General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Chaim Ben Pesach on March 02, 2014, 12:41:57 PM

Title: Ben Gurion and the left murdered at least 1 million Jews (video)
Post by: Chaim Ben Pesach on March 02, 2014, 12:41:57 PM

In 1944, during the height of the Nazi holocaust, Adolf Eichmann and the Germans contacted Yoel Brandt of the Jewish Agency with an offer: one million Jews would be saved and handed over to the Jewish Agency in exchange for trucks, soap and coffee. In addition, the Germans would immediately destroy the Nazi concentration camps to prevent any further mass murder. Since the Germans were now desperately losing the war, Brandt knew that if the Germans destroyed the death camps, they would be unable to rebuild them. So this deal would have saved at least a million Jews if not far more. But Brandt, who was a good Jew, did not know that the traitors Ben Gurion and the Jewish Agency leaders did not want to save the Jews because many of them were religious and nationalistic. Ben Gurion and the Jewish Agency only wanted to save the socialist atheists and agnostics. So the Jewish Agency handed Brandt over to the British who arrested and detained him. When the British released Brandt, he tried desperately to get the left-wing Jewish establishment leaders to agree to rescue the Jews of Europe. But the Jewish leaders refused. The blood of at least one million Jewish men, women and children is on hands of the Jewish establishment leaders in Israel. This Hebrew video fully documents the horrific betrayal of European Jewry during the holocaust by the Jewish establishment leaders who to this day control the state of Israel.

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Title: Re: Ben Gurion and the left murdered at least 1 million Jews (video)
Post by: Tag-MehirTzedek on March 02, 2014, 01:08:47 PM
Isn't this from the anti-Zionist film?

 "Herzl and the Zionists".

 It is mainly propaganda AGAINST Israel and how horrible it was to create it.

 You use the claim that the Jews were "religious and nationalistic" while they use the claim that the Jews were "anti-Zionists".

 With all due respect I think this is bad timing to make this video.
Title: Re: Ben Gurion and the left murdered at least 1 million Jews (video)
Post by: Chaim Ben Pesach on March 02, 2014, 01:46:10 PM
Isn't this from the anti-Zionist film?

 "Herzl and the Zionists".

 It is mainly propaganda AGAINST Israel and how horrible it was to create it.

 You use the claim that the Jews were "religious and nationalistic" while they use the claim that the Jews were "anti-Zionists".

 With all due respect I think this is bad timing to make this video.


This film was created by Shofar, the organization of HaRav Amnon Yitzchak. The film very accurately documents the horrific betrayal of European Jewry during the holocaust. The fact that in other parts of the film - which we do not show - the Charedim conclude that the "Zionists" committed this treason, when in reality it was the leftist establishment, does not in any way diminish the importance of what is being shown here. The part of the film that we show clearly proves that Ben Gurion and the Jewish Agency knowingly enabled the murder of at least one million Jews. It is essential that Israeli Jews learn this history. The part of the film that we show also repeatedly distinguishes between the establishment Jews and the Revisionists - the right-wing Zionists who did try to save our brothers and sisters during the holocaust.

Title: Re: Ben Gurion and the left murdered at least 1 million Jews (video)
Post by: Tag-MehirTzedek on March 02, 2014, 04:39:12 PM
They also attack the Right-wing Revisionists as well.

 Look their might be a lot of truth to it, and I might even agree to it, but at the same time I have second thoughts as well because the times were completely different. Haredim think (and actually preach) that those Jews actually had a lot of $ and such when in fact historically their was even famine with people dyeing in the land (Israel) before the establishment of the State. I don't know all the circumstances, but perhaps Ben Gurion did not want to do some things- 1) negotiate with "terrorists" (as is said) and 2) loose needed supplies that would be necessary for the survival of the Yishuv 3) have more mouths to feed with more people and less supplies. 4) Have the Nazis continue their war effort and not get an earler defeat (prolong the war) 5) Not piss the British off for helping the enemy (of Britian) 6) not loose the supplies to the Germs and basically get robbed for nothing Or many other scenarios.
Title: Re: Ben Gurion and the left murdered at least 1 million Jews (video)
Post by: Tag-MehirTzedek on March 02, 2014, 04:46:59 PM
  About timing I meant and mean that right now the fight is to get Haredim into the army and into the workforce. If not this is a threat down the line, military and economic threat to the nation as a whole. Video like this right now would and does only help their cause against the "Tzionim".
 Its good to show when the extreme left lifts its ugly head again.
Title: Re: Ben Gurion and the left murdered at least 1 million Jews (video)
Post by: Chaim Ben Pesach on March 02, 2014, 05:49:21 PM

