General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on August 22, 2007, 12:38:35 AM
I am going to agree with Chaim and Kahaneloyalist that there is no reason why a "proud German" should be permitted to be a member of the forum. I did not see this guy firsthhand, but Chaim read his posts aloud and it looks like this member is trying his darndest to spread his Nazi taqqiyah throughout the hated Juden. Guys like him, who appear to be reasonable and merely out to "educate" us, are far more dangerous than the outright, flaming Nazis. Nobody will give the latter the time of day, but most JTF posters were willing to humor a bright-sounding, charismatic kid who "innocently" tried to "enlighten" us about the "realities" of the Holocaust and the Hun savages that were responsible for it.
Jimmy Sullivan said a very similar thing about Erica--that she was a lot more dangerous than the uneducated, openly hateful and raving blacks. We were kind and tolerant to her and were willing to hear her out. Our enemies will take this as a weakness. Take it from a Gentile, guys: Jews must have a backbone and, like Newman says, not give even one inch!
-Re : My support messege in him :
"When I have joined this forum I already knew that some people wouldn't like me as a member in here. I understand why they think so. I'll try to do my best to enhance the german-jewish understanding and to get accepted by all jtf activists. Again:
Thank you very much for your kind support.
Yours sincerely,
Robin alias German_Christ"
I am not impressed. He is a Nazi engaging in taqqiyah.
Don't mention the war. I let it slip once but I think I got away with it.
Don't mention the war. I let it slip once but I think I got away with it.
That's a direct quote from Fawlty Towers!
He isn't a Nazi, you can't say that a christian using taqqiyah, we should have every kind of support, and if he isn't a Nazi (and there is no proove he is), he should stay .
Dexter, did you listen to Chaim's lengthy response to Kahaneloyalist?
Don't mention the war. I let it slip once but I think I got away with it.
That's a direct quote from Fawlty Towers!
Next contestant on Mastermind...Scriabin. Special subject:'The bleeding obvious'. ;)
Think of how you would all have responded if a new member had said "I am a Saudi Christian, and I want you to know not all Saudis hate Israel, just a few do, and the Muslims of today aren't like the Muslims of 9/11." I think you all would not nearly be so tolerant and welcoming.
Dexter, did you listen to Chaim's lengthy response to Kahaneloyalist?
Yes...I don't agree, he want to be proud German that support Israel .
You have the right to be proud, the Nazis are existed 60 years ago, how can you blame moderen German to the Nazis, we also have polish here, the polishes murdured 1-2 milions jews, would you blame him ?
What is there for a German to be proud of?
What is there for a German to be proud of?
They're the only europeans who make a car with a decent electrical system.
What is there for a German to be proud of?
German culture has been hateful and anti-Semitic and jihadlike since the days of the visigoths. Nazism is nothing new--only the name is.
German culture has been hateful and anti-Semitic and jihadlike since the days of the visigoths. Nazism is nothing new--only the name is.
True. hitler (ysv'z) didn't have ONE original idea. He just compiled a whole bunch of long standing German beliefs into one manifesto.
My point is that just like the vast majority of Arab "Christians" are Muslims in Christian clothing, the vast majority of German "Christians" are Odinists in Christian clothing.
I do have some German Christian friends, so I do know the difference.
My point is that just like the vast majority of Arab "Christians" are Muslims in Christian clothing, the vast majority of German "Christians" are Odinists in Christian clothing.
I do have some German Christian friends, so I do know the difference.
They like movies where people poop on each other, too.
Not surprising considering most Nazi party members were homosexual and that Germany had the biggest gay-culture scene in Europe before the war.
They like movies where people poop on each other, too.
There was a story not too long ago about how these two German men signed a contract... well in short, he killed him and ate the guy. I don't want to get into the brilliant details of what happened beforehand. What a sick, lewd culture.
I read about that. No doubt, the krauts are a STRANGE lot.
They like movies where people poop on each other, too.
There was a story not too long ago about how these two German men signed a contract... well in short, he killed him and ate the guy. I don't want to get into the brilliant details of what happened beforehand. What a sick, lewd culture.
Yes...that's right.
Armin Mewes.
Its possible that the guy has natural loyalties to his own people to an extent, rather than bad intentions. And a dual loyalty is one thing, bad intent is another.
They like movies where people poop on each other, too.
