General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: The One and Only Mo on January 20, 2013, 10:21:36 PM
Though racism was/is wrong and MLK did do some good, he was far from the righteous saint he is made out to be. It's on record that he had many, many, many relations with white hookers.
"I'm not a negro tonight!"
MLK was just a man.. Too many look to him as a G-d. Anyhow, most blacks use him as their figurehead.. But in reality most blacks honor their father, the black nazi Malcolm X. Martin Luther King Jr was more like their puppet. Their example that blacks believe in equality, when in reality they believe whites are inferior and should be exterminated.
MLK was just a man.. Too many look to him as a G-d. Anyhow, most blacks use him as their figurehead.. But in reality most blacks honor their father, the black nazi Malcolm X. Martin Luther King Jr was more like their puppet. There example that blacks believe in equality, when in reality they believe whites are inferior and should be exterminated.
Malcolm X yemach shemo v'zichro! He was the worst. I hope he is burning in hell.
All he did was cause riots, just like Al Sharlatan and Jesse the Jackal.
He did no good at all. Unless you mean he did good for the communistic cause.
Abraham Lincoln was much more of a civil rights activist when he suggested the right thing to do was to return the slaves back to their homeland..
And today, I would consider even Chaim to be a true civil rights activist.
This is sad.....
Why write such a piece about this communist?
I like Lincoln's plan: Emancipation! ....followed by deportation. Lincoln wanted to send them back to Africa; he wanted to create a colony in Africa for the released negroes.
He said that there was no room for two distinct white races. He said there was no room for a white race and a negro race.
Though racism was/is wrong and MLK did do some good, he was far from the righteous saint he is made out to be. It's on record that he had many, many, many relations with white hookers.
I don't think that communist did any good.