General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Spiraling Leopard on April 21, 2011, 01:26:53 PM

Title: Oklahoma rejects $54.6 million federal grant
Post by: Spiraling Leopard on April 21, 2011, 01:26:53 PM

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Gov. Mary Fallin says that state and private money will be used to develop a system where Oklahomans could shop for health insurance. No cost estimate is available.

To make it clear Oklahoma will develop its own plan, the state will not accept a $54.6 million federal grant for setting up a system where Oklahomans could shop for health insurance, Gov. Mary Fallin said Thursday.

Fallin's announcement reverses her decision two months ago to accept the federal money.
Fallin said the state instead will use state and private money to form the system. She had no estimate of how much it would cost, but House Speaker Kris Steele said Thursday he believes a system can be developed for an amount less than the federal grant.
The state is facing a $500 million shortfall in the upcoming fiscal year. Steele said legislative budget leaders and the governor's office will have to determine where the state will get the money to pay for developing the exchange.
The Republican governor and Steele, R-Shawnee, had supported using the money from Democratic President Barack Obama's administration to pay for the effort, upsetting many Republicans and conservatives in the state who had gone to the polls five months earlier to vote for opting out of the federal health care law.
“We're very conscientious of the concerns that have been expressed, we want to deal with those concerns,” Fallin said. “We want to make it very clear in writing, once again in legislation what we're for and what we're not for in the state.”
Senate President Pro Tem Brian Bingman, R-Sapulpa, originally agreed to accepting the federal money, but he came out against the idea two weeks ago.
He said he was worried the grant could lead to federal control of Oklahoma's online insurance informational system, which the federal government calls a health insurance exchange.
Fallin said the rejection of the federal grant should make it clear that Oklahoma is not accepting the federal health care law. The state has filed a lawsuit challenging the federal law's constitutionality, and Fallin voted against it last year while a member of Congress.
Oklahoma hasn't received any of the grant money, she said.
State faces deadline
Legislation is being drafted that would form a board to oversee the establishment of Oklahoma's health care exchange. It's hoped the measure can be passed this session, which ends late next month. States must have their plans in place by the end of 2013.
“We believe that we can develop a better solution,” said Fallin, who was flanked by Steele, Bingman and several GOP state senators during a Capitol news conference. “We believe an Oklahoma network is good public policy for our state. This plan will allow better access to care.”
Bingman, Steele and the governor reached agreement Thursday on language in a bill that will be introduced shortly.
Language in the bill will prevent the implementation of a federal health care exchange in Oklahoma while the state is developing its own network, Fallin said. The legislation will set up what will be called a health insurance private enterprise network “to make it very clear where we stand,” she said.
“Certainly with this language in this bill that we've all worked together on, it's important to note that we're trying to engage the private sector,” Bingman said. “We want to get the people that have the expertise in this area to get them engaged. ... That should send a message to the rest of the country that we're going to take care of our own problems here in Oklahoma.”
The legislation will set up a public trust that will be headed by Insurance Commissioner John Doak, a Republican. Insurance carriers, agents and providers, along with employee groups and consumers, will serve on the trust, Fallin said.
The federal health care law requires states to submit plans for their own health insurance exchanges if the state doesn't want to use a federal system.
Oklahoma was one of several states awarded a grant in February to help set up their exchanges. Former Gov. Brad Henry, a Democrat, applied for the grant late last year.
The GOP-controlled House of Representatives — by the narrowest of margins — approved Steele's health exchange bill in March, but the measure was never taken up in the Senate.
Sen. Bill Brown, R-Broken Arrow, chairman of the Senate Insurance and Retirement Committee, said he reviewed the federal grant and found that accepting it would put Oklahoma at risk of having the federal government eventually run its health care exchange. He told Bingman, and Bingman decided the bill wouldn't be heard in the Senate.
Title: Re: Oklahoma rejects $54.6 million federal grant
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on April 21, 2011, 01:29:29 PM
Sounds like a lady with some courage, but let's hope that Governor Fallin doesn't morph into another Governor Failin' (Palin).