General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: drlmg on October 24, 2012, 01:07:40 AM
Candidate #1
Candidate #2
Sorry if this is a waste of a post or if it is immature..... so much going wrong I like to do something every now and then to lighten things up a bit.
Pamela Geller is more hideous to look at than Moochelle Osama and that's saying a lot!
I strongly disagree. And do you think she really knew anything about JTF when she made that comment in the first place?
That's just one reason why I can't stand that wrinkled old bag of a slut.
Clearly the answer to this is Michelle Obama.
If you disregard who Napolitano is, if you ignore her black heart and evil disposition, if you knew nothing about her whatsoever, she could just be someone's grandmother or aunt. Harmless.
M. Obama, on the other hand, is hideous to look at regardless of what she is inside (a whitey-hating socialist agitator who's married to a Marxist Kenyan illegal alien). Just look at that picture. It absolutely screams chimpanzee. And even if I wasn't a rabid racist I would still think that. Look at her expression. We're not talking about h. sapien here. We're talking about something close, I'll grant you, but not exactly.
Now, when you consider what these women are inside, how ugly and demented and thoroughly anti-American they are, their ugliness increases exponentially.
Her freedom defense initiative group thing is good, is it not?
Just because she is doing a good thing doesn't mean that she is a good person. She denounced JTF and whores around.
1: She is a fan of the far-left libertarian atheist slut, Ayn Rand. That is why her blog is called "Atlas Shrugs".
2: She got divorced.
3: She loves to immodestly pose in her bikini. Considering she is a butt-ugly shriveled old hag, this is nauseating.
4: She denounced JTF.
Brennanfan, don't knock Atlas Shrugged even though you (and all of us here) disagree with Rand's atheism.
Like I said in a previous post, that book gives a rational, MORAL defense of capitalism, and self sufficiency. Looking at what this country has turned into with the rich being villified, I'm seeing the exact scenario that Rand predicted in that book, which, together with Chaim, made me into a conservative.
Also, according to a poll by the U.S. Library of Congress, Atlas Shrugged is the second most widely read book in America, with the first one being the Bible.
But for the record, I agree with you on the inappropriateness of Geller doing video blogs in a bikini. And while you can say that she's good at bringing up the abuses in Islamic countries and how they're trying to use our freedoms here against us, you can also say that she offers no solutions, like putting a stop to all Muslim immigration.
Who's the dyke at the top?
Who's the dyke at the top?
Janet Napolitano, Homeland Security Director.
I totally disagree with the generalizations of Pamela Geller. She isnt an athiest.... and many religious conservatives are fans Atlas Shrugs.
But I agree I dont like her dissing JTF and she should not be showing off her body in a bikini. As Drew Carry once said.... if you have a body like mine.... cover it the F*** up.
Well one thing for sure this is'nt happy hour for the record mishell and the arab creature
I totally disagree with the generalizations of Pamela Geller. She isnt an athiest.... and many religious conservatives are fans Atlas Shrugs.
But I agree I dont like her dissing JTF and she should not be showing off her body in a bikini. As Drew Carry once said.... if you have a body like mine.... cover it the F*** up.
AHHHHHHHHH! Now what'you have go and do that for? And just after I had lunch to boot.
Brennanfan, don't knock Atlas Shrugged even though you (and all of us here) disagree with Rand's atheism.
Like I said in a previous post, that book gives a rational, MORAL defense of capitalism, and self sufficiency. Looking at what this country has turned into with the rich being villified, I'm seeing the exact scenario that Rand predicted in that book, which, together with Chaim, made me into a conservative.
Also, according to a poll by the U.S. Library of Congress, Atlas Shrugged is the second most widely read book in America, with the first one being the Bible.
But for the record, I agree with you on the inappropriateness of Geller doing video blogs in a bikini. And while you can say that she's good at bringing up the abuses in Islamic countries and how they're trying to use our freedoms here against us, you can also say that she offers no solutions, like putting a stop to all Muslim immigration.