There was a story not too long ago about how these two German men signed a contract... well in short, he killed him and ate the guy. I don't want to get into the brilliant details of what happened beforehand. What a sick, lewd culture.
Albert Hamilton Fish (May 19, 1870 – January 16, 1936) was an American serial killer and cannibal.
He was also known as the Gray Man, the Werewolf of Wysteria and possibly the Brooklyn Vampire. He boasted that he molested over 100 children, and was a suspect in at least five killings. Fish confessed to three murders that police were able to trace to a known homicide, and confessed to stabbing at least two other people. He was put on trial for the murder of Grace Budd, and was convicted and executed.
They like movies where people poop on each other, too.
There was a story not too long ago about how these two German men signed a contract... well in short, he killed him and ate the guy. I don't want to get into the brilliant details of what happened beforehand. What a sick, lewd culture.
Albert Hamilton Fish (May 19, 1870 – January 16, 1936) was an American serial killer and cannibal.
He was also known as the Gray Man, the Werewolf of Wysteria and possibly the Brooklyn Vampire. He boasted that he molested over 100 children, and was a suspect in at least five killings. Fish confessed to three murders that police were able to trace to a known homicide, and confessed to stabbing at least two other people. He was put on trial for the murder of Grace Budd, and was convicted and executed.
I know about albert Fish. He cooked a girl's butt cheeks with a strip of bacon on top.
Hannibal Lecter is based on him .
They like movies where people poop on each other, too.
There was a story not too long ago about how these two German men signed a contract... well in short, he killed him and ate the guy. I don't want to get into the brilliant details of what happened beforehand. What a sick, lewd culture.
Albert Hamilton Fish (May 19, 1870 – January 16, 1936)
Actually, now that I took a look at the date, this is not the guy I was thinking of. The guy that signed the contract happened within the past two years, meaning that the great German tradition and culture is still alive and well.
I said already. The guy your thinking of is Armin Meiwes.
Albert Fish was even sicker than him.
The greatest horror film of all time could be made about Albert Fish.
The British National Party and the French National Front both cooperate with Jews, and neither are anti-Zionist.
However the National Democratic Party (Germany's Nationalist Party) is still anti-Jew and anti-Zionist. It even has changed its opinion on Russia, but not on Jews. Notice, the British and the French Nationalist want to cooperate with Jews, but the Germans don't.
The Tzars from Catherine the Great to Tzar Nicholas had more German than Russian blood. They are the people who kept Jews on a pale settlement, yet failed to give them independence.
German conflict also occurred with non-Jews but that wouldn't be of much relevance to a Jewish forum.
I have to say in general I don't trust Germans but if a German forcibly denounces Nazism that's different. I wish German Christ would be a little more forceful in his denunciation, though denouncing it at all is a good start.
What is there for a German to be proud of?
I thonk that is a bit harsh...
The Germans have pretty much the best engineers in the world!
And then they are the strongest economical country in europe
This kid is like 16 years old of course hes going to be wrong about a lot of things...
He came on supporting israel... now i don't know about you but that sounds like a person who supports jtf.... i know several German people who are quite favorable towards israel i know their kind...
there is no covert anti-semitism in this guy... and i know what Chaim said about German Christian and i think its a bit too much to say he is guilty for being proud of Germany
Look at all the things Germany is good at today
and did i mention the women !!!!!
As a global moderator, "There Are No 'Israeli' Arabs" should read the posts a little more closely. Albert Fish was an AMERICAN serial killer. The message about him was posted to prove that Germans don't have a monopoly on serial killers, despite what "No 'Israeli' Arabs" seems to think.
As a global moderator, "There Are No 'Israeli' Arabs" should read the posts a little more closely. Albert Fish was an AMERICAN serial killer. The message about him was posted to prove that Germans don't have a monopoly on serial killers, despite what "No 'Israeli' Arabs" seems to think.
But oh, yes, most of these Nazis are dead, so that won't be feasible anytime soon. G-d has said that he lays the iniquities of the fathers on even the third and fourth generation. So I would like to see him mature and do teshuba for what his grandfather did, and then we'll listen.
Will you repent for what Karl Marx and Leon Trotsky and Chaim Weizmann and David Ben Gurion did to tens of millions of Russians by creating and espousing Communism?
