General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Aces High on July 13, 2011, 01:10:40 AM
I pray the boy turns up safe and sound.
I read about this and almost cried. I hope that they find this young man soon and we can laugh... But it is very scary considering how many perverts and lunatics are out there.
The Jewish auxiliary police known as the Shomrim and the residents of the neighborhood there are very vigilant... This kid has a slightly better chance of being located than a kid from another part of the city... G-d willing he will turn up unharmed.
They found part of the 9 yr olds body
Body found in two different locations.
Horrible outcome to this story!!!
There's a suspect in custody, any guesses at what this animal might be resembling? >:(
Apparently I heard the guy was from a neighboring community and said to be jewish.
Apparently I heard the guy was from a neighboring community and said to be jewish.
Yes http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/missing_year_old_klyn_boy_found_SsxgaRkRSOXDdtevuPT2XP
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The dismembered body of a missing 9-year-old Hasidic boy was found at two locations in Brooklyn and police this morning arrested a suspect in the slaying who had the child's severed feet in his freezer, sources told The Post.
Police made the gruesome discovery after raiding a Kensington home and arresting 35-year-old Levi Aron, who led them to parts of missing boy Leibby Kletsky's body, stuffed in a red suitcase and hidden in a Dumpster outside an auto repair shop about two miles away, sources said.
Cops said Aron allegedly suffocated the boy before chopping him up. Police said they also found three knives in a butcher block inside Aron's apartment.
Tragic: Leibby Kletzky, 9, was found dead.
Paul Martinka
Tragic: Leibby Kletzky, 9, was found dead.
Police investigate the trash bin where part of the boy's body was found.
Paul Martinka
Police investigate the trash bin where part of the boy's body was found.
It was a tragic end to the "angelic" boy, who disappeared Monday afternoon after getting lost while walking alone for the first time from his Borough Park day camp and following a man down a busy street, sparking a massive search.
"There are no words, just no words, to describe the sense of what happened here," said State Assemblyman Dov Hikind (D-Brooklyn).
"Everybody's shocked. You can see it on the faces of everyone you see here. We've had tragedies, people getting hit by cars, but nothing like this. This is a 9-year-old. Some stranger took this child and murdered him in the most brutal way possible."
Police sources said Aron was tracked him down by tracing credit card transactions and video surveillance that showed the boy walking behind a bearded man on 45th Street and Dahill Road and possibly getting into a gold-colored car.
Police had observed Aron in a video recorded at 5:30 p.m. on Monday where he was seen entering a dentist’s office on 18th Avenue in Brooklyn.
Detectives located one of the dentists who worked there at his home in New Jersey last night and established that the suspect had been in the dentists’ office on Monday to pay a bill.
With the assistance of a receptionist and another dentist associated with the practice, detectives at 2 a.m. found records at the dentists’ office that established the suspect’s name and address. Aron was arrested about 40 minutes later.
Witnesses who saw police raid the Aron's home at E. 2nd St. and Avenue C recognized the the bearded man from surveillance videos.
A gold-colored car was also found at the residence, and investigators were seen going over the vehicle inch by inch.
Neighbors said Aron regularly attended the local shul.
"You could tell he was mentally unstable," one neighbor said. "He would be calm but then would flare up. The whole family is strange."
Read more: http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/missing_year_old_klyn_boy_found_SsxgaRkRSOXDdtevuPT2XP#ixzz1RzhmKSzl
this is just terrible such a shame!
I can only assume a Black or Spanish animal wrote this.
Spanish and black children go missing everyday in NYC and not one of them get this kind of trreatment with all the publicity and concern from police. [censored] that little white piece of scum, no remorse from me.....
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1148768
It is especially sad because this type of thing doesn't happen in a community like this and that's why it is publicized this much. If it happened everyday, then society would be used to this and it wouldn't be news. It tells you something about black animals. It's normal for this to happen because their communities lack morality.
It is especially sad because this type of thing doesn't happen in a community like this and that's why it is publicized this much. If it happened everyday, then society would be used to this and it wouldn't be news. It tells you something about black animals. It's normal for this to happen because their communities lack morality.
You're exactly right
I am so saddened by this news... I feel depressed today for a number of reasons... This news is included in my sense of depression.
