General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: kyel on July 10, 2014, 02:31:57 PM

Title: Putin 'I Support the Struggle Of Israel'
Post by: kyel on July 10, 2014, 02:31:57 PM

Sad to see that Russia is becoming a more righteous nation then United Sodom America. Atleast he isn't telling Israel to have restraint. Maybe Israel could take Putin as a Prime Minister in the future. He would get the rocket attacks to stop in 10 minutes like any other nation on earth would. I mean, we already had a goy Russian as a Prime Minister.
Title: Re: Putin 'I Support the Struggle Of Israel'
Post by: Super Mentalita on July 10, 2014, 02:37:34 PM
I believe Putin is a great leader. I know a lot of Jewish have their problems with Putin but he is a real leader for the Russians and protecting their Christian Orthodox values.
Title: Re: Putin 'I Support the Struggle Of Israel'
Post by: angryChineseKahanist on July 10, 2014, 02:45:57 PM
is putin jewish?
he's more pro-israel than the jewish leaders.
Title: Re: Putin 'I Support the Struggle Of Israel'
Post by: Super Mentalita on July 10, 2014, 02:48:47 PM
is putin jewish?
he's more pro-israel than the jewish leaders.

It's true. And he is bashing Islam more then any other!
Title: Re: Putin 'I Support the Struggle Of Israel'
Post by: Super Mentalita on July 10, 2014, 03:01:59 PM
Some video we made in support of Putin:

Title: Re: Putin 'I Support the Struggle Of Israel'
Post by: Super Mentalita on July 10, 2014, 03:04:56 PM
Title: Re: Putin 'I Support the Struggle Of Israel'
Post by: syyuge on July 10, 2014, 03:10:08 PM
Surrounded allover by muslamics and their Nato friends and deadlocked in Eastern Ukraine, Putin is silently fighting for the existence of his own nation and the people. As such he is in somewhat better position to understand the serious problems of Israel.
Title: Re: Putin 'I Support the Struggle Of Israel'
Post by: Every Jew AK47 on July 10, 2014, 03:43:12 PM
It's inevitable, the more alienated Israel becomes by the Democrat-run government of the USA, the more Putin will try to buddy up with Israel.  Putin has the habit of always embracing and reaching out to any country that forms an enmity with the USA and Western Europe.  Considering, Russia itself despises the USA and Western Europe and is an obviously rival in every respect.

Do I trust him? No..  He has helped supply many of Israel's enemies with weapons, including Iran.  However, do I think we should dismiss his attempts at holding out an olive branch?  No..   We should be open to embracing his friendly gestures, but not be naive about them.  Russia, in the end, has no greater loyalty to anybody, but themselves.  Because, if in the situation where Israel is cut off by Europe and the Democrat/Liberal Run USA government, looking to Russia for trade, support and diplomacy may be a good option.   As a matter of fact, I really feel Israel should cut off its ties with the USA until a Freedom-Loving/Right-Wing government takes control of the country.  Of course, Israel should cut off all relations with Mother Europe.  Mother Europe has always been the greatest cancer in the blood of every's Jew's soul, as well as the entire nation of Israel.
Title: Re: Putin 'I Support the Struggle Of Israel'
Post by: Manch on July 10, 2014, 03:49:28 PM
Putin is a great leader if Russia. We can only wish we had someone like him in Israel. Having stated this, I don't imply that he is a friend of Jews, far from it.
Title: Re: Putin 'I Support the Struggle Of Israel'
Post by: Israel Chai on July 10, 2014, 04:12:34 PM
is putin jewish?
he's more pro-israel than the jewish leaders.

I agree.

Putin is a great leader if Russia. We can only wish we had someone like him in Israel. Having stated this, I don't imply that he is a friend of Jews, far from it.

We have had more damage done by friends than by enemies. We should be friendly with an enemy like that rather than a friend like Husseino.

I'm changing my position on Putin. The fact that Jews distrust him makes him an even safer ally. Even the biggest rasha can make teshuva, and nothing I've seen contradicts that maybe Putin is becoming good. I wouldn't trust him with Jewish lives, but as an economic ally, and military partner as far as the weapons' trade, I think Israel should put all their chips they have in America behind him.
Title: Re: Putin 'I Support the Struggle Of Israel'
Post by: Israel Chai on July 10, 2014, 04:13:26 PM
Will revert to original position if someone can conclusively prove that RT is his personal propaganda channel.
Title: Re: Putin 'I Support the Struggle Of Israel'
Post by: Every Jew AK47 on July 10, 2014, 04:30:00 PM
Just remember LKZ, "Russian talk on both side of mouth". 

