Guns and Self-Defense => Guns/Firearms => Topic started by: HECKLER on June 30, 2007, 05:04:48 PM
Do you all have what you need in order to take up the fight when it comes?
I hope this isn't a no-no topic in here, and although I am slightly apprehensive about discussing what, how many and how much I have when it comes to weapons, I don't think anyone can easily outgun me, especially not with my ..situation.
So what guns (if any) do you have, my fellow europeans?
My particulare favorite so far is my 9mm H&K USP, it eats Fiocchi 123 grain 9mm truncated cone, 1250 fps 425 ft-lbs ammunition, (probably more speed out of my silenced barrel),
which I now get a special price on for buying thousands and thousands of rounds from my local dealer at a time ;-)
It is not by far my most powerful military weapon, but I like the diversity and extreme usability.
Although I am totally slobbering over either a SAAB Bofors CBJ MS Uzi-style machine pistol, or alternatively a Brügger Thomet MP9. Both in full auto of course, although I can never get it legally (as a civilian that is.)
I need full auto 9mm to get up to an acceptable level of firepower for close range. But doesn't look like it's going to happen in THIS country.
The 9mm is my favorite round ever, and I wish I had become a gunsmith so I could improve on 9mm auto designs. ( I also have a physical HUNGER for metalworking just like people are hungry for food) and I think EVERYONE should have a fully automatic Uzi/B+T type machine pistol on them at all times.
When trouble starts, Heckler keep your guns hidden incase the government tries to confiscate.
In America, it depends on what State you live in, as the gun laws vary. In New York, it's nearly impossible to be legally armed.
Newman, the government aint got bollocks on us in the voluntary rifle brigades.
Serving guerrilla style mayhem and constitutional security since 1893.
I know I said "as a civilian", but what I really meant to say was "privately".
What do you do with these guns?
I'd rather use a slingshot. :laugh:
Sarah, my pistol IS a sling, it just throws cone-shaped lead-filled copper balls straight and consistently at 1250 feet per second, and can punch a hole through people because of their strength and speed.
In America, it depends on what State you live in, as the gun laws vary. In New York, it's nearly impossible to be legally armed.
True for any firearm in New York City but not the rest of the state. I legally own a Remington 710 30-06 cal., an AR-7 Industries AR-20 .22 cal., a Mossberg 500 20 gauge and a Mossberg (marketed as a Mongomery-Ward) 12 gauge shotgun.
In America, it depends on what State you live in, as the gun laws vary. In New York, it's nearly impossible to be legally armed.
True for any firearm in New York City but not the rest of the state. I legally own a Remington 710 30-06 cal., an AR-7 Industries AR-20 .22 cal., a Mossberg 500 20 gauge and a Mossberg (marketed as a Mongomery-Ward) 12 gauge shotgun.
You can own long arms in NYC can't you?
Yes however it must be registered.
Yes however it must be registered.
First registration, then confiscation. You need a registered one for the range and to justify your ammo purchases and a second out-of-state one as a back-up.
How does anyone in Manhattan get an out of state weapon for backup? How does that work?
How does anyone in Manhattan get an out of state weapon for backup? How does that work?
You buy one at a gun show out of state and keep it unregistered and hidden in NYC. That way, when trouble starts and the schwartza loving NYC council starts confiscating the law abiding citezens' registered guns (like they did in New Orleans), you've got your 'spare' to bug out with.
It may be different now its been several years since I lived in the city limits. Back then you could own a shot gun or rifle but it had to be registered with the department of Alcohol and Tobacco. Today I think they have a regular department. I guess if you buy it from a private owner its up to the buyer to register it. Gun dealers would more than likely do it for you.
My father have a gun in his room, i saw the gun and the bullets once, it was nice, a weapon for emergency :laugh:
My father have a gun in his room, i saw the gun and the bullets once, it was nice, a weapon for emergency :laugh:
How easy is it to own a gun in Israel if you are not in the army?
My father have a gun in his room, i saw the gun and the bullets once, it was nice, a weapon for emergency :laugh:
How easy is it to own a gun in Israel if you are not in the army?
my father is a policeman, dont worrie
My father have a gun in his room, i saw the gun and the bullets once, it was nice, a weapon for emergency :laugh:
How easy is it to own a gun in Israel if you are not in the army?
my father is a policeman, dont worrie
What is his gun? Barak, Jericho 941 or sig Sauer?
My father have a gun in his room, i saw the gun and the bullets once, it was nice, a weapon for emergency :laugh:
How easy is it to own a gun in Israel if you are not in the army?
my father is a policeman, dont worrie
What is his gun? Barak, Jericho 941 or sig Sauer?
dont know..
Hey Cohen,
The yugo sks models don't have chrome bores and the corrosive 7.62 x 39 ammo kills them. Try and get a chinese one as the bores and chambers are chrome lined.
The USP 45 is really nice. You guys are lucky as hell to live in the USA. It's the only country in the world where people can defend themselves against a lethal threat. I assume you live in Florida where the concealed carry permits reduced crime.
Hey Cohen,
The yugo sks models don't have chrome bores and the corrosive 7.62 x 39 ammo kills them. Try and get a chinese one as the bores and chambers are chrome lined.
The USP 45 is really nice. You guys are lucky as hell to live in the USA. It's the only country in the world where people can defend themselves against a lethal threat. I assume you live in Florida where the concealed carry permits reduced crime.
Yes I live in Florida :), panhandle region to be exact (Redneck Revere). That would make me a Redneck Jew.
I agree I love the USP, I have some German background in me from my mothers side so I certainly felt the need to own some quality German engineering.
