General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: TruthSpreader on October 20, 2011, 11:13:40 AM
World leaders are delusional
Now they will find new muslamic leaders, who will be worse and inferior than Gaddafi. So it is far better.
Im happy he's dead... Now there is justice for those he has murdered...
He was as evil as the rest of them.
Now they'll find some new tyrant who could be a danger to the world...and to israel.
He was of no danger to the world because he had already become a senile nut with his many virgin bodyguards.
How is it better that this inert vegetable is dead?
He was as evil as the rest of them.
Now they'll find some new tyrant who could be a danger to the world...and to israel.
He was of no danger to the world because he had already become a senile nut with his many virgin bodyguards.
How is it better that this inert vegetable is dead?
Mike-man, I know I won't change your mind but which would you like a loony bin vegetable or some energetic terrorist ruling?
Even though the man was evil, the next leader will probably be much worse, so much US tax dollars spent on a worthless war.
I just know that if U.S. soldiers had shot him, they'd be facing capital murder charges.
I feel like they murdered member of my family. He was probably the greatest African hero that ever lived.
He was a sub-human scum. I'm sure it wont be long until he is replaced by a Libyan Nazi brotherhood leader.
Gaddafi’s body becomes freak show as Misrata celebrates
Libya’s new government has said it will announce the country’s liberation on Sunday.
In March, Misrata was the scene of heavy fighting between pro-Gaddafi forces and the former rebels. The city was encircled and stood as one of the last pockets of rebel resistance.
It is hard to believe that just seven months later they are celebrating victory, and have control of the whole country.
The dead body of Muamma Gaddafi lies in the cold storage room of a Misrata market.
Groups of people queue to see it like a freak show exhibition: taking photographs and seeing with their own eyes that the despot who ran their country for 42 years is really dead.
Among them, a senior official from the National Transitional Council Mahmoud Jibril, arrived to see the body for himself.
He is involved with the investigation to see how Gaddafi died.
“The file of the autopsy has been concluded,” he said. “All samples have been taken and today the file is going to be taken to the Hague.”
The body of one of Gaddafi’s sons was also seen. He had also been wounded and later died around the same time as his father.
Now the laws and bylaws, sections and sub sections of the human rights will take their own course and punish the killers of Gaddafi left and right.
I feel like they murdered member of my family. He was probably the greatest African hero that ever lived.
What?? You support that Arab hitler?
I feel like they murdered member of my family. He was probably the greatest African hero that ever lived.
Are you serious?! :o
What?? You support that Arab hitler?
I not only support him but I pray to God to give me such heroic death. There is no greater joy than to die fighting in your city defending your people.
Never liked the bastard, (do notice Serbs frequently supporting him though). Do understand though because at least he fought till the end against those U.N. "new world" bastards.
Gaddafi was a Muslim Nazi. He was just add evil add the people who murdered him. He hijacked and bombed passenger airplanes. He us not a hero and he is toasting in hell. Anyone who sports this animal is a Nazi.
Gaddafi was a Muslim Nazi. He was just add evil add the people who murdered him. He hijacked and bombed passenger airplanes. He us not a hero and he is toasting in hell. Anyone who sports this animal is a Nazi.
I don't think people are/were supporting him they were supporting his fight against the "new worlders".
He was much braver than Israeli leaders
Never liked the bastard, (do notice Serbs frequently supporting him though). Do understand though because at least he fought till the end against those U.N. "new world" bastards.
The UN did not attack Libya... If you have been paying attention it was an organization called NATO which performed the military bombardment of Libya...
The North Atlantic Treaty Organization or NATO ( /ˈneɪtoʊ/ nay-toh; French: Organisation du traité de l'Atlantique Nord (OTAN)), also called the (North) Atlantic Alliance, is an intergovernmental military alliance based on the North Atlantic Treaty which was signed on 4 April 1949. The NATO headquarters are in Brussels, Belgium,[3] and the organization constitutes a system of collective defence whereby its member states agree to mutual defense in response to an attack by any external party.
