General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: newman on September 01, 2007, 09:49:31 PM
All we ever seem to hear about from the WN, StørmFrønt, anti-semite whackos is all the control Jews have over the world and how they manipulate every single thing that happens every minute of the day.
It seems to me that all the Jews I know are working away at very ordinary jobs and running their small businesses as a 'front' while they manipulate currencies, set the gold price, topple governments and run this giant conspiracy.
Therefor, could all the Jewish members please post their 'secret job' that they do behind the scenes while they work at their 'front' jobs or businesses?
I am a student at Queens College.
And you go to Queens college also I take it.
I am a student at Queens College.
That's just a 'front' according to the anti-semites.
What's the secret one? ie: currency control, gold market manipulation, toppling or installing western governments.....etc?
The neo-nazis probably believe its Jewish people who screw up their online forums by acting stupid, when really, they just actually are that stupid.
Most anti-semites clearly lack cognitive abilities.
Forget about the skinheads, the larger enemy is the shvartzes. They are even more jealous and just blame the jews for everything.
Well, I've REALLY been trying to keep this a secret but since newman asked, I'll tell him. I have an underground superlab where I design new biological and chemical weapons that only work against "Aryans". During the daytime I keep up my facade of a typical law student, but as soon as I get home I whip into action my team of brainwashed super-intelligent gentiles which I have under mind-control that I learned from Sigmund Freud. (because everyone knows that psychoanalysis was just a ploy to distract gentiles from his ulterior plan to brainwash gentiles and use them as our slaves) Then, using sophisticated cloning techniques that were actually taken from Jews themselves. You know, how Jews are like chameleons who can adapt to their surroundings in order to trick and take advantage of gentiles, after all, that's why some Jews have blue eyes, because they wanted to look like the typical European in order to trick him and take advantage of him and eventually control him to do his bidding. Well anyway so Jewish scientists have been able to take this Jewish "chameleon gene" and splice it with the gentile in order to make them look like Jews, so they can be the ones out there on the street pretending to be Jews while the real ones are in their top secret labs and offices doing the REAL work. After I compete my highly-intelligent brainwashed gentiles against each other in different areas of the law, I find the best one and then put the chameleon gene in him and send him out to take my law exam tests for me. That's why Jewish law students are the best, duh. Brilliant, ain't it? So all those "Jews" who are out there are actually brainwashed gentile slaves who don't even know that they're not Jews because their minds are controlled to that extent, if they know about Judaism or pretend to be religious, it's because the Jews have brainwashed them to think that way because us Zionists need to make sure all our bases are covered so we can concentrate on the real task at hand, taking over the world! Muhahahahahaha
Oh yeah, and it was me who handpicked all of the Playboy centerfolds and playmates of the year. Muhahahahahah
The truth is that jews are responsible for so many scientific and medical inventions. This is the reason why they seem powerful.
It is not only logical that Jews would succeed in whatever area they so choose really when one thinks about it. The entire Jewish culture is about few key elements: Family, Morality and Study. If, for generations, Jews are masters in training their minds to memorize the entire Talmud, let alone the Torah or Tanach the minute that Jew is allowed to turn the generations of study, learning and discipline onto any secular/science: Law, MD, Engineer etc. logically that individual will have a greater chance in mastering their field.
Judaism holds study, learning and knowledge in very high regard. Compare this to other cultures and one can logically see why the Jew suddenly moved from the back to the front of the line in many professions...
Well, the council of the Elders of Zion put me in charge of controlling the fluctuations of the Japanese Yen, the vietnamese Dong and the Iraqi dinar.
So it's been keeping me kind of busy lately.
Oh, I also control the foreign policy of Micronesia, the Philipines and Thailand. But that's about it.
Well, the council of the Elders of Zion put me in charge of controlling the fluctuations of the Japanese Yen, the vietnamese Dong and the Iraqi dinar.
So it's been keeping me kind of busy lately.
Oh, I also control the foreign policy of Micronesia, the Philipines and Thailand. But that's about it.
Boro Park................
The REAL financial center of the world!
Well, the council of the Elders of Zion put me in charge of controlling the fluctuations of the Japanese Yen, the vietnamese Dong and the Iraqi dinar.
So it's been keeping me kind of busy lately.
Oh, I also control the foreign policy of Micronesia, the Philipines and Thailand. But that's about it.
Boro Park................
The REAL financial center of the world!
That is what the two moronic Jamaicans at my work tell me.
Well, I guess compared to Jamaica, Boro Park is the financial center of the world.
One of my friends is a diamond dealer.
One of my friends is a diamond dealer.
