General Category => Ask JTF => Topic started by: Joe Gutfeld on July 22, 2013, 08:40:42 AM
Shalom, Chaim! What do you think of the pressure on Florida in getting rid of the Stand your ground laws?
Dear Chaim, are Jews who continue to live in anti-Semitic countries like Poland, Turkey, Urkaine, etc traitors? PS who do you think is more disgusting Anthony Weiner or Eliot Spitzer?
Yoav Mordechai, the spokesman of the IDF, sent this year for the start of Ramadan best wishes to all the Muslims. Why is he doing such crazy things?
Please discuss the significance of Tu'b'av and how it differs from secular Valentine's day.
Is G-d using the Muslims to punish and/or destroy Europe? Will America be punished for FDR's role in the Holocaust?
What do you think about immigration from Asia countries. If you had to guess how many years would you give America before it going bankrupt?
1.Helen Thomas is dead. 2. Are chechen muslims a curse for Russia's lifelong antisemitism? 3. Give ys to Bushido, a muslim nazi rapper from Berlin.
Were you as surprised as I was that Alan Dershowitz is siding with George Zimmerman? See you in 3 weeks.
Chaim, can you please talk about Bernard Goetz and is he the George Zimmerman of the 1980's?
Shalom Chaim, Who would you choose as Chief Rabbi of Israel today? What do you think of Rabbi Ratzon Arusi?
Unfortunately the Nazi dyke Christine Quinn (ysv) is quite attractive and, being childless, is youthful. Is this reality a test to us from satan?
Shalom Chaim. Please pray for a just outcome of my court case which will be held this thursday. Thank you, Robert.
I love getting emails telling me about the latest message on JTF - but when I come here, I never know where to find the message.
Shalom Chaim! Do you believe that polgamy and other currently unacceptable forms of sexuality will soon become culturally acceptable?
Chaim, may you discuss the latest insanity involving Netanyoyo? Also, a D'var Torah on this weeks parsha? Kol tuv.
Is there a correct way of breathing that we as adults have neglected, and how can we change this?
Please discuss the New York Federation/ UJA decision to Boycott Judea and Samaria, the ramifications, and what should be done to counter UJA?
Chaim Gibor Doreinu, tell us of Shalom Simhon? Why was Haim Amsalem kicked out of Shas? Why did Meir Sheetrit join haTnua?
1)Should the train driver in Spain get the death penalty? 2)Have you read the new testament? 3)describe your families experience in Egypt?