Chaim has said that as a Jew she should have absolutely nothing to do with an immoral atheist like Rand, and I agree with him.
Rand's philosophy of selfish behavior was one of the foundations of LaVeyan Satanism.
Now picture Helen Thomas, Janet Napolitano, and Scamela Geller in a menage... :P :yuck:
You'll never think an immoral thought again!
Now picture Helen Thomas, Janet Napolitano, and Scamela Geller in a menage... :P :yuck:
You'll never think an immoral thought again!
For me it went beyond extinguishing immoral thoughts.... it is full blown nightmares!! I had forgotten about Helen Thomas, but not any more!!! Thanks a lot!! HA Ha
Come on... There is nothing wrong with the way Pamela Geller looks.... There certainly is no comparison to Helen Thomas, or Janet Neoplolitanioaio.
(http://www.thehotjoints.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/Pamela-Geller.jpg) (http://mycatbirdseat.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/Pamela-Geller1.jpg)
Michelle Obama is hideous. She's an angry wench and can't even pretend to appear otherwise.
Come on... There is nothing wrong with the way Pamela Geller looks.... There certainly is no comparison to Helen Thomas, or Janet Neoplolitanioaio.
(http://www.thehotjoints.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/Pamela-Geller.jpg) (http://mycatbirdseat.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/Pamela-Geller1.jpg)
Blech. This is a disgusting post-middle-age ho whose mug has been ravaged by sun, alcohol, pushing out a pack of kids, and the microbes of dozens of men. If she were twenty years younger she might resemble J-Lo; not lovely by any means, but at least acceptable. But she's not.
I don't want to see her ugly face-tuchis, but I want to see her wrinkled sack of a body in a bikini even less. I deeply feel bad for and am worried about her girls that are no doubt being brainwashed for NWO evil as we speak.
Of course the ugliest thing about her is her evil character. For a Jewish woman who professes to be a leader in the anti-jihad movement to attack JTF for being too extreme, and support the hideous amoral, NWO philosophy of Libertarian atheism is as vile as it gets. Her mentality is the exact same mentality of Nazi Paul and other Libertarian demons.
In that way she is even worse than the black Nazi gorilla Moochelle Obama. You don't expect much of black Nazi jihadists. I do expect more of G-d's chosen people.
Michelle Obama is hideous. She's an angry wench and can't even pretend to appear otherwise.
She's a satanic ape, but she is still not as offensive to the eyes as Scamela. Plus the orangutaness isn't baring it all in a bikini.
Of course Helen Thomas (ysv), whom I'm sure all three of these beasts (Scamela Geller, Moochelle Osama, and Jonathan Napolitano) profusely fantasize about, is the most appalling demoness of all. Madeleine Albright (ysv), the Jewish Helen Thomas, is a close second.
Yeah, brennanfan, you are just awesome...
Isn't she Jewish? I don't think she's an atheist herself... and you can exactly call her a self-hating Jew, you've gotta respect that she stood up for herself... besides last time Helen Thomas put on a bikini was in her youth, and 93% of native americans died.
And what NWO brainwashing? Islam is the NWO, liberals here just think that they can control it.
You need to get back on your medication dude.
Yeah, brennanfan, you are just awesome...
Thank you!
I don't even touch tynenol. Low chemical diet.
If Anne Ryand gave me a million bucks to defend her saying that Obama is a retard, I'd do it. I'd not be agreeing with her being an atheist or her ideologies, just telling people to back off when they're making a mountain out of a mole-hill. It's not like the liberals came rushing to burn the atheist. What exactly was she defending her over?
She is a fan of hers and her philosophy. That is why her blog is called "Atlas Shrugs".
Blech. This is a disgusting post-middle-age ho whose mug has been ravaged by sun, alcohol, pushing out a pack of kids, and the microbes of dozens of men. If she were twenty years younger she might resemble J-Lo; not lovely by any means, but at least acceptable. But she's not.