I know a couple of those, too.
They're pretty close nit. Just a few families from Hungary and they don't let anyone else in.
My part time honerary position is the Chairman of the Board of the Bilderberg Group. Since the meeting is only once a year...it doesn't interfere with my agenda for World economic/ financial domination, subjugation of the masses, total media control, distroying all religions, nations, morality nor my golf game ;)
Being a noachide means I don't get to take part in the world dommination plot since I'm just an evil henchman for the house of Israel.
My job is to supply the blood for the Passover Matzot here in the state of Queensland. It's getting damn hard with all the 'Stranger Danger' stuff they teach the kids now, so could whichever Jew controls public education in Australia please stop that stuff being taught in the schools.
The Jewish brain trust ran out of good secret jobs when it was my turn for assignment, so they gave me the last one on the list. My secret job is stealing your socks when you wash them in the washing machine. That's why you always have an odd number of socks and can't make the last pair. This makes you go to your Jewish owned clothing store and buy some Jewish made socks. With this money we control the washing machine repair men, who always break your washer even more and collect the stolen socks to give to us, perpetuating the never ending cycle.
Being a noachide means I don't get to take part in the world dommination plot since I'm just an evil henchman for the house of Israel.
My job is to supply the blood for the Passover Matzot here in the state of Queensland. It's getting damn hard with all the 'Stranger Danger' stuff they teach the kids now, so could whichever Jew controls public education in Australia please stop that stuff being tought in the schools.
I'll contact him through the American liason to Australia for worldwide Jewish dominance of education. I wouldn't want those good Aussie Jews to do without that gentle child blood in their matza. If my matza doesn't have the blood of a gentile in it, I won't eat it!
Well last Thursday I started a war, prepared Matzot for next Pesach with little Johnny's blood, and started planning for our September 11th (Yes, we did it) party next Tuesday. But sometimes the vast Zionist Joo Conspiracy sends me on different missions...
Being a noachide means I don't get to take part in the world dommination plot since I'm just an evil henchman for the house of Israel.
My job is to supply the blood for the Passover Matzot here in the state of Queensland. It's getting damn hard with all the 'Stranger Danger' stuff they teach the kids now, so could whichever Jew controls public education in Australia please stop that stuff being tought in the schools.
I'll contact him through the American liason to Australia for worldwide Jewish dominance of education. I wouldn't want those good Aussie Jews to do without that gentle child blood in their matza. If my matza doesn't have the blood of a gentile in it, I won't eat it!
Thaks for that, Ze'ev. Lord knows it's hard enough even when you can catch the little beggers....wriggling about and howling!
One of my other jobs for the rest of the year is swiping the communion hosts from the churches so the kabal down at the synagogue can poke holes in them. I'm getting known at most of the local chuches. Last week an irate Irish catholic priest chased me 8 blocks!
guys quite with the joking around, their might be morons scrolling the forum who will actually believe you.
I work part time with AIPAC to subvert American interests and make it easier for us to take control of the country. I also have a full time position as a money lender with a member bank of the Federal Reserve. The bulk of my salary comes from the high interest charged on loans. See you at the 9/11 party Od!
guys quite with the joking around, their might be morons scrolling the forum who will actually believe you.
The only people falling into that category would be wearing tinfoil hats.
i secretly am planning the downfall of esav (rome)... nik. out... shhh!!!!
guys quite with the joking around, their might be morons scrolling the forum who will actually believe you.
The only people falling into that category would be wearing tinfoil hats.
their are many jew haters out their who would and do believe this crap.
i secretly am planning the downfall of esav (rome)... nik. out... shhh!!!!
You can have esav YSV, Ill take down Ishmael.
I work part time with AIPAC to subvert American interests and make it easier for us to take control of the country. I also have a full time position as a money lender with a member bank of the Federal Reserve. The bulk of my salary comes from the high interest charged on loans. See you at the 9/11 party Od!
Actually, this one sounds totally plausible. (as interpreted by Nazis) Excepting the 9/11 party of course.
i secretly am planning the downfall of esav (rome)... nik. out... shhh!!!!
Don't make it tougher on me, nik!
Where am I going to get the hosts from if you do that?
I work part time with AIPAC to subvert American interests and make it easier for us to take control of the country. I also have a full time position as a money lender with a member bank of the Federal Reserve. The bulk of my salary comes from the high interest charged on loans. See you at the 9/11 party Od!
You'll be there? Great! Can you do me a favor - can you bring some hamantashen with Syrian childrens' blood? I think that's all we need. Oh, hold on - I need to go opress some "Palestínians."
guys quite with the joking around, their might be morons scrolling the forum who will actually believe you.
