General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: briann on September 05, 2012, 08:41:19 PM
This is unbelievable!!!!!!!
Jerusalem And G-d Vote Gets Booed At Dem Convention
Delegates and members of the Democratic party booed after former Gov. Ted Strickland (D-OH) discussed G-d and moved to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.
Convention chairman Antonio Villaraigosa, mayor of Los Angeles, had to ask for the Yea and Nay vote several times before declaring the motion passed.
C-SPAN cameras captured the dissatisfaction among members after the motion passed.
More information from the Associated Press:
Democrats have changed their convention platform to add a mention of G-d and declare that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel.
The move came after criticism from Republicans.
Many in the audience booed after the convention chairman, Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, ruled that the amendments had been approved despite the fact that a large group of delegates objected.
He called for a vote three times before ruling.
The party reinstated language from the 2008 platform that said "we need a government that stands up for the hopes, values and interests of working people and gives everyone willing to work hard the chance to make the most of their G-d-given potential."
The platform also now includes what advisers said was Obama's personal views on Jerusalem.
@#-*%%$%%. Screw them they can go live in their own Nazi/muzzy country! We will take Jerusalem! And G-d will destroy these disgusting little pukes!
There is no way there was a 2/3 majority. And in any case, Hussein Osama and support for Israel are mutually exclusive and diametrically opposed to each other.
I saw a replay of the vote on FOX this morning and it was almost like a bad Monti Python comedy routine... Then again the whole past 4 years of the shvartza Administration has been like a bad Monti Python routine. :::D The fact that G-d and 'Jerusalem' was not in the written platform was because even though it was there before it really was not there in actual policy.
50% of the auditorium was empty and they had at least half were against changing the platform.That was great 2 sisters who i know who are strong dems and work for dems who i always mock.Called me and said we never realized how much the dems hate Israel we just saw it on T.V. they're not even Jewish they said they'll be voting Rep. down the line
It sounded like half were for and half against.
It sounded like half were for and half against.
Obama approved of the platform without G-d and Jerusalem, and only wanted to change it after the drek hit the fan:
Yes, putting it back in the platform was NOT to appease anyone in the Democratic establishment... it was done purely because it showed the average Joe the true face of the modern democrat.... and just how anti-judeo-christian the party has become.
And all the sick jews just love the Dems, BO, and the NY Nazi Times. It serves them right. Makes you wanna become a catholic.
Allen west did a nice commercial about this:
If any Jew ever had any doubts about who the Democrat party has become, and who Barack Hussein Obama really is...this should have been your moment of Revelation...People were watching this spectacle in awe..they could not believe the Democrats had went so radical, but stop and think about who owns the party, Soros, the gays, the minorities, socialists, and communists. They have become the epitamy of evil. It is like Judas betraying his Lord...There is signifigance in taking the vote 3 times. The DNC chairman was embarrassed and put on the spot...Many were fuming and booing at the decision...the Nays really had it!
"Thus says the Lord: "I will return to Zion, And dwell in the midst of Jerusalem. Jerusalem shall be called the city of Truth, The Mountain of the Lord of hosts, The Holy Mountain. Zechariah 8:3
" That David my servant may always have a lamp before Me in Jerusalem, the city which I have chosen for Myself, to put my name there." 1 Kings 11:36 Do they really think God will forget that they openly denied him????? Psalm 9:17 The wicked shall be turned into hell, (and the Nations that forgot God.")
We are still reeling from this event...their Convention did not go well, they claimed they had to move to another building because of the weather, but it was really because they couldn't fill up the seats, and they didn't want it show that turnout was not that good!
It's nothing new with the demoncrats. Allen West has done a great commercial!
Careful with that Judas reference. That whole story has been made into an antisemitic cannard by the Jew hating church.
It's nothing new with the demoncrats. Allen West has done a great commercial!
While the sentiment isnt new... this is truly groundbreaking... since it shows that the God/Israel haters are NOT a tiny fringe group in the DNC that people might think.... they are a majority.... And if America truly knew this, many moderate/casual dems would abandon the party.
I just wish we could get the word out about this more.... it would turn off so many jews and righteous gentiles.
The amendment if any was too late and the cat had enough time to jump out of the bag.
In the comments above this post, you all hit the mark perfectly! I saw the replay also. It made ill. The way I looked it, the guy had to take the vote many times because the crowed proved themselves to really be Jew haters and G-d haters. All my eyes saw was EVIL in that hall (as someone above said, too). I feel like I'm in Germany in the 30's watching a Bund Rally! It's turning my stomach very badly!
May G-d see it that these swine are sent packing in the November election!
May G-d bless Israel, keep her safe and strong, and save America this November!