I don't want to see her ugly face-tuchis, but I want to see her wrinkled sack of a body in a bikini even less. I deeply feel bad for and am worried about her girls that are no doubt being brainwashed for NWO evil as we speak.
Of course the ugliest thing about her is her evil character. For a Jewish woman who professes to be a leader in the anti-jihad movement to attack JTF for being too extreme, and support the hideous amoral, NWO philosophy of Libertarian atheism is as vile as it gets. Her mentality is the exact same mentality of Nazi Paul and other Libertarian demons.
In that way she is even worse than the black Nazi gorilla Moochelle Obama. You don't expect much of black Nazi jihadists. I do expect more of G-d's chosen people.
Would you like all middle aged or post middle aged women to disappear, Brennanfan?
Your point would be better made if you didn't insult half the women in the world.
Would you like all middle aged or post middle aged women to disappear, Brennanfan?
Your point would be better made if you didn't insult half the women in the world.
Most post middle-aged women aren't strutting around in bikinis, especially most that are presenting themselves as right-wing leaders. While Geller is just plain ugly, her behavior is inappropriate for anybody.
There are older women that can pull off a bikini, unlike Geller, but is it right for them to parade around in one either?
Most post middle-aged women aren't strutting around in bikinis, especially most that are presenting themselves as right-wing leaders. While Geller is just plain ugly, her behavior is inappropriate for anybody.
There are older women that can pull off a bikini, unlike Geller, but is it right for them to parade around in one either?
I'm not defending Pam Gellar's right to wear a bikini. I'm not defending her. I just think her age is irrelevant. When you bring age up, in the way you did, it is insulting to women. Age is not something you can control, it is not a behavior. Yes, it helps if a person, man or women, ages with grace and dignity. You have a strong enough argument, there is no need to alienate women older than 40 making it.
Pam Gellars 'hook' is her looks, so she uses them. She is not hideous. I just think she looks a bit plastic.
She is stupid for not aligning herself with JTF. It shows she has no backbone.
Helen Thomas is the ugliest piece of drek I ever saw. The First Chimp-Lady, Michelle Obama is a close second.
I'm not defending Pam Gellar's right to wear a bikini. I'm not defending her. I just think her age is irrelevant. When you bring age up, in the way you did, it is insulting to women. Age is not something you can control, it is not a behavior. Yes, it helps if a person, man or women, ages with grace and dignity. You have a strong enough argument, there is no need to alienate women older than 40 making it.
Pam Gellars 'hook' is her looks, so she uses them. She is not hideous. I just think she looks a bit plastic.
She is stupid for not aligning herself with JTF. It shows she has no backbone.
There is nothing wrong with pointing out that someone who hasn't aged well (and I cited the reasons for this) has no business strutting around like the whore they are. Nobody should act like that, but it really shows she has no sense.
She has a lot of sense, in a way. People are talking about her.
She's not forcing anyone to look at her picture. I haven't even seen the bikini picture in question. I don't think that's the best way to promote conservatism but at the same time it's one example that it's a free country and not a Muslim dictatorship. I want people to be able to be free to wear bikinis if they want to even if they don't look good in them (subjective). Personal responsbility and freedom are conservative values even if immodesty isn't. There are slutty bikinis and relatively modest ones too.
Great post, Rubystars!
She's not forcing anyone to look at her picture. I haven't even seen the bikini picture in question. I don't think that's the best way to promote conservatism but at the same time it's one example that it's a free country and not a Muslim dictatorship. I want people to be able to be free to wear bikinis if they want to even if they don't look good in them (subjective). Personal responsbility and freedom are conservative values even if immodesty isn't. There are slutty bikinis and relatively modest ones too.
Great post, Rubystars!
Thank you
What an elegant lady!!!!