But oh, yes, most of these Nazis are dead, so that won't be feasible anytime soon. G-d has said that he lays the iniquities of the fathers on even the third and fourth generation. So I would like to see him mature and do teshuba for what his grandfather did, and then we'll listen.
Will you repent for what Karl Marx and Leon Trotsky and Chaim Weizmann and David Ben Gurion did to tens of millions of Russians by creating and espousing Communism?
:o :-\
But oh, yes, most of these Nazis are dead, so that won't be feasible anytime soon. G-d has said that he lays the iniquities of the fathers on even the third and fourth generation. So I would like to see him mature and do teshuba for what his grandfather did, and then we'll listen.
Will you repent for what Karl Marx and Leon Trotsky and Chaim Weizmann and David Ben Gurion did to tens of millions of Russians by creating and espousing Communism?
A. Chaim Weizmann and David Ben Gurion were socialists AND they have only effected the Jews .
B. Karl Marx born as Christian, Leon Trotsky was anti-Jewish and he murderd thousends of Jews (and Russins) .
! :o :-\ HUH?
Sorry, I didn't understand your questions.... ;D
! :o :-\ HUH?
Sorry, I didn't understand your questions.... ;D
I'v edited .
And, it's Lenin who created Cummonism, Marxism was just a theory that Lenin changed a little bit for making it practical (practial, lol) .
But oh, yes, most of these Nazis are dead, so that won't be feasible anytime soon. G-d has said that he lays the iniquities of the fathers on even the third and fourth generation. So I would like to see him mature and do teshuba for what his grandfather did, and then we'll listen.
Will you repent for what Karl Marx and Leon Trotsky and Chaim Weizmann and David Ben Gurion did to tens of millions of Russians by creating and espousing Communism?
A. Chaim Weizmann and David Ben Gurion were socialists AND they have only effected the Jews .
B. Karl Marx born as Christian, Leon Trotsky was anti-Jewish and he murderd thousends of Jews (and Russins) .
Excuses, excuses....
But they were all still Jews, as were many other Communists throughout Europe and America.
Robert Oppenheimer, an American Communist Jew, gave away atomic secrets to the Russians, as did Julius and Ethel Rosenberg. The Jewish judge who sentenced the Rosenbergs to death said that they were responsible for the Korean War, which resulted in the deaths of 50,000 Americans and untold hundreds of thousands of Koreans.
Will "There Are No 'Israeli' Arabs" repent for the deeds of Oppenheimer and the Rosenbergs?
My point is that "There Are No 'Israeli' Arabs" talks like he's the voice of G-d Almighty Himself.
Who is he to tell a German who comes on our board that he has no place here, just because he's German and hasn't worn sackcloth and ashes at the feet of our high and mighty global moderator?
PS: Karl Marx's father, born Herschel Mordechai, a follower of Voltaire and other atheists, converted to Christianity only because Jews weren't then allowed to practice law in Prussia.
You do have a point on that about about me. I won't do that anymore. However, I will just say that my grandparents weren't those people.
I see your point, and thanks for the interesting discussion.
I hope to see you and everybody else helping me to post comments on Youtube. My user name there is httpJTForg.
Good night.
I am going to agree with Chaim and Kahaneloyalist that there is no reason why a "proud German" should be permitted to be a member of the forum. I did not see this guy firsthhand, but Chaim read his posts aloud and it looks like this member is trying his darndest to spread his Nazi taqqiyah throughout the hated Juden. Guys like him, who appear to be reasonable and merely out to "educate" us, are far more dangerous than the outright, flaming Nazis. Nobody will give the latter the time of day, but most JTF posters were willing to humor a bright-sounding, charismatic kid who "innocently" tried to "enlighten" us about the "realities" of the Holocaust and the Hun savages that were responsible for it.
Jimmy Sullivan said a very similar thing about Erica--that she was a lot more dangerous than the uneducated, openly hateful and raving blacks. We were kind and tolerant to her and were willing to hear her out. Our enemies will take this as a weakness. Take it from a Gentile, guys: Jews must have a backbone and, like Newman says, not give even one inch!
Not sure if this is directed towards Germans or not, but I have a parent who is 100 percent German blood and converted to Judaism. I also have a parent who was born Jewish and of sephardic background.
