General Category => Introduce Yourself => Topic started by: savehindu on November 05, 2011, 07:59:51 AM

Title: SaveHindu
Post by: savehindu on November 05, 2011, 07:59:51 AM
 Well we arer from www.savehindu.org v r bothered about Hindu people not the religion, we don't have a state to live, we are nomads, we are chased out of Pakistan, Afganistan, South East Asia, Sri Lanka today we dont have a Hindu state in this world, we are here in this part of the Earth , not as owners of the soil, besause somebody didnot chase us out of this place. We don't have an IDENTITY and we are not developing one, day by day we are getting divided into many castes, sub castes..... Future is bleak ... what to do is the question..  For Centuries we have been victims of Islamic brutality and Christian oppression , comparitively suffered more then what you Jews had suffered. Still we Jews & Hindus are targets of Islamic & Christian forces for no fault of ours. Someway or the other Jews managed to build a nation for yourself but we Hindus still struggle to build a state agnist all odds, with no friends and only foes all around.   
Title: Re: SaveHindu
Post by: mord on November 05, 2011, 08:03:40 AM
I don't know why India doesn't kick out all the Muslims to Pakistan and become a Hindu country
Title: Re: SaveHindu
Post by: TruthSpreader on November 05, 2011, 01:18:32 PM
I don't know why India doesn't kick out all the Muslims to Pakistan and become a Hindu country

What is called Pakistan also belongs to India.
Title: Re: SaveHindu
Post by: mord on November 05, 2011, 03:40:18 PM
What is called Pakistan also belongs to India.
then kick the pakis to hell
Title: Re: SaveHindu
Post by: Confederate Kahanist on November 06, 2011, 01:20:19 AM
Welcome to the forum!!!

I guess the Christians you have a problem are the Coptic Christians? 
Title: Re: SaveHindu
Post by: Irish Zionist on November 06, 2011, 07:20:22 AM
I thought India is a Hindu country?
Title: Re: SaveHindu
Post by: Confederate Kahanist on November 06, 2011, 05:04:51 PM
I thought India is a Hindu country?

You would think thought if things don't change, it will be a third world Muzzie country.
Title: Re: SaveHindu
Post by: BritishSword on November 18, 2011, 10:47:34 AM
Well, I'm a christian who does his best to help out hindus where I can.

We're all working together to expose the islamic threat, thats the purpose of this forum.
Title: Re: SaveHindu
Post by: Daniel Michael ben Avraham on December 15, 2011, 09:20:08 AM
Unfortunately India does not define itself as a homeland for Hindus; consequently, if the quaranimals flood India as they have attempted to do to Israel they can usurp it from within.  India needs to wake up!
Title: Re: SaveHindu
Post by: Anshul Singh on December 15, 2011, 05:11:09 PM
The writer said "For Centuries we have been victims of Islamic brutality and Christian oppression "

I disagree with this statement partially.

It is important to note that the British Rule saved India from becoming an islamic state.
Since just before the British came, whole India was slowly going under Islamic rule.

So there was/is no Christian oppression.

I don't think secular way is bad.
BUT its important to control and get rid of Pisslam....
Title: Re: SaveHindu
Post by: JustaGypsy on December 25, 2011, 10:04:54 AM
Welcome to the forum!!!

I guess the Christians you have a problem are the Coptic Christians? 

-Im a Christian myself or the Eastern Orthodox or Byzantine Variety
-I support religious freedom for religious minorities
-I do support India as Hindu Country however
-I stand against Christian Missionaries, they do destroy the oldest religion and culture in the world
-Also the christian missioanries stir up the "blacks"/"schvartzas" in india i mean the adivasi tribals and untouchable low castes against the caucasian caste population
-European Origin People shouldnt be too much offended by anti-christian rhetoric of hindutva nationalists because its not against white people just against the black untouchables, the shvartzas in india
-Untouchables joined Christian Churches, Marxist Outfits called Naxalites, Islam etc. etc.
-Christianty and Islam also stand against Caste System which is racial preservation
-I put race before religion
Title: Re: SaveHindu
Post by: JustaGypsy on December 25, 2011, 10:16:04 AM
The writer said "For Centuries we have been victims of Islamic brutality and Christian oppression "

I disagree with this statement partially.

It is important to note that the British Rule saved India from becoming an islamic state.
Since just before the British came, whole India was slowly going under Islamic rule.

So there was/is no Christian oppression.

I don't think secular way is bad.
BUT its important to control and get rid of Pisslam....