Look their might be a lot of truth to it, and I might even agree to it, but at the same time I have second thoughts as well because the times were completely different. Haredim think (and actually preach) that those Jews actually had a lot of $ and such when in fact historically their was even famine with people dyeing in the land (Israel) before the establishment of the State. I don't know all the circumstances, but perhaps Ben Gurion did not want to do some things- 1) negotiate with "terrorists" (as is said) and 2) loose needed supplies that would be necessary for the survival of the Yishuv 3) have more mouths to feed with more people and less supplies. 4) Have the Nazis continue their war effort and not get an earler defeat (prolong the war) 5) Not piss the British off for helping the enemy (of Britian) 6) not loose the supplies to the Germs and basically get robbed for nothing Or many other scenarios. 

What?! Are you kidding me? You are repeating the same vile lies that every Judenrat kapo was spouting while 12,000 Jews were being gassed every single day. Over six million Jews were murdered because of these treasonous excuses. While millions of Jews are being burned and gassed, we should worry about upsetting the British Nazis?! We should not save millions of Jews because we need to keep all of the food ourselves?! When Jews are being slaughtered, you NEVER worry about what anyone will say or think. You save the Jews first and worry about the consequences afterwards. You are saying in effect that because there might have been tight food supplies, it was better to have the Jews in Auschwitz than in the land of Israel. What a monstrous statement! The claim that Jews were dying of famine in pre-1948 Israel is a lie. For you to search for excuses for the refusal to save millions of Jews is simply atrocious. You are proving why it is so essential that every Jew see this video.
Title: Re: Ben Gurion and the left murdered at least 1 million Jews (video)
Post by: Nachus on March 02, 2014, 06:21:23 PM
 :usa+israel:                                                                                                                                                :fist:

 A terrible time in Jewish history that shows how the despicable left commit horrendous atrocities, selling out
 their own and never learn valuable lessons and still perpetrate these moral crimes in moden times.
Title: Re: Ben Gurion and the left murdered at least 1 million Jews (video)
Post by: Tag-MehirTzedek on March 02, 2014, 07:09:32 PM
"For you to search for excuses for the refusal to save millions of Jews is simply atrocious."

 I wasn't searching for anything, I presented some of the possibilities. (not that I agree or disagree with them, I don't know the history and time well enough) At the time Jews in the land of Israel were weak. Some people present it as if Jews ran the world or something and anything they wanted goes.

"The claim that Jews were dying of famine in pre-1948 Israel is a lie."

 I saw some history movie or documentary once and it was about Rav Aryeh Levine (I think that's his name). He was the Rav who went and visited and encouraged the Jews in jails in the pre-modern Israel, the Jews who were caught in the underground fighting the British. In that story/documentary they said that one of his sons died of starvation in Jerusalem.
Title: Re: Ben Gurion and the left murdered at least 1 million Jews (video)
Post by: Tag-MehirTzedek on March 02, 2014, 08:40:39 PM
Subtitled (Didn't see it yet, but its the same video and part subtitled).

Title: Re: Ben Gurion and the left murdered at least 1 million Jews (video)
Post by: Spiraling Leopard on March 03, 2014, 07:51:26 AM
Title: Re: Ben Gurion and the left murdered at least 1 million Jews (video)
Post by: Aces High on March 03, 2014, 08:31:13 AM
You deliver a great education, Chaim.  If I had the power, I would make this information mandatory Jewish curriculum, across the state of Israel.
Title: Re: Ben Gurion and the left murdered at least 1 million Jews (video)
Post by: Ephraim Ben Noach on March 03, 2014, 10:31:46 AM
Title: Re: Ben Gurion and the left murdered at least 1 million Jews (video)
Post by: Baltimore on March 05, 2014, 09:58:32 PM
I had no idea who Joel Brand was before this video and Chaim's ask JTF intro. He was a man who clearly cared about his people. Here are some powerful quotes from his wikipedia page:
"Brand told the Gruenwald trial that, on leaving the building, he felt like a "stark madman." He testified: "What were we to do with this monster's offer? ... I had gotten to know the Germans and their cruel lies exceedingly well. But the thought of 100,000 Jews 'in advance' tortured my mind and gave me no respite. I had no right to think of anything but this advance payment." He believed that if he could return from Istanbul with a promise, at least the first 100,000 might be saved"