History wise, I wouldn't say the Germans should be proud of the nazis or before that. I think they can be proud of their industry and technology. While it's a controversial topic, they were responsible to create the first rocket and help man get to the moon, the US even brought Von Braun over to help them with their space program. They make some high quality cars and firearms. They also have helped Israel with the subs they built for her. I realize no matter what Germany does, there will never be a price high enough to replace the lives lost because of the Nazis, but I would hope that over time, things can improve and Germany hopefully will stick to the right path, but then again who knows. I don't even tell most people I have German blood because I get a lot of crap from it from some of the Jews living in Israel. I would hope no one would think of me differently for having some German blood in me, because if I was living in the era while that happened, the Nazis would have killed me just like any other Jew simply for having Jewish blood.
Not surprising considering most Nazi party members were homosexual and that Germany had the biggest gay-culture scene in Europe before the war.
There have been numerous rumors of some of the nazis having been gay, I know for a fact there was one who was killed by Hitler, trying to recall the name but I can search for it. There were rumors Hitler himself was gay but then I have also heard rumors that he was obsessed with his niece who ended up committing suicide. I've also heard the rumor that he was asexual and did not live a sexual life. Personally I could careless what his preference was. But I am curious, do you have a source that shows Germany supposedly has the largest gay culture or that most Nazi members were homosexual?
Roehm he was head of the SA and hitler killed many members of the SA they had many homo members
Albert Hamilton Fish (May 19, 1870 – January 16, 1936) was an American serial killer and cannibal.
I think he was also a congressman from N.Y.
I disagree with banning or condemning someone just because they are German. But this particular guy sounds like he's an apologetic for Nazi Germany. So that's what makes this a whole other matter.
My point is that just like the vast majority of Arab "Christians" are Muslims in Christian clothing, the vast majority of German "Christians" are Odinists in Christian clothing.
I do have some German Christian friends, so I do know the difference.
They like movies where people poop on each other, too.
And just how would you happen to know about that? :laugh:
My point is that just like the vast majority of Arab "Christians" are Muslims in Christian clothing, the vast majority of German "Christians" are Odinists in Christian clothing.
I do have some German Christian friends, so I do know the difference.
They like movies where people poop on each other, too.
And just how would you happen to know about that? :laugh:
I thought that was a well known stereotype lol, I recall a episode of south park where eric cartmans mom engaged in this activity while eric was surfing the internet. You can hear the guy in the background shouting in German. I guess that has to do with Germanys....strange pornography industry.
My point is that just like the vast majority of Arab "Christians" are Muslims in Christian clothing, the vast majority of German "Christians" are Odinists in Christian clothing.
I do have some German Christian friends, so I do know the difference.
They like movies where people poop on each other, too.
And just how would you happen to know about that? :laugh:
I thought that was a well known stereotype lol, I recall a episode of south park where eric cartmans mom engaged in this activity while eric was surfing the internet. You can hear the guy in the background shouting in German. I guess that has to do with Germanys....strange pornography industry.
Oh yeah, that's right. In the South Park movie, they're on the internet where either Kyle or Stan says, "Hey Cartman! Is that your mom in a german shayser video? Hey, that really is Cartman's mom!" Later on: "Mom, you would tell me if you were in a german shayser video, right mom?" "Of course, dear!" and slams the door very quickly :)
My point is that just like the vast majority of Arab "Christians" are Muslims in Christian clothing, the vast majority of German "Christians" are Odinists in Christian clothing.
I do have some German Christian friends, so I do know the difference.
They like movies where people poop on each other, too.
And just how would you happen to know about that? :laugh:
I thought that was a well known stereotype lol, I recall a episode of south park where eric cartmans mom engaged in this activity while eric was surfing the internet. You can hear the guy in the background shouting in German. I guess that has to do with Germanys....strange pornography industry.
Oh yeah, that's right. In the South Park movie, they're on the internet where either Kyle or Stan says, "Hey Cartman! Is that your mom in a german shayser video? Hey, that really is Cartman's mom!" Later on: "Mom, you would tell me if you were in a german shayser video, right mom?" "Of course, dear!" and slams the door very quickly :)
I can never completely relax when 'entertaining' a German girl for that reason.
I've been private messaging German Christ, and he is a good kid that supports Israel. Why do you want to ban him?! He is a Christian, and he supports Israel.. there is no "Taqiyya" involved. I think Chaim Fan and KahaneLoyalist are really over reacting about this.
