General Category => Ask JTF => Topic started by: TruthSpreader on February 11, 2013, 08:32:44 AM
Is it just me, or is Sarah Jessica Parker really that ugly?
Shalom Chaim, in your opinion which Hollywood movies that have been made have been the most pro Jewish?
Obama's in Israel come march. What actions can we take? This is bigger than people knowing, we must act or be the bearer of horrible news.
1) Talk about how the Knesset works both as a whole and within each party as well.2) Is a Milhemit Misswah a collective, individual objective or both
Please comment on the "Women of the Wall" bruhaha that took place at the Kotel recently. Can you do a thoughtful educational JTF video on it?
Shalom Chaim, please talk about Mia Love, the GOP congressional candidate from UT. Was she the real deal or a phony?
Chaim, When a woman marries, does she follow her husband's minchag, or her father's? Thank you.
Chaim, Please educate, enlighten and inform about the British “kindertransport†program
What do you think about Donald Trump and his latest lawsuit against Bill maher for $5 million?
Shalom Chaim, What is the JDO, and who is Jared Taylor against whom they are rallying in Tennesee ?
I request JTF to do a video debunking the cult group called the Black Hebrew Israelites
Dear Chaim, Egypt is in complete economic and societal collapse, do you think Egypt will cease being a threat as a result of the Brotherhood takeover?
Chaim, this week my wife gave birth to a beautiful & healthy baby boy. His name is Ariel Felix(middle name) Ben Yigal. Please bless him.
Could you talk a little about the relationship of Hiram and Solomon? Kings 5:9-6. I think there might be some importance there!
Do you think it's sad that meteorite that recently fell in Russia didn't wipe out their entire evil nazi country?
Shalom Chaim! Do you believe that Senator Rand Paul can ever be trusted not to be an enemy of Israel?
Dear Chaim, have you heard of this former LAPD cop Chris Dorner?