General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: JustaGypsy on January 24, 2012, 03:05:53 PM

Title: DNA Genealogy - Could i be Jewish?
Post by: JustaGypsy on January 24, 2012, 03:05:53 PM
I tested with 23andMe. I send my Raw Data to Dr. Doug McDonald and im in Dienekes Dodecat Anthropology Project. My results could indicate some Jewish Ancestry.

My newest DOD Oracle2 Results

single mode
[1,] "Romanians" "13.2318"
[2,] "Bulgarian_D" "17.1616"
[3,] "Bulgarians_Y" "17.9173"
[4,] "O_Italian_D" "20.5611"
[5,] "Ashkenazy_Jews" "21.618"
[6,] "C_Italian_D" "22.0986"
[7,] "Greek_D" "22.1932"
[8,] "Tuscan" "22.8954"
[9,] "Ashkenazi_D" "23.1097"
[10,] "TSI25" "23.4849"

two way mixed mode
[1,] "75.8% Bulgarian_D + 24.2% Cochin_Jews" "2.051"
[2,] "25% Cochin_Jews + 75% Bulgarians_Y" "2.4013"
[3,] "23.6% Bnei_Menashe_Jews + 76.4% Romanians" "2.6058"
[4,] "19.5% Cochin_Jews + 80.5% Romanians" "2.7403"

[5,] "80.2% Bulgarian_D + 19.8% Velamas_M" "3.3046"
[6,] "71.4% Bulgarian_D + 28.6% Bnei_Menashe_Jews" "3.3216"
[7,] "80.3% Bulgarian_D + 19.7% Tamil_Nadu_Scheduled_Caste_M" "3.4346"
[8,] "78.7% Bulgarian_D + 21.3% INS25" "3.6316"
[9,] "79.2% Bulgarian_D + 20.8% Meghawal_M" "3.6469"
[10,] "77.9% Bulgarian_D + 22.1% Brahmins_from_Tamil_Nadu_M" "3.7009"

Dr.Doug McDonald Analysis
Your spot on the map is near Kifisia, Greece.

Doug McDonald

The basic mix is

Spain or North Italy 75%, rest India.

However, it can be improved (slightly) by mixing in
some other European up to 40%, or some Mideastern
(Jewish/Turkey/Armenian/Georgian) up to 40% (as
large as 40% only for Jewish
, rest are up to 20%).

But all of these are going to average out about the same
spot on the map.

Note that this is beta test. It is the newest version. Don't take
the exact spits betwwen Euro and Mideast/S. Asian as gospel,
just that you are barely on one side of the line or other.

On another test you so show that some percent of you ancestry
really is recently (10 generations) mixed on a continental scale.

hi. thanks very much. what does mixed on a continental scale mean? between southasia and europe oder
something else?

it means between any two continents. In your case, clearly mostly Euro and Mideast.

My Haplogroups

mtdna T2b5
ydna E3b

Title: Re: DNA Genealogy - Could i be Jewish?
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on January 24, 2012, 03:07:20 PM
You're a loser, a piece of garbage, and a plague on this forum. Go back to Pedofront you obese troll.
Title: Re: DNA Genealogy - Could i be Jewish?
Post by: JustaGypsy on January 24, 2012, 03:09:18 PM
You're a loser, a piece of garbage, and a plague on this forum. Go back to Pedofront you obese troll.

hey dude why do you say that. are you even jewish? i asked a valid question. my mums side could very well be southasian/jewish mixed like the cohini jews. could mtdna T2b(5) be Jewish? i mean my direct maternal line. usually its counted as germanic or as indo-european but i know some jews have it as well.
Title: Re: DNA Genealogy - Could i be Jewish?
Post by: briann on January 24, 2012, 03:16:24 PM
You're a loser, a piece of garbage, and a plague on this forum. Go back to Pedofront you obese troll.

Who is the troll??   
Title: Re: DNA Genealogy - Could i be Jewish?
Post by: JustaGypsy on January 24, 2012, 03:19:08 PM
im not a troll, im interested in genealogy and in truth. if i find out im jewish i will be just as proud of it as of any other ancestry. but i dont know of any jewish ancestor.
Title: Re: DNA Genealogy - Could i be Jewish?
Post by: JustaGypsy on January 24, 2012, 03:30:45 PM
I better wait for more Results and more Tests before i run to quick conclusions. :)
However does somebody knows something and can help?
Title: Re: DNA Genealogy - Could i be Jewish?
Post by: mord on January 24, 2012, 03:40:10 PM
It looks like you may be part Jewish
Title: Re: DNA Genealogy - Could i be Jewish?
Post by: JustaGypsy on January 24, 2012, 03:50:00 PM
It looks like you may be part Jewish

do you know of any jewish dna forums, where i can ask and is there any test to determine jewish ancestry for sure?