German culture has been hateful and anti-Semitic and jihadlike since the days of the visigoths. Nazism is nothing new--only the name is.
True. hitler (ysv'z) didn't have ONE original idea. He just compiled a whole bunch of long standing German beliefs into one manifesto.
not even german, the hail salute and with the arm pointing out is taken from the roman empire as is the eagle. the SS markings are viking rune S's. The swastika is taken from hinduism and buddhism, and actually means the sun. The helmet shapes were Prussian helmets.
i mean I can go on forever
Prussians are Germans .
But oh, yes, most of these Nazis are dead, so that won't be feasible anytime soon. G-d has said that he lays the iniquities of the fathers on even the third and fourth generation. So I would like to see him mature and do teshuba for what his grandfather did, and then we'll listen.
Will you repent for what Karl Marx and Leon Trotsky and Chaim Weizmann and David Ben Gurion did to tens of millions of Russians by creating and espousing Communism?
A. Chaim Weizmann and David Ben Gurion were socialists AND they have only effected the Jews .
B. Karl Marx born as Christian, Leon Trotsky was anti-Jewish and he murderd thousends of Jews (and Russins) .
Excuses, excuses....
But they were all still Jews, as were many other Communists throughout Europe and America.
Robert Oppenheimer, an American Communist Jew, gave away atomic secrets to the Russians, as did Julius and Ethel Rosenberg. The Jewish judge who sentenced the Rosenbergs to death said that they were responsible for the Korean War, which resulted in the deaths of 50,000 Americans and untold hundreds of thousands of Koreans.
Will "There Are No 'Israeli' Arabs" repent for the deeds of Oppenheimer and the Rosenbergs?
My point is that "There Are No 'Israeli' Arabs" talks like he's the voice of G-d Almighty Himself.
Who is he to tell a German who comes on our board that he has no place here, just because he's German and hasn't worn sackcloth and ashes at the feet of our high and mighty global moderator?
PS: Karl Marx's father, born Herschel Mordechai, a follower of Voltaire and other atheists, converted to Christianity only because Jews weren't then allowed to practice law in Prussia.
Those were individual Jews who did evil, it was the German nation as a whole that was evil and is evil. There can be no forgiveness for what they did, now they are in trouble because the Muslims may conquer Germany, I hope the Germans and Muslims wipe each other out. The Germans havent repented the only sorrow they feel is that they lost the war they dont regret their actions in the slightest, but now they are afraid of the Muslims so they look the world over for allies, I will not accept friendship from the wicked sons of wicked fathers, who murdered righteous sons of righteous fathers.
In judaism when a entire nation wars against the Jewish people the entire nation is considered evil, and that nation is accursed and evil.
Rabbi Kahane zt'l wanted a 500 year ban on Jewish contact with Germany and Germans, which since we claim to be Kahanists on this forum should be our policy as well. Besides which I think Chaim made his position very clear on this week's Ask JTF.
And thank you CF for taking a principled stand.
Prussians are Germans .
yes now but i think the original Prussians were Baltic
They had Jewish nazis yes Jewish nazis field marshalls also
Prussians are Germans .
yes now but i think the original Prussians were Baltic
The original Prussians (known in German as Pruzzen) were Baltic, but were displaced and assimilated by German settlers (who became known in German as Preussen) over 500 years ago.
Prussians are Germans .
yes now but i think the original Prussians were Baltic
The original Prussians (known in German as Pruzzen) were Baltic, but were displaced and assimilated by German settlers (who became known in German as Preussen) over 500 years ago.
Yes thats what i thought
But oh, yes, most of these Nazis are dead, so that won't be feasible anytime soon. G-d has said that he lays the iniquities of the fathers on even the third and fourth generation. So I would like to see him mature and do teshuba for what his grandfather did, and then we'll listen.
Will you repent for what Karl Marx and Leon Trotsky and Chaim Weizmann and David Ben Gurion did to tens of millions of Russians by creating and espousing Communism?
A. Chaim Weizmann and David Ben Gurion were socialists AND they have only effected the Jews .
B. Karl Marx born as Christian, Leon Trotsky was anti-Jewish and he murderd thousends of Jews (and Russins) .
Excuses, excuses....
But they were all still Jews, as were many other Communists throughout Europe and America.