Is there an alternative to the Chinese SKS? I try in every way possible to avoid Chinese products or support for China. I'll spend more money if needbe. The one thing I liked about the Yugo is it had the grenade launcher extension, quite useless but kind of nice.
The only alternative to a chinese one is russian and they're getting very old now. The crying shame is that Bush slapped a ban on chinese weapons. The flappy headed Canadians can buy a brand new Norinco SKS for $139 (can$). That would be about $110(US). For that money You'd buy 10 of them with a thousand rounds of ammo for each ($200/1000 rds) and bury each one in a different location for when the SHTF.
We're talking about SKSs here. You would hardly notice the difference in accuracy. Yes , if we were talking about tactical rifles, you'd have a point.
The reason it's important with an SKS is that so much of that com-bloc ammo is corrosive, especially the cheap stuff that makes having a rifle in this caliber attractive. At 250 yd effective range of this weapon a chrome bore won't make jack difference, but after a few thousand rounds of surplus ammo you'll praise the chrome lining.
Sure, its all about defense. ::)
You're just men who love guns almost as a collective hobby!
All i know about them, is that they are killing machines and are pretty heavy.
Sure, its all about defense. ::)
You're just men who love guns almost as a collective hobby!
All i know about them, is that they are killing machines and are pretty heavy.
Guns don't kill. It is the finger that pulls the trigger...........not the other way around
Yes well they are used as a tool of killing and it doesn't take much to pull the trigger but the gun has been designed with detail to harm a person severly.
I knew a friendly man, who had a liking for guns and was one day fiddling with loading and un-loading it, it slipt through his fingers and he caught it, his finger latching on to the trigger. It was enough force to pull it, and the dude shot himself in the head. Right between his eyes, the bullet missed his brain by less then a millimetre and came out through his skull. He was left in a coma for 9 months and paralysed in some places. Yep, well, never mess about with guns and policemen once shot his son, by takng out his gun too forcefully to show him.
It's like blaming spoons for making rosie o donnell fat.
:laugh: :laugh:
Yes, safety is important and guns should only be granted to those who will take precautions.
Not when shvartzas use them in gangs to shoot men off the street corners. Or when terrorists use them to kill innocent civilians. Its a God given right to defend yourself, not own a gun.
Not when shvartzas use them in gangs to shoot men off the street corners. Or when terrorists use them to kill innocent civilians. Its a G-d given right to defend yourself, not own a gun.
If you can't own a gun....you can't defend yourself. Certainly not against anybody with a lethal weapon. Gun ownership IS a right in the USA....Thank G_d
Americans, boy, do you have a funny way of thinking!!
Not when shvartzas use them in gangs to shoot men off the street corners. Or when terrorists use them to kill innocent civilians. Its a G-d given right to defend yourself, not own a gun.
If you can't own a gun....you can't defend yourself. Certainly not against anybody with a lethal weapon. Gun ownership IS a right in the USA....Thank G_d
I'd rather defend myself with body armour, a bullet proof vest and martial arts. ;D
Americans, boy, do you have a funny way of thinking!!
Not when shvartzas use them in gangs to shoot men off the street corners. Or when terrorists use them to kill innocent civilians. Its a G-d given right to defend yourself, not own a gun.
If you can't own a gun....you can't defend yourself. Certainly not against anybody with a lethal weapon. Gun ownership IS a right in the USA....Thank G_d
I'd rather defend myself with body armour, a bullet proof vest and martial arts. ;D
Get real See what good that does you when confronted by 3 large males with tyre levers
I would run. Guns can fail you, at least legs are part of you. Guns also give obese people an excuse of not having to exercise as a part of self defence.
How about we both walk through Harlem at 3am. You bring your legs, I'll bring my gun. Like a bet on who'll live?
Criminals get their guns illegally, do you really think terrorists get their guns in a gunshop? Heck we can't even secure our border in America, they can just smuggle them in. Unless you feel only police and military should own guns? That worked well in Germany while our ancestors were being marched off to the death camps didn't it?
And cops are totally sound?? That black animal they're talking about on the other thread that murdered his pregnant girlfriend was a cop.
I would run. Guns can fail you, at least legs are part of you. Guns also give obese people an excuse of not having to exercise as a part of self defence.
How about we both walk through Harlem at 3am. You bring your legs, I'll bring my gun. Like a bet on who'll live?
O.k I'll shutup now. I'm going to bed.
Criminals get their guns illegally, do you really think terrorists get their guns in a gunshop? Heck we can't even secure our border in America, they can just smuggle them in. Unless you feel only police and military should own guns? That worked well in Germany while our ancestors were being marched off to the death camps didn't it?
And cops are totally sound?? That black animal they're talking about on the other thread that murdered his pregnant girlfriend was a cop.
Exactly, what's funny is cops are involved in more accidents than law abiding citizens, the liberal leftists think if we ban guns that criminals won't get them, there are so many stolen guns from police armories it almost makes me laugh.
The proto-type of the m1 carbine was made by a convict called 'Carbine' Williams in a prison workshop! If you can't stop someone making a gun in jail, how are they gonna stop manufacturing outside. Gun control is a joke.
I have many firearms In case the spoils hit the fan. The wife and me own 7 different sidearms , 6 different shot guns, and three different rifles . My brag to fame is i have enough ammo for each firearm to start, fight, finish , and win a small war . lol And for stealth i have my bow that cant be herd more than 30 yards away when my quarry is taken off there feet!
Honestly I will never tell anyone what I have in my caches. Unless you come to my house and you need a weapon.
I have many weapons and guns are among them.
I have many weapons and guns are among them.
Excellent O0