General Category => Ask JTF => Topic started by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on August 05, 2007, 07:25:17 PM

Title: Ask JTF For August 12 Broadcast
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on August 05, 2007, 07:25:17 PM
Note To All Posters: Only one post per person is permitted. Please make it a single, short question.

Chaim would love to answer all of your great questions but (unfortunately due to the number of questions and time constraints), if there is more than one short question, it will have to be moved to the Future Ask JTF section. We apologize for this inconvenience and only wish that every person has a chance to be heard on the show.

Or course, comments not directed to Chaim will be moved into a separate thread under The General Discussion.

Chaim has stated that only one short question or comment per poster will be answered. Please remember that even with these rules, the program is over 2 hours long every week! If you want to post a longer question, unfortunately, Chaim may or may not be able to answer it in it's entirety. In this case, you may copy and paste parts of your question for the following week.

Thank you for your kindness and respect regarding these rules.

I added the instructions Masterwolf posted on his thread.
Ze'ev Jabotinsky
Here now is my (Chaimfan's) question.

Dearest Chaim,

Here's another chapter in our ongoing dialogue on the level of kaponess in Israel. One of the infinite PLO concessions that the obese diabetic swine Sharon (ys"vz) made two years ago to "end" the intifada was to not pursue or arrest the murderers of Shalhevet Pass and Tali Fahuel and her five beautiful little girls. These monsters have amnesty and can walk any street in Israel boasting of what they did with no fear. Average Israelis made comments like "this is regrettable but if this is the only way to stop these murders from happening to other people there is no other choice". Isn't that evil? Only Kahanists in Israel opposed this bestial miscarriage of justice.

Title: Re: Ask JTF For August 12 Broadcast
Post by: Lisa on August 05, 2007, 11:15:49 PM

I'm not Chaim, but I know of that organization.  They are the crazy Westboro Baptist Church, which is headed by Fred Phelps.  His psychotic looking sister Shirley Phelps is the spokeswoman.  They're a very small organization with maybe 60 members, who are most likely relatives of the Phelps's. 

In a nutshell, they are obsessed with homosexuality, and they're crazy, hateful and vicious.  This is the group that protests at funerals of American soldiers, with signs saying "Thank G-d for 9/11."  They protested at the memorial for the victims of the Sago Mine disaster, where workers were killed in a West Virginia coal mine, saying it was G-d's punishment for people tolerating homosexuality.

Also, do you remember when that lunatic shot six Amish girls dead at their Pennsylvania school last year or so?  Well these nutjobs wanted to protest at that funeral with signs saying those young girls were whores who deserved to die.  But they held off, since Mike Gallagher decided to let them host his show.  Gallagher wanted to give them money, but they would not accept it.

Believe me, we do not want to go near them with a ten foot pole.

Here's more info on them:

Title: Re: Ask JTF For August 12 Broadcast
Post by: mosquewatch on August 06, 2007, 12:57:01 AM
Shalom Chaim,

As a Gentile, can you advise me on what Jewish Religious Holidays I may observe  and how may I do it with Respect to the Jewish people ? I understand we believe in a different Theology, but we do have things in commom.

Title: Re: Ask JTF For August 12 Broadcast
Post by: MasterWolf1 on August 06, 2007, 01:31:14 AM
Hello Chaim, hope all is well with you my friend.

I have been talking to a lot of people about the need for energy independence and to get us away from the Muslim oil thieves.  But many also tell me that oil is not only for their cars and homes but oil is in need for other products such as plastic for example.  They do agree that we need energy independence but rather go and drill in Alaska or the Gulf States.

A few years ago the topic of ANWR came up in the media and was viciously blocked by the multi nationals and enviromentalists.   Some scientists say that we have a few hundred years of oil in ANWR.  How do you feel about ANWR?  Even if there is a few hundred years of oil in Alaska wouldn't that send the Muslims back to another several hundred years without massive wealth from their oil profits?  Their families would starve and they wouldn't have a huge population boom.  I would like your intake on this matter.

Thanks as always
Title: Re: Ask JTF For August 12 Broadcast
Post by: Nic Brookes on August 06, 2007, 07:26:21 AM
Hi Chaim

What is your opinion on the organisation

"G-d Hates Fags"?