I am so saddened by this news... I feel depressed today for a number of reasons... This news is included in my sense of depression.
I think the jewish world sad. You aren't alone. But in the world to come, Gd will show all is well. And in the after life I have faith there will be justice.
I think the jewish world sad. You aren't alone. But in the world to come, Gd will show all is well. And in the after life I have faith there will be justice.
Yes, this is a part of life... We must have faith that there will be justice against all the wicked evil monsters who abuse the innocent and afflict the righteous.
In Memory of Leiby Kletzky
There are no words, only tears.
Tisha B’Av came early this year to Boro Park.
An eight-year-old boy, Leiby Kleztky, was on his way home from day camp in Brooklyn when he mysteriously disappeared. A frantic search, spearheaded by the FBI and aided by the entire community, failed to find him for two full days. And then his mother and father had to endure every parent's worst nightmare.
Leiby was found hacked to pieces. Parts of the body were discovered in a suitcase wrapped in a black plastic garbage bag in a dumpster . The rest were in the refrigerator of a man "now being questioned".
Words fail to convey the immensity of this tragedy.
Apart from its ghoulish aspects, it is simply too much to imagine what it means to send off a smiling child for a summer’s day of fun only to learn that all that is left of him is a memory.
It's been said that the cruelest word in the English language is "never".
Never will Leiby’s parents ever again be able to hold him, to hug him, to prepare him for life with words of advice and of Torah. Never will his family be able to share in the milestones of his growth to maturity. Never will there be a bar mitzvah to celebrate, graduations to attend, a wedding canopy to stand under with him and his bride as he prepares to embark on his own journey to family and future.
Never will all those who knew Leiby as a child be able to find out what his unique talents might have enabled him to accomplish.
Never will the Jewish community discover the contributions Leiby might have made to it and to the larger world.
Ever since the beginning of mankind the Torah reminded us that a single death leaves none of us untouched. In the aftermath of the first murder, God turned to Cain in anger and admonished him with the words “The sounds of the bloods of your brother cry out to Me from the ground." Not blood, but bloods, in the plural. The commentators explain that when Cain killed his brother he effectively destroyed all of Abel’s future progeny as well.
In the words of the Talmud, he who murders one person is as if he destroys an entire world.
The loss of one person diminishes every one of us. It affects our collective future. It alters what might have been. It prevents us from ever receiving all the precious benefits every single life has to offer.
And when murder snuffs out the life of a child, the enormity of the word never - that we will never truly know what that child might have become - staggers us beyond comfort.
This is not the time for us to attempt any glib rationalizations or theological efforts to explain away the horror. Jewish law, in its profound wisdom, teaches us that we are not permitted to offer consolation "while the body is still before us." The time for comfort can come only after the necessary tears.
I remember very well a somewhat similar moment in the community I served as spiritual leader. There was a tragedy that involved a young child. No one could think of any words that might alleviate the suffering of the parents. We tried but found ourselves wanting.
The scene is indelibly etched in my mind. A small group of us went to the parents, hugged them, tried to say something, choked up and simply cried.
Days later, the parents told me the only thing that helped them get through their tragedy was what we did for them. Not our words, but our tears.
"You showed us that the pain wasn't ours alone. Your sharing our grief made it somewhat bearable."
And that is what we must do now for Leiby and his family.
We must let them know that we cry with them.
Our tears are the words our hearts don't know how to express.
The fact that we shed them proves that evil has not fully triumphed.
And most important of all, the Midrash assures us that the tears of the righteous summon the Almighty to hasten the day when wickedness and its practitioners will be eradicated from Earth.
Rest in peace.
How can anyone do something like this, what kind of sick mind?
The poor child was probably sexually molested too.
I don't like to talk about my people but this mother should be tossed in prison, how do you let an 8 year old walk and meet you some where ?, I guess she got a false sense of security living in a "crime free zone"
Rest in peace.
How can anyone do something like this, what kind of sick mind?
The poor child was probably sexually molested too.
I don't like to talk about my people but this mother should be tossed in prison, how do you let an 8 year old walk and meet you some where ?, I guess she got a false sense of security living in a "crime free zone"
What a cold thing to say. The mother had nothing you do with this. Where is your head and heart? Shame in you.
quote author=Dr. Dan link=topic=56263.msg510941#msg510941 date=1310589610]
What a cold thing to say. The mother had nothing you do with this. Where is your head and heart? Shame in you.