"Russian good friend, Russian good enemy!"

These days, my sentiments on Russia depend on the month.    About 20% or so of my relatives are from Russia and speak Russian as their first language.  My grandmother had to work very hard to help them escape Russia as they were living under horrible oppression and some were put in jail for simply trying to practice Judaism.

I know though, deep down, that if Putin had it his way, we'd all be Russian speakers..   ::)
Title: Re: Putin 'I Support the Struggle Of Israel'
Post by: kahaneloyalist on July 10, 2014, 04:42:42 PM
Putin is a practical man, he has his own restive muzzie population he has to deal with. If the israeli government was smart they would recognize Putin's conquests in exchange for Ruskie recognition of the liberated territories.
Title: Re: Putin 'I Support the Struggle Of Israel'
Post by: muman613 on July 10, 2014, 04:46:27 PM
I do not trust any KGB agent. This guy is one of the DIRTIEST scumbags in existence because he double-crosses everyone. I am surprised how naive some people here are.

Title: Re: Putin 'I Support the Struggle Of Israel'
Post by: muman613 on July 10, 2014, 04:47:42 PM
Maybe Rabbi Kahane (Ztl) should have left the Jews in the soviet union, eh? Maybe they would have been better off?


Title: Re: Putin 'I Support the Struggle Of Israel'
Post by: Israel Chai on July 10, 2014, 04:53:41 PM
Putin is a practical man, he has his own restive muzzie population he has to deal with. If the israeli government was smart they would recognize Putin's conquests in exchange for Ruskie recognition of the liberated territories.

That's what I'm saying in terms of allies. Israel won't condemn the war in Iraq. That's because we're allies. Really, Israel should have gone on T.V. and said "America is lying as they always do, we already destroyed their WMDs while they hated us for it". They should have that sort of relationship with Russia, and since they don't have any money, we don't have to worry about them getting us to let gential mutilators kill our kids from our land.

Really I'm speaking from the heart. My mind says that Putin will change tones the second he doesn't need us to humiliate America again, but I kind of like the idea of a righteous ruler among the nations in our generation, so I'm being unreasonable. Wouldn't it be great for the world if he really was righteous, though?
Title: Re: Putin 'I Support the Struggle Of Israel'
Post by: Israel Chai on July 10, 2014, 04:54:44 PM
Maybe Rabbi Kahane (Ztl) should have left the Jews in the soviet union, eh? Maybe they would have been better off?


C'mon now. I already said I don't trust him with a Jewish life, but he is looking useful for now, as he doesn't seem to want us all dead as much as the rest of the planet.
Title: Re: Putin 'I Support the Struggle Of Israel'
Post by: Irish Zionist on July 10, 2014, 06:36:18 PM
Putin is a Russian Nazi who is helping Iran build nuclear bombs so anything "good" he says about Israel is meaningless.
Have a look at this beasts friends.

Title: Re: Putin 'I Support the Struggle Of Israel'
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on July 10, 2014, 06:51:16 PM
The Russians and Putin are anti-Semites and always will be and Putin is a beast, but you know, I think he is probably less of a danger to Israel than Obama is.
Title: Re: Putin 'I Support the Struggle Of Israel'
Post by: Every Jew AK47 on July 10, 2014, 07:14:28 PM
Putin is a Russian Nazi who is helping Iran build nuclear bombs so anything "good" he says about Israel is meaningless.
Have a look at this beasts friends.


I only think we should make friends with Putin as a tactical move , such as if the USA and Europe cuts off all ties with Israel, such as if Israel reclaims the West Bank and Gaza and officially declares a state of Judea and Samaria.

However, I know deep down the Russians and Putin are the enemy of the Jewish people.  Never turn your back or believe anything that this master assassin and his Anti-Semitic nation of Russia say.  Take it with a grain of salt.

 I revert to the old Middle Eastern proverb again, "The enemy of my enemy is my friend."   Also, if the USA sees that ISrael is aligned with Russia, that will wreck terror upon the USA and it may become more willing to befriend Israel for nothing more of a fear of an alliance with Russia. 

I have to be honest, if USA and Western Europe boycott Israel and cut off ties, Israel will need to find trade partners and forming an allegiance with Russia, China , India and other "neutral" countries may be the only option.  As sad as it may be.