The only people falling into that category would be wearing tinfoil hats.
their are many jew haters out their who would and do believe this crap.
i'm not kidding... i am seriously involved in this... well now my secret is out... so i guess i'm doing this openly now... nik.
The Gibsons spilled the beans a while back. The Joo Media Conglomerate had to put out this story as a ruse 'til it blue over:
Jews Give Up World Control
Mel Gibson’s Father Convinces Jews To Give Up World Control
By Dan Barash
Mar 25, 2004, 08:30
Bowing to intense pressure from Mel Gibson’s father, Jews announced today that they would no longer control the world. In a press release, Jews stated, “Although we have thoroughly enjoyed the challenges of world domination for the last 300 years, we feel it's time for gentiles to take control of their own affairs. We plan to spend more time with our families and pursue other interests.”
Hutton Gibson stated he was pleased with the announcement, but expressed concern he was losing a scapegoat for all of his problems. He said he would be launching a search for a new minority group to demonize.
Many Jews expressed relief that they could give up burdensome responsibilities. Retired accountant Jerry Friedman, who controls all media in Montana, said, “I would just as well let the citizens of Montana manage their own TV and newspapers. Don’t get me wrong, Montana is a fine state. But it gets awfully cold, and there’s nowhere to get a good bagel.”
Attorney Allen Franks said he's glad he no longer has to manage Bulgarian monetary policy. “It was getting to be quite a hassle,” he said. “I already have a full time job and can’t even balance my own checkbook, let alone control the finances of an entire nation.”
Homemaker Judith Levine said she would “...miss the hustle and bustle of setting the international price for magnesium every day. But my son is about to be Bar Mitzvah'd, and oy! Such a party we're gonna have you wouldn't believe!”
Hollywood producer Sidney Greenbaum was pessimistic about the announcement. “Do you really think goyim know how to make movies?” he asked. “They'll all end up being high budget, technicolor snuff flicks if you leave things up to Mel and his kind.”
Comedy experts expressed concern that the business would suffer if Jews suddenly withdrew. According to one insider, “Take away all the Jewish comics and writers, and all you have left is Carrot Top. That’s not a world I want to live in.”
A potluck dinner in honor of Jews contributions to mankind will be held at the Hoboken Holiday Inn on April 3. All gentiles are welcome to attend. Participants will be encouraged to share an an offensive Jewish joke.
Wow, such imaginative, creative, witty responses, that I do not feel up to the task of equaling any of you.
hmmmm, let me see....I pretend to be an overeducated, overweight, underemployed, underconfident man with virtually no energy to actually get anything done, but the real truth is, that I am working with top Israeli explosive experts to blow up every mosque and every koran publishing house on Earth. These experts have designed a system whereby it will take faster to blow up the ka'aba stone then it took to destroy sodamn insane's nuclear reactor 25 years ago (less than ninety seconds).
but my secret of all secret plans, is to cause all of the antisemites of this world to beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. the antisemites will not lift up sword against us Jews, and neither shall they learn war anymore.
If my Jewish Masters could be so kind, could I humbly request that you get my roads fixed. Too many potholes make it harder to get my vehicle around to do your bidding. thank you!
You wanna complain.
On top of bleeding christians for Passover matzot and stealing communal hosts for desecration, I'm also the horn barber at the schull.
I have to file the Jews horns for them once a month so they can be inconspicuous as they dominate the world.
How about some of you other noachide henchmen lightening my load?
I am one of the brainwashed gentiles who fly the black helicopters. I can't really say anything more because my Jewish masters have implanted a chip in my head and if I divulge too much information, my head will explode.
Hey, can I tell you a true story about Jews having horns in our heads? My oldest brother, David, works at RiteAid, which used to be Thrifty. For those of you living in southern California, you will have heard of these stores.
Well, anyway, this man from the deep south moved to Los Angeles, and was hired to work at what was then Thrifty. When he found out my brother is Jewish, he was shocked. He said, "How can you be Jewish? Where are your horns?" He genuinely thought that Jews really do have horns.
People like to blame Michelangelo for starting this crazy rumor. Mistranslating a Hebrew phrase meaning Divine Light, he thought that horns, rather than that light, was emanating from the forehead of Moses. And so, since then, people have thought that Jews have horns.
But think about it. Are people really that stupid? Does it take a scientist to realize that we Jews cannot possibly have horns? The truth of the matter is, antisemites will find any excuse they can to hate us Jews. Had Michelangelo never made that mistake in translation, the antisemites would have simply found some other way to hate us Jews. That is just the nature of the deepest, most enduring, most irrational hatred in the history of mankind.