"Brand testified that he was taken to an elegant Arab villa where some high-ranking British officers were staying, and on June 11 was introduced to Moshe Sharett with whom he spoke during two sessions of six hours each. Sharett wrote in his report of 27 June 1944: "I must have looked a little incredulous, for he said: 'Please believe me: they have killed six million Jews; there are only two million left alive'." After the second session, Sharett spoke to British officials and turned again to Brand, telling him: "Dear Joel, I have to tell you something bitter now." He told Brand he would have to go south, not back to Budapest, because the British had demanded it.[43] Brand reportedly started screaming:

    Do you know what you are doing? This is simply murder! That is mass murder. If I don't return our best people will be slaughtered! My wife! My mother! My children will be first! ... I have come here under a flag of truce. I have brought you a message. You can accept or reject, but you have no right to hold the messenger ..."

"Ronald Florence writes that he seemed to live only to set the historical record straight.[58] He died in 1964 of liver disease brought on by alcoholism, reportedly a broken man."
Title: Re: Ben Gurion and the left murdered at least 1 million Jews (video)
Post by: Israel Chai on March 07, 2014, 01:14:31 AM
Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi said the same thing as Chaim here, except he says "Zionist" and pretends it means (after explaining it as such) secular left wing rashiam Jew.
Title: Re: Ben Gurion and the left murdered at least 1 million Jews (video)
Post by: ChabadKahanist on March 08, 2014, 01:16:48 PM
The Jewish Agency to this day is doing disgusting things.
Who do you think brought in close to a million Russian Goyim?
The Jewish Agency that's who.
This is BG's legacy 1 million Russian [censored] in our holy land.
The grandchildren of those who made pogroms against my & other Jew's grandparents are here as citizens of the State of Israel.
It wasn't enough that BG had 1 million Jews murdered now his successors want to destroy Judaism by bringing these low lives to our land.
This while Chaim & other real Jews can't even enter the land or are denied aliyah.
Title: Re: Ben Gurion and the left murdered at least 1 million Jews (video)
Post by: Spiraling Leopard on March 08, 2014, 01:37:06 PM
Natan Sharansky (WZO)

Chairman of the Jewish Agency Executive

Natan Sharansky, born in Donetsk, in the Former Soviet Union, was a Prisoner of Zion and a leader in the struggle for the right of Soviet Jews to immigrate to Israel as well as a spokesman for the human rights movement.  Subsequent to his request to make aliyah, Mr. Sharansky was arrested on trumped up charges of espionage.  Natan Sharansky was tried in a Soviet court, convicted and sentenced to 13 years in prison. He served nine years in the Gulag with many stretches in solitary confinement.  He was released following massive public campaigns by World Jewry and officials in the West.  On the same day that he was released he made aliyah.  In the first few years in Israel, he established the Zionist Forum to assist in the absorption of Soviet olim.  In the 1990's, he established the Yisrael B'Aliyah party in order to accelerate the integration of Russian Jews. He served in four successive Israeli governments, as Minister and Deputy Prime Minister.  He is the author of three bestselling books and is the recipient of the Congressional Medal of Honor and the Presidential Medal of Freedom.


Natan Sharansky remains a champion of the right of all people to live in freedom and believes that the advancement of freedom is critical to peace and security around the world.


In 2009, Natan Sharansky was elected Chairman of the Executive of the Jewish Agency.  As chairman, one of his great missions is to ensure the continued existence of the Jewish People.


Natan Sharansky is the Chairman of the Executive since June 2009.


