General Category => Ask JTF => Topic started by: Dr. Dan on August 06, 2012, 01:45:20 PM
Give us your synopsis on the whole Chick Fill-A fiasco. These "liberals" don't understand the freedom of speech if you disagree with them.
Dear Chaim, did you hear about the shooting incident in a movie theater in Colorado? What is your take on James Holmes, yemach shemo is he insane
Shalom Chaim, When assad is toppled syria could devolve into an even bloodier civil war, because its sunnis vs everyone else.may syria be as weak as p
Have you ever had someone come up to you in person to say that they recognized you and either loved you or hated you?
Why should we be thankful to G-D for taking us out of Misrayim, when it was Him who put us there in the first place? Isn't it like someone being throw
Shalom Chaim, please tell the true story of Rabbi Mohammed of Arutz 7 and why he became a kapo. Thank you.
What were some of your favorite movies/tv shows growing up?
Is Sikhism idolatry? They say they believe in one G-d but if it's not the G-d of Israel (Hashem), wouldn't it still be idolatry?
Why did back in 2007 the CIA came up with a report that said Iran had stopped their nuclear weapon program ? Isn't this high treason ?
Can Mitt Romney realistically become much tougher and aggressive against BHO? Even if he fires his meek campaign managers?
What really happened in the "USS Liberty" incident in 1967?
What city in Israel do you want to live in, and why would you choose that city?
What is your ensight on James Byrd incident that took place in 1998 Texas? Also, what do you think of Steven Seagal?
What is your opinion about Congressman Paul Ryan being chosen as the Republican V.P. candidate
What should our game plan be IF Obongo wins? And if he looses how should we handle the anti conservative attacks?
What is your opinion of the fact that Pastor James David Manning not supporting Mitt Romney?
In footage of obama's "U dinn't build dat" speech you can hear a chorus of mmhmm's in the background. mmhmm Is this what a farrakan rally sounds like?
Shalom Chaim, please share your thoughts on Chris Christie and his recent Iftar dinner with Hamas-linked Muslims at the New Jersey Governor's mansion.
Hi Chaim, do you think Netanyahu hates Obama? Also, what is the status of fatso, Arik Sharon? Or his son, the corrupt Omri?
Dear Chaim, any thoughts on how to deal with supervizas who have a terrible attitude: white or black?
A dvar Torah on the parsha and haftora please
Hello Dear Chaim, Please give your best 'peirush' to the Passuk: ."וְ"הָיָה ×ֲש×ֶר תּוֹתִירוּ ×žÖµ×”Ö¶× ×œÖ°×©×‚Ö´×›Ö¼Ö´×™× ×
G-d forbid it does, but please provide your advice on what the forum will do, and what citizens need to do if Obummer is elected.