General Category => Introduce Yourself => Topic started by: Mentaldemise on December 16, 2011, 01:35:08 PM

Title: Shalom friends
Post by: Mentaldemise on December 16, 2011, 01:35:08 PM
G'day all, recently watched a JTF video about the real face of islam, needless to say it go me thinking more about the current invasion in my country(Australia) and i couldn't agree more with you guys.

First off i am anti-religion, i dont hate or even dislike religious people i just feel some people take it way to far(Case in point, Islam) So i am wondering if you're willing to have what is essentially an atheist(I do believe their could be a god in the vastness of our universe i just don't feel i should pigeonhole myself into a religion, Again with all due respect) I support a free and jewish Israel and believe its time for all of us to come together against the terror thats taking over our countries that is islam.

Thanks in advance guys hope we can see passed our differences and work together!
Title: Re: Shalom friends
Post by: Confederate Kahanist on December 17, 2011, 05:58:16 AM
Welcome to the forum!
Title: Re: Shalom friends
Post by: Mentaldemise on December 17, 2011, 08:52:15 PM
Thanks mate :) was getting the feeling i wasnt welcome >_<
Title: Re: Shalom friends
Post by: Lisa on December 17, 2011, 09:16:21 PM
Welcome to JTF.
Title: Re: Shalom friends
Post by: Mentaldemise on December 17, 2011, 09:20:58 PM
Thanks lisa :)
Title: Re: Shalom friends
Post by: Dan on December 17, 2011, 09:34:29 PM
Welcome Aboard!
Title: Re: Shalom friends
Post by: Mentaldemise on December 17, 2011, 10:06:58 PM
Thanks dan :) I recently showed my family the JTF video and now they're on board aswell, this threat concerns us all, no matter religion race or creed.
Title: Re: Shalom friends
Post by: GunsAndRosesFan on December 18, 2011, 07:31:27 PM
G'day mate! I have some relatives down under.. where are you from?
And do you have a lot of Muzzies there too?? Bloody towelheads!
Title: Re: Shalom friends
Post by: Mentaldemise on December 19, 2011, 01:33:44 AM
Oh mate you wouldn't believe, Im from The gold coast, but originally from Brisbane and Sydney, in sydney its [censored] ridiciously overpopulated with them, you can see my post in on the forums "The Islaminastion of australia" Down here on the gold coast though, we have the carrara muslim college, they teach mostly sharia and muslim teachings "Everybody" is welcome but since the school curriclum is based solely on the Qu'ran its inhabited mostly by muslims.
Title: Re: Shalom friends
Post by: Brett on December 19, 2011, 05:53:22 AM
Welcome M,
                I'm another Aussie so there's 2 of us  8) . Which State are you in, i'm having a guess NSW?
Title: Re: Shalom friends
Post by: GunsAndRosesFan on December 19, 2011, 06:38:17 AM
Oh mate you wouldn't believe, Im from The gold coast, but originally from Brisbane and Sydney, in sydney its stupid ridiciously overpopulated with them, you can see my post in on the forums "The Islaminastion of australia" Down here on the gold coast though, we have the carrara muslim college, they teach mostly sharia and muslim teachings "Everybody" is welcome but since the school curriclum is based solely on the Qu'ran its inhabited mostly by muslims.
It's sad that they're takin' over the lucky country too.. :'( I love yer country a lot and this is sad.. Your immigration policies are terrible just like in Canada and this is bloody awful mate.. Most of 'em sand n*ggers are of Indonesian origin or somethin' else?
Title: Re: Shalom friends
Post by: Mentaldemise on December 19, 2011, 07:10:26 AM
Naaaaah Asian countries and Australia have anlways had a mutual understanding, its mainly lebanese and arabic never had a problem with asian people at all, and yeah it is, boat loads of muslims come over here every week and get free rooms free food and health care and no one in parliament says anything about it since its the australian way to help people in need, and if we turn them away we're considered the bad guys, and most of them are [censored] muslims and come here, live off our god damn country while condeming it, pisses me off i wish theyd jsut stay in there own [censored] deserts!

Also, whats up brett :) I love on the gold coast mate, but i lived in sydney for some time its alot worse down there
Title: Re: Shalom friends
Post by: Brett on December 19, 2011, 03:44:44 PM
Heya Ment,
I'm in Melbourne and we have Muslims from all quartets. Flemington, African/Somali muslims, Broadmeadows, genocidal Turks, Oakleigh, Lebs and Dandenong is getting the Afghan detritus.

Mosques or should I say mohammadan training centres are popping up all over the place it's a bloody shame.

Something needs to be done and soon.
Title: Re: Shalom friends
Post by: Mentaldemise on December 19, 2011, 05:55:05 PM
Yeah they're everywhere mate, trying to take over slowly but surely, we wont let it happen in our life time though!
Title: Re: Shalom friends
Post by: GunsAndRosesFan on December 19, 2011, 07:34:27 PM
There has to be a strong movement of people who care about the future in Australia.  You must never give up.. Don't let your destiny be like Europe's..
I pray for your success. I love Australia a lot :)
Title: Re: Shalom friends
Post by: Mentaldemise on December 20, 2011, 12:52:01 AM
Thanks for the kind words mate!
Title: Re: Shalom friends
Post by: Brett on December 20, 2011, 01:20:25 AM
      The Muslims here will push it a tad too far one day and then they'll see a nasty side emerge. They'll certainly get what they're after if it's a fight they want. The movement grows.
Title: Re: Shalom friends
Post by: mord on December 20, 2011, 08:21:26 AM