They are a Christian movement in the USA which attends funerals of American soldiers and protests with signs such as:

Thank G-d for dead soldiers
The USA is doomed
G-d hates you

The logic is every decision made by G-d (even the termination of a soldier's life) is good and that all bad things are punishment for the USA's attitude towards homosexuality. The group consider all Jews "fag-lovers" and they believe only the 70 or so of them in the group will get into Heaven and EVERYONE else in the world is doomed to Hell.

A quote from the leader of this organisation reads as follows:

"The Lord G-d Almighty killed the people who died on 9/11, looked at them in the face, laughed and mocked at each one of them as he cast each one of them into hell"
Title: Re: Ask JTF For August 12 Broadcast
Post by: Daniel on August 06, 2007, 10:18:02 AM
Chaim, here's a Scriabin-like question for you:

What do you eat for breakfast?
Title: Re: Ask JTF For August 12 Broadcast
Post by: judeanoncapta on August 06, 2007, 10:30:23 AM
Dear Chaim, Why do you think so many sefaradim vote for Shas? Most sefaradim seem very right-wing, why do they vote for a party with such views on giving up land?
Title: Re: Ask JTF For August 12 Broadcast
Post by: aC23 on August 06, 2007, 01:42:38 PM
Hello Chaim,

Were you always religious? If not, how did you become religious? If you were, are there any words of chizuk you could give us?

Title: Re: Ask JTF For August 12 Broadcast
Post by: Joe Gutfeld on August 06, 2007, 04:41:22 PM
Shalom Chaim!!

Can you give us an update on the group that crashed the JTF web site and fourms and what are you going to do about them?
Title: Re: Ask JTF For August 12 Broadcast
Post by: Dr. Dan on August 06, 2007, 04:56:25 PM
Shalom Chaim.  I hope all is well.

Here's my question:

In the current world which we live in today with the current governments which exist in Israel and the US, how would you go about it as a civilian if, GD forbid, any of your family members (mother, father, brother, sister, son, daughter, etc) were kidnapped by an Islamic Nazi terrorist organization?  As Jews, how are we supposed to act if, Gd forbid, that were to happen to any of own flesh and blood?  Surely, it's one thing if it is a fellow Jew versus if it is one's own child or parent or sibling.  Am I right?
Thank you..off to Israel Tuesday night.
Title: Re: Ask JTF For August 12 Broadcast
Post by: Trumpeldor on August 06, 2007, 08:59:11 PM
Why is the Armenian Genocide generally overlooked by the media and academia?  Theodore Roosevelt characterized it as "the greatest crime of the war [WWI]."

While I am not a scholar of the topic, it appears that the Armenians were most certainly victims of Muslim Nazi mass-murder, courtesy of the "nationalist" Young Turks.

In closing, I recommend that JTF should devote a program to exposing this crime. It is the right thing to do and would certainly help our cause as well.

Title: Re: Ask JTF For August 12 Broadcast
Post by: Maimonides on August 06, 2007, 09:55:06 PM
Shalom Chaim and Thank you as always for your hard work and answering my questions.

What is your opinion on Bat-Mitzvahs for 12 year old girls? And how would you encourage Jews in particular Jewish women to not to give into political correctness and make them accept their role in Judaism?
Title: Re: Ask JTF For August 12 Broadcast
Post by: jdl4ever on August 06, 2007, 10:11:41 PM
Shalom Chaim, I just finished my first hospital rotation so I am happy  ;D  Here's my question:  What will you do if the Israeli government does the same thing they did to the Rav and outlaw you from running?
Title: Re: Ask JTF For August 12 Broadcast
Post by: Mishmaat on August 07, 2007, 03:43:50 AM

What should America or Israel do about Pakistan and Saudi Arabia?
Title: Re: Ask JTF For August 12 Broadcast
Post by: raiseyourfist on August 07, 2007, 08:20:28 AM
Shalom Chaim,

I was wondering whether you would want to do a "save India" youtube program.. after all they are fighting a war against Islam and not just with neighboring Pakistan... they also have problems inside their national borders similarly to America and other Western countries such as Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom... i believe if we did this we could get many more members as other people would see us as the selfless organization that we are....

p.s to answer Joe Gutfeld we should definitely do something about peacenow a response should suit the message

Many thanks you truely are the modern day moses
Title: Re: Ask JTF For August 12 Broadcast
Post by: YESHA on August 07, 2007, 12:44:13 PM
-- Hello Chaim --
With all your references to learning Hebrew Chaim, I am now completing my second week of Ulpan in Golders Green, London. I took up this 10-day course following your wise advice – I have been finding it quiet tough; but this is an investment – and even though it did cost me quite a bit – I have to look at the bigger picture, zeh eser - zeh shigaon, zeh sababa - lahit!!. Todah Rabah. Shalom.