Operations in Libya
See also: 2011 military intervention in Libya and 2011 Libyan civil war
During the 2011 Libyan uprising, violence between protestors and the Libyan government under Colonel Muammar Gaddafi escalated, and on 17 March 2011 led to the passage of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1973, which called for a ceasefire, and authorized military action to protect civilians. A coalition that included several NATO members began enforcing a no-fly zone over Libya shortly afterwards. On 20 March 2011, NATO states agreed on enforcing an arms embargo against Libya with Operation Unified Protector using ships from NATO Standing Maritime Group 1 and Standing Mine Countermeasures Group 1,[53] and additional ships and submarines from NATO members.[54] They would "monitor, report and, if needed, interdict vessels suspected of carrying illegal arms or mercenaries".[53] On 24 March, NATO agreed to take control of the no-fly zone from the initial coalition, while command of targeting ground units remains with the coalition's forces.[55][56][57] NATO began officially enforcing the UN resolution on 27 March 2011 with assistance from Qatar and the United Arab Emirates.[58]
By June, reports of divisions within the alliance surfaced as only eight of the 28 member nations[59] were participating in combat operations, resulting in a confrontation between U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates and countries such as Poland, Spain, the Netherlands, Turkey, and Germany to contribute more, the latter believing the organization has overstepped its mandate in the conflict.[60][61][62] In his final policy speech in Brussels on 10 June, Gates further criticized allied countries in suggesting their actions could cause the demise of NATO.[63] The German foreign ministry pointed to "a considerable [German] contribution to NATO and NATO-led operations" and to the fact that this engagement was highly valued by President Obama.[64]
While the mission was extended into September, Norway that day announced it would begin scaling down contributions and complete withdrawal by 1 August.[65] Earlier in the week it was reported Danish air fighters were running out of bombs.[66][67] The following week, the head of the Royal Navy said the country's operations in the conflict were not sustainable.[68] By October 2011, NATO planes had flown about 9,500 strike sorties against pro-Gaddafi targets.[69]
NATO plans to end its air mission in Libya on October 31, 2011. A political scientist said France and Great Britain were dominant in the attack on Libya, but the operation would not have been possible without U.S. support. "This was a succes, but it does not guarantee NATO's long-term viability."[70]
I feel like they murdered member of my family. He was probably the greatest African hero that ever lived.
Get out of here! You are not serious... You support a murderer and a scoundrel... There is nothing to redeem this piece of dirt...
"The UN did not attack Libya... If you have been paying attention it was an organization called NATO which performed the military "
Okayy, are you saying you support and like "NATO". I personally hate them all (including kaddafi), BUT you see how these world organizations bully the rest of the world. Today they did this to Kaddaffi (whom I don't shed a tear) tomorrow G-D forbid you will see these new worlders sending troops against Israel. (I think their are already U.S. bases in Israel).
Ad-Dostour said that the American soldiers would be deployed through the force of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)."
"The UN did not attack Libya... If you have been paying attention it was an organization called NATO which performed the military "
Okayy, are you saying you support and like "NATO". I personally hate them all (including kaddafi), BUT you see how these world organizations bully the rest of the world. Today they did this to Kaddaffi (whom I don't shed a tear) tomorrow G-D forbid you will see these new worlders sending troops against Israel. (I think their are already U.S. bases in Israel).
Ad-Dostour said that the American soldiers would be deployed through the force of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)."
I always was not happy that NATO was behind this. I believe America should not have been in military support role. I think the only time American equipment and troops should be employed is under American command, and not an international force.
But as I have said all along here at JTF, I wanted to see Qadaffi dead because of personal reasons. I am very happy his dead ass is lying rotting in a meat locker. Although I feel a pang of regret for feeling like this, as I said I have a personal reason for this.
