civilization => Save America => Topic started by: cosmokramer on June 05, 2007, 04:27:50 AM

Title: Almost robbed today.
Post by: cosmokramer on June 05, 2007, 04:27:50 AM
Well, I work as a security guard in downtown Seattle, Wa. On my way to work a schvartze walks up to me and try to rip my mobile phone off my belt. Typical beast, gold chains, dressed in a silk shirt, probably a drug dealer. Unlucky for him I was not so moderate that day and was in a bad mood. I pushed him back against a wall and spit at him. Then he gave me "Oh I was trying to ask you for directions bro, dont trip, dont trip homie." he then backed away and I kept yelling. I did tell him this is not Africa, this is the US. He backed away, looking like he was going to cry. I tell you this country is turning into Zimbabwe. And whats with these people trying to rob you and they have a grand potruding out of their pocket?

No offense Imerica. But our race is screwed.
Title: Re: Almost robbed today.
Post by: Allen-T on June 05, 2007, 05:50:45 AM
Well, I work as a security guard in downtown Seattle, Wa. On my way to work a schvartze walks up to me and try to rip my mobile phone off my belt. Typical beast, gold chains, dressed in a silk shirt, probably a drug dealer. Unlucky for him I was not so moderate that day and was in a bad mood. I pushed him back against a wall and spit at him. Then he gave me "Oh I was trying to ask you for directions bro, dont trip, dont trip homie." he then backed away and I kept yelling. I did tell him this is not Africa, this is the US. He backed away, looking like he was going to cry. I tell you this country is turning into Zimbabwe. And whats with these people trying to rob you and they have a grand potruding out of their pocket?

No offense Imerica. But our race is screwed.

Spitting in a savages face is more degrading than blasting him with a fist or kick, and probably still legal. Listen to this. Some years ago there was a spree of robberies in Queens of automobile computers. They are these square boxes that are usually tucked behind the passenger front side foot area side panel. After 2 got stolen from me, I re-rigged the wiring so it ran into the glove box and took it in at night. Then my car was broken into again. So I got an old computer from my boss with the intention of gluing razor blades around the edge so the next beast that tried to steal it would lose fingers. Fantastic, right? Wrong, being a civil rights leader I decided to check with the authorities first and they told me that if I did that I'd be arrested!!!! Can you believe this?   
Title: Re: Almost robbed today.
Post by: TheCoon on June 05, 2007, 07:07:37 AM
God forbid you try to defend your private property from some savage.
Title: Re: Almost robbed today.
Post by: nessuno on June 05, 2007, 09:46:13 AM
Well, I work as a security guard in downtown Seattle, Wa. On my way to work a schvartze walks up to me and try to rip my mobile phone off my belt. Typical beast, gold chains, dressed in a silk shirt, probably a drug dealer. Unlucky for him I was not so moderate that day and was in a bad mood. I pushed him back against a wall and spit at him. Then he gave me "Oh I was trying to ask you for directions bro, dont trip, dont trip homie." he then backed away and I kept yelling. I did tell him this is not Africa, this is the US. He backed away, looking like he was going to cry. I tell you this country is turning into Zimbabwe. And whats with these people trying to rob you and they have a grand potruding out of their pocket?

No offense Imerica. But our race is screwed.

Spitting in a savages face is more degrading than blasting him with a fist or kick, and probably still legal. Listen to this. Some years ago there was a spree of robberies in Queens of automobile computers. They are these square boxes that are usually tucked behind the passenger front side foot area side panel. After 2 got stolen from me, I re-rigged the wiring so it ran into the glove box and took it in at night. Then my car was broken into again. So I got an old computer from my boss with the intention of gluing razor blades around the edge so the next beast that tried to steal it would lose fingers. Fantastic, right? Wrong, being a civil rights leader I decided to check with the authorities first and they told me that if I did that I'd be arrested!!!! Can you believe this?   
My husband had the computer stolen out of his Astrovan - in Flushing quite a few years ago.
I remember how we had to waste the whole day - I drove in from where we live with an expired inspection sticker on my window ( I didn't realize).  A group of cops drove by us in a van and one wanted to give me a ticket. My husband freaked out and was yelling at them about being robbed. They then just politely reminded me to have my car inspected and drove away.  ;D
After that experience I can understand  why you would want to glue razor blades around a dummy computer brain.  
Too bad you are such a good civil rights leader - I would have liked to hear about somebody getting a little retribution.  ;)
Title: Re: Almost robbed today.
Post by: MasterWolf1 on June 05, 2007, 06:48:51 PM
This is why good decent people should learn to be armed and learn how to defend themselves including self defense classes.  AND THIS GOES  to women too.
Title: Re: Almost robbed today.
Post by: nessuno on June 05, 2007, 07:19:44 PM
This is why good decent people should learn to be armed and learn how to defend themselves including self defense classes.  AND THIS GOES  to women too.
True - I always think about doing both.  I haven't yet though.
Title: Re: Almost robbed today.
Post by: tonythetiger on June 09, 2007, 07:55:35 PM
Exactly, women should AT LEAST have a can of pepper spray or a stun gun, know a couple of martial techniques, and always look over their shoulders. You never know. The common folk can not afford bodyguards or gated communities, like the liberal hypocrites that support the criminals.
Title: Re: Almost robbed today.
Post by: fjack on June 11, 2007, 07:06:36 AM
Blacks are unfit to live in a civilized society. We must either support them or fence them in on reservations where they can rob, rape and kill each other. We can also send the liberals who love them so much, self haters and the rest of the white trash that imitate negriod and mexican behavior. This may be the only answer. If this doesn't work that a more drastic and permanent solution to this problem must be planned and implimented.
Title: Re: Almost robbed today.
Post by: Imerica on June 12, 2007, 10:37:40 AM
Exactly, women should AT LEAST have a can of pepper spray or a stun gun, know a couple of martial techniques, and always look over their shoulders. You never know. The common folk can not afford bodyguards or gated communities, like the liberal hypocrites that support the criminals.
I was thinking about taking a self-defense class while my husband is in Iraq. I have a lot of girls, plus  myself to protect. I have to get out of the comfort zone of knowing he'll be here all of the time physically to protect us. Tazers seem to be the weapon of choice nowadays with women.
Title: Re: Almost robbed today.
Post by: Manch on June 12, 2007, 09:23:32 PM
you should join and support NRA and practice with a firearm to be able to protect yourself and your family.
Best of luck to you and may G-d protect your husband and all US military personnel in this muslim scummy hell hole.