Robert Oppenheimer, an American Communist Jew, gave away atomic secrets to the Russians, as did Julius and Ethel Rosenberg. The Jewish judge who sentenced the Rosenbergs to death said that they were responsible for the Korean War, which resulted in the deaths of 50,000 Americans and untold hundreds of thousands of Koreans.
Will "There Are No 'Israeli' Arabs" repent for the deeds of Oppenheimer and the Rosenbergs?
My point is that "There Are No 'Israeli' Arabs" talks like he's the voice of G-d Almighty Himself.
Who is he to tell a German who comes on our board that he has no place here, just because he's German and hasn't worn sackcloth and ashes at the feet of our high and mighty global moderator?
PS: Karl Marx's father, born Herschel Mordechai, a follower of Voltaire and other atheists, converted to Christianity only because Jews weren't then allowed to practice law in Prussia.
Those were individual Jews who did evil, it was the German nation as a whole that was evil and is evil. There can be no forgiveness for what they did, now they are in trouble because the Muslims may conquer Germany, I hope the Germans and Muslims wipe each other out. The Germans havent repented the only sorrow they feel is that they lost the war they dont regret their actions in the slightest, but now they are afraid of the Muslims so they look the world over for allies, I will not accept friendship from the wicked sons of wicked fathers, who murdered righteous sons of righteous fathers.
In judaism when a entire nation wars against the Jewish people the entire nation is considered evil, and that nation is accursed and evil.
Rabbi Kahane zt'l wanted a 500 year ban on Jewish contact with Germany and Germans, which since we claim to be Kahanists on this forum should be our policy as well. Besides which I think Chaim made his position very clear on this week's Ask JTF.
And thank you CF for taking a principled stand.
So what about someone like me then? I am a wicked person because I have a parent who is German and a parent who is Jewish? Why are all Germans somehow bad people because of what their ancestors did? That makes about as much sense as saying all whites are evil because their ancestors had slaves. Certainly the blacks didn't go through what the Jews did, but to outcast an entire people because they are descended from Germans seems rather silly. You are your own person.
Your parent is a convert, they are not German but Jewish, as Jewish as me or Chaim. I have already said that when a nation wars against the Jewish people that nation takes upon itself a certain status, if someone born in Germany is Jewish or a sincere Ben Noach, that is a whole separate issue then if someone is a German.
Your parent is a convert, they are not German but Jewish, as Jewish as me or Chaim. I have already said that when a nation wars against the Jewish people that nation takes upon itself a certain status, if someone born in Germany is Jewish or a sincere Ben Noach, that is a whole separate issue then if someone is a German.
Kahaneloyalist, you are not the same Kahaneloyalist from youtube are you?
Thats me ;)
I remember you how have you been? I havent been on AIM much either lately because I've been in Israel, but I am coming back to the US for a month, we can talk on AIM again in a few days, I miss our conversations.
My point is that just like the vast majority of Arab "Christians" are Muslims in Christian clothing, the vast majority of German "Christians" are Odinists in Christian clothing.
I do have some German Christian friends, so I do know the difference.
They like movies where people poop on each other, too.
And just how would you happen to know about that? :laugh:
I thought that was a well known stereotype lol, I recall a episode of south park where eric cartmans mom engaged in this activity while eric was surfing the internet. You can hear the guy in the background shouting in German. I guess that has to do with Germanys....strange pornography industry.
Oh yeah, that's right. In the South Park movie, they're on the internet where either Kyle or Stan says, "Hey Cartman! Is that your mom in a german shayser video? Hey, that really is Cartman's mom!" Later on: "Mom, you would tell me if you were in a german shayser video, right mom?" "Of course, dear!" and slams the door very quickly :)
I can never completely relax when 'entertaining' a German girl for that reason.
Oh, is that right? And why is that? Afriad she'll poop on you? :laugh:
ok, what about the french and brits for example? They all oppressed the Jews?
If you take it tha far, what about the Americans? Whom have British blood?
I remember you how have you been? I havent been on AIM much either lately because I've been in Israel, but I am coming back to the US for a month, we can talk on AIM again in a few days, I miss our conversations.
Pretty good thanks, how about yourself?
I didn't realize you posted on the JTF forums. How is Israel?
