General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: mord on February 14, 2012, 12:19:03 PM

Title: Latina Americans ,African Americans and Libs,most hostile to Israel in U.S.
Post by: mord on February 14, 2012, 12:19:03 PM

The Israel Project: ‘American Hispanics are the most hostile toward Israel’
The founder of the influential pro-Israel advocacy group, Jennifer Laszlo Mizrahi, is leaving, and the hunt is on to find her replacement.

    The Israel Project recently conducted a public opinion poll in Jordan that shows that ‘things do not look good for the King.’

Americans of Hispanic origin, the fastest-growing ethnic group in the United States, are relatively hostile towards Israel because they are ignorant about Middle East affairs and are influenced by traditional anti-Israeli Catholic views, according to the Israel advocacy group, The Israel Project (TIP).

In a media briefing in New York to mark the resignation of TIP’s founder, Jennifer Laszlo Mizrahi, the group’s Executive Director for the Americas, Allan Elsner, said that Israel is more popular among older Americans, Republicans, conservatives and Evangelicals and less popular among “liberal elites”, African-Americans and Democrats. Elsner said that the Israel Project was focusing its efforts on “groups where we have a problem.”
Israel U.S. Jewish Americans May 22, 2011    

A pro-Israel rally at the Capitol in Washington D.C.
Photo by: AP

In the global arena, according to TIP’s Executive Director of Global Affairs, Laura Kam, the Project has found anti-Israeli public opinion in Europe difficult to budge and is therefore devoting most of its efforts on the continent to working with local Jewish communities.

At the same time, TIP is rapidly expanding operations in Russia, China and India where people “are less interested in the conflict and more in Israeli innovation,” Kam said. But the same approach of trying to “brand” Israel by highlighting its creativity and innovation is “a complete fiasco” in the United States, according to Laszlo Mizrahi, because Americans “are not interested.” In America, she says, one has to focus on Israel’s “quest for peace, shared values and the common front in the fight against terrorism.”

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Laszlo Mizrahi founded the Israel Project ten years ago and turned it into one of the most influential pro-Israel advocacy groups in America, with 75 employees, a $12 million annual budget, a 240,000 strong mailing list and an Arabic media website with 300,000 “likes”, half of them from Egypt.

She said that her group spends over a million dollars a year on polling and focus groups, pinpointing the messages and words that work most effectively. She said that Prime Minister Netanyahu’s speech to a Joint Session of Congress last year was formulated in consultations with TIP, as are other statements put out by the Israeli government. She said that TIP deserves much of the credit for the large support that Israel receives in American public opinion.

Laszlo Mizrahi also revealed that her group had recently conducted a poll in Jordan and that “it does not look good for the king”.

Commenting on her decision to leave an organization with which she is so closely identified, Laszlo Mizrahi said that too many Jewish organizations in America are “dominated by strong people who make decisions for the entire organization.” She said that contrary to other groups, TIP is “performance based and run like a business” by TIP’s board of directors, which includes six million-dollar donors.

Laszlo Mizrahi added that TIP had hired an executive recruiting company that would find her replacement before she departs in five months. She expressed confidence that TIP would continue to function well even after her departure. “But I will always be the founder of the Israel Project,” she added.
Title: Re: Latina Americans ,African Americans and Libs,most hostile to Israel in U.S.
Post by: Confederate Kahanist on February 14, 2012, 12:57:00 PM
I thought the Jews were supposed to be best friends with African Americans and Latinos?
Title: Re: Latina Americans ,African Americans and Libs,most hostile to Israel in U.S.
Post by: mord on February 14, 2012, 12:59:01 PM
I thought the Jews were supposed to be best friends with African Americans and Latinos?
I think it goes one way
Title: Re: Latina Americans ,African Americans and Libs,most hostile to Israel in U.S.
Post by: Zelhar on February 14, 2012, 01:27:13 PM
They forgot to mention American Jews as yet another group increasingly hostile to Israel.
Title: Re: Latina Americans ,African Americans and Libs,most hostile to Israel in U.S.
Post by: Rubystars on February 14, 2012, 01:58:58 PM
I work with a guy in my department from Honduras. I don't really think he's particularly anti-Semitic because he has a tattoo with Hebrew lettering on it (that in itself is kind of bad to profane that language that way, but I think the intentions were good), but this other guy at work was making some jokes one night about him being Mexican knowing full well he's not Mexican, etc. and also other 'racist' jokes, that included some anti-Jewish ones. Nobody really takes the joker too seriously because he's bored at work and doesn't know what to do with himself half the time. (standard anti-Semitic jokes like the pizza one, etc.) The guy from Honduras responded to the anti-Jewish jokes by saying that in his country, they are taught that Jews are greedy, and to watch out for them, even though he said he'd never personally met any Jewish people.