Title: Re: Ask JTF For August 12 Broadcast
Post by: Sarah on August 07, 2007, 06:30:42 PM
Shalom Chaim,

Your answer to my question last week was brilliant, i almost felt scared by it. I really do believe now, thank you.

If a Righteous person can achieve the reward of eternal life, and so can a Jew......then isn't the concept of G-d's Fairness somewhat dishevelled because a same goal is achieved through two different ways, one requiring a harder pursuit then the other. Being a Noahide, involves following moral rules which should be followed through by any sane person........so can anything extra be done by a Noahide, to be a better person, or can the sheva mitzvot B'nai Noach be progressed continuously as they involves get closer to G-d, which can never fully be achieved?

Thank you. Your explanation last week of your encounter with Dr.Mehdi, was awesome!
Title: Re: Ask JTF For August 12 Broadcast
Post by: Catholic Zionist 73 on August 08, 2007, 11:37:22 AM
Shalom Chaim,

First of all, I want to say thanks for all you do. I've been listening to your shows through the website for about a year now and had to get involved.

What do you think about the Turkish invasion and occupation of Northern Cyprus? I can't see why the UN and the media make such a big deal about Israel's so-called occupation, while ignoring Cyprus. Maybe Israel should have kicked the Arabs out, or at least the Muslim ones, the way Turkey did to the Greek Christians. No one seems to care about Christian refugees and their right of return. The US, European and Israeli governments seem to back Turkey whatever it does just because it calls itself secular, do you think this will backfire?
Title: Re: Ask JTF For August 12 Broadcast
Post by: cosmokramer on August 08, 2007, 05:22:58 PM
Hello Chaim,

Why was your interview with mancow so short. It seems to me a last minute disicion to cut you off intentionally. What are your thoughts and what do you think this will now do to JTF?

Title: Re: Ask JTF For August 12 Broadcast
Post by: dawntreader on August 08, 2007, 07:10:33 PM
Shalom Chaim,

This week it was reported in Ha'Aretz that Ehud Olmert has agreed to give the Palestinians 100% of the land taken by Israel in the Six Day War in 1967. Can anything be worse than this? Olmert's office has denied it, but other officials are saying he is lying. (Again, this all came from Ha'Aretz this week.)

We have got to get rid of this schmuck from Office and replace him with someone who will not destroy what HaShem has given us.

Your thoughts on how to do this the most effectively and in the shortest amount of time?


Title: Re: Ask JTF For August 12 Broadcast
Post by: Zvulun Ben Moshe on August 08, 2007, 08:36:37 PM
Dear Chaim,

I have a suggestion here. My friend runs a donations-based local community portal. He told me that his denotations really took off when he decided to make all financial information transparent to the visitors. This way everyone saw how great the expenses and incoming donations are, and everyone now had a sense of urgency of meeting a certain budget. More than that, it creates a trustful relationship between the organization and its members.

What do you think about this idea?
Title: Re: Ask JTF For August 12 Broadcast
Post by: Joe Schmo on August 08, 2007, 11:51:50 PM
Dear Chaim:

Do you remember Yephora?  She was one of our best members.  We should try to bring her back.

Title: Re: Ask JTF For August 12 Broadcast
Post by: Mstislav on August 09, 2007, 01:18:48 PM
Shalom Chaim,

Last week when you told us about how you beat up that muzzie with a baseball bat because of what he did, that was the most hilarious part of the show. I salute you and you are a great example of a true hero!! May HaShem bless you and your family.