[/quote]It not the best idea to let an 8 yr oold walk home himself but it's a common thing
quote author=Dr. Dan link=topic=56263.msg510941#msg510941 date=1310589610]
What a cold thing to say. The mother had nothing you do with this. Where is your head and heart? Shame in you.
[/quote]It not the best idea to let an 8 yr oold walk home himself but it's a common thing
It's probably not wise to do that. However you don't throw the patent in prison for that. And I think she is hardly to blame. There is no debate in this.
If you want to debate something we can debate what should be done to the murderer.
We shouldn't be arguing about this at this time... As the aish article says, there will come a time to address any fault. But now is not the time. And I hope that there is no machloket between Dr Dan & Mord on this issue..
Certainly the evil murderer deserves the death penalty. I have no problem having this monster terminated.
We shouldn't be arguing about this at this time... As the aish article says, there will come a time to address any fault. But now is not the time. And I hope that there is no machloket between Dr Dan & Mord on this issue..
Certainly the evil murderer deserves the death penalty. I have no problem having this monster terminated.
We should be kind to the kind and cruel to the cruel.
Btw, the aish article choked me up.
I want this evil creature that committed the crime to be dismembered a thousand times.
This really makes me want to scream.
This is a dark and dangerous world. How sick some individuals can be is a mystery.
Poor boy and parents:(. I have become so immune to these things but this story got me.
What a cold thing to say. The mother had nothing you do with this. Where is your head and heart? Shame in you.
In my heart I hoped for a better outcome to this situation last night because of the community support system Borough Park has in place however after reading about the situation I feared for this poor child's well being... I must say most people today black white or whatever had nothing but sad words for what happened to this little boy... As a life long New Yorker I have to agree with jbeige... There is no way in the world I would have let an eight year old child walk home unattended... Children like this little boy that grow up in a sheltered neighborhood like Borough Park lack the street smarts needed to survive situations like the one that happened here... The parents will have to live with this outcome for the rest of their days... After seeing the picture of this nice little boy posted on our forum last night I can not describe how sad I was this morning when a black coworker of my told me they found him dead... The man was so upset over the story all he kept saying was what sort of animal would do something like that to a small child... Children need to be protected from the evil elements in society... Sadly there are no second chances or do overs when it comes to things like this... This is why I also agree the parents were remiss in their responsibilities...
Looks like a Jewish boy was killed in Brooklyn:
Looks like a Jewish boy was killed in Brooklyn:
We have been discussing it in this thread:
I am sick to my stomach.
I'm crying now, after reading the Aish commentary, the NY Post article, and the comments on that site. That poor little boy!
Like everyone here, I'm in tears all day. May G-d bring some relief to the parents, family and community.
We have been discussing it in this thread:
If they release the Brooklyn Butcher into the general prison population, I'm sure he'll be raped many times before he meets his demise at the hands of the inmates.
I haven't cried so much in quite some time until now, this pains me beyond words.
Any human being who can kill a child with his bare hands in cold blood is a monster.
Those who killed the Fogel children are also evil monsters along with this child killer...
Suffocating a little boy to death is just beyond gruesome. He's a monster.
Was this horrific murder made worse by the fact that the murderer was a Jew and a member of that Borough Park community of Jews?
I hate to pose that question because one could respond, "what's the difference who the murderer was?" I could respond and say, "Well, it somehow hits me harder in the gut knowing that the murderer was a "religious" Jew."
I suppose I'm wrong in thinking this.
Was this horrific murder made worse by the fact that the murderer was a Jew and a member of that Borough Park community of Jews?
I hate to pose that question because one could respond, "what's the difference who the murderer was?" I could respond and say, "Well, it somehow hits me harder in the gut knowing that the murderer was a "religious" Jew."
I suppose I'm wrong in thinking this.
I wasn't aware that the murderer was a Jew.
Regardless of his upbringing, this evil act was committed by a lunatic monster and his actions are against everything that Judaism stands for.
Was this horrific murder made worse by the fact that the murderer was a Jew and a member of that Borough Park community of Jews?
