I got this by email. It takes place in the afternoon on Sunday March 6, which is the night we're having our regular JTF meeting. Here are the details:
Sunday, March 6th, 1:30pm, Times Square, NYC
This Sunday, March 6th, the Ground Zero Mosque’s Imam Rauf, Daisy Khan, Imam Shamsi Ali and their pals are holding a "Today I am a Muslim, Too" Rally against “Islamophobia,” singling out Congressman Peter King and his upcoming Homeland Security Hearings.
We, too, will be out there to send these folks a message:
Imam Rauf, Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
· I am not “a Muslim, too”, I have my own faith and I don’t plan to change it!
· We support Peter King’s hearings and efforts to protect the civil and human rights, and the homeland security, of Americans of all faiths.
· Americans are not “denying” Muslims’ civil rights and you can stop trying to make yourselves into “victims” of “Islamophobia”
· What about our civil rights – we have a civil right
-- to be protected!
· We don’t want to live under Shariah Islamic law, and, America is not, as Imam Rauf has claimed, “Shariah Compliant”
· Americans are not fooled by your propaganda that we are “anxious,” “Islamophobic,” “bigoted” and “ignorant”
· We will defend our Constitution from your Shariah law, and are proud to be Americans!
PRESS CONFERENCE and Counter-presence
Sunday, March 6th, 1:30pm, Times Square, NYC
For further details go to http://libertyrocks.org/
Endorsed by Liberty Alliance , the Coalition to Honor Ground Zero, Liberty Rocks, Human Rights Coalition Against Radical Islam, Indian American Intellectuals Forum, Blue Collar Corner, Women United International, and many other organizations.
· Let us know by return email if you would like to add your name to the list of endorsers of our event.
· Below is the notice of their anti-King rally.
· Imam Shamsi Ali of the 96th St Mosque has called King's hearings "discriminatory".
· If Imam Rauf, Shamsi Ali and their pals truly cared about national security, they would be supporting King's hearings to learn about radicals in American Muslim communities!
For more information: http/libertyrocks.org/