Save Western Civilization => Save America => Topic started by: Angry Panther on June 20, 2007, 02:42:23 PM

Title: Shvartzas celebrate the end of Slavery with well...a free for all
Post by: Angry Panther on June 20, 2007, 02:42:23 PM
Click on the link below and look at the image that accompanies the article. It looks like a good time was had by all.


Police Release More Detail About Juneteenth Violence

By Jon Byman

Milwaukee Police say a 33-year-old man has a broken tooth and cuts all over his face after a group of teenagers pulled him from his car and beat him following Milwaukee's Juneteenth celebration.

It happened after the festival ended in the 3000 block of north 1st Street which is a short distance from the actual festival. Police say hundreds of teenagers started kicking the man's car. Today's TMJ 4 video from the scene shows the teenagers damaging at least several cars.

The man who was pulled from his car was treated and released from a local hospital.

Meanwhile, a few blocks away a group of girls started fighting. When police went to break up the fight near 1st and Auer, the department says a 17-year-old girl started punching and kicking a 15-year veteran officer.

She hit him in his face shield, which shattered into his face. He needed three stitches and has scratches on his neck. That 17-year-old was arrested and police are recommending charges for battery to a police officer.

Police say there was also a fight earlier in the day in the 3000 block of north 1st Street. In that case, three women were fighting. Police say a 15-year-old boy tried to break up the fight when an 18-year-old man got involved in it.

According to police, the 18-year-old got angry, walked away and told the boy he was coming back with a gun. The 18-year-old did in fact return with a gun and fired five shots into a crowd where the boy was standing. The 15-year-old's 39-year-old uncle was hit in the shoulder. He was treated and released from a local hospital.

Some people think the violence takes away from the real meaning of Juneteenth.

"I think it should be continued," said Earnestine Rogers. "It shouldn't be stopped because of some youngsters."

It's the second year in a row that violence has broken out at the celebration.
Title: Re: Shvartzas celebrate the end of Slavery with well...a free for all
Post by: Allen-T on June 20, 2007, 02:50:50 PM
There is a holiday for the ending of slavery? That's news to me. It doesn't take a whole lot of intelligence to figure out that all the typical [censored] beast will get out of such a holiday is whole lotta justification to act on what comes natural; violent evil behavior. Every day I hate black people more and more. 
Title: Re: Shvartzas celebrate the end of Slavery with well...a free for all
Post by: Angry Panther on June 20, 2007, 02:58:44 PM
news to me too. Here is leftist Wikipedia's enthusiasm on the subject;


Title: Re: Shvartzas celebrate the end of Slavery with well...a free for all
Post by: Hail Columbia on June 20, 2007, 06:47:18 PM
There is a holiday for the ending of slavery? That's news to me. It doesn't take a whole lot of intelligence to figure out that all the typical [censored] beast will get out of such a holiday is whole lotta justification to act on what comes natural; violent evil behavior. Every day I hate black people more and more.

How's this for news:  The kneegrows have their own national anthem!  What other racial or ethnic group (save for Indians) in America gets to have such a privilege?
Title: Re: Shvartzas celebrate the end of Slavery with well...a free for all
Post by: MasterWolf1 on June 20, 2007, 08:05:28 PM
Can we have a holiday for the taxpayers that get a kick in the a&& to pay for these bloodsuckers?
Title: Re: Shvartzas celebrate the end of Slavery with well...a free for all
Post by: newman on June 20, 2007, 08:31:28 PM
 Lincoln dun freed 'da slaves...MMMM  HMMMM.......but we aint had no job since!
Title: Re: Shvartzas celebrate the end of Slavery with well...a free for all
Post by: nessuno on June 20, 2007, 08:47:54 PM
Can we have a holiday for the taxpayers that get a kick in the a&& to pay for these bloodsuckers?
Kick in the Behind Day was observed on April 17th this year.  ;)

Juneteenth - what a dumb name for a holiday.  Is that some form of Ebonics/slave speak?
A black national anthem?
I thought they didn't want to be segregated.
Title: Re: Shvartzas celebrate the end of Slavery with well...a free for all
Post by: ScotcH on June 20, 2007, 10:55:48 PM
Lincoln dun freed 'da slaves...MMMM  HMMMM.......but we aint had no job since!

LOL :laugh:  Dat why's dey need dey NAACP to get dem wellfair...MMM HMMM ! 8)
Title: Re: Shvartzas celebrate the end of Slavery with well...a free for all
Post by: MasterWolf1 on June 20, 2007, 11:03:10 PM
Well since I never owned a slave and nobody else that I know of owned a slave that means I guess we owe them nothing.
Title: Re: Shvartzas celebrate the end of Slavery with well...a free for all
Post by: Shlomo on June 20, 2007, 11:11:44 PM
I heard about this. What a bunch of violent animals.
Title: Re: Shvartzas celebrate the end of Slavery with well...a free for all
Post by: newman on June 20, 2007, 11:20:29 PM
Well since I never owned a slave and nobody else that I know of owned a slave that means I guess we owe them nothing.

Of coarse we owe them. because of us they're suffering in a land like the USA and having to cope with schools, universities, job oportunities, automobiles,law and order, civil rights,health care and welfare. How DARE we? If only us evil crackers had left the alone, they'd be living so well in sierra leone,ethiopia,somalia, zimbabwee or rwhanda!
Title: Re: Shvartzas celebrate the end of Slavery with well...a free for all
Post by: genteelgentile on June 21, 2007, 01:31:34 AM
Juneteenth, a state holiday in some states???  What are these people thinking?  The averrage black person is not going to care................especially because they don't have jobs to take a day off from.  Seriously, though, these kind of events do lead to trouble, and often...
Title: Re: Shvartzas celebrate the end of Slavery with well...a free for all
Post by: Allen-T on June 21, 2007, 06:02:40 AM
There is a holiday for the ending of slavery? That's news to me. It doesn't take a whole lot of intelligence to figure out that all the typical [censored] beast will get out of such a holiday is whole lotta justification to act on what comes natural; violent evil behavior. Every day I hate black people more and more.

How's this for news:  The kneegrows have their own national anthem!  What other racial or ethnic group (save for Indians) in America gets to have such a privilege?

Kneegrows, reminds me of a joke I make sometimes. At work I use these kneepads, the type tile people use. I have made a joke that I wanted to market them with little cups attached with little potted plants growing out of them, knee-grows. Ok, it's a stupid joke, I know, I know.
Title: Re: Shvartzas celebrate the end of Slavery with well...a free for all
Post by: Allen-T on June 21, 2007, 06:06:29 AM
As each day passes and I fill more and more with rage about the black ones, I find the only comfort that helps me sleep is thanking God I am not one.
Title: Re: Shvartzas celebrate the end of Slavery with well...a free for all
Post by: MasterWolf1 on June 21, 2007, 12:36:30 PM
Well since I never owned a slave and nobody else that I know of owned a slave that means I guess we owe them nothing.

Of coarse we owe them. because of us they're suffering in a land like the USA and having to cope with schools, universities, job oportunities, automobiles,law and order, civil rights,health care and welfare. How DARE we? If only us evil crackers had left the alone, they'd be living so well in sierra leone,ethiopia,somalia, zimbabwee or rwhanda!

My ancestors weren't even on this side of the world when slavery took place, and I like crackers.. Ritz to be exact.
Title: Re: Shvartzas celebrate the end of Slavery with well...a free for all
Post by: bongoid on June 21, 2007, 01:35:39 PM
There is a holiday for the ending of slavery? That's news to me. It doesn't take a whole lot of intelligence to figure out that all the typical [censored] beast will get out of such a holiday is whole lotta justification to act on what comes natural; violent evil behavior. Every day I hate black people more and more.