I hate to pose that question because one could respond, "what's the difference who the murderer was?" I could respond and say, "Well, it somehow hits me harder in the gut knowing that the murderer was a "religious" Jew."
I suppose I'm wrong in thinking this.
In my opinion it makes it worse that a Jew did it.
I cannot fathom how a Jew, who loves life and wants to preserve it, can suddenly turn around can brutally murder a child, a small and frail innocent child. I cannot begin to comprehend how a person could do it...
In my mind, when I think about it, I hear "Why! Why! Why!"...
Besides the point it was a Chillul Hashem (Desecration of G-ds name)...
In my opinion it makes it worse that a Jew did it.
Thank you. It's good for my heart to know that I'm not wrong in having this thought. It is more abhorrent to me that a Jew did this. In fact, it's eating me up inside and I'm very agitated about this. As Jews, we're all related, so it's like someone within my family could do this? How could this be? Don't Jews have enough enemies? I want to turn the clock back so badly and undo this.
In my opinion it makes it worse that a Jew did it.
I cannot fathom how a Jew, who loves life and wants to preserve it, can suddenly turn around can brutally murder a child, a small and frail innocent child. I cannot begin to comprehend how a person could do it...
In my mind, when I think about it, I hear "Why! Why! Why!"...
Besides the point it was a Chillul Hashem (Desecration of G-ds name)...
Could be the work of a self hating Jew though I had thought it might have been done by a jig.
Could be the work of a self hating Jew though I had thought it might have been done by a jig.
No, it's the work of a truly deranged, insane and out-of-his mind Jew. The day after commited the murder people said he was acting normally and as if nothing had happened. Pure evil.
Here is Levi Aron, the murderer. This is beyond my comprehension.
The murderer is technically a Jew, but he is essentially an incurable deranged person who has no place in our society. There is nothing Jewish in this kind of mental disease.
We should be cruel to the cruel and kind to the kind. Whets good for the murderer is immediate death.
Nine years old is way too young for anyone to die. I hope the murderer gets the death penalty.
The whole thing is sickening. I have been stunned by this over the past few days. I am not a parent but this is every parent's nightmare.
This is a very sad story. :'(
From today's New York Post:
Brooklyn loner Levi Aron gave people the creeps long before he was charged with slaughtering an innocent child.
The 35-year-old plumbing-supply store stockboy made his neighbors' skin crawl with the rides he gave neighborhood kids in his clunker Honda Prelude and the way he'd stare at local elementary-school students in a playground.
"The parents on the block wouldn't want their kids to go near him," said a neighbor, Chaim Lefkovitz, 39, who added that Aron was prone to furious outbursts.
"Sometimes he would just get angry out of nowhere," Lefkovitz added. "He was one of those people you stayed away from."
A family acquaintance, Lee Vogel, 21, said, "There was something strange about him. You know when you see Charles Manson, he has that look in his eye? Levi had that look."
Although Aron freaked out people who knew him, the only blemish on his record was a summons for public urination last year.
He worked at a job that paid just above minimum wage at Empire State Supply Co. in Borough Park. His boss called him a "quiet" but good worker.
"He seemed a little emotionally disturbed. He was very quiet, didn't communicate with people, and he went home," said shop owner Michael Panzer.
Co-workers described Aron as "slow." Some said there were signs of trouble.
"Casey Anthony didn't fit the profile for a killer," said a colleague. "But looking back now, this guy fit the profile."
Even as he kept to himself in public, Aron lived it up online.
He had a Facebook page with 220 friends, including many attractive young women. He listed Katy Perry, Lady Gaga and the Black Eyed Peas among his favorites. He also liked to watch "Glee" and "The Office."
Aron was married in 2004 to a woman named Diana Diunov, according to court records and Diunov's in-laws. The marriage lasted only about a year. After their breakup, Diunov, 38, was busted on federal fraud and conspiracy charges and is locked up in federal prison until next year.
About a year later, he met his next wife, Debby Kivel, 34, on a Jewish matchmaking Web site called SawYouAtSinai.com.
Kivel told The Post that she and Aron married in March 2006. Aron moved from Brooklyn to Memphis, Tenn., to be with her and her two children.
She described him as shy, but said he was a karaoke fanatic and lover of Lionel Richie who could, sing his songs "with lots of heart." He loved music, and even went to an "American Idol" event this year.