Exactly, women should AT LEAST have a can of pepper spray or a stun gun, know a couple of martial techniques, and always look over their shoulders. You never know. The common folk can not afford bodyguards or gated communities, like the liberal hypocrites that support the criminals.
I was thinking about taking a self-defense class while my husband is in Iraq. I have a lot of girls, plus  myself to protect. I have to get out of the comfort zone of knowing he'll be here all of the time physically to protect us. Tazers seem to be the weapon of choice nowadays with women.
Title: Re: Almost robbed today.
Post by: Imerica on June 13, 2007, 02:04:56 AM
you should join and support NRA and practice with a firearm to be able to protect yourself and your family.
Best of luck to you and may G-d protect your husband and all US military personnel in this muslim scummy hell hole.

Exactly, women should AT LEAST have a can of pepper spray or a stun gun, know a couple of martial techniques, and always look over their shoulders. You never know. The common folk can not afford bodyguards or gated communities, like the liberal hypocrites that support the criminals.
I was thinking about taking a self-defense class while my husband is in Iraq. I have a lot of girls, plus  myself to protect. I have to get out of the comfort zone of knowing he'll be here all of the time physically to protect us. Tazers seem to be the weapon of choice nowadays with women.
I'm still debating whether I'd take a firearm class. That's serious business. Something I'll have to grow into. I'm pretty good with a Louisville Slugger though. lol
Title: Re: Almost robbed today.
Post by: nessuno on June 13, 2007, 10:39:13 AM
Manch said in a post to Imerica -
Best of luck to you and may G-d protect your husband and all US military personnel in this muslim scummy hell hole.
I second  that Manch.
Thanks to all military personnel and their families for the great sacrifices they make.
Title: Re: Almost robbed today.
Post by: DownwithIslam on June 15, 2007, 11:59:12 PM
Imerica, if your husband is in Iraq risking his life to fight Islam then why are you so "Neutral" in the debate over that religions' true colors?
Title: Re: Almost robbed today.
Post by: Imerica on June 16, 2007, 03:01:11 AM
Imerica, if your husband is in Iraq risking his life to fight Islam then why are you so "Neutral" in the debate over that religions' true colors?
What are you talking about? I don't agree with the war but I do support my husband 200%. I married my husband WAY before this dumb-butt war was started. Bush sent them over there to fight Al Kieda (sp?) The EVIL Muslims. Since they're over there and this war is on, I will support the troops in their actions against evil. However I don't have to support this President and his decision to go blindly into this war with Iraq when Bin Laden hurt our country. Answer your question?
Title: Re: Almost robbed today.
Post by: Imerica on June 16, 2007, 04:42:12 AM
carry an old flick knife in your pocket with no prints on it and next time a monkey tries to mug you, shoot the bugger and plant the knife in his hand and claim legitimate self defense :)
Yeah... Dirty cop style! ::)
Title: Re: Almost robbed today.
Post by: fjack on June 16, 2007, 08:10:47 AM
If you defend yourself against an african you will be locked, branded a racist, be the scorn of mass media, the view will take you and rake you over the coals, jesse and al will gather their rent a riot crew and picket your house. I realize that the frustration level is getting higher and higher. It is time that we vote these self hating white trash out of office and put some radical people who will do what must be done. We must solve this problem by any means necessary and take a more drastic course to cleanse this county. There must be a permanent and final solution to the african and illegal problem.