How's this for news:  The kneegrows have their own national anthem!  What other racial or ethnic group (save for Indians) in America gets to have such a privilege?

  :laugh:  Does it have a hip-hop beat like typical Rap Noise ?
Title: Re: Shvartzas celebrate the end of Slavery with well...a free for all
Post by: MasterWolf1 on June 21, 2007, 01:41:50 PM
There is a holiday for the ending of slavery? That's news to me. It doesn't take a whole lot of intelligence to figure out that all the typical [censored] beast will get out of such a holiday is whole lotta justification to act on what comes natural; violent evil behavior. Every day I hate black people more and more.

How's this for news:  The kneegrows have their own national anthem!  What other racial or ethnic group (save for Indians) in America gets to have such a privilege?

  :laugh:  Does it have a hip-hop beat like typical Rap Noise ?

To me rap is good when you are not regular that day.  And you need a certain boost to have your colon be at easy.. Like Medamussel,  rap though is like diarreah for the ears.
Title: Re: Shvartzas celebrate the end of Slavery with well...a free for all
Post by: Shlomo on June 21, 2007, 01:57:50 PM
To me rap is good when you are not regular that day.  And you need a certain boost to have your colon be at easy.. Like Medamussel,  rap though is like diarreah for the ears.

Yes, this is 100% true. Rap is the ultimate colon cleanser. You really have to be careful though... if you listen to it too much, you become full of the stuff in your colon and you can no longer control yourself. It's a mess, really.

I am so glad my colon is ok.
Title: Re: Shvartzas celebrate the end of Slavery with well...a free for all
Post by: Imerica on June 21, 2007, 04:33:52 PM
This is what Juneteenth is SUPPOSED to embody. What I just read broke my heart. Its stupid and if people are going to continue to act like that (even in that one state) it should be cancelled altogether.


Juneteenth is the oldest nationally celebrated commemoration of the ending of slavery in the United States.

From its Galveston, Texas origin in 1865, the observance of June 19th as the African American Emancipation Day has spread across the United States and beyond.

Today Juneteenth commemorates African American freedom and emphasizes education and achievement. It is a day, a week, and in some areas a month marked with celebrations, guest speakers, picnics and family gatherings. It is a time for reflection and rejoicing. It is a time for assessment, self-improvement and for planning the future. Its growing popularity signifies a level of maturity and dignity in America long over due. In cities across the country, people of all races, nationalities and religions are joining hands to truthfully acknowledge a period in our history that shaped and continues to influence our society today. Sensitized to the conditions and experiences of others, only then can we make significant and lasting improvements in our society. 
© 1996-2007 Juneteenth.com.

Title: Re: Shvartzas celebrate the end of Slavery with well...a free for all
Post by: Imerica on June 21, 2007, 04:36:02 PM
To me rap is good when you are not regular that day.  And you need a certain boost to have your colon be at easy.. Like Medamussel,  rap though is like diarreah for the ears.

Yes, this is 100% true. Rap is the ultimate colon cleanser. You really have to be careful though... if you listen to it too much, you become full of the stuff in your colon and you can no longer control yourself. It's a mess, really.

I am so glad my colon is ok.
You can't be serious. There is some rap I don't listen to but I can deal with some of it.
Title: Re: Shvartzas celebrate the end of Slavery with well...a free for all
Post by: Shlomo on June 21, 2007, 06:46:33 PM
I am VERY serious. The rap and hip hop music today is disgusting, immoral, violent, and degrades women in the most depraved way.

The worse a rap star's criminal record is, the more popular they become.

It's primal, simple, and lacks any real understanding of what really makes a human being a good person. In other words, it's the lowest common denominator.
Title: Re: Shvartzas celebrate the end of Slavery with well...a free for all
Post by: Hail Columbia on June 21, 2007, 07:21:06 PM
Imerica, still think that rap is not crap?  Just go to the first link in my signature.
Title: Re: Shvartzas celebrate the end of Slavery with well...a free for all
Post by: Imerica on June 21, 2007, 08:48:08 PM
Imerica, still think that rap is not crap?  Just go to the first link in my signature.
Why dont' you re-read my response. I never said that some rap isn't crap... I don't listen to all kinds...not even the rap I grew up listening to.
Title: Re: Shvartzas celebrate the end of Slavery with well...a free for all
Post by: MasterWolf1 on June 21, 2007, 10:07:40 PM
I am VERY serious. The rap and hip hop music today is disgusting, immoral, violent, and degrades women in the most depraved way.

The worse a rap star's criminal record is, the more popular they become.

It's primal, simple, and lacks any real understanding of what really makes a human being a good person. In other words, it's the lowest common denominator.

And people call this music.  Funny Bethohoven never made a song saying "Kill whitey, kill a cop, sell dope"  I mean the most violent criminal behavior and these stupid record companies produces this vomit as well.  They are also part of this cause what interest them is the all mighty dollar.
Title: Re: Shvartzas celebrate the end of Slavery with well...a free for all
Post by: Imerica on June 21, 2007, 10:46:07 PM
I am VERY serious. The rap and hip hop music today is disgusting, immoral, violent, and degrades women in the most depraved way.

The worse a rap star's criminal record is, the more popular they become.

It's primal, simple, and lacks any real understanding of what really makes a human being a good person. In other words, it's the lowest common denominator.

And people call this music.  Funny Bethohoven never made a song saying "Kill whitey, kill a cop, sell dope"  I mean the most violent criminal behavior and these stupid record companies produces this vomit as well.  They are also part of this cause what interest them is the all mighty dollar.
No one ever made a rap with the idiotic title you concocted. One man's music is another man's fingernails on a chalkboard. Gangaster rap is stupid. I like rap that dosen't include killing of anyone.
Title: Re: Shvartzas celebrate the end of Slavery with well...a free for all
Post by: Imerica on June 22, 2007, 03:52:34 AM
I am VERY serious. The rap and hip hop music today is disgusting, immoral, violent, and degrades women in the most depraved way.

The worse a rap star's criminal record is, the more popular they become.

It's primal, simple, and lacks any real understanding of what really makes a human being a good person. In other words, it's the lowest common denominator.

And people call this music.  Funny Bethohoven never made a song saying "Kill whitey, kill a cop, sell dope"  I mean the most violent criminal behavior and these stupid record companies produces this vomit as well.  They are also part of this cause what interest them is the all mighty dollar.
And its "Beethoven".
Title: Re: Shvartzas celebrate the end of Slavery with well...a free for all
Post by: Joe Schmo on June 22, 2007, 04:03:36 AM
I am VERY serious. The rap and hip hop music today is disgusting, immoral, violent, and degrades women in the most depraved way.

The worse a rap star's criminal record is, the more popular they become.

It's primal, simple, and lacks any real understanding of what really makes a human being a good person. In other words, it's the lowest common denominator.

And people call this music.  Funny Bethohoven never made a song saying "Kill whitey, kill a cop, sell dope"  I mean the most violent criminal behavior and these stupid record companies produces this vomit as well.  They are also part of this cause what interest them is the all mighty dollar.
And its "Beethoven".

 ??? ??? ???
Title: Re: Shvartzas celebrate the end of Slavery with well...a free for all
Post by: Imerica on June 22, 2007, 04:07:53 AM
I am VERY serious. The rap and hip hop music today is disgusting, immoral, violent, and degrades women in the most depraved way.

The worse a rap star's criminal record is, the more popular they become.

It's primal, simple, and lacks any real understanding of what really makes a human being a good person. In other words, it's the lowest common denominator.