It disgusts me when I hear media folks talk about how beautiful she is and how elegant.... "the modern day Jackie O"...... absolutely absurd. No one in their right mind could actually think such nonsense. They are unintentionally patronizing..... she looks as if she should be holding a basketball or a pro football player..... or a zoo exhibit.
I totally disagree with the generalizations of Pamela Geller. She isnt an athiest.... and many religious conservatives are fans Atlas Shrugs.
But I agree I dont like her dissing JTF and she should not be showing off her body in a bikini. As Drew Carry once said.... if you have a body like mine.... cover it the F*** up.
Do we have to keep posting pictures of the Christian conception of Satan here?
Do we have to keep posting pictures of the Christian conception of Satan here?
That is hideous! And you do realize that by including the photo in your response, you're contradicting your own post.
Do we have to keep posting pictures of the Christian conception of Satan here?
Dont you just love that picture?!?!
Bullcat I never said that bikinis should be outlawed. I said that they are not appropriate for conservatives to be parading around in regardless of how attractive they are. Scamela looks particularly bad in one, but that is really besides the point.
OK.... take this!!!!
Retribution for posting Helen Thomas over and over..... ha ha!!
:::D :P :laugh:
I have to say that I never found Michelle Obama as ugly as the others you posted here. Golda Meir was ugly. Janet Reno, ugly. I don't think I know enough politics to bring out any more names (though Hillary is pretty ugly). Compared to the rest, Michelle ain't so bad. One of my lesbian profs, who just told us that she has a son and a partner, is really ugly.
OK.... due to many requests....
The fine looking lady 3 posts up is Donatella Versace...... no I don't have her phone number...... and yes, she is married.
I'm sorry if I broke anyone's heart!
Moochelle wins on this one!
Pamella Geller is pleasant to the eye....Helen Thomas is the other scary one!
I have to say that I never found Michelle Obama as ugly as the others you posted here. Golda Meir was ugly. Janet Reno, ugly. I don't think I know enough politics to bring out any more names (though Hillary is pretty ugly). Compared to the rest, Michelle ain't so bad. One of my lesbian profs, who just told us that she has a son and a partner, is really ugly.
Some lesbians don't seem to take good care of themselves physically
I strongly disagree. And do you think she really knew anything about JTF when she made that comment in the first place?
Maybe, but then if she were truly intelligent and moral, she would have said, "I don't know."
Some lesbians don't seem to take good care of themselves physically
Maybe those are the butch ones who see caring for their apperance as being too feminine, as some men do.
Pamella Geller is pleasant to the eye....Helen Thomas is the other scary one!
Scamela is disgusting. She might be attractive next to Helen Thomas or Madeleine Albright but who isn't? Moochelle is better-looking than Scamela.
OK.... take this!!!!
Retribution for posting Helen Thomas over and over..... ha ha!!
:::D :P :laugh:
What the hell is that, she is semi roasted unless it's photoshopped.
Everyone in this thread doesn't even come close to Catherine Ashton
:yuck: :yuck: :yuck: :yuck: :yuck: :yuck: :yuck: :yuck:
She is proof that neanderthals interbred with homo sapience.
Pamela geller is significantly prettier than those liberal nuts.
I read a study once that said some lesbians gain a lot of weight to avoid being sexually appealing to men. I think the focus of the study was on obesity in lesbians
Who cares about what is on the outside of a person? Is that what we should be worried about?
Some of the most beautiful women in the world emanate evil.
Who cares about what is on the outside of a person? Is that what we should be worried about?
Some of the most beautiful women in the world emanate evil.
You are mostly correct and it is not right to laugh at someone because of appearance, however appearance is a telltale about the personality inside.
You are mostly correct and it is not right to laugh at someone because of appearance, however appearance is a telltale about the personality inside.
You are correct, Zelhar. How we present ourselves to the world gives a glimpse of what is on the inside.
Maybe I should have said....threads like this make us look petty. Ideology is important. External beauty does not indicate internal beauty.