Title: Re: DNA Genealogy - Could i be Jewish?
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on January 24, 2012, 04:01:40 PM
Who is the troll??   
His name is Sirbata.
Title: Re: DNA Genealogy - Could i be Jewish?
Post by: Maimonides on January 24, 2012, 04:13:20 PM
im not a troll, im interested in genealogy and in truth. if i find out im jewish i will be just as proud of it as of any other ancestry. but i dont know of any jewish ancestor.

Being Jewish is not based simply on genetics. Ultimately it is based on you consciously and physically accepting the Yoke of Hashem by following the Torah and Talmud!

You could be born Jewish due to having a Jewish mother, but be cast out based on your actions or beliefs. On the other hand, you could have no Jewish genes, but become Jewish through conversion.
Title: Re: DNA Genealogy - Could i be Jewish?
Post by: JustaGypsy on January 24, 2012, 04:16:50 PM
Being Jewish is not based simply on genetics. Ultimately it is based on you consciously and physically accepting the Yoke of Hashem by following the Torah and Talmud!

You could be born Jewish due to having a Jewish mother, but be cast out based on your actions or beliefs. On the other hand, you could have no Jewish genes, but become Jewish through conversion.

i know. but i guess there is also some disagreement among religious and non-religious jews. there are atheists who consider themselfes jewish. im interested in the genetics aspect. but i guess i will never know for sure. i could be jewish but i could be not. who knows?
Title: Re: DNA Genealogy - Could i be Jewish?
Post by: Dr. Dan on January 24, 2012, 04:39:31 PM
Looks to me you are more Hindu in your blood...that must mean you are Hindu
Title: Re: DNA Genealogy - Could i be Jewish?
Post by: JustaGypsy on January 24, 2012, 04:43:33 PM
Looks to me you are more Hindu in your blood...that must mean you are Hindu

 Im just interested in every piece of ancestry i may have. I associate myself with hindus the most, im brown and my mum is brown.
Title: Re: DNA Genealogy - Could i be Jewish?
Post by: JustaGypsy on January 24, 2012, 05:05:24 PM
ok. genetically i may be more european, but from looks im more indian. im black head with olive skin and large dark eyes
Title: Re: DNA Genealogy - Could i be Jewish?
Post by: Dr. Dan on January 24, 2012, 05:20:02 PM
ok. genetically i may be more european, but from looks im more indian. im black head with olive skin and large dark eyes

So what?
Title: Re: DNA Genealogy - Could i be Jewish?
Post by: JustaGypsy on January 24, 2012, 05:20:49 PM
So what?

What do you mean?
Title: Re: DNA Genealogy - Could i be Jewish?
Post by: Chai on January 24, 2012, 06:35:41 PM
This guy has the most boring posts
Title: Re: DNA Genealogy - Could i be Jewish?
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on January 24, 2012, 06:52:10 PM
This guy is the banned troll named Sirbata/Inquiring Mind. His previous SN here upon coming back was "WanderingJew". Lisa asked him to change his name. It would be better if this freak were just banned again.
Title: Re: DNA Genealogy - Could i be Jewish?
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on January 24, 2012, 06:53:55 PM
This guy has the most boring posts
He reminds me a whole lot of Yacov actually. They think the same way.
Title: Re: DNA Genealogy - Could i be Jewish?
Post by: Rubystars on January 24, 2012, 08:27:07 PM
I don't think anyone's that interested in your ancestry but yourself. That's a highly personal topic for the most part unless for some reason it's relevant somehow or someone asked about it?
Title: Re: DNA Genealogy - Could i be Jewish?
Post by: Aces High on January 24, 2012, 10:04:03 PM
ok. genetically i may be more european, but from looks im more indian. im black head with olive skin and large dark eyes

Just paint yourself white, then you'll be fine.
Title: Re: DNA Genealogy - Could i be Jewish?
Post by: JustaGypsy on January 25, 2012, 02:50:24 AM
Just paint yourself white, then you'll be fine.

why would i do that? im confident with my skin tone.
Title: Re: DNA Genealogy - Could i be Jewish?
Post by: JustaGypsy on January 25, 2012, 02:51:17 AM
I don't think anyone's that interested in your ancestry but yourself. That's a highly personal topic for the most part unless for some reason it's relevant somehow or someone asked about it?

 im interested in genealogy.