And people call this music.  Funny Bethohoven never made a song saying "Kill whitey, kill a cop, sell dope"  I mean the most violent criminal behavior and these stupid record companies produces this vomit as well.  They are also part of this cause what interest them is the all mighty dollar.
And its "Beethoven".

 ??? ??? ???
Why the confusion? Ludwig Von "Beethoven" is his name. Masterwolf mispelled his name.."Bethohoven".
Title: Re: Shvartzas celebrate the end of Slavery with well...a free for all
Post by: newman on June 22, 2007, 04:10:30 AM
You've got to admit that rap is terribly negative and destructive. I don't think it's doing young negroe men any good at all to be raised on this dreck.
Title: Re: Shvartzas celebrate the end of Slavery with well...a free for all
Post by: Joe Schmo on June 22, 2007, 04:15:22 AM
I am VERY serious. The rap and hip hop music today is disgusting, immoral, violent, and degrades women in the most depraved way.

The worse a rap star's criminal record is, the more popular they become.

It's primal, simple, and lacks any real understanding of what really makes a human being a good person. In other words, it's the lowest common denominator.

And people call this music.  Funny Bethohoven never made a song saying "Kill whitey, kill a cop, sell dope"  I mean the most violent criminal behavior and these stupid record companies produces this vomit as well.  They are also part of this cause what interest them is the all mighty dollar.
And its "Beethoven".

 ??? ??? ???
Why the confusion? Ludwig Von "Beethoven" is his name. Masterwolf mispelled his name.."Bethohoven".

You're right, Erica.  But you should have said, 'and its SPELLED "Beethoven". 

Title: Re: Shvartzas celebrate the end of Slavery with well...a free for all
Post by: newman on June 22, 2007, 04:24:42 AM

How does it feel to keep getting demoted.


Quit picking on Imerica. You gotta admit she's a real trooper.
Title: Re: Shvartzas celebrate the end of Slavery with well...a free for all
Post by: nessuno on June 22, 2007, 04:25:16 AM
Learn something new every day - I never saw it spelled with two E's.

Anyway you know Erica - it was just a typo - big deal... right? ;)
Title: Re: Shvartzas celebrate the end of Slavery with well...a free for all
Post by: nessuno on June 22, 2007, 04:26:39 AM

How does it feel to keep getting demoted.


Quit picking on Imerica. You gotta admit she's a real trooper.
It is just the give and take of the forum - don't worry Newman - she can hold her own.
Title: Re: Shvartzas celebrate the end of Slavery with well...a free for all
Post by: Joe Schmo on June 22, 2007, 04:30:42 AM

How does it feel to keep getting demoted.


Quit picking on Imerica. You gotta admit she's a real trooper.
It is just the give and take of the forum - don't worry Newman - she can hold her own.

Yes.  She CAN.  I may not always agree with Erica, but I admire her courage.

Unlike Chaimfan, I think Erica would meet with me if I asked her to.  She takes a beating here on the forum, but doesn't get scared off.

Erica is PROOF that we're NOT racist at JTF!
Title: Re: Shvartzas celebrate the end of Slavery with well...a free for all
Post by: newman on June 22, 2007, 04:37:11 AM
Everybody LOVES Erica.....anybody who doesn't is a bum! :-* :-* :-*
Title: Re: Shvartzas celebrate the end of Slavery with well...a free for all
Post by: Imerica on June 22, 2007, 09:08:25 AM

How does it feel to keep getting demoted.


I'm feeling no pain. But it must make you guys feel like you're on top of the world to THINK that I'm somehow drowning in tears of depression because people here don't like me. ;) I don't need promotions on a message board to make my life worth living. I have myself, my family and friends as proof that I'm worth the time of day.  8)
Title: Re: Shvartzas celebrate the end of Slavery with well...a free for all
Post by: Imerica on June 22, 2007, 09:09:27 AM
I am VERY serious. The rap and hip hop music today is disgusting, immoral, violent, and degrades women in the most depraved way.

The worse a rap star's criminal record is, the more popular they become.

It's primal, simple, and lacks any real understanding of what really makes a human being a good person. In other words, it's the lowest common denominator.

And people call this music.  Funny Bethohoven never made a song saying "Kill whitey, kill a cop, sell dope"  I mean the most violent criminal behavior and these stupid record companies produces this vomit as well.  They are also part of this cause what interest them is the all mighty dollar.
And its "Beethoven".

 ??? ??? ???
Why the confusion? Ludwig Von "Beethoven" is his name. Masterwolf mispelled his name.."Bethohoven".

You're right, Erica.  But you should have said, 'and its SPELLED "Beethoven". 

You should tell that to bullcat who told me the exact same thing when I left one letter out of a word. Thanks.
Title: Re: Shvartzas celebrate the end of Slavery with well...a free for all
Post by: Imerica on June 22, 2007, 09:10:53 AM
Learn something new every day - I never saw it spelled with two E's.

Anyway you know Erica - it was just a typo - big deal... right? ;)
You'd know, wouldn't you? You did the exact same thing over ONE letter. This person adds a couple of letters and no one corrects them but myself.
Title: Re: Shvartzas celebrate the end of Slavery with well...a free for all
Post by: Imerica on June 22, 2007, 09:12:21 AM

How does it feel to keep getting demoted.


Quit picking on Imerica. You gotta admit she's a real trooper.
It is just the give and take of the forum - don't worry Newman - she can hold her own.

Yes.  She CAN.  I may not always agree with Erica, but I admire her courage.

Unlike Chaimfan, I think Erica would meet with me if I asked her to.  She takes a beating here on the forum, but doesn't get scared off.

Erica is PROOF that we're NOT racist at JTF!
lol that depends on who you ask, Scrabbin. YOU may not be racist, and maybe even bullcat and newman may not be racist but some here have racist tendencies.
Title: Re: Shvartzas celebrate the end of Slavery with well...a free for all
Post by: Imerica on June 22, 2007, 09:14:36 AM
Everybody LOVES Erica.....anybody who doesn't is a bum! :-* :-* :-*
Sattire: *Looking for love in all the wrong places...* LOL :D

Fortunately, I'm not looking to be loved here. I'm stuck in the twilight zone which is this website. Thanks again Allen and others who painstakenly succeeded in getting me to reply here in the first place. Now I don't know how to leave.
Title: Re: Shvartzas celebrate the end of Slavery with well...a free for all
Post by: newman on June 22, 2007, 09:19:13 AM
Everybody LOVES Erica.....anybody who doesn't is a bum! :-* :-* :-*
Sattire: *Looking for love in all the wrong places...* LOL :D

Fortunately, I'm not looking to be loved here. I'm stuck in the twilight zone which is this website. Thanks again Allen and others who painstakenly succeeded in getting me to reply here in the first place. Now I don't know how to leave.
Everybody thinks the world of you anyway. This situation looks like a topic for Gerry Springer or Phill Donahue. I can see it now:

"Black woman is veteran member of 'racist' internet forum!" lol :laugh:
Title: Re: Shvartzas celebrate the end of Slavery with well...a free for all
Post by: Imerica on June 22, 2007, 09:29:50 AM
Everybody LOVES Erica.....anybody who doesn't is a bum! :-* :-* :-*
Sattire: *Looking for love in all the wrong places...* LOL :D

Fortunately, I'm not looking to be loved here. I'm stuck in the twilight zone which is this website. Thanks again Allen and others who painstakenly succeeded in getting me to reply here in the first place. Now I don't know how to leave.
Everybody thinks the world of you anyway. This situation looks like a topic for Gerry Springer or Phill Donahue. I can see it now:

"Black woman is veteran member of 'racist' internet forum!" lol :laugh:
Oh NO!
Title: Re: Shvartzas celebrate the end of Slavery with well...a free for all
Post by: newman on June 22, 2007, 09:43:13 AM
The more I think about it, the better it sounds. You'd have people in the audience screaming out...?.... (What's the female gender of uncle tom?) :o
Title: Re: Shvartzas celebrate the end of Slavery with well...a free for all
Post by: nessuno on June 22, 2007, 10:37:37 AM
Learn something new every day - I never saw it spelled with two E's.