My brother died on 9/11 while working in the WTC tower #1... While I have revealed that many times, I have also revealed that my brother attended school with a girl who was a victim of the Lockerbie Bombing of Pan Am... When the evidence pointed to Libyan government involvement in this, I have always prayed for the destruction of the leader of Libya. I am pleased that he is dead, and whatever it took to ensure his death was justifiable.
That is my personal opinion...
Look how the "honorable" muslims treat a prisoner they capture! Look how they gave him a fair trial, convicted him of his crimes and then gave him an honorable execution. Oh wait, nope they are pathetic frenzied animals. If he really was fighting the rebels ron's statement is correct but qadaffi still deserves a yemach shemo as do his captors.
Going through the forum, I've noticed there are actually some sympathizers of Qaddafi. I think we gotta do something about it.
At least 90% of Serbs fully supported colonel against common enemy.
Is this statement, made by one of JTFers, true? If yes, then how can these people support this monster?
He was much braver than Israeli leaders
The people who executed Qaddafi were braver than Israeli leaders. Atty least when they capture the bad guy, they execute him instead if letting him live a life of luxury in an Israeli jail and then release him.
I mean come on. They are all animals. This is how muslims treat each other. This is Islamic justice. And still nobody gets it.
But still good riddance. I can't wait for the day that the righteous have their day when they defeat the wicked, beezrat Hashem.
I always was not happy that NATO was behind this. I believe America should not have been in military support role. I think the only time American equipment and troops should be employed is under American command, and not an international force.
But as I have said all along here at JTF, I wanted to see Qadaffi dead because of personal reasons. I am very happy his dead donkey is lying rotting in a meat locker. Although I feel a pang of regret for feeling like this, as I said I have a personal reason for this.
My brother died on 9/11 while working in the WTC tower #1... While I have revealed that many times, I have also revealed that my brother attended school with a girl who was a victim of the Lockerbie Bombing of Pan Am... When the evidence pointed to Libyan government involvement in this, I have always prayed for the destruction of the leader of Libya. I am pleased that he is dead, and whatever it took to ensure his death was justifiable.
That is my personal opinion...
I am inclined to agree with you that America should have stayed out of it at this point... The main reasons being are the fact that what was going on in Libya was really a civil war that America had no business getting involved in... This is not to say that Gaddafi did not deserve to be removed however the question now is will what comes now be any better than what was there... The entire operation with Americas no troop's on the ground policy seemed underhanded....Right to the end Americas drones and fighter planes were there making the final capture possible... Either your in it or your not hiding behind NATO is not fooling anyone... As someones said the other night on the TV NATO is nothing with out America....I think our shvartza President saw an easy mark with Gaddafi where when all was said and done he could take credit for removing a tyrant... In the end as you said its great that the Gaddafi animal was taken out and what makes it all the better is the fact that in the end it was his own people that ripped him to shreds... America would have needed trials and a never ending media circus to do what it required only minutes to accomplish...Some years ago I worked with an old man who's grandson was part of that school group on the Pan Am plane that was taken down... The man spent a great deal of time with his grandson and was very happy with how he was growing up... After the kid was killed it seemed there was nothing left for the old man except waiting for a retribution that never really came.
He was in no way a righteous man, but those who killed him and took power in Libya are much worse. That country will now become another Islamist base, while Gaddafi was controllable.
About some Serbs supporting him, there is a reason for it. Libya under Gaddafi was an exception in the Muslim world when it comes to not recognizing independent Kosovo, and he traded with us while "western democrats" kept us under sanctions. I don't know why "serbian army" is so depressed over Gaddafi's death but one thing is clear: he was much better for us than this "Allahu Akbar scum" is going to be.
Even though the man was evil, the next leader will probably be much worse, so much US tax dollars spent on a worthless war.
Agreed. The next leader will be much worse.
Agreed. The next leader will be much worse.