THat is why I say don't write Putin off, but do not consider him a friend.  If he had the opportunity he would conquer Europe and try to spread Russian imperialism around the globe.
Title: Re: Putin 'I Support the Struggle Of Israel'
Post by: Lisa on July 10, 2014, 10:57:45 PM
"Lo, this is a nation that shall dwell alone and not be reckoned with among the nations."
Title: Re: Putin 'I Support the Struggle Of Israel'
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on July 10, 2014, 11:02:19 PM
"Lo, this is a nation that shall dwell alone and not be reckoned with among the nations."
Excellent verse, Lisa. That is very true.

I don't think Israel should trust a word Putin says, but I do think he is the lesser of the evils in comparison to BHO.
Title: Re: Putin 'I Support the Struggle Of Israel'
Post by: muman613 on July 10, 2014, 11:11:08 PM
"Lo, this is a nation that shall dwell alone and not be reckoned with among the nations."

From last weeks Torah portion of Balak... Uttered by the evil prophet of the nations Bilaam..

Title: Re: Putin 'I Support the Struggle Of Israel'
Post by: Super Mentalita on July 11, 2014, 03:16:07 AM
Putin is a Russian Nazi who is helping Iran build nuclear bombs so anything "good" he says about Israel is meaningless.
Have a look at this beasts friends.


Aren't you the one thatvsaid something like: 'a shame this meteorite didnt destroy this whole nazi nation' about Russia a year ago? Seems like you want to whipe out millions of Orthodox Christians, Jews, Budhists... I don't take any of your post serious anyway because they are full of hate and murder.
Title: Re: Putin 'I Support the Struggle Of Israel'
Post by: Israel Chai on July 11, 2014, 04:13:12 AM
Putin is a Russian Nazi who is helping Iran build nuclear bombs so anything "good" he says about Israel is meaningless.
Have a look at this beasts friends.


So back to head reasoning, he's doing it to try to humilate America and better his position. I didn't think he was sincere, but I foolishly hoped for a second there.
Title: Re: Putin 'I Support the Struggle Of Israel'
Post by: Rational Jew on July 11, 2014, 05:22:31 AM
Putin is a Russian Nazi who is helping Iran build nuclear bombs so anything "good" he says about Israel is meaningless.
Have a look at this beasts friends.

Title: Re: Putin 'I Support the Struggle Of Israel'
Post by: cjd on July 11, 2014, 06:28:01 AM
So back to head reasoning, he's doing it to try to humilate America and better his position. I didn't think he was sincere, but I foolishly hoped for a second there.
So does Putin... For most people a second is all Putin needs to pull the wool over their eyes... The worse part of the picture is most folks want to be convinced that Putin has nothing but the best intentions... He most likely does but their for his best interests and intentions not theirs.
Title: Re: Putin 'I Support the Struggle Of Israel'
Post by: Super Mentalita on July 11, 2014, 06:34:30 AM
I think Putin has the right to humiliate the US. The US leadership is weak and scared of everything when it comes to Islam. The president is a black Muslim that don't give a damn about the country's Christian/Jewish traditions. I can not blaim Putin for making fun out of this monkey.
Title: Re: Putin 'I Support the Struggle Of Israel'
Post by: cjd on July 11, 2014, 06:58:26 AM
I think Putin has the right to humiliate the US. The US leadership is weak and scared of everything when it comes to Islam. The president is a black Muslim that don't give a damn about the country's Christian/Jewish traditions. I can not blaim Putin for making fun out of this monkey.
Well it's easy to make fun of the shvartza president and in a way the people of the United states brought this sort of ridicule on themselves by installing the animal into office... But anyone getting anything other than a few laughs out of Putins shenanigans in the long run will be  sadly mistaken... The Russians are as dangerous and evil as they have ever been.
Title: Re: Putin 'I Support the Struggle Of Israel'
Post by: syyuge on July 11, 2014, 08:44:43 AM
Now the only good thing that Putin can do is to enter in to East Ukraine to break the sceptre of the neonazi there. This should be done immediately after Israel enters in to gaza. 
Title: Re: Putin 'I Support the Struggle Of Israel'
Post by: cjd on July 11, 2014, 08:48:51 AM
Now the only good thing that Putin can do is to enter in to East Ukraine to break the sceptre of the neonazi there. This should be done immediately after Israel enters in to gaza.
Putin entering into that picture would be like the fox taking charge of the hen house :::D
Title: Re: Putin 'I Support the Struggle Of Israel'
Post by: syyuge on July 11, 2014, 09:01:41 AM
Now the only good thing that Putin can do is to enter in to East Ukraine to break the sceptre of the neonazi there. This should be done immediately after Israel enters in to gaza.