Anyway you know Erica - it was just a typo - big deal... right? ;)
You'd know, wouldn't you? You did the exact same thing over ONE letter. This person adds a couple of letters and no one corrects them but myself.
No Imerica -  I wasn't correcting you - I was just informing you that the man's name was Vespucci.  You told me it was a typo and I accepted that.
So if you didn't like my doing it to you - why didn't you just let it go with MasterWolf.  
Don't drag me into it.
Title: Re: Shvartzas celebrate the end of Slavery with well...a free for all
Post by: nessuno on June 22, 2007, 10:40:53 AM

How does it feel to keep getting demoted.


Quit picking on Imerica. You gotta admit she's a real trooper.
It is just the give and take of the forum - don't worry Newman - she can hold her own.

Yes.  She CAN.  I may not always agree with Erica, but I admire her courage.

Unlike Chaimfan, I think Erica would meet with me if I asked her to.  She takes a beating here on the forum, but doesn't get scared off.

Erica is PROOF that we're NOT racist at JTF!
lol that depends on who you ask, Scrabbin. YOU may not be racist, and maybe even bullcat and newman may not be racist but some here have racist tendencies.
In our own way we are all racist - not just on the forum - I don't care what anyone says - we all have our prejudices.  It just depends how you act on them.
We all don't drag people out of or behind cars - because that is what separates humans from animals.
Title: Re: Shvartzas celebrate the end of Slavery with well...a free for all
Post by: nessuno on June 22, 2007, 10:42:40 AM
This is not a racist forum - it is a place for open discussion.
Title: Re: Shvartzas celebrate the end of Slavery with well...a free for all
Post by: Shlomo on June 22, 2007, 10:51:25 AM
This is not a racist forum - it is a place for open discussion.

Well put. Thank you, bullcat3.

People love to call us racists when we put the truth out there. It's their way of trying to stop us from free speech.
Title: Re: Shvartzas celebrate the end of Slavery with well...a free for all
Post by: newman on June 22, 2007, 11:10:14 AM

 This situation looks like a topic for Gerry Springer or Phill Donahue. I can see it now:

"Black woman is veteran member of 'racist' internet forum!" lol :laugh:

I know it's not racist. I used quotation marks because that's what liberals would say
Title: Re: Shvartzas celebrate the end of Slavery with well...a free for all
Post by: genteelgentile on June 22, 2007, 10:08:02 PM
This makes me think that we need to define and clarify some terms that get thrown around, ones that don't necessarily mean the same, and aren't always bad.  These terms: Racist; bigoted; prejudice. 
Title: Re: Shvartzas celebrate the end of Slavery with well...a free for all
Post by: Imerica on June 22, 2007, 10:47:26 PM
This is not a racist forum - it is a place for open discussion.
How do you explain the racist remarks, bullcat? Where there are racist remarks, a racist is usually not far behind.
Title: Re: Shvartzas celebrate the end of Slavery with well...a free for all
Post by: cjd on June 22, 2007, 11:21:01 PM
JTF and most folks on the forum remark about the evil people in all races how is that racist?
Title: Re: Shvartzas celebrate the end of Slavery with well...a free for all
Post by: nessuno on June 22, 2007, 11:35:30 PM
This is not a racist forum - it is a place for open discussion.
How do you explain the racist remarks, bullcat? Where there are racist remarks, a racist is usually not far behind.
Thanks CJD - you summed up JTF and the forum in a few words.

I don't see it Imerica.
I have a question for you.
If this is a racist forum...what is your reason for continuing to post on it?
I see it as people having an open debate or discussion.
Which is actually good.
Whatever... goodnight  ;)

Title: Re: Shvartzas celebrate the end of Slavery with well...a free for all
Post by: Imerica on June 23, 2007, 12:58:34 AM
This is not a racist forum - it is a place for open discussion.
How do you explain the racist remarks, bullcat? Where there are racist remarks, a racist is usually not far behind.
Thanks CJD - you summed up JTF and the forum in a few words.

I don't see it Imerica.
I have a question for you.
If this is a racist forum...what is your reason for continuing to post on it?
I see it as people having an open debate or discussion.
Which is actually good.
Whatever... goodnight  ;)

For some strange, weird, crazy reason I'm drawn to this forum.
Title: Re: Shvartzas celebrate the end of Slavery with well...a free for all
Post by: genteelgentile on June 23, 2007, 01:50:17 AM
Well, I know I want you to stay.  Perhaps you find us not to be evil, but merely frustrated.  People like Allen T and Bullcat live in areas where "minorities" live in large numbers and act very ill.  So I can see where they are coming from.  I don't believe they hate just for the sake of hating. 
Title: Re: Shvartzas celebrate the end of Slavery with well...a free for all
Post by: Imerica on June 23, 2007, 02:07:58 AM
Well, I know I want you to stay.  Perhaps you find us not to be evil, but merely frustrated.  People like Allen T and Bullcat live in areas where "minorities" live in large numbers and act very ill.  So I can see where they are coming from.  I don't believe they hate just for the sake of hating. 
I understand that. I think Allen enjoys hating people though.
Title: Re: Shvartzas celebrate the end of Slavery with well...a free for all
Post by: Allen-T on June 23, 2007, 02:28:44 AM
This is not a racist forum - it is a place for open discussion.
How do you explain the racist remarks, bullcat? Where there are racist remarks, a racist is usually not far behind.
Thanks CJD - you summed up JTF and the forum in a few words.

I don't see it Imerica.
I have a question for you.
If this is a racist forum...what is your reason for continuing to post on it?
I see it as people having an open debate or discussion.
Which is actually good.
Whatever... goodnight  ;)

For some strange, weird, crazy reason I'm drawn to this forum.

Nonsense, she works for someone. She's probably the official "hate speech agitator". Watch how she responds with "are you crazy......." as if that's the most outrageous, unbelievable concept ever dreamed up!! 
Title: Re: Shvartzas celebrate the end of Slavery with well...a free for all
Post by: Allen-T on June 23, 2007, 02:58:36 AM
Well, I know I want you to stay.  Perhaps you find us not to be evil, but merely frustrated.  People like Allen T and Bullcat live in areas where "minorities" live in large numbers and act very ill.  So I can see where they are coming from.  I don't believe they hate just for the sake of hating. 
I understand that. I think Allen enjoys hating people though.