Hey, can I tell you a true story about Jews having horns in our heads? My oldest brother, David, works at RiteAid, which used to be Thrifty. For those of you living in southern California, you will have heard of these stores.
Well, anyway, this man from the deep south moved to Los Angeles, and was hired to work at what was then Thrifty. When he found out my brother is Jewish, he was shocked. He said, "How can you be Jewish? Where are your horns?" He genuinely thought that Jews really do have horns.
People like to blame Michelangelo for starting this crazy rumor. Mistranslating a Hebrew phrase meaning Divine Light, he thought that horns, rather than that light, was emanating from the forehead of Moses. And so, since then, people have thought that Jews have horns.
But think about it. Are people really that stupid? Does it take a scientist to realize that we Jews cannot possibly have horns? The truth of the matter is, antisemites will find any excuse they can to hate us Jews. Had Michelangelo never made that mistake in translation, the antisemites would have simply found some other way to hate us Jews. That is just the nature of the deepest, most enduring, most irrational hatred in the history of mankind.
It isn't really impossible for a Jew to have horns, they'd just need a supply of plastic horns and super glue.
Hey, can I tell you a true story about Jews having horns in our heads? My oldest brother, David, works at RiteAid, which used to be Thrifty. For those of you living in southern California, you will have heard of these stores.
Well, anyway, this man from the deep south moved to Los Angeles, and was hired to work at what was then Thrifty. When he found out my brother is Jewish, he was shocked. He said, "How can you be Jewish? Where are your horns?" He genuinely thought that Jews really do have horns.
People like to blame Michelangelo for starting this crazy rumor. Mistranslating a Hebrew phrase meaning Divine Light, he thought that horns, rather than that light, was emanating from the forehead of Moses. And so, since then, people have thought that Jews have horns.
But think about it. Are people really that stupid? Does it take a scientist to realize that we Jews cannot possibly have horns? The truth of the matter is, antisemites will find any excuse they can to hate us Jews. Had Michelangelo never made that mistake in translation, the antisemites would have simply found some other way to hate us Jews. That is just the nature of the deepest, most enduring, most irrational hatred in the history of mankind.
Many years ago I went to Florida by car and back then you still had to drive through some of the small towns in places where I-95 was still not in place. Some of the the things I saw and situations I had with the people left this New Yorker with some interesting stories to tell the folks when I got back home. Its not that the people were stupid or slow but it was hard to keep a straight face when people came up with some of the stuff they thought was the case. Today most people blow right through them towns on the interstate. In a way its sad because I learned a lot about what people thought by meeting the folks when I stopped to eat or see an attraction.
JewishTeddyBear thanks for sharing that story about Michelangelo and Moses. I have seen pictures of the statue of Horned Moses by Michelangelo and have been trying for years to figure out why he gave him horns. No place is ever a reason given. I chalked it up to antisemitism of times back then however I think you have found the correct answer to why this statue was made this way. You are also correct that this was a mistake in translation and it has had ramifications over the years.
My Jewish job is seasonal i work for some of better matzo companys and supply them with childrens blood for the matza i get paid very handsomely
Well, I'm a freelance IT consultant/computer support specialist, but apparently I'm also part of the Cabal of bankers in control of the New World Order, unfortunately my invitation to the secret meetings was lost in the mail so I never got the number to my secret Swiss bank account with my share of the billions of dollars, also I think I was supposed to secretly pull the strings behind many of the current world leaders. but again, because of missing the meeting... sigh. ;)
All we ever seem to hear about from the WN, StørmFrønt, anti-semite whackos is all the control Jews have over the world and how they manipulate every single thing that happens every minute of the day.
It seems to me that all the Jews I know are working away at very ordinary jobs and running their small businesses as a 'front' while they manipulate currencies, set the gold price, topple governments and run this giant conspiracy.
Therefor, could all the Jewish members please post their 'secret job' that they do behind the scenes while they work at their 'front' jobs or businesses?
I operate and distribute the machines that combine the blood of Christan children into matzo. I'm also part of a massive Zionist media conglomerate which conspires to obscure all the news and give complete media control over to Israel. Oh yeah, and last but not least, I'm the owner of a giant Zionist banking system which is conspiring to suck all the money from everyone else in order to fulfill our master plan for world domination.
now that my secret is out i can tell everyone that the job is nearly complete and that it is just a matter of time... a short while and edom will come crashing down... stay tuned... same bat-channel... same bat-time... nik. out...
