General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on June 10, 2014, 09:22:49 PM
House Majority Leader Beaten By Teaparty Upstart
:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
Baruch Hashem! This is wonderful news!
Yup. One less self hating Jew out of office
Why? I wouldn't think he's a self hating Jew.
I didn't know he was a Jew... Let's keep that quite. He lied, he supports big government, he mocked us, and he attacked the Tea Party, for the establishment.
Remember. .. Freedom loving Jews and Christian's gave us our freedom!
I would never trust a Jewish politician
I would never trust a Jewish politician
??? and you would trust a non-Jewish politician instead!
??? and you would trust a non-Jewish politician instead!
He means specifically in the Galut.
Hopefully the Tea Party will poach more RINO horns this primary season and then poach Democrat devil horns in November.
Absolutely. The Tea Party upset win by Dave Brat in Virginia potentially could provide momentum in many other Congressional Primary Races and eventually in the General Election.
Eric Cantor was in essence of a reflection of the Republican establishment...........which takes a path of much lesser resistance, instead of truly combating the Democrat Party ultra leftist/ pro Muslim agenda.
I've been reading this morning some Jewish news some that lean Conservative and some that lean liberal.Both keept on mentioning his Jewishness and insinuating the tea party wants a judenrein party.I think some Jewish Republicans perhaps a little more then a third will turn to moderate Dems.This can hurt in Florida where 28% vote republican.In a close race this can mean lose in Florida in a close presidential race. Also in Ohio, Pennsylvania and Illinois.Another thing Coulter and Ingram kept on mentioning the rich Jewish guy from Las Vegas who supported him Cantor.
Big US Election News: Pols and Polls
Posted by: Real Jstreets June 11, 2014
Yesterday most of Israel and world media were focused on the Knesset and Israeli Presidential elections. But in the US, voters were also on their way to the polls.
In Virginia, in a primary election in one of the sleepiest of districts, (I lived there, so please just trust me!) and usually insignificant of elections, there was a major upset. The top ranking US Republican in Congress lost to an unknown Tea Party challenger and in a primary election.
US Congressman Eric Cantor was a senior Republican member of Congress and the only Jewish Republican in the US House of Representatives.
image Eric Cantor,
Cantor answered questions at a press conference in Jerusalem, Israel, in August in 2013.
image US Congressmen in Israel
He was leading a delegation of newly elected Republican Congressmen, many of whom had never visited Israel.
image Eric Cantor
Cantor was on top less than a year ago, he was a leader for the future.
Last night as I was going to sleep in Israel, I saw Cantor tweeted that everyone should go and vote, that was first I heard of the Tuesday election.
This morning my husband’s first words were, “You did not tell me Cantor lost!”
One of the leading Republicans and Jews in Congress was voted out. The polls were wrong.
Was it because he was seen as too soft against Obama?
There will now be much speculation on this upset by David Brat, it happened because?
All I can think of is that famous question, is it good for the Jews?
In this case, I am afraid the answer is no. Eric Cantor was a strong voice for Israel in Congress.
Full disclosure: Eric Cantor’s father and my father played poker together years ago in Richmond, Va. That folks was the big action in the district.
When Cantor was elected he was much more conservative. He went to a conference with Rep. Louis Gutierrez and was supporting amnesty and demonizing the teaparties. The state of Virginia spoke loud and clear, they want no part of amnesty. Immigration reform and amnesty are two different animals...As we can see, the Obama administration has declared open borders to all foreigners, especially the children who are flowing across Arizona and Texas borders. Obama will sign an executive order to declare them citizens...this will destroy American sovereignty, but we will know beyond a shadow of a doubt, who signed the order and destroyed America! Dave Brat is a true Conservative with values and principles...just listening to him made me very excited!
When Cantor was elected he was much more conservative. He went to a conference with Rep. Louis Gutierrez and was supporting amnesty and demonizing the teaparties. The state of Virginia spoke loud and clear, they want no part of amnesty. Immigration reform and amnesty are two different animals...As we can see, the Obama administration has declared open borders to all foreigners, especially the children who are flowing across Arizona and Texas borders. Obama will sign an executive order to declare them citizens...this will destroy American sovereignty, but we will know beyond a shadow of a doubt, who signed the order and destroyed America! Dave Brat is a true Conservative with values and principles...just listening to him made me very excited!