Where you are confused is that 1] I hate hating people but enjoy inventing ways to deal with those who produce the hateful feelings, and 2] I am a creative person and I don't bottle that up in this area. JTF is the only organization I know of that I think could possibly, however small the chances, be the instrument that could usher in a second glorious wave of segregation with all the trimmings, e.g. lynchings,etc. and thus make America a better place for those who's ancestors BRAINS, not bullwork, built it. Numbers don't lie, when black men knew the noose was waiting, less white women were raped, less white women thought these beasts to be suitable for dating/marriage and blacks were more likely to behave in a socially acceptable manner. This is an undeniable fact. We've tried everything else, nothing works. And this is exactly why Erica is here. Because whoever she works for is nervous about the minute possability that we just might become a mass movement. It wouldn't be the first time. She, and whoever she is spying for knows full well that blacks deserve this, that whites are justified in thinking this, and they want nothing more than to kill us all first. I leave you with Robert Crumb's now infamous cartoon which depicts what will happen if sane people don't listen to me;[warning;graphic REAL depictions that may not be suitable for everyone] http://www.heretical.com/miscella/rcnoa.html

Title: Re: Shvartzas celebrate the end of Slavery with well...a free for all
Post by: fjack on June 23, 2007, 08:33:00 AM
What Crumb showed us is what is happening now in South Africa. As we let more and more turd world things into this country there will be all knds of conflicts between these primitives. They live in a 'tribal' type of culture. The mexicans hate the Puerto Ricans who hate the blacks and the all hate the whites. What does that tell you. That tells me that we are in big trouble. The country will not be broken up in states it will be balkinized. For instance the state of texas will be know as the kingdom of the aztecs, bronx New York will be called little domminican, Queens New York, were Masterwolf, cjd and I live will be broken and splintered even further. For instance Flushing will be called New Asia, Corona will be called banditoland, east new york will be called zoobabway etc, etc. This will go on all over the country. The armed forces will not be able to function, political correctness will force the army to have translators give orders. Mutiny will happen more and more in the ranks, there have been incidents with black muslims and gang members. Iraq has been sprayed with black and hispanic gang tags and it is getting worse. As the illegals vote their kind into office they will pass laws that will take all white rights away. Rioting and looting will follow every soccer game, rap concert, mlk day, juneteenth and oj's day of freedom. We will be forced to pass all kind of ethnic holidays, such as voodoo appriecation day, cinco de mayo is already on its way of becoming a federal holicay, muslim shira law and the list will grow. Industry will come to a standstill. Major corporations will leave in droves. The currency will be in shambles and the whole system will collaspe. I would strongly suggest my fellow posters watch the greatest movie ever made, "The Birth of a Nation" and read "Atlas Shrugged'. I beleive that any white parent who does not show the birth of a nation to their small children monthly is an unfit parent. I claim to be no prophet, but I am only reading the writing on the wall. Think about what I have said. Some of you may scream 'fjack the racist', you are wrong, I am fjack the realist.
Title: Re: Shvartzas celebrate the end of Slavery with well...a free for all
Post by: Hail Columbia on June 23, 2007, 09:39:23 AM
What Crumb showed us is what is happening now in South Africa. As we let more and more turd world things into this country there will be all knds of conflicts between these primitives. They live in a 'tribal' type of culture. The mexicans hate the Puerto Ricans who hate the blacks and the all hate the whites. What does that tell you. That tells me that we are in big trouble. The country will not be broken up in states it will be balkinized. For instance the state of texas will be know as the kingdom of the aztecs, bronx New York will be called little domminican, Queens New York, were Masterwolf, cjd and I live will be broken and splintered even further. For instance Flushing will be called New Asia, Corona will be called banditoland, east new york will be called zoobabway etc, etc. This will go on all over the country.

How about if we kill the whole lot of them, and force the survivors to adopt a common identity?  That's what Genghis Khan did before carrying out his global conquests.
Title: Re: Shvartzas celebrate the end of Slavery with well...a free for all
Post by: Allen-T on June 23, 2007, 09:42:25 AM
What Crumb showed us is what is happening now in South Africa. As we let more and more turd world things into this country there will be all knds of conflicts between these primitives. They live in a 'tribal' type of culture. The mexicans hate the Puerto Ricans who hate the blacks and the all hate the whites. What does that tell you. That tells me that we are in big trouble. The country will not be broken up in states it will be balkinized. For instance the state of texas will be know as the kingdom of the aztecs, bronx New York will be called little domminican, Queens New York, were Masterwolf, cjd and I live will be broken and splintered even further. For instance Flushing will be called New Asia, Corona will be called banditoland, east new york will be called zoobabway etc, etc. This will go on all over the country. The armed forces will not be able to function, political correctness will force the army to have translators give orders. Mutiny will happen more and more in the ranks, there have been incidents with black muslims and gang members. Iraq has been sprayed with black and hispanic gang tags and it is getting worse. As the illegals vote their kind into office they will pass laws that will take all white rights away. Rioting and looting will follow every soccer game, rap concert, mlk day, juneteenth and oj's day of freedom. We will be forced to pass all kind of ethnic holidays, such as voodoo appriecation day, cinco de mayo is already on its way of becoming a federal holicay, muslim shira law and the list will grow. Industry will come to a standstill. Major corporations will leave in droves. The currency will be in shambles and the whole system will collaspe. I would strongly suggest my fellow posters watch the greatest movie ever made, "The Birth of a Nation" and read "Atlas Shrugged'. I beleive that any white parent who does not show the birth of a nation to their small children monthly is an unfit parent. I claim to be no prophet, but I am only reading the writing on the wall. Think about what I have said. Some of you may scream 'fjack the racist', you are wrong, I am fjack the realist.

fjack, you are great!!!
Title: Re: Shvartzas celebrate the end of Slavery with well...a free for all
Post by: Allen-T on June 23, 2007, 09:43:35 AM
What Crumb showed us is what is happening now in South Africa. As we let more and more turd world things into this country there will be all knds of conflicts between these primitives. They live in a 'tribal' type of culture. The mexicans hate the Puerto Ricans who hate the blacks and the all hate the whites. What does that tell you. That tells me that we are in big trouble. The country will not be broken up in states it will be balkinized. For instance the state of texas will be know as the kingdom of the aztecs, bronx New York will be called little domminican, Queens New York, were Masterwolf, cjd and I live will be broken and splintered even further. For instance Flushing will be called New Asia, Corona will be called banditoland, east new york will be called zoobabway etc, etc. This will go on all over the country.

How about if we kill the whole lot of them, and force the survivors to adopt a common identity?  That's what Genghis Khan did before carrying out his global conquests.

Hail, Hail Colombia!!
Title: Re: Shvartzas celebrate the end of Slavery with well...a free for all
Post by: newman on June 23, 2007, 11:34:51 AM
We've had an official policy of multiculturalism in Australia since the 70s and it's been the biggest abortion of all time. It's turned tribal. We've got moslems pack raping christian girls 19 to the dozen and demanding sharia law. They are shoving elderly australians in the street and telling them Australia is THEIR country now! We could well be screwed. Save America before it's too late.
Title: Re: Shvartzas celebrate the end of Slavery with well...a free for all
Post by: MasterWolf1 on June 23, 2007, 01:29:21 PM
The color of skin has nothing to do with anything,  evil people are evil regardless of color.  It has to do about evil.  And for the proportion of good compared to evil in black communities the evil over matches the good.  I mean blacks hate other blacks when they  become successful.  Look  how they whine about Alan Keyes calling him " Uncle Tom ".  Which I do believe is rather racist.
Title: Re: Shvartzas celebrate the end of Slavery with well...a free for all
Post by: Imerica on June 23, 2007, 02:06:32 PM
Well, I know I want you to stay.  Perhaps you find us not to be evil, but merely frustrated.  People like Allen T and Bullcat live in areas where "minorities" live in large numbers and act very ill.  So I can see where they are coming from.  I don't believe they hate just for the sake of hating. 
I understand that. I think Allen enjoys hating people though.