I am a Christian. But at night I turn into a "evil Zionist" . I take my Jewish weather machine and create hurricanes and attack myself. ( Sarcasm off ) :)
I am a Christian. But at night I turn into a "evil Zionist" . I take my Jewish weather machine and create hurricanes and attack myself. ( Sarcasm off ) :)
Especially if you get fed after midnight ;)
My baby picture ;)
My baby picture ;)
Haha, good one!
That's what happens when they put moonshine in the baby bottle. ;)
That's what happens when they put moonshine in the baby bottle!
Speaking from experience?
I must admit, I do play a part in controlling the Federal Reserve and the World Banks as well. Oh well, it was bound to come out sooner or later.
I must admit, I do play a part in controlling the Federal Reserve and the World Banks as well. Oh well, it was bound to come out sooner or later.
It's nice that we can all joke about this on here. On antisemetic boards and youtube videos, people really believe this nonsense is true. I have frequently stated things like, "Why am I not benefiting from all this power and money? Lord knows, I can certainly use the money! So how do I get on this massive Zionist bandwagon? Where do I find them? I feel so left out! :'( "
That's what happens when they put moonshine in the baby bottle!
Speaking from experience?
It was rum in my case.
Well, the way I figure it, if America and/or the Jews can be blamed for 9/11 by people who seriously believe what they are saying, then any and all bad things can be pinned on the Jews. it is virtually impossible to change the mind of either conspiracy buffs or antisemites, but even moreso conspiracy buffs who are antisemites themselves
It's the doggonedest thing.
Blame ALL the world's problems on mormons, rastafarians, buhdists or methodists and they'll laugh in your face. Blame everything on Jews and they lap it up.
Well, the way I figure it, if America and/or the Jews can be blamed for 9/11 by people who seriously believe what they are saying, then any and all bad things can be pinned on the Jews. it is virtually impossible to change the mind of either conspiracy buffs or antisemites, but even moreso conspiracy buffs who are antisemites themselves
Yes, that is exactly right! A few weeks ago, I was debating some nutjobs on one of Frank Weltner's videos called "Zionism has become terrorism" where a lot of posters were stating a lot of Holocaust denial BS and were also stating some conspiracy theories on 9/11. At one point I said, "Isn't it interesting how those of you who are Holocaust deniers also believe in the 9/11 conspiracy theories?" Of course, they didn't find it to be significant at all. After all, they're both basic truths! The Holocaust wasn't nearly as bad as we try to make it seem but yet we are guilty of committing genocide against the arabs. I don't normally lose it. But I eventually got so pissed off at them, I went off and exploded at them, called them a bunch of Nazis and told them they should die of cancer. I'm sure many of you would have been proud of me for this. But I shocked myself as to how I lost my temper with these nutjobs. I've just never seen such outrageous and unbelievable filth being posted in all my life! The internet certainly exposes us to people and concepts that were completely beyond our imaginations beforehand.
speaking of rastafarians, i heard that bob marley of all people, was Jewish, too
Have any of you ever heard of a man named Michael Medved? He is an author, theatre critic, has his own talk show, and is a neo-conservative, modern Orthodox Jew. Well, the other day he said something that caught my attention about these conspiracy nuts. There never seems to be a conspiracy that goes against their opinions on things. So, for example, they are all too ready to believe that the CIA murdered JFK and that the Jews orchestrated 9/11, not to mention denying the Holocaust, because all this fits in with their America-hating, Israel-hating, antisemitic views on the world. But I dare these same people to come up with a conspiracy in which one of their left wing heroes or some third world dictator is the culprit.
Have any of you ever heard of a man named Michael Medved? He is an author, theatre critic, has his own talk show, and is a neo-conservative, modern Orthodox Jew. Well, the other day he said something that caught my attention about these conspiracy nuts. There never seems to be a conspiracy that goes against their opinions on things. So, for example, they are all too ready to believe that the CIA murdered JFK and that the Jews orchestrated 9/11, not to mention denying the Holocaust, because all this fits in with their America-hating, Israel-hating, antisemitic views on the world. But I dare these same people to come up with a conspiracy in which one of their left wing heroes or some third world dictator is the culprit.
I agree with everything you're saying except for calling them left wing. I think they're in a completely different dimension all its own. I consider left-wing to be those who support a two-state solution. But people like these who are completely anti-Israel, antisemetic, Holocaust deniers, conspiracy theorists, etc., there is no directionality that can be attributed to them on either side of the wing. They're just completely insane. There is no part of the wing that they can even fit on! They're in outer space!
