General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Shlomo on September 29, 2014, 11:50:22 PM
Public schools and universities are teaching kids that all whites are racists and have "white privilege" - even though this teaching, by it's very definition, is racist. There is white racism with affirmative action, whites don't get any scholarships (like the black college fund), tax breaks, or have any hiring quotas (unless you're a transvestite). Obama was elected President of the United States solely because he was black.
White lawmaker 'ashamed he's white'
'My guilt tends to creep up most when I'm forced to reflect on power I wield'
A Democratic state lawmaker from North Carolina is raising eyebrows with comments indicating he’s ashamed of his own “whiteness.”
“The truly difficult work is looking deep within myself to recognize where my own reservoirs of whiteness reside and what value or burdens they present to me,” the excerpt states. “Every time I review Peggy McIntosh’s inventory of white privilege I learn something more about myself, and – through attentiveness to my own experience – I think I could add a few more forms of racial privilege to her list.”
Radio host Rush Limbaugh on Monday referred to Meyer as a “loony tune” and said he would address the issue when he had more time on Tuesday’s program.
The excerpt from Meyer continued: “Although I often try to seek counsel of colleagues of color, it is inevitable that times arise where it’s only after the fact that one of them points out some flaw in my reasoning. The flaws are often the result of my ingrained whiteness and my own blindness to its perpetual presence. ... My own capacity for leadership perpetuates the whiteness within me, beckoning a return trip to look in the mirror. Perhaps I can’t fully suppress all the whiteness within me, and maybe that’s for the better. The process is the task, the journey has no end, and I will always be white.”
What would you think if your 8-year-old came home and told you that ‘white privilege is something that white people have, meaning they have an advantage in a lot of things and they can get a job more easily’? You would have heard that at the recent 15th annual White Privilege Conference in Madison, Wisconsin, attended by 2,500 public-school teachers, administrators and students from across the nation.
In one of the workshops, ‘Examining White Privilege and Building Foundations for Social Justice Thinking in the Elementary Classroom,’ educators Rosemary Colt and Diana Reeves told how teachers can ‘insert social justice, anti-racist information’ into their lessons that ‘even little kids’ can understand,” he wrote. “Kim Radersma, a former high-school English teacher, hosted a session titled, ‘Stories from the front lines of education: Confessions of a white, high school English teacher.’ She said teaching is a purely political act and that neutral people should ‘get the f— out of education.’
I thought it was illegal to promote religion in public schools.
In Romney's 47% speech, Romney said at one point that "if only I had been born Hispanic" he'd have had an easier time getting elected. Republican leaders constantly try to promote blacks & Hispanics in the party and urge them to run for office as if they as white people have no right to tell blacks & Hispanics anything about what's happening in the country.
I don't expect Limbaugh, wall banger, or ambulance chaser/Groucho Marx on the radio to say anything about that, though. All that comes out of their mouths is "Ronald Reagan this, Ronald Reagan that."
In Romney's 47% speech, Romney said at one point that "if only I had been born Hispanic" he'd have had an easier time getting elected. Republican leaders constantly try to promote blacks & Hispanics in the party and urge them to run for office as if they as white people have no right to tell blacks & Hispanics anything about what's happening in the country.
I don't expect Limbaugh, wall banger, or ambulance chaser/Groucho Marx on the radio to say anything about that, though. All that comes out of their mouths is "Ronald Reagan this, Ronald Reagan that."
Romney was hispanic by all definitions in this country. He could have just used it to his advantage.
Romney was hispanic by all definitions in this country. He could have just used it to his advantage.
That's right; his dad was born in Mexico, and he didn't say anything.
I still think the attitude in the Republican party is wrong, and that we shouldn't be trying to appeal to people who make no effort to appeal to America. Hispanics having huge numbers of children here they need gov. assistance for, combined with their massive illegal immigration to our country, doesn't count as making an effort to appeal to America and the Republican & Democratic parties don't owe them anything.
do homeless white bums get better cardboard boxes?
That's right; his dad was born in Mexico, and he didn't say anything.
I still think the attitude in the Republican party is wrong, and that we shouldn't be trying to appeal to people who make no effort to appeal to America. Hispanics having huge numbers of children here they need gov. assistance for, combined with their massive illegal immigration to our country, doesn't count as making an effort to appeal to America and the Republican & Democratic parties don't owe them anything.
I happen to strongly disagree on this. I have a good friend who is Mexican who has been working very hard to support his family. He is conservative and I have been working with him to increase the conservative voters in the Mexican-American community (through my friend and his associates). I think Mexicans can make great American citizens.
My comment on this thread is that this 'White Lawmaker' is an extremely unhappy and unholy person.
As a Jew who has studied the traditional prayers a Jew says I must conclude that it is essential to be HAPPY with who you are, not ashamed of who you are. Every morning we awaken to 'Modeh Ani' (I gratefully acknowledge) which professes the happiness we feel upon waking and being granted another day of life. Also we say prayers which affirm who we are, that we are grateful for being made as man, as not being a slave, etc... We list several things which we are happy about being made by G-d.
This hockey-puck can only think of things he is ashamed of being made as. A White man SHOULD BE PROUD to be white and likewise a Black man should be proud of who he is. We all are unique and have a place in the scheme of the L-rd and we should affirm our role in this scheme. Rather than complaining about being white he should think of ways he can change things, not by being ashamed of who he is, and not by making up things to be ashamed of.
I am proud to be a Jewish Man of Ashkenazi background. I have no desire to hide it, whether it is good or bad for people judging me.
I am ashamed that he is white too.
Totally mentally unstable person. How did someone like this get eleccted?
Remember kids, being inadequate is a self-fulfilling prophesy.