Where you are confused is that 1] I hate hating people but enjoy inventing ways to deal with those who produce the hateful feelings, and 2] I am a creative person and I don't bottle that up in this area. JTF is the only organization I know of that I think could possibly, however small the chances, be the instrument that could usher in a second glorious wave of segregation with all the trimmings, e.g. lynchings,etc. and thus make America a better place for those who's ancestors BRAINS, not bullwork, built it. Numbers don't lie, when black men knew the noose was waiting, less white women were raped, less white women thought these beasts to be suitable for dating/marriage and blacks were more likely to behave in a socially acceptable manner. This is an undeniable fact. We've tried everything else, nothing works. And this is exactly why Erica is here. Because whoever she works for is nervous about the minute possability that we just might become a mass movement. It wouldn't be the first time. She, and whoever she is spying for knows full well that blacks deserve this, that whites are justified in thinking this, and they want nothing more than to kill us all first. I leave you with Robert Crumb's now infamous cartoon which depicts what will happen if sane people don't listen to me;[warning;graphic REAL depictions that may not be suitable for everyone] http://www.heretical.com/miscella/rcnoa.html

Bold mine, YOU are the reason I'm here, Allen. Remember? You and judeanoncapta (sp?) invited me and from what I remember, you were very impatient when I didn't show up the moment you suggested I should have. I have the emails on Youtube to prove it. Also , you are a paranoid crazed lunatic. I don't work for anyone and I'm no spy. I am a stay at home mom with 5 daughters, a wonderful husband and I'm attending school to be an elementary educator. This "Erica is a SPY" business is stupid to say the least. No one is "after you"... frankly, Allen, you're not that important that anyone would target you for ANYTHING. If I were you (and I'm SO glad I'm not) I'd go and seek some kind of professional help for the paranoid delusions you're experiencing.
Title: Re: Shvartzas celebrate the end of Slavery with well...a free for all
Post by: Allen-T on June 23, 2007, 02:12:38 PM
Well, I know I want you to stay.  Perhaps you find us not to be evil, but merely frustrated.  People like Allen T and Bullcat live in areas where "minorities" live in large numbers and act very ill.  So I can see where they are coming from.  I don't believe they hate just for the sake of hating. 
I understand that. I think Allen enjoys hating people though.

Where you are confused is that 1] I hate hating people but enjoy inventing ways to deal with those who produce the hateful feelings, and 2] I am a creative person and I don't bottle that up in this area. JTF is the only organization I know of that I think could possibly, however small the chances, be the instrument that could usher in a second glorious wave of segregation with all the trimmings, e.g. lynchings,etc. and thus make America a better place for those who's ancestors BRAINS, not bullwork, built it. Numbers don't lie, when black men knew the noose was waiting, less white women were raped, less white women thought these beasts to be suitable for dating/marriage and blacks were more likely to behave in a socially acceptable manner. This is an undeniable fact. We've tried everything else, nothing works. And this is exactly why Erica is here. Because whoever she works for is nervous about the minute possability that we just might become a mass movement. It wouldn't be the first time. She, and whoever she is spying for knows full well that blacks deserve this, that whites are justified in thinking this, and they want nothing more than to kill us all first. I leave you with Robert Crumb's now infamous cartoon which depicts what will happen if sane people don't listen to me;[warning;graphic REAL depictions that may not be suitable for everyone] http://www.heretical.com/miscella/rcnoa.html

Bold mine, YOU are the reason I'm here, Allen. Remember? You and judeanoncapta (sp?) invited me and from what I remember, you were very impatient when I didn't show up the moment you suggested I should have. I have the emails on Youtube to prove it. Also , you are a paranoid crazed lunatic. I don't work for anyone and I'm no spy. I am a stay at home mom with 5 daughters, a wonderful husband and I'm attending school to be an elementary educator. This "Erica is a SPY" business is stupid to say the least. No one is "after you"... frankly, Allen, you're not that important that anyone would target you for ANYTHING. If I were you (and I'm SO glad I'm not) I'd go and seek some kind of professional help for the paranoid delusions you're experiencing.

Thanks, Erica. I have read your response thoroughly and I believe if I really apply myself I could be a totally changed man by...........say, just after dinner. 
Title: Re: Shvartzas celebrate the end of Slavery with well...a free for all
Post by: Allen-T on June 23, 2007, 02:35:03 PM
What Crumb showed us is what is happening now in South Africa. As we let more and more turd world things into this country there will be all knds of conflicts between these primitives. They live in a 'tribal' type of culture. The mexicans hate the Puerto Ricans who hate the blacks and the all hate the whites. What does that tell you. That tells me that we are in big trouble. The country will not be broken up in states it will be balkinized. For instance the state of texas will be know as the kingdom of the aztecs, bronx New York will be called little domminican, Queens New York, were Masterwolf, cjd and I live will be broken and splintered even further. For instance Flushing will be called New Asia, Corona will be called banditoland, east new york will be called zoobabway etc, etc. This will go on all over the country. The armed forces will not be able to function, political correctness will force the army to have translators give orders. Mutiny will happen more and more in the ranks, there have been incidents with black muslims and gang members. Iraq has been sprayed with black and hispanic gang tags and it is getting worse. As the illegals vote their kind into office they will pass laws that will take all white rights away. Rioting and looting will follow every soccer game, rap concert, mlk day, juneteenth and oj's day of freedom. We will be forced to pass all kind of ethnic holidays, such as voodoo appriecation day, cinco de mayo is already on its way of becoming a federal holicay, muslim shira law and the list will grow. Industry will come to a standstill. Major corporations will leave in droves. The currency will be in shambles and the whole system will collaspe. I would strongly suggest my fellow posters watch the greatest movie ever made, "The Birth of a Nation" and read "Atlas Shrugged'. I beleive that any white parent who does not show the birth of a nation to their small children monthly is an unfit parent. I claim to be no prophet, but I am only reading the writing on the wall. Think about what I have said. Some of you may scream 'fjack the racist', you are wrong, I am fjack the realist.