Have any of you ever heard of a man named Michael Medved? He is an author, theatre critic, has his own talk show, and is a neo-conservative, modern Orthodox Jew. Well, the other day he said something that caught my attention about these conspiracy nuts. There never seems to be a conspiracy that goes against their opinions on things. So, for example, they are all too ready to believe that the CIA murdered JFK and that the Jews orchestrated 9/11, not to mention denying the Holocaust, because all this fits in with their America-hating, Israel-hating, antisemitic views on the world. But I dare these same people to come up with a conspiracy in which one of their left wing heroes or some third world dictator is the culprit.
I heard a few Jesuit conspiracies and got my hopes up that maybe the Jews were getting a break. Alas......it turned out that Jews were behind the Jesuits! >:(
the Jews were behind the Jesuits? umm....dare I ask how that is even possible? The closest I ever came to being near a Jesuit, was when I used to watch former California Governor Jerry Brown make speeches on television.
As far as the two-state solution representing liberalism rather than antisemitism, I am afraid I have to disagree. The whole phrasing of a two-state solution is bogus in itself. the islamofascists already have 57 countries of their own, so as things stand right at this moment, there already is a 58 state solution. the islamofacists can have their 57 countries, and we Jews can have our one little tiny strip of land.
Seems like a fair deal to me.
the Jews were behind the Jesuits? umm....dare I ask how that is even possible?
Anything is possible to the anti-semite.
Jooos can cause earthquakes according to them.
the Jews were behind the Jesuits? umm....dare I ask how that is even possible? The closest I ever came to being near a Jesuit, was when I used to watch former California Governor Jerry Brown make speeches on television.
As far as the two-state solution representing liberalism rather than antisemitism, I am afraid I have to disagree. The whole phrasing of a two-state solution is bogus in itself. the islamofascists already have 57 countries of their own, so as things stand right at this moment, there already is a 58 state solution. the islamofacists can have their 57 countries, and we Jews can have our one little tiny strip of land.
Seems like a fair deal to me.
I understand what you're saying. I'm just saying that there's a difference between the Peace Now folk and the folks that just want Israel and all the Jews wiped off the face of the earth. Much of my family is in favor of the two-state solution. I used to be in favor of this myself. I can tell you that neither my family or myself are antisemetic or anti-Israel and I was in favor of this view because I thought it would be better for Israel by assuring a Jewish majority in the future. But my views changed after the failed Camp David accords followed by the second intifada in 2000. I figured, what's the point in continuing to have a peace process if it's not going to end up in a peace result and only end up in a drastic increase in violence? My father and uncle are still in favor of the peace process and two-state solution. Although I disagree with them, I know that they believe in what they do because they think that this is what is best for Israel and they are certainly not anti-Israel or "self-hating Jews." They view the antizionist and antisemetic nutjobs who want no state of Israel to exist in the same exact way that the rest of us do. So my point is is that it's not just an "either-or" type of situation. There are middle positions as well. While we may not agree with them, I think it's important to differentiate between those who are somewhere in the center from those who are just completely off the radar chart. If we even "see" the differences, regardless of whether or not we agree, and just operate with a "You're either with us or against us" mentality, then we're thinking like Sith lords that only deal in absolutes.
the Jews were behind the Jesuits? umm....dare I ask how that is even possible?
Anything is possible to the anti-semite.
Jooos can cause earthquakes according to them.
You mean they don't? ;)
Daniel, sorry, but I still have to disagree with you. I may agree with you that SOME people who are for the bogus two-state solution MAY have good intentions, that, as the old saying goes, the road to hell is paved with good intentions. In other words, even if they mean well, their plan would be a disaster for Israel. And the fact that they do not know this, makes me wonder if it is a matter of them not knowing what a disaster it would be, or if they really do know, but secretly want Israel destroyed. Or maybe they themselves do not realize that they want Israel destroyed; maybe the whole thing is unconscious. Nevertheless, the effects are the same.
I have to admit, that up to now, I could not really say that I have hated the liberals, thinking that they are merely misguided, and that if they knew better, they would not have the positions that they have. However, how much time should we give them to realize what is right? How many times must they be wrong, which they always are, before they realize it? Don't they have some responsibility for knowing the truth? It is not like we live in some plastic bubble, where the truth is not accessible. If a person studies the Torah, or listens to talk radio, or studies the works of Rabbi Kahane, or Rabbi Daniel Lapin, or Dennis Prager, or Michael Medved, or Milton Freidman in a related realm, or a whole host of other great thinkers, the truth becomes crystal clear. We do not live in a closed society, where the truth is suppressed. Besides, when you get right down to it, all right-wing thinking really is, is plain old-fashioned common sense.