Among all the types of muslamics, the next leader is always much worse. So actually I always appreciate the change of leadership among the muslamics irrespective of whosoever the earlier leader was. This is a thumb rule which can be globally followed with the closed eyes.
Gaddafi was a known supporter of Serbs, so Serbs can have a soft corner for him. But his case was clearly an exception and generally exceptions do not survive or continue for long.
Among all the types of muslamics, the next leader is always much worse. So actually I always appreciate the change of leadership among the muslamics irrespective of whosoever the earlier leader was. This is a thumb rule which can be globally followed with the closed eyes.
Gaddafi was a known supporter of Serbs, so Serbs can have a soft corner for him. But his case was clearly an exception and generally exceptions do not survive or continue for long.
I don't buy that soft corner crap. Gaddafi supported the destruction of Israel. In Serbia's interest those who bless Israel will be blessed.
Yes, Gaddafi was a tyrant, but who will take his place? It is rumored that AlQaida leader Abdul Hakim Belhadj is emerging and could take over...The same for Egypt, the military took over and maybe the Muslim Brotherhood eventually. I have to say that even Republicans are dumb if they can't see what Obama is doing here in these regime changes..it is to destabilize the middle East with governments who are aggressive and anti-semetic towards Israel, while bringing down the American Economy. Who can forgive stupid people for voting for the Left and some of the Republicans for letting all this happen, because they don't want to impeach a black man. I am so sick of the incompetent people in this country!!!!
I don't buy that soft corner crap. Gaddafi supported the destruction of Israel. In Serbia's interest those who bless Israel will be blessed.
What are you trying to say? That those who killed Gaddafi will be buddies with Israel?
Libya with Gaddafi in charge was relatively stable, and he was ready to compromise with the west to stay in power. There's no good and bad here, only bad and worse.
What are you trying to say? That those who killed Gaddafi will be buddies with Israel?
Libya with Gaddafi in charge was relatively stable, and he was ready to compromise with the west to stay in power. There's no good and bad here, only bad and worse.
Certainly I'm not saying that. I'm saying I'm happy that he's dead...and the very people that killed Qaddafi are also Muslim Nazis...I would have preferred no one get involved and let everyone kill each other, but it's good that he's dead.
Something I stumbled on youtube
1. Electricity & water free for residential units
2. 1 liter of petrol 0.08 EURO
4. students studying abroad receive a salary of 1627 Euro
5. each one finishes of those students gets salary till he finds a job
6. each Libyan family gets 300 Euro monthly as long as they are registered
7. Libyan when he gets married receives a land to help him put approx. 150 Sq.M
NOW have a better life Libyans lets see what will happen ( IRAQ 2 )
The people who executed Qaddafi were braver than Israeli leaders.
The Israeli leaders are too cowardly to bomb Iran while Qaddafi stood against the whole world and didn't give up until the last breath.
The Israeli leaders are too cowardly to bomb Iran while Qaddafi stood against the whole world and didn't give up until the last breath.
At one point, Hitler stood against the world too.
Again, like Herman Cain would say.."It's apples and oranges" when we want to compare what heroic Jewish leaders ought to do and what Qaddafi did.
Albiet, like Saddam Hussein, Gaddafi was the rock the covered all the bugs. Once your remove the rock all of the bugs run around everywhere. They kept their people in line and were brutal against each other..and each other means both were our enemies. Whether this one dies or the other one dies, it's a happy occasion.
I do not admire Gaddafi for anything and I don't dare compare what heroic Jewish leaders should do to what Gaddafi did.
On a separate note, Israel will be a nation that dwells alone and should not care what the world thinks when she is trying to survive. In particular if Israel is doing a righteous thing.
Gaddafi did evil things and stood up to the world for doing those things. Personally, I don't care...Those evil things who was doing at the time before NATO hit was kill his own people...but to me, that was a good thing..let them kill each other. NATO and the US should have stayed out of it and let Libya going into it's own dark ages.
in armagedon war all the world will fight against israel