I just ordered Birth Of A Nation online. I can't wait, I've never seen it. Thanks for the heads up!!
Title: Re: Shvartzas celebrate the end of Slavery with well...a free for all
Post by: nessuno on June 23, 2007, 07:45:45 PM
Well, I know I want you to stay.  Perhaps you find us not to be evil, but merely frustrated.  People like Allen T and Bullcat live in areas where "minorities" live in large numbers and act very ill.  So I can see where they are coming from.  I don't believe they hate just for the sake of hating. 
Exactly genteelgentile!
I don't hate you Imerica  :-*
I hate Africanus Criminalis
and all people who act very evil.
Thank You -
Title: Re: Shvartzas celebrate the end of Slavery with well...a free for all
Post by: fjack on June 23, 2007, 08:29:57 PM
Allen-T, you will love 'Birth of a Nation' it tells the truth about what it was like during Reconstruction. When Woodrow Wilson saw the movie he was quoted as saying 'it is history written with lighting'. The newly formed association for the advancement of criminal people started in with pickets, rent a riot, you know, just like they do today. As a matter of fact some of the movie was taken out as being all too true, excuse me offensive. Just recently the self haters in hollywierd took back some kind of special award that was given to Griffith for this outstanding, what I like to call it, a documentary of the first order. I shows the truth when you put affrimative action creatures in charge of anything. There is one scene that is in the legislature filled with blacks that is hilarious, but when you think about it, it is sad. Please let us know what you think of this wonderful film. You will fill with pride and it will instill hope in you that things will change and whites will come to their senses. But when you watch the news on TV, or walk out in public, ride a bus, go to the post office, talk to an affrimative action store manager, or just be near a black school when they come rushing out onto the street and you will come back to reality. Please enjoy, and hope. Tell all parents to show this to their children to counteract the liberal nonesense that is being force fed to them in schools, the major media and hollywood. If any of you other posters have seen this masterpiece please jump in and give us your thoughts.
Title: Re: Shvartzas celebrate the end of Slavery with well...a free for all
Post by: Imerica on June 23, 2007, 10:28:17 PM
Allen-T, you will love 'Birth of a Nation' it tells the truth about what it was like during Reconstruction. When Woodrow Wilson saw the movie he was quoted as saying 'it is history written with lighting'. The newly formed association for the advancement of criminal people started in with pickets, rent a riot, you know, just like they do today. As a matter of fact some of the movie was taken out as being all too true, excuse me offensive. Just recently the self haters in hollywierd took back some kind of special award that was given to Griffith for this outstanding, what I like to call it, a documentary of the first order. I shows the truth when you put affrimative action creatures in charge of anything. There is one scene that is in the legislature filled with blacks that is hilarious, but when you think about it, it is sad. Please let us know what you think of this wonderful film. You will fill with pride and it will instill hope in you that things will change and whites will come to their senses. But when you watch the news on TV, or walk out in public, ride a bus, go to the post office, talk to an affrimative action store manager, or just be near a black school when they come rushing out onto the street and you will come back to reality. Please enjoy, and hope. Tell all parents to show this to their children to counteract the liberal nonesense that is being force fed to them in schools, the major media and hollywood. If any of you other posters have seen this masterpiece please jump in and give us your thoughts.
'Birth of A Nation' was that movie written, directed and starring the Ku Klux Klan! How, or better yet WHY is anyone here uplifting it as 'great cinema?' You all say that you're not racist but then you support a film made by people who were the originators of hating of everyone who isn't white (in the 19th, 20th Centuries ...and even now). That movie, when I saw it made me cry. Even THEN as a child I didn't realize how much hate existed in our own country. The "birth" of our country had NOTHING to do with the KKK at all. They just wanted a way to get a hold of the masses so that someone would join their 'gang'.
Title: Re: Shvartzas celebrate the end of Slavery with well...a free for all
Post by: Allen-T on June 23, 2007, 11:18:44 PM
Well, I know I want you to stay.  Perhaps you find us not to be evil, but merely frustrated.  People like Allen T and Bullcat live in areas where "minorities" live in large numbers and act very ill.  So I can see where they are coming from.  I don't believe they hate just for the sake of hating. 
Exactly genteelgentile!
I don't hate you Imerica  :-*
I hate Africanus Criminalis
and all people who act very evil.
Thank You -

Title: Re: Shvartzas celebrate the end of Slavery with well...a free for all
Post by: Allen-T on June 23, 2007, 11:23:45 PM
Allen-T, you will love 'Birth of a Nation' it tells the truth about what it was like during Reconstruction. When Woodrow Wilson saw the movie he was quoted as saying 'it is history written with lighting'. The newly formed association for the advancement of criminal people started in with pickets, rent a riot, you know, just like they do today. As a matter of fact some of the movie was taken out as being all too true, excuse me offensive. Just recently the self haters in hollywierd took back some kind of special award that was given to Griffith for this outstanding, what I like to call it, a documentary of the first order. I shows the truth when you put affrimative action creatures in charge of anything. There is one scene that is in the legislature filled with blacks that is hilarious, but when you think about it, it is sad. Please let us know what you think of this wonderful film. You will fill with pride and it will instill hope in you that things will change and whites will come to their senses. But when you watch the news on TV, or walk out in public, ride a bus, go to the post office, talk to an affrimative action store manager, or just be near a black school when they come rushing out onto the street and you will come back to reality. Please enjoy, and hope. Tell all parents to show this to their children to counteract the liberal nonesense that is being force fed to them in schools, the major media and hollywood. If any of you other posters have seen this masterpiece please jump in and give us your thoughts.
'Birth of A Nation' was that movie written, directed and starring the Ku Klux Klan! How, or better yet WHY is anyone here uplifting it as 'great cinema?' You all say that you're not racist but then you support a film made by people who were the originators of hating of everyone who isn't white (in the 19th, 20th Centuries ...and even now). That movie, when I saw it made me cry. Even THEN as a child I didn't realize how much hate existed in our own country. The "birth" of our country had NOTHING to do with the KKK at all. They just wanted a way to get a hold of the masses so that someone would join their 'gang'.

What the KKK was in it's original inception and what it became later is, as I have read, two different entities. One was a Pro-white militia, the other was an anti-black gang. Did you know it was common at one time to make postcards out of lynching photographs? I even saw a before and after set! 
Title: Re: Shvartzas celebrate the end of Slavery with well...a free for all
Post by: Imerica on June 24, 2007, 02:35:17 AM
Allen-T, you will love 'Birth of a Nation' it tells the truth about what it was like during Reconstruction. When Woodrow Wilson saw the movie he was quoted as saying 'it is history written with lighting'. The newly formed association for the advancement of criminal people started in with pickets, rent a riot, you know, just like they do today. As a matter of fact some of the movie was taken out as being all too true, excuse me offensive. Just recently the self haters in hollywierd took back some kind of special award that was given to Griffith for this outstanding, what I like to call it, a documentary of the first order. I shows the truth when you put affrimative action creatures in charge of anything. There is one scene that is in the legislature filled with blacks that is hilarious, but when you think about it, it is sad. Please let us know what you think of this wonderful film. You will fill with pride and it will instill hope in you that things will change and whites will come to their senses. But when you watch the news on TV, or walk out in public, ride a bus, go to the post office, talk to an affrimative action store manager, or just be near a black school when they come rushing out onto the street and you will come back to reality. Please enjoy, and hope. Tell all parents to show this to their children to counteract the liberal nonesense that is being force fed to them in schools, the major media and hollywood. If any of you other posters have seen this masterpiece please jump in and give us your thoughts.
'Birth of A Nation' was that movie written, directed and starring the Ku Klux Klan! How, or better yet WHY is anyone here uplifting it as 'great cinema?' You all say that you're not racist but then you support a film made by people who were the originators of hating of everyone who isn't white (in the 19th, 20th Centuries ...and even now). That movie, when I saw it made me cry. Even THEN as a child I didn't realize how much hate existed in our own country. The "birth" of our country had NOTHING to do with the KKK at all. They just wanted a way to get a hold of the masses so that someone would join their 'gang'.

What the KKK was in it's original inception and what it became later is, as I have read, two different entities. One was a Pro-white militia, the other was an anti-black gang. Did you know it was common at one time to make postcards out of lynching photographs? I even saw a before and after set! 
There are some people who believe that a military is a gang..depending on what side you're fighting for. I've heard of the post-card lyinching pictures and I'm still disgusted at the thought of that being so amusing that someone would slap a stamp on it and actually send it to someone else. "Greetings from the land of WHITE Power and 'Strange Fruit' Trees!" Oh, how joyous that time must have been. ::)
Title: Re: Shvartzas celebrate the end of Slavery with well...a free for all
Post by: ChaimBenMordechai on June 24, 2007, 04:05:26 AM
Well since I never owned a slave and nobody else that I know of owned a slave that means I guess we owe them nothing.