Kivel said he was injured at age 9 when a car hit his bicycle and it made him nervous around people.
"I am in shock," she said in Memphis. "He loved children. My kids are now 13 and 10 . . . and he loved them."
She said that he worked hard as a security guard to make ends meet, but that they eventually divorced in 2007 because of "a clash of character."
Still, she never saw the shocking criminal charges coming.
"I just talked to him -- he seemed like normal Levi," Kivel said. "Everything sounded fine and normal. This is totally out of character."
But not all of Kivel's family shared her rosy view.
"He was a creepy person," her father, Michael Kivel said. "I gather he went to Hebrew school, but wasn't smart enough and dropped out."
Things didn't go very smoothly during Aron's time in Memphis. After their marriage fell apart, Kivel said, she filed an order of protection against him. But she added that she did so only because a boyfriend told her it would expedite her divorce, and she later withdrew the order.
Debby Kivel said that after they broke up, Aron was once again briefly engaged.
His father, Jack, works in the accounts-payable division at a Manhattan photo store. Neighbors said that he is religious and domineering.
Several friends and neighbors said Aron's mom, Bayla, died of cancer about eight years ago. His sister, Sarah, died in 2009, according to public records. He also has two brothers, Rocky and Joe.
Aron, who has lived with his family in the area since the early 1980s, gave neighbors the creeps, even when he was young.
"When we walked into [his] house as kids, there was just a very eerie feeling in the air," said one neighbor. "It was not a nice place."
I cannot believe that this piece of human garbage actually pleaded NOT GUILTY despite the confession he made where he said he did it...
I hope he gets the death penalty.... Even though there have been some claims that he is mentally ill... To this day I do not buy the mentally ill excuse for murder. That he has the chutzpah to plead not guilty even though the boys remains were in his refrigerator, the boys blood was all over him, he had scratches on his body made by the boy, and he was filmed on several video cameras walking with the boy....
PS: If a Nazi were to come and kill him I would applaud the Nazi for doing the righteous thing...
Does New York have the death penalty? I don't think so, but I'm not sure. Of course he deserves it.
I cannot believe that this piece of human garbage actually pleaded NOT GUILTY despite the confession he made where he said he did it...
I hope he gets the death penalty.... Even though there have been some claims that he is mentally ill... To this day I do not buy the mentally ill excuse for murder. That he has the chutzpah to plead not guilty even though the boys remains were in his refrigerator, the boys blood was all over him, he had scratches on his body made by the boy, and he was filmed on several video cameras walking with the boy....
PS: If a Nazi were to come and kill him I would applaud the Nazi for doing the righteous thing...
Actually now that I think about it I would like to revise my opinion...
I do not want a Nazi to kill him... It would give too much pleasure to the Nazi and it would serve as a further chillul Hashem.... I am sorry that I said it...
The more I been reading the article the more sick to my stomach I gotten. My nephew is the same age of this little boy. And if the same thing GOD forbid ever happened to my own I would personally flip the switch on the electric chair. This trash also became less religous as the years gone by. For him also to plea not guilty is a bit of arroagance on his part. He better hope for the chair cause in prison something as disgusting like this, he will be skinned alive behind bars
I betcha if the boy was killed by let's say a black or latino gang member, this would not be all over the news.
I betcha if the boy was killed by let's say a black or latino gang member, this would not be all over the news.
Excellent point and I saw the animal's lawyer is a Mooliyan
Commissioner Kelly didn't want to say this in order that the boy's parents wouldn't be more horrified but it slipped out of the Medical Examiners office.The boy was not dead from the smothering but was probably alive when the nut started cutting him up.In other words the boy felt himself being chopped up.
It is especially sad because this type of thing doesn't happen in a community like this and that's why it is publicized this much. If it happened everyday, then society would be used to this and it wouldn't be news. It tells you something about black animals. It's normal for this to happen because their communities lack morality.
There is truth in it.
Commissioner Kelly didn't want to say this in order that the boy's parents wouldn't be more horrified but it slipped out of the Medical Examiners office.The boy was not dead from the smothering but was probably alive when the nut started cutting him up.In other words the boy felt himself being chopped up.
I feel so sad and sick. This is horrible.