That lowlife piece of garbage doesn't even mention Rabbi Kahane.
Title: Re: Ben Gurion and the left murdered at least 1 million Jews (video)
Post by: koreanchareidi on September 07, 2014, 05:59:55 AM

This film was created by Shofar, the organization of HaRav Amnon Yitzchak. The film very accurately documents the horrific betrayal of European Jewry during the holocaust. The fact that in other parts of the film - which we do not show - the Charedim conclude that the "Zionists" committed this treason, when in reality it was the leftist establishment, does not in any way diminish the importance of what is being shown here. The part of the film that we show clearly proves that Ben Gurion and the Jewish Agency knowingly enabled the murder of at least one million Jews. It is essential that Israeli Jews learn this history. The part of the film that we show also repeatedly distinguishes between the establishment Jews and the Revisionists - the right-wing Zionists who did try to save our brothers and sisters during the holocaust.

wrong, moron.  kasztner, who murdered close to 1 million hungarian jews in the holocaust, was a die-hard zionist.  therefore the video is correct.
Title: Re: Ben Gurion and the left murdered at least 1 million Jews (video)
Post by: Kahane-Was-Right BT on September 07, 2014, 12:24:16 PM
wrong, moron.  kasztner, who murdered close to 1 million hungarian jews in the holocaust, was a die-hard zionist.  therefore the video is correct.

You're a tool. Kastner was part of the leftist establishment and foot soldier of the Jewish agency.  He was NOT a revisionist zionist.
Title: Re: Ben Gurion and the left murdered at least 1 million Jews (video)
Post by: Yehudayaakov on September 07, 2014, 06:02:12 PM
these people were the leaders of Israel and were about to create a country to protect the Jews, and what they do? they refuse to save the Jews of europe because  the traitors Ben Gurion and the Jewish Agency leaders didn't want them to come to a Jewish country created to protect them! These leaders are still here in key posts  ruling the country put them in trial and get rid of them destroy all current state bodies and build a new that advantage Jews in the Jewish country.
Title: Re: Ben Gurion and the left murdered at least 1 million Jews (video)
Post by: Kahane-Was-Right BT on September 07, 2014, 06:06:06 PM
these people were the leaders of Israel and were about to create a country to protect the Jews, and what they do? they refuse to save the Jews of europe because Begin didn't want them to come to come to a Jewish country created to protect them! These leaders are still here in key posts  ruling the country put them in trial and get rid of them destroy all current state bodies and build a new that advantage Jews in the Jewish country.

No, you are wrong.  Begin DID want them to come.   The Jewish underground stepped up operations when they found out about the final solution and they did everything in their power to force the british to open up immigration to Jews from Europe.    The labor zionists are the ones who wouldn't lift a finger.   Why do you blame Begin?  It's a lie.
Title: Re: Ben Gurion and the left murdered at least 1 million Jews (video)
Post by: Yehudayaakov on September 08, 2014, 03:58:10 AM
No, you are wrong.  Begin DID want them to come.   The Jewish underground stepped up operations when they found out about the final solution and they did everything in their power to force the british to open up immigration to Jews from Europe.    The labor zionists are the ones who wouldn't lift a finger.   Why do you blame Begin?  It's a lie.

I made a mistake it was Ben Gurion cited above not Begin, sorry.
Title: Re: Ben Gurion and the left murdered at least 1 million Jews (video)
Post by: Super Mentalita on September 08, 2014, 11:47:29 AM
Is this video availble in English?
Title: Re: Ben Gurion and the left murdered at least 1 million Jews (video)
Post by: Yehudayaakov on September 11, 2014, 05:03:24 PM
No, you are wrong.  Begin DID want them to come.   The Jewish underground stepped up operations when they found out about the final solution and they did everything in their power to force the british to open up immigration to Jews from Europe.    The labor zionists are the ones who wouldn't lift a finger.   Why do you blame Begin?  It's a lie.

damn these Israeli street name There's treet that bears his name near my parent's home in Ashkelon that's where fault come anyway i don't know these people!
Title: Re: Ben Gurion and the left murdered at least 1 million Jews (video)
Post by: Kahane-Was-Right BT on September 12, 2014, 12:29:56 AM

I made a mistake it was Ben Gurion cited above not Begin, sorry.