The British were also in favour of the realtively fairer skinned caste population.....
Title: Re: SaveHindu
Post by: Anshul Singh on December 26, 2011, 01:28:36 PM
WanderingJew I respect your views.

But as we all know the biggest threat is the rise of Islam in our countries.

I agree problems are there among non-muslims too. Problems are there in every family too.

But atleast all Non-Islamic religion dont sanction rape/forceful-conversion etc.

It is true Christian missionary do spread christianity among untouchables here in India "peacefully".
On the otherhand Islamic traning centres are like military-traning camps (in POK etc.) to spread Islam.

Atleast non-islamic religion respect all womens.
On the other hand Islamic protect only muslim women and rape others.

In the light of these facts I said there is no christian "oppression".

So Let us focus our energy to real threat.
Title: Re: SaveHindu
Post by: MyJewishSoul on January 10, 2012, 11:32:48 PM
G-d bless India, one of our best allies.
Title: Re: SaveHindu
Post by: savehindu on December 17, 2012, 04:17:52 AM
I thought India is a Hindu country?
    NO sir it is not. Hindu is a orphen has no land as Hindu land.
Title: Re: SaveHindu
Post by: savehindu on December 17, 2012, 04:29:00 AM
-Im a Christian myself or the Eastern Orthodox or Byzantine Variety
-I support religious freedom for religious minorities
-I do support India as Hindu Country however
-I stand against Christian Missionaries, they do destroy the oldest religion and culture in the world
-Also the christian missioanries stir up the "blacks"/"schvartzas" in india i mean the adivasi tribals and untouchable low castes against the caucasian caste population
-European Origin People shouldnt be too much offended by anti-christian rhetoric of hindutva nationalists because its not against white people just against the black untouchables, the shvartzas in india
-Untouchables joined Christian Churches, Marxist Outfits called Naxalites, Islam etc. etc.
-Christianty and Islam also stand against Caste System which is racial preservation
-I put race before religion
     PROBLEM is that from the day Islamic and British rule came to India, they looked upon india as a piece of land mass, a real estate with riches and the human being was never valued and from that date to till to date mantality had changed that we all speak of India and Indian that relates to a land mass and not a human identity. Israil is a land mass a state Jews are a human identity. Here in India there is no human identity. HINDU is a human identity that is getting killed.
Title: Re: SaveHindu
Post by: ChabadKahanist on December 17, 2012, 04:53:36 AM
Maybe it is time to start a Jewish,Christian,Hindu alliance against the spread of & containment of Islam in our countries?
Title: Re: SaveHindu
Post by: TruthSpreader on December 17, 2012, 07:55:47 AM
Maybe it is time to start a Jewish,Christian,Hindu alliance against the spread of & containment of Islam in our countries?

Not a bad idea.
Title: Re: SaveHindu
Post by: avivai on March 28, 2013, 01:09:30 PM
there is a "hindus united for israel" page on facebook
Title: Re: SaveHindu
Post by: Deepak2004 on May 17, 2013, 07:19:06 AM
Sir, It's not correct that British saved from Islamic rule in India. East India co. the British colony has its own agenda. The history will tell that. In fact British with the help of Muslims divided our country. British taking the help of Hindus could defeat the Muslims. In short space we can't state the whole history. It will require a deep study of the history of Medieval India. There are authentic historians. The Marxists historians have distorted the truth of the country. That's the reason the false propaganda is floating in the Internet and people with little knowledge who read superficially are biased with wrong ideas of Hinduism.Sir,my humble request do not entertain those comments which are not true. Secondly it will jeopardize our friendly[Hindu-Jew] relationship.Shalom!Jayatu Hindu Rashtra!
Title: Re: SaveHindu
Post by: TruthSpreader on May 17, 2013, 08:08:27 AM
Sir, It's not correct that British saved from Islamic rule in India. East India co. the British colony has its own agenda. The history will tell that. In fact British with the help of Muslims divided our country. British taking the help of Hindus could defeat the Muslims. In short space we can't state the whole history. It will require a deep study of the history of Medieval India. There are authentic historians. The Marxists historians have distorted the truth of the country. That's the reason the false propaganda is floating in the Internet and people with little knowledge who read superficially are biased with wrong ideas of Hinduism.Sir,my humble request do not entertain those comments which are not true. Secondly it will jeopardize our friendly[Hindu-Jew] relationship.Shalom!Jayatu Hindu Rashtra!

Welcome to the forum. Hopefully one day, the Indians will reclaim their stolen land.