General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Trumpeldor on June 16, 2007, 08:43:22 PM

Title: Looters raid Arafat's home, steal his Nobel Peace Prize
Post by: Trumpeldor on June 16, 2007, 08:43:22 PM
Give it back, MassuhDGoodName!
Title: Re: Looters raid Arafat's home, steal his Nobel Peace Prize
Post by: Dr. Dan on June 16, 2007, 08:49:50 PM
Give it back, MassuhDGoodName!

you know that's funny...arafat didn't deserve anyway.....it's just really funny how the evil had been seen as heros, slipped under the radar...and it felt like justice was never served against those who were evil..and look...look Hamas ransacked arafat's home and stole is nobel "peace" prize...i'm sure there will be more with that came from...

how the evil lick the dust!

and there is a midrash on this too:  Rabbi "so-in-so" sees a skull floating in the river picks it up and states: "You have drowned because you have drowned others and those who drowned thee, will themselves be drowned."
Title: Re: Looters raid Arafat's home, steal his Nobel Peace Prize
Post by: Maccabi on June 16, 2007, 10:35:41 PM
I feel this is a positive developement in the middle east situation.
Title: Re: Looters raid Arafat's home, steal his Nobel Peace Prize
Post by: MassuhDGoodName on June 16, 2007, 11:03:04 PM
Trumpeldor:  "...Give it back, MassuhDGoodName!..."


Too late anyway...I got $12.97 for it from Koplon's Iron & Metal Salvage...Koplon said the bronze in it was only worth $9, but said that because I also urinated all over Pig Arafat Scum Face's furniture, carpet, and defacated on his dinner table, he would pay me the extra few bucks.  I'm the one who set fire to the dump too.  I called Reuters and told them the A-rabs did it, but it was really me.  This...should be considered...A GOOD BEGINNING. 

MassuhDGoodName's Dream...
Last night I had the straaangggessst dream!
Every Jew and righteous Gentile descended on Ramallah, smashed the monuments and other crap at that Nazi Pig Bastard ARafat's grave, and then disinterred the rotten AIDS infested pedophile carcass from our HOLY LAND, making sure noone let the demonic remains touch our clothing or skin.
Then, as we prayed to The Holy One, all of the predator and scavenging beasts which once existed in Eretz Yisrael miraculously appeared before our eyes!
Thousands of dogs, mountain lions, buzzards, ripped the foul flesh of the Devil Arafat from our Land, fighting each other to tear the corpse into unrecognizable shreds, and then they all departed as suddenly as they appeared...carrying the Foul One's remains out of and away from Holy Land.  Baruch Ha'Shem!

Title: Re: Looters raid Arafat's home, steal his Nobel Peace Prize
Post by: MasterWolf1 on June 16, 2007, 11:09:21 PM
Maybe some stupid Arab sold Arafart's Nobel Piss Prize for the the 3 magic beans  :laugh:
Title: Re: Looters raid Arafat's home, steal his Nobel Peace Prize
Post by: DownwithIslam on June 17, 2007, 12:27:47 AM
This just shows what the nobel prize is worth. It's drek
Title: Re: Looters raid Arafat's home, steal his Nobel Peace Prize
Post by: DownwithIslam on June 17, 2007, 12:46:46 AM
Well that is the reason all the African monsters are so attracted to Islam. because Islam makes their violence kosher.
Title: Re: Looters raid Arafat's home, steal his Nobel Peace Prize
Post by: RationalThought110 on June 17, 2007, 03:21:34 AM
Give it back, MassuhDGoodName!

you know that's funny...arafat didn't deserve anyway.....it's just really funny how the evil had been seen as heros, slipped under the radar...and it felt like justice was never served against those who were evil..and look...look Hamas ransacked arafat's home and stole is nobel "peace" prize...i'm sure there will be more with that came from...

how the evil lick the dust!

and there is a midrash on this too:  Rabbi "so-in-so" sees a skull floating in the river picks it up and states: "You have drowned because you have drowned others and those who drowned thee, will themselves be drowned."

Jimmy Carter was also given the same "award."
Title: Re: Looters raid Arafat's home, steal his Nobel Peace Prize
Post by: Dr. Dan on June 17, 2007, 03:37:26 AM
Give it back, MassuhDGoodName!

you know that's funny...arafat didn't deserve anyway.....it's just really funny how the evil had been seen as heros, slipped under the radar...and it felt like justice was never served against those who were evil..and look...look Hamas ransacked arafat's home and stole is nobel "peace" prize...i'm sure there will be more with that came from...

how the evil lick the dust!

and there is a midrash on this too:  Rabbi "so-in-so" sees a skull floating in the river picks it up and states: "You have drowned because you have drowned others and those who drowned thee, will themselves be drowned."

Jimmy Carter was also given the same "award."

Jimmy carter will get what is coming to him..and it will be poetic justice..just wait and see.
Title: Re: Looters raid Arafat's home, steal his Nobel Peace Prize
Post by: RationalThought110 on June 17, 2007, 04:12:26 AM
Like Arafat, media sources are always giving the impression that Abbas is a hero.