General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: muman613 on December 03, 2013, 05:03:06 PM

Title: Worlds Smallest & Worlds Biggest Chanukkiahs
Post by: muman613 on December 03, 2013, 05:03:06 PM
Wow, this year we witnessed two 'world record' events concerning the Chanukah menorah.

First here is the worlds smallest Menorah, smaller than a strand of hair, the size of a spec of dust..



On the left is a strand of hair, on the right the smallest menorah..

In honor of Hanukkah a physics laboratory at Hebrew University in Jerusalem has built the world's tiniest hanukkiah (menorah for Hanukkah). The hanukkiah, which is the size of a dust speck, demonstrates the revolutionary abilities of the lab's Nanoscribe system.
The Jerusalem-based laboratory, part of the Peter Brojde Center for Innovative Engineering and Computer Science, focuses on applying scientific discoveries into ground-breaking technology.

As part of its state-of-the-art research, Brojde lab recently became home of the first and only Nanoscribe system in Israel. To demonstrate the Nanoscribe's capabilities in constructing miniscule three-dimensional structures, Yossi Kabessa and Ido Eisenberg, two doctoral students at the lab, recently built the tiniest hanukkiah in the world.

Standing at less than a tenth of a milimeter and invisible to the naked eye, the microscopic menorah is built of building blocks measuring 100 nanometers.

Title: Re: Worlds Smallest & Worlds Biggest Chanukkiahs
Post by: muman613 on December 03, 2013, 05:05:20 PM
Europes tallest menorah is in Trafalger Square..