Now for my question: If you were the Prime Minister of Israel, would you allow polygamy and slavery? The muzzies allow it and anyone familiar with the details on those two topics would know they are horrible things and should be illegal.
Title: Re: Ask JTF For August 12 Broadcast
Post by: ftf on August 09, 2007, 08:27:10 PM
Hi Chaim

If I were in government right now, I would propose having all Muslims, in my country, immediately taken to camps where they would be reeducated, and would not be allowed to leave until the camp overseers were positive that they had ceased to be Muslim, do you think this would be a good idea?


Title: Re: Ask JTF For August 12 Broadcast
Post by: DownwithIslam on August 09, 2007, 08:48:18 PM
Hi Chaim, this is a bit long but it's vital that you read the whole thing. This week their was a dispute that broke out in the forum When Tzvi Ben Roshel told me I was going to hell for attacking Chasidic and Litvishe anti Semites who are anti zionist drek. Dominator96 then went ahead and questioned your heroic actions by saying that he talked to people who said you were never were really big in JDL. He said you were nothing compared to a "Great man like Ovadia Yosef." I responded by saying that Ovadia Yosef isn't holy enough to pick the dirt out from under your toenails because you sat in prison for so much of your life for the sake of jews while he wouldn't even go on a diet to save a jew. I was condemned by the moderator Until Shiloh comes. He threatened to take action against me. I also believe Chaimfan took a lot of undue criticism for causing fight on the forum when the real inciter wa dominator96.  Chaim please ensure that all moderators are committed to your message not theirs and I am attaching some of Dominator96's words towards you. There was more I just didn't save it.

Dominator96's words:::::::

Are you even comparing hacham Ovadia to CBP, they arent even in the same league. And again Viewers of this post look at what this man calls the former chief rabbi, "evil", "pimp". And I dont think Rabbi Yosef had anything to do with kicking CBP out of Israel. I know that alot of JTFers think that Chaim is up there with the President but face it, he isnt so "infamous" in Israel, that they would consult the leaders of Israel about him. I respect Chaim as a great man who did good work in the JDL. But Ive spoken to former JDL leaders and they have all said that CHaim, wasnt that significant in JDL, and when he was, it wasnt as big as he claimed.

MODERATORS!!!!!! THIS IS A JEWISH FORUM?  ?? The chief Rabbi of Israel being called stupid?  ?? This is tolerated?   And you have been brainwashed so much. You cant even compare THis holy giant to CBP. And those clothes are the clothing that the rishon L'tzion wears. It is a sephardic custom, stop insulting it.
Title: Re: Ask JTF For August 12 Broadcast
Post by: Global Warming is a Hoax on August 10, 2007, 12:27:33 AM
Dear Chaim, because of your vigorous health regimen is it difficult for you to be a  guest at other peoples houses whenever food is served? whenever i eat somewhere i always think of what you would think of the food that is served and about 90% of the time i know you would vehemently disapprove. kol tuv.
-aharon ben yitzchak

P.S. Be'ezrat Hashem you will be back in Israel very very soon
Title: Re: Ask JTF For August 12 Broadcast
Post by: Dexter on August 10, 2007, 12:58:45 AM
Shalom Chaim,
What do you think about Evolution and Creationism ?

Toda .
Title: Re: Ask JTF For August 12 Broadcast
Post by: ItalianZionist on August 10, 2007, 09:22:44 AM
Dear Chaim,
   Like you, I've been single all my life and I have recently met a woman who seems perfect for me. She is loving, beautiful, young and caring. The only problem is that she has a 7 year old daughter. I usually make it a policy not to date women with children, but I feel the clock ticking for me. I am 39 years old and find it so difficult to meet the right woman. Chaim, would you marry a woman with children if she seemed perfect otherwise? 
Title: Re: Ask JTF For August 12 Broadcast
Post by: Manch on August 10, 2007, 03:14:42 PM
Hello Chaim,

How happy are you with the Youtube campaign? I don't see that it is gaining momentum that we were hoping for and see that rating/viewing is stalling at about the same level. Time to reassess?
Title: Re: Ask JTF For August 12 Broadcast
Post by: Dan on August 10, 2007, 06:06:17 PM
Hello Chaim,
 Can you please tell me what happened when a member posted a thread  suggestting  a JTF members meeting at Queens College... I replied enthusiastically 'YES' and all of a sudden war broke out among our member, why?!