I've heard this from others too from other Central American countries, South American countries, and Mexico, that they are pretty much brought up to believe that Jews are "greedy".

This could have a lot to do with it.

I really don't necessarily think the guy I work with (not the one making the jokes, but the guy from Honduras) is really anti-Semitic, he just said he had heard that when he was growing up, but he didn't seem to really be committed to the idea.
Title: Re: Latina Americans ,African Americans and Libs,most hostile to Israel in U.S.
Post by: briann on February 14, 2012, 02:36:49 PM
I saw a similar poll, that had Blacks more hostile to Israel than Hispanics, but they were both high.
Title: Re: Latina Americans ,African Americans and Libs,most hostile to Israel in U.S.
Post by: Confederate Kahanist on February 14, 2012, 03:14:45 PM
They forgot to mention American Jews as yet another group increasingly hostile to Israel.

I guess you could say that though the likes of pruneface, Abe Foxman, Shelly Rubin and others don't represent all American Jews.
Title: Re: Latina Americans ,African Americans and Libs,most hostile to Israel in U.S.
Post by: muman613 on February 14, 2012, 03:42:33 PM
They forgot to mention American Jews as yet another group increasingly hostile to Israel.

Once again my experience is not what you speak. All American Jews I know are proud of Israel and are working to retain its Jewish nature. I do not associate with any non-religious Jews though and maybe that influences my experience.
Title: Re: Latina Americans ,African Americans and Libs,most hostile to Israel in U.S.
Post by: briann on February 14, 2012, 05:39:04 PM
Once again my experience is not what you speak. All American Jews I know are proud of Israel and are working to retain its Jewish nature. I do not associate with any non-religious Jews though and maybe that influences my experience.

Most secular Jews are not proud of Israel, they are indifferent at best and hostile at worst.
Title: Re: Latina Americans ,African Americans and Libs,most hostile to Israel in U.S.
Post by: Zelhar on February 14, 2012, 06:26:48 PM
The point is the Jews are their own worst enemies. I bet many Jews, like pruneface and Foxman, when they read such statistics they think "oy vey what can we do to make them like us more ?".
Title: Re: Latina Americans ,African Americans and Libs,most hostile to Israel in U.S.
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on February 14, 2012, 06:34:38 PM
Not surprised but I would say blacks are more anti-Semitic than Hispanics. At least there is a lot of diversity within American Hispanics--the same can't be said for schvartzes.
Title: Re: Latina Americans ,African Americans and Libs,most hostile to Israel in U.S.
Post by: briann on February 14, 2012, 06:37:03 PM
The point is the Jews are their own worst enemies. I bet many Jews, like pruneface and Foxman, when they read such statistics they think "oy vey what can we do to make them like us more ?".

Yes, they are saying... Ohhh what are we doing wrong that they hate us.
Title: Re: Latina Americans ,African Americans and Libs,most hostile to Israel in U.S.
Post by: Ephraim Ben Noach on February 15, 2012, 09:18:11 PM
  Puerto Ricans and Chicano seem to be more conservative. From my experience!
Title: Re: Latina Americans ,African Americans and Libs,most hostile to Israel in U.S.
Post by: muman613 on February 15, 2012, 09:32:16 PM
I just know that my Mexican friend {who came over last night} is very pro-Israel {at least around me}. He has shown interest in Rabbi Kahane, and I have shown him all the JTF videos, and he says that he supports our cause. This Mexican friend of mine happens to consider himself a Mormon.... What a world!

Title: Re: Latina Americans ,African Americans and Libs,most hostile to Israel in U.S.
Post by: mord on February 16, 2012, 08:42:52 AM
It seems we all have the same experience.I have 3 Puerto Rican friends 2 look perfectly European the girl i know can't stay at the beach uncovered i mean without taking cover from the sun for more then 35 min.The other 2 who are men one looks perfectly European the other is mixed a little with  indigenous puerto rican Indians.Well all 3 are extremely pro Israel.A little side note when her father was about 59 or 60 she walked into his room and saw him putting on teffilin.She said to him why are you doing that he said his grandfather showed him his ancestors were conversos
Title: Re: Latina Americans ,African Americans and Libs,most hostile to Israel in U.S.
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on February 16, 2012, 09:07:08 AM
  Puerto Ricans and Chicano seem to be more conservative. From my experience!
Chicano is not a nationality. Chicano means a politically-conscious (meaning Aztlanist or far leftist) Hispanic.
Title: Re: Latina Americans ,African Americans and Libs,most hostile to Israel in U.S.
Post by: Ephraim Ben Noach on February 16, 2012, 11:03:13 AM
Chicano is not a nationality. Chicano means a politically-conscious (meaning Aztlanist or far leftist) Hispanic.
Thank you for adding that BF, ;D but that's not what I meant. The Chicanos I've been around call themselves that Because they are legal Mexican Americans. They also don't care for a illegal immigrants.