Putin entering into that picture would be like the fox taking charge of the hen house :::D

 ;D :laugh: :::D
Title: Re: Putin 'I Support the Struggle Of Israel'
Post by: AsheDina on July 11, 2014, 11:45:11 AM
Putin is a good leader for Russia and kills Muslims.

Israel cant really trust anyone, though.
Title: Re: Putin 'I Support the Struggle Of Israel'
Post by: Chaim Ben Pesach on July 11, 2014, 03:47:15 PM

The KGB Nazi dictator Putin is building nuclear bombs for terrorist Iran to enable the Iranians to carry out a nuclear holocaust against Israel and the United States, G-d forbid.

And people here are praising this evil monster?
Title: Re: Putin 'I Support the Struggle Of Israel'
Post by: muman613 on July 11, 2014, 03:49:43 PM

The KGB Nazi dictator Putin is building nuclear bombs for terrorist Iran to enable the Iranians to carry out a nuclear holocaust against Israel and the United States, G-d forbid.

And people here are praising this evil monster?

Baruch Hashem,

We agree on something today!

I don't trust putin for a second...

Title: Re: Putin 'I Support the Struggle Of Israel'
Post by: Every Jew AK47 on July 11, 2014, 05:21:09 PM

The KGB Nazi dictator Putin is building nuclear bombs for terrorist Iran to enable the Iranians to carry out a nuclear holocaust against Israel and the United States, G-d forbid.

And people here are praising this evil monster?

I never liked Putin and know he is ruthless dictator and talks on both sides of his mouth like many Ruskies do..   This man is helping Iran to build a nuclear arsenal to destroy Israel..

I'm with Chaim here. 

The only thing I Will add is if the USA/Western Europe cuts off ties with Israel, then I would only agree to a temporary partnership with Russia as a way to spite a Liberal-Dominated USA to bring Israel back to its fold.   If Putin would agree to trade with Israel and cut off ties with Iran in a world where Israel has been ostracized and cut off by Western Europe and USA being labelled as "war criminals", then I would think a temporary allegiance is a possibility.  However, I would never ever consider Putin a friend and know when he gets the chance, he would try to destroy everybody he could who he sees as an obstacle.

My only reason for suggesting a "temporary" allegiance to Russia would be to spite the USA, as the USA has no greater fear than nuclear nations aligning themselves with Russia to spite the USA.   As a matter of fact, if the USA saw Israel aligning with Russia, I would almost be certain they would immediately seek to reconcile with Israel in the event that Israel re-claims Judea and Samaria and is cut-off from the rest of the Western World.
Title: Re: Putin 'I Support the Struggle Of Israel'
Post by: muman613 on July 11, 2014, 05:31:19 PM
I have not given up on America yet. As much as I despise the current bastard in the WH I believe United States has more life in her. Although this country is battered and broken the American people (the real Americans, not the imported illegal 'americans') are a tough and resilient bunch. I hope to see signs of life coming soon.

Otherwise America may as well align with Russia and become part of it's Socialist vision of world domination.
Title: Re: Putin 'I Support the Struggle Of Israel'
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on July 11, 2014, 06:41:32 PM

The KGB Nazi dictator Putin is building nuclear bombs for terrorist Iran to enable the Iranians to carry out a nuclear holocaust against Israel and the United States, G-d forbid.

And people here are praising this evil monster?
Chaim, he is an evil monster, but is he worse than Obama? We know Putin is a beast. Jews foolishly suck up to Obama, thinking he is their friend.
Title: Re: Putin 'I Support the Struggle Of Israel'
Post by: muman613 on July 11, 2014, 06:48:54 PM
Chaim, he is an evil monster, but is he worse than Obama? We know Putin is a beast. Jews foolishly suck up to Obama, thinking he is their friend.

What kind or reasoning is this? Because Obama is worse, we should like Putin? They both suck...

Title: Re: Putin 'I Support the Struggle Of Israel'
Post by: Irish Zionist on July 12, 2014, 10:06:28 AM
Chaim, he is an evil monster, but is he worse than Obama? We know Putin is a beast. Jews foolishly suck up to Obama, thinking he is their friend.
By that logic we should support Stalin because he was better than Hitler.
Title: Re: Putin 'I Support the Struggle Of Israel'
Post by: Every Jew AK47 on July 13, 2014, 02:08:16 AM
What kind or reasoning is this? Because Obama is worse, we should like Putin? They both suck...

Title: Re: Putin 'I Support the Struggle Of Israel'
Post by: Israel Chai on July 15, 2014, 10:52:29 AM
Israel should call on him to stop giving Iran nuclear material, thereby either proving him a liar and humiliating him, or forcing him to do something useful.