Those were individual Jews who did evil, it was the German nation as a whole that was evil and is evil. There can be no forgiveness for what they did, now they are in trouble because the Muslims may conquer Germany, I hope the Germans and Muslims wipe each other out. The Germans havent repented the only sorrow they feel is that they lost the war they dont regret their actions in the slightest, but now they are afraid of the Muslims so they look the world over for allies, I will not accept friendship from the wicked sons of wicked fathers, who murdered righteous sons of righteous fathers.
In judaism when a entire nation wars against the Jewish people the entire nation is considered evil, and that nation is accursed and evil.
Rabbi Kahane zt'l wanted a 500 year ban on Jewish contact with Germany and Germans, which since we claim to be Kahanists on this forum should be our policy as well. Besides which I think Chaim made his position very clear on this week's Ask JTF.
"Vengeance is mine," saith the L-ord. In other words, only G-d has the right to decide whose sons get punished for the sins of their fathers. You're a Jew, Kahaneloyalist, but you're not G-d, despite the fact that you read the Torah in the Hebrew.
You're using the same argument that Jew-haters use when they say that Jews should be punished through eternity for being Christ-killers.
Rabbi Kahane wasn't right about everything. He wasn't G-d, any more than you are. If you look at the Youtube video about the JDL military training camp, you'll hear him say that slavery was a bad thing but that whites and not Jews should be blamed for it.
According to Chaim, the Italians, French, British and Americans all had a hand in fostering and prolonging the Holocaust. Should all of those nations also be wiped out?
Besides, the Nazis weren't such bad guys. Hell, even Chaim would have collaborated with them during World War II. He said so himself, on a recent "Ask JTF" program. Remember the trucks for Eichmann bit?
Oh, is that right? And why is that? Afriad she'll poop on you? :laugh:
What kind of pornography do Jews like? Husbands getting beat up by their wives? ;D
Oh, is that right? And why is that? Afriad she'll poop on you? :laugh:
What kind of pornography do Jews like? Husbands getting beat up by their wives? ;D
Oh, is that right? And why is that? Afriad she'll poop on you? :laugh:
What kind of pornography do Jews like? Husbands getting beat up by their wives? ;D
Wait till you're older, Dexter. ;D
By the way, gentlemen, we shouldn't forget that kiddies read this forum. This means you, Chaim Fan.
Time for me to jump in here and respond to Dissenter.
Will you repent for what Karl Marx and Leon Trotsky and Chaim Weizmann and David Ben Gurion did to tens of millions of Russians by creating and espousing Communism?
Why does anyone here have to repent for what these people did? No one here on the forum enthusiastically voted them into power. And more importantly, no one here supports, or excuses the communist ideology. Furthermore, if you even bothered listening to Chaim's show, you'll remember that one of the problems he had with German Christ was his equating the suffering of Germans to those of their victims, for which their is no moral or logical comparison.
Excuses, excuses....
But they were all still Jews, as were many other Communists throughout Europe and America.
Robert Oppenheimer, an American Communist Jew, gave away atomic secrets to the Russians, as did Julius and Ethel Rosenberg. The Jewish judge who sentenced the Rosenbergs to death said that they were responsible for the Korean War, which resulted in the deaths of 50,000 Americans and untold hundreds of thousands of Koreans.
Will "There Are No 'Israeli' Arabs" repent for the deeds of Oppenheimer and the Rosenbergs?
Dissenter, this is the last place where you want to blame Jews for Communism. While there were communists of Jewish ancestry, many of them were also non-Jewish.
Regarding the Rosenbergs, they very justly received the death penalty. So once again, you won't find anyone here claiming the Rosenbergs were victims, or equating their well deserved execution to those of communism's victims.
Who is he to tell a German who comes on our board that he has no place here, just because he's German and hasn't worn sackcloth and ashes at the feet of our high and mighty global moderator?
Wrong again, Dissenter. Chaim Ben Pesach is the one who is against Germans posting here. This is HIS forum. So if you have a problem with German Christ being banned, take it up with Chaim and Jimmy Sullivan. But DO NOT insult "There Are No Israeli Arabs."
PS: Karl Marx's father, born Herschel Mordechai, a follower of Voltaire and other atheists, converted to Christianity only because Jews weren't then allowed to practice law in Prussia.
Judaism is just not something you drop for career advancement. And Karl Marx was very anti-Jewish.