You know we can't answer this Newman,
Ah what the heck, me and a couple of my buddies are planning a world take over. Nothing big, we just put out, well this thing, think of it like rat poison..but a good rat poison you know what I mean? You eat some and then you think it's good so you pass it on and infect all your friends and then this goes on for a while and before you know it you're all a bunch of Lubavitcher Chassidim. ;D
You know we can't answer this Newman,
Ah what the heck, me and a couple of my buddies are planning a world take over. Nothing big, we just put out, well this thing, think of it like rat poison..but a good rat poison you know what I mean? You eat some and then you think it's good so you pass it on and infect all your friends and then this goes on for a while and before you know it you're all a bunch of Lubavitcher Chassidim. ;D
So that's how you Lubavitchers are growing so quickly! Well, thanks for being so helpful with this Vast International Zionist Joo Conspiracy we've got going.
You know we can't answer this Newman,
Ah what the heck, me and a couple of my buddies are planning a world take over. Nothing big, we just put out, well this thing, think of it like rat poison..but a good rat poison you know what I mean? You eat some and then you think it's good so you pass it on and infect all your friends and then this goes on for a while and before you know it you're all a bunch of Lubavitcher Chassidim. ;D
So that's what's in the cholent at the Chabbad House Shabbat feasts!
I think this is dangerous!
Those vile anti-Jew snakes will actually use this stuff as reference!
This is dangerous stuff!
I would delete this asap!
I have been thinking that myself. No, I do not think it should be deleted, as that would be a form of censorship, and I abhor censorship. Still, I can imagine antisemites reading what people have written here, and be all too eager to take it all seriously.
But you know what? The hell with them. They are going to hate us no matter what we do. So let them stew in their own hateful juices as they read all that everybody wrote here.
We are laughing at the expense of the anti-semites. If we posted denials of conspiracy involvment they'd say THAT was proof of JOO's guilt. To hell with them. Let them run about like headless chickens after reading this.
I agree with Newman.
We're making fun of the insanity of the anti-semitic idea of Jewish international control.
We're showing the insanity of their theories.
Hey what do you guys plan on doing with you're New World Order secret conspiracy money? I plan on buying some private Carribbean islands and pimped out private Boeing 747's when I get my Joo Gold! ;D
I agree with Newman.
We're making fun of the insanity of the anti-semitic idea of Jewish international control.
We're showing the insanity of their theories.
yes i know, BUT, do not give them ammunition !
This can seriously hurt JTF, etc
Shhh! Guys, we need to keep this a bit quieter. That bastard Gibson and his son already found out about our Vast International Zionist Joo Conspiracy (VIZJC), and we don't want anyone else doing the same!
Hey what do you guys plan on doing with you're New World Order secret conspiracy money? I plan on buying some private Carribbean islands and pimped out private Boeing 747's when I get my Joo Gold! ;D
Us noachides get NOTHING. We are just slaves to the House of Israel. I'll have to vaccuum the sand on your island, wash your 747 and trim your palm trees.
A communist, zionist, a liberal that fiercly ecourages miscegenation between whites and black by molding and using the media, a strong promoter of open borders, multiculturalism, and equality and also according to the StørmFrønt croud us jews supposedly own all the slaughter houses in america in which we kidnap white gentile children to butcher and perform satanic blood rituals. All they left out was the part about me being a soviet agent and that I have a pool filled with with the blood of white gentiles that I enjoy relaxing in while reading the talmud and doing everything in my power to bring down the white race. ;D
All this reminds me of an old joke that most of you have probably heard.
Reuben and Simon, who were old friends, were once riding on a train. Reuben was reading a Jewish newspaper, while Simon was reading an antisemitic newspaper.
Finally, Reuben couldn't stand it anymore, and said irritatingly to Simon, "Why in the world are you reading an antisemitic newspaper? Have you lost your mind?"
To which Simon immediately replied, "Crazy? No way. When you read your Jewish newspaper, all that ever appears there is news from all over the world about how this or that group is oppressing/murdering Jews. But when I read this antisemitic newspaper, I read how Jews control the monetary supply, the oil supply, the banks, all the world's governments....Frankly, I would rather read good news about us Jews for a change!"
A communist, zionist, a liberal that fiercly ecourages miscegenation between whites and black by molding and using the media, a strong promoter of open borders, multiculturalism, and equality and also according to the StørmFrønt croud us jews supposedly own all the slaughter houses in america in which we kidnap white gentile children to butcher and perform satanic blood rituals. All they left out was the part about me being a soviet agent and that I have a pool filled with with the blood of white gentiles that I enjoy relaxing in while reading the talmud and doing everything in my power to bring down the white race. ;D
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
All this reminds me of an old joke that most of you have probably heard.
