General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: AsheDina on September 06, 2012, 12:04:57 PM
what a joke
And he makes his speech next to a sign that starts with "no to zionism". What a traitorous reject. He is more deserving of punishment than the suicide bombers themselves, and he gives them false reasoning and support to continue.
They will have a day to reckon with and they will understand.
How sick. I wrote, "This guy talks like the history of Jewish suffering started with the Holocaust. Jews have been suffering for thousands of years. Just about every country they've tried to live in has hated them. And if the fakestinians were the majority, they would perpetrate another Holocaust against the Jews."
Isn't this more of the crazy Nuetered Carta sect? They are so over the top in their Jew hatred one must wonder what good they do this world? When the day of judgement arrives these putrid people will be washed away with the rest of the evil in the world.
What Fakestinians? They do not exist. What did they suffer from?
In what way is this person a rabbi?
Is it legal for me to say that:
their organs should be harvested and the remains converted to bio-fuel?
not saying anything yet, but is it legal for me to say that?
That's one of the NK people who are notoriously self hating and love Ahmadinejad. I hope the earth swallows them and their families very quickly and in timely fashion.
When he said that "the Jews only suffered for 5 years," I wanted to stomp him to the ground and punch his face in. Sorry, but when I see a Jew saying such things, it affects me very badly. I put vermin and filth on a higher level than this pig. People like him really deserve to die.
typical neturei karta waste of space
This is Neturei Karta; 'guardians of the city'? Would anyone in their right mind have faith in these rashaim as their guardians?
It's like inviting a starving fox to guard the chicken coop!
Typical Naturei Kapo rubbish.
Gee were the Fakestinians loaded onto trains, and shipped to concentration camps? No!