A leopard never changes his spots. Eric Kantor is what he has always been...a phony. Some people (including me) are just waking up to it now.
What is sad is, Lindsey Graham won his primary. :'(
This portends the ultimate expulsion of the Jew from the USA.
The only question is whether they will continue the Jewish tradition of 2000 years of exile & flee to Patagonia?!
Or will they try & make it to Eretz Yisrael?
And will the Israeli authorities even allow entry to 200,000, let alone 6 million overweight, spoilt, demanding, loud and clamouring American Jews in one go, fleeing penniless.
As R.Nir Ben Artzi predicted that American Jewry will arrive literally wearing only their underpants!
Dov Hikind was quite clever buying a large villa in the West Bank and taking out Israeli citizenship!
Finally, some good news.
Hopefully, the GOP will discover that curbing immigration (legal and illegal) is the key to their future success.
We are preparing an English video on this subject. Stay tuned.
The following illustrates that Eric Cantor's line of thinking is much closer to AIPAC's than the type of position he should have that's truly pro-Israel. If you deny the history of Fatah killing more Jews and Americans than Hamas, you are part of the problem, not the solution:
Most recently, Cantor was one of several lawmakers who called on the Obama administration to suspend financial aid to the Palestinian Authority (PA) in the wake of the formation of the new unity government between Hamas and Fatah.
Cantor said that PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas “argues that the new government is composed of ministers without political affiliation, but this new government appears dependent upon Hamas and Hamas continues to support terrorism in its quest to destroy the state of Israel.”
Cantor added, “The burden lies with this new unity government to demonstrate in words and actions that it is truly independent of Hamas, that it rejects terrorism, and that it is committed to a peaceful two-state solution, including recognizing Israel's right to exist as a Jewish state.”
The following illustrates that Eric Cantor's line of thinking is much closer to AIPAC's than the type of position he should have that's truly pro-Israel. If you deny the history of Fatah killing more Jews and Americans than Hamas, you are part of the problem, not the solution:
Most recently, Cantor was one of several lawmakers who called on the Obama administration to suspend financial aid to the Palestinian Authority (PA) in the wake of the formation of the new unity government between Hamas and Fatah.
Cantor said that PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas “argues that the new government is composed of ministers without political affiliation, but this new government appears dependent upon Hamas and Hamas continues to support terrorism in its quest to destroy the state of Israel.”
Cantor added, “The burden lies with this new unity government to demonstrate in words and actions that it is truly independent of Hamas, that it rejects terrorism, and that it is committed to a peaceful two-state solution, including recognizing Israel's right to exist as a Jewish state.”
If you notice, Cantor supports a two state solution, which is national suicide for Israel. With friends like this, Israel doesn't need any enemies.
If you notice, Cantor supports a two state solution, which is national suicide for Israel. With friends like this, Israel doesn't need any enemies.
The ' two state solution' comment by Eric Cantor caught my attention right away. The fact that Cantor mentioned this, without mentioning Fatah's long history of terrorism and overall hate against Israel, reinforces that it's for the best that Cantor was defeated in the Congressional primary.
??? and you would trust a non-Jewish politician instead!
The fact is that American Jewish politicians always go against the best interest of Israel. Go ahead and ask Chaim about this.
The fact is that American Jewish politicians always go against the best interest of Israel. Go ahead and ask Chaim about this.
And non-Jews also go against the best interest of Israel...
So we have bubkiss..
I might give an exception to dov hikind but not entirely sure. He was once a part if JDL and still does overall good things for the interests if the Jewish people. But like other things, maybe not the best way to go about it.
And non-Jews also go against the best interest of Israel...
So we have bubkiss..
But when Jews do a chilul Hashem, it's far worse than when a gentile does it. When an anti Semites and normal Gentiles see a Jew go against his people, it's a terrible chilul Hashem.
