General Category => Ask JTF => Topic started by: TruthSpreader on November 25, 2013, 06:27:06 AM
Why hasn't the 90 year old fossil known as Henry KISSASSinger croaked?
Shalom, Chaim! What do you think of the comments made by Martin Bashir towards Sarah Palin? He's the one who took down Michael Jackson.
Now that Iran is protected by international treaty, will Obama strike Israel if Israel hits the nuke facilities? Have you considered this danger?
Someone told me that JFK would be a Tea Party person by today's standards. It seems Leftists hijack his legacy just like with Lincoln. Someone wrote a book called Kennedy Conservative; JFK was the first President to establish the "special relationship with Israel".
Why wasn't German Nazi scientist Wernher von Braun put on trial at the Nuremberg trials? There was much evidence against him.
Do you really believe that all the world's Jews can fit geographically within the boundries of Israel?
Give ys to Yosef Shagal, Azeri-Israeli politician who denies Armenian genocide, says Armenians provoked turkey,blames Armenians for murdering Azeris
You're a great storyteller. Tell us a funny story. Also tell us one of your darkest, saddest, angriest, happiest moments in life.
What is your opinion of Rabbi David Ingber of Romemu?
Reb Chaim: Has anyone ever attempted to get Rabbi Kahane's file from the KGB Archives? Thank you.
Shalom Chaim. What Rabbi would you recommend with lectures online to learn Torah or to make baalei teshuva? Who are our (Israel) friends in the world?
How sick is it tht youtube+twitter allow al Qaeda to have official accounts where they behead people but shut down other channels for showing breasts?
Shalom Chaim, Do you think it would be a good idea to put a section on the site for people to book you to speak at events?
Are you in agreement with Pastor Manning that George Zimmerman is being setup and framed for allegations and charges against him since the time Zimmerman was acquitted for 2nd Degree Murder?
Why do you think liberals emphasize population control so much? Do they think human beings are evil and need to be destroyed?
Shalom Chaim! Can you give any advice for people to stay safe when traveling the streets in a DiBlastro/Sharpton NYC?
Shalom Chaim. Do you like the old Ladino music ? What is your favorite Ladino song if you have one ?
1) Both the world high jump champion, and Long jump champions are white, why does the Media in the USA claim that white men "cant juimp"?