No no no...everybody knows EVERY Jew had some connection to SLAVERY. Just ask Fatman Sharpton, Calypso Louie or a white Muslim Nazi like Dr. Larry Leslie of U/South Florida...
Title: Re: Shvartzas celebrate the end of Slavery with well...a free for all
Post by: nessuno on June 24, 2007, 05:55:37 AM
Well, I know I want you to stay.  Perhaps you find us not to be evil, but merely frustrated.  People like Allen T and Bullcat live in areas where "minorities" live in large numbers and act very ill.  So I can see where they are coming from.  I don't believe they hate just for the sake of hating. 
Exactly genteelgentile!
I don't hate you Imerica  :-*
I hate Africanus Criminalis
and all people who act very evil.
Thank You -

Title: Re: Shvartzas celebrate the end of Slavery with well...a free for all
Post by: fjack on June 24, 2007, 08:22:12 AM
What member of the cast was in the KKk? The 'Birth of a Nation' showed exactly what was happening all over the south. It also is a mirror on today. Here in New York there were 6 shootings in harlem by blacks. Harlem is going under gentrification so the undesirables will move to your area. There, when you recieve you teaching degree you can help them learn about themselves, tell them that are just like king tut, they built everything, they invented civic government etc. By the way, just like the "Birth of a Nation" a black man killed a white woman (she was a slut self hater so I do not  really care about her and her bastard kids) who he knocked up. Now if a posse of white men got together to protect their old, women and children from this african don juan , I suppose this would offend you. What is strange is that if some of the members of this forum saw you getting mugged or worse, most of us would come to your aid. I remember stories of white women getting hit by a car in a black area and as she was lying on the ground the black onlookers stole everything she had. Do you remember the Central Park Jogger, a young white woman was jogging when a black hispanic pounced on her raped and beat her. While she was laying helpless on the ground, a group of black 'youths' came upon her and continued where the other tribal brother left off. They gang raped her will she was unconcious and pummelled her with everything but the kitchen sink. Would it be cultural insensitive if a group of whites put a stop to these 'negroes acting afro centricly'?. I am sure that there would be such an uproar today it would wake all the dead white women that were killed by black primitives. Hillary would have soiled her depends as she screamed of a horrible act of white men protecting a white woman from the amorous advances of underpriviledged black youth. Barbara Walters would have announced that this was a throw back to the time of reconstruction when white men banded togerther to protect their women, how disgusting. Katie Couric and the two admitted sluts, meredith and hoprah would have gotten their tiny little tities all tangled and twisted over this.Mike ( I'm not paying for that meatloaf) would have a special edition of 60 bull turd with civil rights leaders to denouce this atrocity commited by white men. I say that the time has come for this carnage to stop. As society makes more and more excuses for thes atrocities, more and more klan like groups will start sprouting up and I am affraid they will take the good people, such as you and your family, along with the bad. I really think that you believe in everything you say, that you try and raise your children in a righteous way, but you have been brainwashed like so many others, such as white liberals. Wake up! Things are getting worse, wait till the mexican gangs more into your area, you will beg for a klan to come to fight this invasion.
Title: Re: Shvartzas celebrate the end of Slavery with well...a free for all
Post by: Imerica on June 24, 2007, 12:38:56 PM
What member of the cast was in the KKk? The 'Birth of a Nation' showed exactly what was happening all over the south. It also is a mirror on today. Here in New York there were 6 shootings in harlem by blacks. Harlem is going under gentrification so the undesirables will move to your area. There, when you recieve you teaching degree you can help them learn about themselves, tell them that are just like king tut, they built everything, they invented civic government etc. By the way, just like the "Birth of a Nation" a black man killed a white woman (she was a slut self hater so I do not  really care about her and her bastard kids) who he knocked up. Now if a posse of white men got together to protect their old, women and children from this african don juan , I suppose this would offend you. What is strange is that if some of the members of this forum saw you getting mugged or worse, most of us would come to your aid. I remember stories of white women getting hit by a car in a black area and as she was lying on the ground the black onlookers stole everything she had. Do you remember the Central Park Jogger, a young white woman was jogging when a black hispanic pounced on her raped and beat her. While she was laying helpless on the ground, a group of black 'youths' came upon her and continued where the other tribal brother left off. They gang raped her will she was unconcious and pummelled her with everything but the kitchen sink. Would it be cultural insensitive if a group of whites put a stop to these 'negroes acting afro centricly'?. I am sure that there would be such an uproar today it would wake all the dead white women that were killed by black primitives. Hillary would have soiled her depends as she screamed of a horrible act of white men protecting a white woman from the amorous advances of underpriviledged black youth. Barbara Walters would have announced that this was a throw back to the time of reconstruction when white men banded togerther to protect their women, how disgusting. Katie Couric and the two admitted sluts, meredith and hoprah would have gotten their tiny little tities all tangled and twisted over this.Mike ( I'm not paying for that meatloaf) would have a special edition of 60 bull turd with civil rights leaders to denouce this atrocity commited by white men. I say that the time has come for this carnage to stop. As society makes more and more excuses for thes atrocities, more and more klan like groups will start sprouting up and I am affraid they will take the good people, such as you and your family, along with the bad. I really think that you believe in everything you say, that you try and raise your children in a righteous way, but you have been brainwashed like so many others, such as white liberals. Wake up! Things are getting worse, wait till the mexican gangs more into your area, you will beg for a klan to come to fight this invasion.
First of all.. NO, I won't beg for the Klan to do anything for me. Second I can't believe you're making excuses for the existence of the Klan. They formed for a different reason than they evolved to be. It was supposed to be some secret society but then turned into something devilishly evil. Lynching blacks because they wanted to escape from slavery. Lynching blacks because they wanted to learn how to read. Beating and killing blacks because they looked at a white woman. Highly acceptable, I guess, in your eyes. Also, the KKK killed blacks who they thought were 'uppity' and were trying to change their futures. I'll bet you didn't know that did you? And you liken needing the kkk with what's going on in Harlem...why? Different times, different people. We need  police to clean that problem you're seeing in  Harlem up, not a rogue-vigilanti (oxymoron) group with hate pulsing through their veins.

ETA: What I said about the movie being cast, and directed by the kkk was figuratively speaking. The spirit of the movie led me to make that opinion. "Blacks are bad! Let's kill them!" "Oh NO! That slave is looking at/ or likes white women! Lets kill them!" Sounds like kkk garbage to me.
Title: Re: Shvartzas celebrate the end of Slavery with well...a free for all
Post by: fjack on June 24, 2007, 01:12:40 PM
First of all the klan was formed after the civil war. I don't believe in killing any one just because of their color. There is no way I would join the klan, since they are nothing but drunken bar room brawlers and unfit to live amonst intelligent white peole. I believe that the total number of klanmen are about 2300 according to FBI stats. There is no doubt that these klan types that exist today are nothing but bores and a drain on police resources since we have to keep an eye on these guys. I am for vigilantes and militias. We are not protected by the police who are too policitically correct. We must police our own communities and when push comes to shove we must shove back with a powerful hand that will show others we are no longer kidding and you should never bother any one of us again. Live the way you want to in your own neighborhoods, but leave us alone or you all will suffer a horrible, horrrible fate.
Title: Re: Shvartzas celebrate the end of Slavery with well...a free for all
Post by: newman on June 24, 2007, 01:27:19 PM
First of all the klan was formed after the civil war. I don't believe in killing any one just because of their color. There is no way I would join the klan, since they are nothing but drunken bar room brawlers and unfit to live amonst intelligent white peole. I believe that the total number of klanmen are about 2300 according to FBI stats. There is no doubt that these klan types that exist today are nothing but bores and a drain on police resources since we have to keep an eye on these guys. I am for vigilantes and militias. We are not protected by the police who are too policitically correct. We must police our own communities and when push comes to shove we must shove back with a powerful hand that will show others we are no longer kidding and you should never bother any one of us again. Live the way you want to in your own neighborhoods, but leave us alone or you all will suffer a horrible, horrrible fate.

I hear life is much better in sociological terms in small town USA. A local sherrif elected by the white 90+% majority community doesn't give a stuff about PC.

"You in a heap o' trouble now,boy!"