Besides, the Nazis weren't such bad guys. Hell, even Chaim would have collaborated with them during World War II. He said so himself, on a recent "Ask JTF" program. Remember the trucks for Eichmann bit?
I don't know what you're trying to pull here. But this is not the forum to say such a thing, even if you are joking. And how DARE YOU imply that Chaim would collaborate with such monsters?!?!?
What kind of pornography do Jews like? Husbands getting beat up by their wives?
This is the last straw. Go spew your anti-Jewish filth elsewhere! You are banned!
Time for me to jump in here and respond to Dissenter.
What kind of pornography do Jews like? Husbands getting beat up by their wives?
This is the last straw. Go spew your anti-Jewish filth elsewhere! You are banned!
Thanks for banning him. That went too far.
Besides, the Nazis weren't such bad guys. Hell, even Chaim would have collaborated with them during World War II. He said so himself, on a recent "Ask JTF" program. Remember the trucks for Eichmann bit?
What a sick piece of garbage. Yes, good job, Lisa.
Dissenter is still showing up as a member not a guest
He is banned.
His account was deleted though.
No don't delete it. Keep it on banned so he can't create a new account and log back in.
Ban by the ip. Then he won't be able to evade it unless he knows what he's doing.
Gee whiz... I am offline for one day and our resident genius chooses that time to come out of the closet. ::) :laugh:
ok, what about the french and brits for example? They all oppressed the Jews?
If you take it tha far, what about the Americans? Whom have British blood?
Yes I would like an answer to this also.
Disenter came out guns ablazing but found himself leaving the kitchen
Disenter came out guns ablazing but found himself leaving the kitchen.
I don't understand.
Just a remark about the situation he created and bit off more than he could chew....
How dare dissenter insult Chaim Ben Pesach by saying that he would conspire with the Nazi's
Chaim is a man who gave his life for the jewish people...
ok, what about the french and brits for example? They all oppressed the Jews?
If you take it that far, what about the Americans? Whom have British blood?
Yes I would like an answer to this also.
Xgamer, oppressing Jews is not quite the same as starting two world wars, invading Europe and part of Russia, and systematically killing millions of unarmed civilians in state of the art death factories, just because they were Jews.
Does that make sense?
I don't have a problem with people attacking the German race, however these same people should never come to me and complain when racism is done in their way.
This board should focus on Western and Cultural philosphys and leave racist discussion out of it imo. For example I am all for black jews moving into israel
I agree with Lisa.
The Nazi pedophiles here who have tried to justify Nazism in the light of communism are smoking some pretty strong crack. Hello, Nazism is NATIONAL SOCIALISM. Nazi ideology is communism that simply has added an overt racial element.
Your [deleted] just did what Lenin did to a more extreme level than he did.
Your g-d Hitler wouldn't have existed if it wasn't for Karl Marx. Oh, and Marx's savage anti-Semitism inspired him too.
I don't have a problem with people attacking the German race, however these same people should never come to me and complain when racism is done in their way.
This board should focus on Western and Cultural philosphys and leave racist discussion out of it imo. For example I am all for black jews moving into israel
I wouldn't classify Germans as a race, Caucasian is a race however.
The Germans are a Germanic people which as an ethnicity emerged in southern Scandinavia in the centuries leading up to the Migrations Period, where they were in contact with other peoples, including Finnic inhabitants of Scandinavia to the north, Balto-Slavic peoples to the east and Celts to the south. Later in history, Germanic peoples — as most other European people — mixed with bordering ethnic groups such as Gallo-Romans and Slavs. For the global genetic make-up of the Germans and other peoples.
Are we still having this discussion...
come on someone start a thread which doesn't have to do with hatred for a people... or a people who hate what we stand for....
Ban by the ip. Then he won't be able to evade it unless he knows what he's doing.
I did. IP addresses change frequently. It is not enough to ban by IP only so I wanted to keep his account so we could ban by his email, provider host, login name, etc.
If accounts are deleted, then we can't ban by these things anymore so it is much more dangerous to delete an account. We should only delete accounts under RARE circumstances.
Even when users get angry and demand their accounts deleted, almost every time they change their minds, come back and start posting again. This type of activity hurts our numbers and they wind up losing their history and private messages. We should, almost NEVER, delete accounts.
Banned users should DEFINITELY not be deleted because it's a security risk.