General Category => Ask JTF => Topic started by: Dr. Dan on July 08, 2013, 08:17:00 AM
the destruction of the holy temples + Shoah were caused by "needless hatred" of Jews w each other. Argue that kahanists are not those types .
Shalom Chaim! What would you do if you are ever allowed to go back to Israel?
Why hasn't Nelson Mandela died yet?
Which is the greater NYC abomination: the GZ 9/11 Nazi mosque or the Park Street sodomite bathhouse?
1. What do you think of Tzipi Hotovely? 2. What do you think of The Beach Boys? Are they a good example of American culture?
Shalom Chaim, what shul or shuls do recommend I go to on my upcoming visit to New York? Looking foeward to meeting you.
Chaim haTotach, who is worse, Ron Wyden or Schmuck Schumer? Also, your thoughts on these temples: Free Syn. flushing, Hillcrest Jewish, Sharei Tfila
Can you explain the true story of Kamtza Bar Kamtza and the lessons for today. Also why do soo many today misquote and distort the true story?
What percentage of law-abiding gentiles should be allowed to live in Israel?Should only Jews be full citizens?What about gentiles who do the army?
1. Why did Cain murder Abel? 2. Why did G-d put a mark on Cain? His killing would have provoked the vengeange of G-d. Is there a deeper meaning?
1. Were Oklahoma bombers nazis? 2. Are the following countries artificial: North Korea, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Azerbaijan, Turkey? 3.Thoughts on Snowden
Shalom Chaim. Why isn't Yom Kippur stretched over an extra day in the exile like the other holidays ?
Can you please recommend some of the best Jewish Faith or general knowledge books for Kindle?
Please discuss the following: 1) Ron Dermer, the new Israeli Ambassador to the U.S...2) The 92nd Street Y ?
If the New York City mayoralty race were between Anthony The Weiner and Christopher Quinn, I would vote for the former. Do you agree?
Shalom Chaim, was the judge in the Zimmerman trial good? Do you think the ideal would be shooting him in the foot? What do you if there's riots?
Would u let worshippers of the Lubavitcher rebbe (yemach shemo) live in Israel?
May you discuss the hypocrisy of Al Sharpton & Jesse Jackson talking about no justice given the Zimmerman trial verdict?
Obama has added almost 70 percent of the original national debt, and he still has 3 years left. Does this alone make him the worst ever US president?
Chaim, please speak on the George Zimmerman aquittal. Thanks and Shalom.
Shalom Chaim! Do you believe that crime has really gone down in America over the past few decades or are the crime statistics a fraud?
Dear Chaim, in the Six-Day war units under David Elazar expelled 95% of the Arabs in the Golan, why didn't Moshe Dayan block this?