                                                                             Thanks as always,
Title: Re: Ask JTF For August 12 Broadcast
Post by: Shlomo on August 10, 2007, 07:04:52 PM
Dear Chaim,

How would you feel about integrated chat in the forum if it was very simple to setup?

Shabbat Shalom,
Title: Re: Ask JTF For August 12 Broadcast
Post by: Vito on August 11, 2007, 12:57:47 AM
Shalom Chaim, ma nishma?

You mentioned the elder couple that are pack rats.. it sounds nearly identical to my wonderful 100 year old great aunt, and her son. She also has a huge apartment in Queens, and he has a good size apartment in Manhattan.. both apartments are filled with literally THOUSANDS of newspapers. It's scary to look at and that's one of the main reasons why I am stopping this now. I haven't been buying anything, and I have started to organize some stuff, and throw a lot away.. so I'm starting off right.

You mentioned on Ask JTF last week that seeing a woman half naked (I assume you mean in a bikini) would destroy a man's soul. Now, whether you go to a beach or not, there are lingerie advertisements everywhere you go. Women dress very skimpy in the street all the time as well, so it's very hard not to see this. Is the soul really destroyed for good when this happens?
I don't know if my soul has been destroyed, but I can tell you that when I see a beautiful girl dressed well, I get angry, frustrated and jealous. And I think to myself "why can't I have a girl like that" .. or a girlfriend period. Although I think my conservative ideology makes it difficult to find a girl in NYC, but that's another story. I think that anger, frustration and jealousy do hurt a man's soul.. is that what you mean by that? If not, can you be more specific on what you mean by the destruction of a man's soul based on seeing a half-naked woman?

Toda raba,
Title: Re: Ask JTF For August 12 Broadcast
Post by: imaknick on August 11, 2007, 01:17:38 PM

Do you think world war III will ever happen?  If so, Do you think it will start in the Middle East or elsewhere?
Title: Re: Ask JTF For August 12 Broadcast
Post by: True Kahanist on August 11, 2007, 04:27:49 PM
Dear Chaim,

I was happy with your response last week. Thank you. Please can you explain the split between Lechi and Etzel in 1940 - because i'm confused about the facts?

Toda Achi
Title: Re: Ask JTF For August 12 Broadcast
Post by: Ari on August 11, 2007, 11:02:36 PM
Hello Dear Chaim,

This week I was introduced to a wealthy Jewish Liberal putz who told me has given pretty large amounts to several Jewish charities.  I tried to turn him onto JTF, but when I mentioned the cause continues the teachings of the great Rabbi Kahane he said that it sounded way too right wing for his liking and he wasn't interested (typical unfortunately).  He did mention, however, that he was surprised he had never received any literature from JTF before, since he is apparently on the mailing lists of tons of Jewish charities.  This got me thinking that maybe JTF should try a fundraising campaign through the mail.  I believe mailing lists can be obtained that target specific demographic groups (Jews, righteous gentiles, etc.).  Do you think this is worth a shot?  Also I was wondering if someone in the forum were to try and raise money for JTF is it ethical for him or her to keep a small percentage?  Thanks for the great work as always and G-d bless.

Title: Re: Ask JTF For August 12 Broadcast
Post by: kahaneloyalist on August 12, 2007, 09:23:07 AM
Dear Chaim,
       Thank you for answering our questions each week. While I oppose Democracy for the long term(I want a restored Malchut) I recognize for the time being it is a method for us to come to power, do you agree and how should we convince Jews in Israel who oppose voting we should use Democracy, before replacing it.
Title: Re: Ask JTF For August 12 Broadcast
Post by: RationalThought110 on August 12, 2007, 10:24:07 AM
Shalom Chaim,

      Do you think it would help real conservatives get their message out to Israeli citizens if Israel had a "fairness doctrine"?  Would this prevent the Bolsheviks from dominating Israel's media? 
Title: Re: Ask JTF For August 12 Broadcast
Post by: Shoshana on August 12, 2007, 01:47:31 PM
Dear Chaim,

In addition to the YouTube campaign of course, what other ideas would you give JTF folks who wish to support JTF and spread the message? Letter writing? Meetings? Flyers? Someone on here mentioned bumper stickers. What do you think of that?