Rather when a Jew doesn't care what the gentile and antisemites think in order to survive, it is a kiddush Hashem.
I would refer you to kahane's speech called the yoke of heaven on YouTube.
I might give an exception to dov hikind but not entirely sure. He was once a part if JDL and still does overall good things for the interests if the Jewish people. But like other things, maybe not the best way to go about it.
There's no question that Dov Hikind has done many good things over the years, including his efforts with JDL. Yet, when I think of Hikind, it's hard to forget his reaction when Anthony Weiner was marrying a Muslim:
But when Jews do a chilul Hashem, it's far worse than when a gentile does it. When an anti Semites and normal Gentiles see a Jew go against his people, it's a terrible chilul Hashem.
Rather when a Jew doesn't care what the gentile and antisemites think in order to survive, it is a kiddush Hashem.
I would refer you to kahane's speech called the yoke of heaven on YouTube.
I am aware of what Rabbi Kahane said and I have watched virtually all of his videos. I know the difference between Kiddush Hashem and Chilul Hashem.. But the point is this...
Do not rely on miracles... How does anyone expect the non-Jew to have the interest of the Jew in their heart and mind? If the Jew is not willing to make the political moves to ensure that the will of the Jewish people is heard then we may as well rely on miracles.
I agree that bad Jews are a chilul Hashem. But I don't think it is a sin if a good Jew can survive in politics. To suggest all Jews in politics lie is ridiculous. It would be better to say 'all politicians lie' and if a Jew is a politician he may be inclined to lie. But we should admit it is a problem with politics, not with Jews in particular.
I am not making any comment on Cantor because, as Sgt Shulz from 'Hogans Heros' used to say :
I will add that according to the sages the issue is not necessarily 'not caring what the gentile and/or Jew hater think' but more that Jews should be working to do Kiddush Hashem, for the sake of G-ds name and not for our own desires.
It is when Jews do not do what we are supposed to do, to bring light to the world through our keeping the commands of Hashem, that the Jew haters and gentiles start to hate us. This is the way it worked throughout history.
We should care about what the gentiles think and be educating them about the Noachide laws and they will come to see that the Jews do bring a lot of good into the world. In the thoughts of Chassidus there are sparks of holiness even in the souls of some non-Jews, and we should try to bring those sparks back to the source.
When leaving Egypt the Children of Israel were commanded to bring the goats they purchased into their homes in the days before the final plague of the Firstborn. The reason they were asked this was so that the Egyptians would see it and ask why this was being done. The Children of Israel answered that they would slaughter the goat on Passover and to the Egyptians who worshiped this animal it was shocking. The Jews were telling the Egyptians TO THEIR FACES that they were going to SCHECT/SLAUGHTER the god of the Egyptians. This struck fear and trembling into the hearts of the Egyptians who were powerless to stop the Jewish people.
I don't think anyone (well, I should qualify that, maybe "most people" is better) resents Cantor because he is Jewish. Rather, he is a phony, slimy establishment whore. It is true that there are plenty of Gentile politicians who are as bad as he is if not worse, but shouldn't the Chosen People be held to a higher standard than this? If a politician claiming to be a devout Christian behaved like Cantor, wouldn't we be disgusted with him or her as well?
I don't think anyone (well, I should qualify that, maybe "most people" is better) resents Cantor because he is Jewish. Rather, he is a phony, slimy establishment whore. It is true that there are plenty of Gentile politicians who are as bad as he is if not worse, but shouldn't the Chosen People be held to a higher standard than this? If a politician claiming to be a devout Christian behaved like Cantor, wouldn't we be disgusted with him or her as well?
What does religion have to do with anything? That is what I wonder. The man is in a position of power and he is bad for our country. I think if we held them all to the same high standard...we wouldn't be in such a mess. I bet most people don't even know that Eric Cantor is Jewish. He is a phony ( an establishment guy). One of the ones degrading the foundation of our country. That is all we should be concerned with.
You know I don't think Cantor had the slightest idea about the mood of his voters...he was too darn busy going to fundraisers and getting elected, or hanging around with Representative Lois Gutierrez to promote amnesty!