General Category => Ask JTF => Topic started by: TruthSpreader on December 02, 2013, 07:43:48 AM
Dear Chaim, what are you thoughts on the late Heath Ledger?
PS thoughts on Nelson Madnela's death.
Shalom, Chaim! What is your favorite story in dealing with blacks in NYC? I hope that you had a great Haunnakah! Thanks
Some Jewish websites claim that a married man is allowed to commit adultery against his wife, as long as he does it with single woman. Is this true? Also, why is polygamy acceptable in Judaism? I think Rabbis should enforce a lifetime ban on polygamy. Husband should be loyal to his wife, vice versa.
Leftist Jews often aren't wimps. If you said "F the Arabs" in an elite Tel Aviv school you'd get the crap beaten out of you and then be arrested.
What do you think of Ira Stoll? http://www.glennbeck.com/2013/11/22/was-jfk-actually-a-conservative-author-ira-stoll-makes-the-case
1. How would you respond to an invitation to the White House by Obama for a "Hanukkah" party? 2.Your thoughts of the Young Israel shul in Great Neck.
Shalom Chaim, I am studying Japanese and I have a lot of interaction with Makoya members. these are Christians who love Israel. have u heard of them
I was thrown off the Haaretz facebook page, just for saying that all arabs should be deported from Israel, while they allow anti-semites to remain.
Do you think the Knockout"game" can be used as an excuse to put up more cameras in Jewish and other neighborhoods, to be used for spying on citizens?
Dear Chaim, do you think the current push to bring more women into the IDF is an attempt by the Israeli establishment to replace the daati girls?
The answer to the Knockdown game is that we need Jews to be like Bernhard Goetz turning shvartzah hoodlums into Darrell Cabey’s. History lesson plea
Dear Chaim, what are you thoughts on the late Nelson Mandela.
Dear Chaim, where is Arik Einstein right now? Tell us about Winnie Mandela and "necklacing." What NMandelas tie to Amin Dada?
Wonder why the knockout game didn't spread over Texas? Not enough Blacks or Jews? Or there is another factor at play?
Chaim, Mandela is burning in hell. Put a curse on him.
Shalom Chaim, may you give a proper eulogy for Mandela? Also, refute: the intent of Obamacare is to hold insurance companies accountable.
When Ted Cruz praised Nelson Mandela after his death, how much of Mandela's hideous background do you think Cruz was aware of?
Shalom and G-d bless you and JTF. What is a bigger mitzvah, to study Torah or to make aliyah? Talk about Friday's fast, please.
I have gone full retard and received a complete human to gorilla transplant. Can I get recieve affirmative action with my new body?
What would South Africa look like today if Eugène Terre'Blanche was president?
Shalom Chaim! Why did the powder elite of the Western World support Nelson Mandela and the ANC who were allied with the Soviet Union?