Reuben and Simon, who were old friends, were once riding on a train. Reuben was reading a Jewish newspaper, while Simon was reading an antisemitic newspaper.
Finally, Reuben couldn't stand it anymore, and said irritatingly to Simon, "Why in the world are you reading an antisemitic newspaper? Have you lost your mind?"
To which Simon immediately replied, "Crazy? No way. When you read your Jewish newspaper, all that ever appears there is news from all over the world about how this or that group is oppressing/murdering Jews. But when I read this antisemitic newspaper, I read how Jews control the monetary supply, the oil supply, the banks, all the world's governments....Frankly, I would rather read good news about us Jews for a change!"
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
All this reminds me of an old joke that most of you have probably heard.
Reuben and Simon, who were old friends, were once riding on a train. Reuben was reading a Jewish newspaper, while Simon was reading an antisemitic newspaper.
Finally, Reuben couldn't stand it anymore, and said irritatingly to Simon, "Why in the world are you reading an antisemitic newspaper? Have you lost your mind?"
To which Simon immediately replied, "Crazy? No way. When you read your Jewish newspaper, all that ever appears there is news from all over the world about how this or that group is oppressing/murdering Jews. But when I read this antisemitic newspaper, I read how Jews control the monetary supply, the oil supply, the banks, all the world's governments....Frankly, I would rather read good news about us Jews for a change!"
I would try to outdo ftf's laughs but I'm too lazy. That was seriously hilarious bro. One of the funniest jokes I've heard in a long time.
yay! somebody finally liked one of my posts! :)
I actually think your posts are very interesting and entertaining. I'm glad you're on the forum, I didn't get a chance to meet you when you first came on.
Well, thank you very much. I actually joined quite recently. It is a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Jabotinsky. Menachem Begin, Yitzchak Shamir, and Rabbi Kahane are not your only admirers! Glad you survived your heart attack from 67 years ago.
jabotinsky did not die of a heart attack he was murdered to make sure the slime would not lose power to a true lover of zion and a far better leader for the jewish people... sounds like someone else i once heard about... now who was that...? hmmm... i can't recall... anyone...? nik. satiracally out of his mind as usual... out... ketiva v'chatimah tova l'kulam... shana tova... n.
nikmatam, did you know that you actually know who i am and i know who you are? but just in case you wish to remain anonymous, all i will say here is that both you and your brother are two people we in the local Jewish community can feel proud of....now what is this about Jabtotinsky being murdered? I started to read his biography, but it is like 1,000 pages long, so I only read like the first 100 pages or so.....and are you also implying that Rabbi Kahane was murdered by somebody other than that slimeball islamofascist el sayid nosair?
Daniel, sorry, but I still have to disagree with you. I may agree with you that SOME people who are for the bogus two-state solution MAY have good intentions, that, as the old saying goes, the road to hell is paved with good intentions. In other words, even if they mean well, their plan would be a disaster for Israel. And the fact that they do not know this, makes me wonder if it is a matter of them not knowing what a disaster it would be, or if they really do know, but secretly want Israel destroyed. Or maybe they themselves do not realize that they want Israel destroyed; maybe the whole thing is unconscious. Nevertheless, the effects are the same.
I have to admit, that up to now, I could not really say that I have hated the liberals, thinking that they are merely misguided, and that if they knew better, they would not have the positions that they have. However, how much time should we give them to realize what is right? How many times must they be wrong, which they always are, before they realize it? Don't they have some responsibility for knowing the truth? It is not like we live in some plastic bubble, where the truth is not accessible. If a person studies the Torah, or listens to talk radio, or studies the works of Rabbi Kahane, or Rabbi Daniel Lapin, or Dennis Prager, or Michael Medved, or Milton Freidman in a related realm, or a whole host of other great thinkers, the truth becomes crystal clear. We do not live in a closed society, where the truth is suppressed. Besides, when you get right down to it, all right-wing thinking really is, is plain old-fashioned common sense.
My father simply states that the only way to keep a Jewish majority in Israel is give up land, otherwise in another 20 years or so, the Arabs will become the majority. He doesn't believe in expelling the Arabs and sees no difference between that and Nazi germany and believes that if the Arabs become the majority, then the minority would be controlling the majority and that would be apartheid. My uncle says that "Israel has always chosen land over security." So he believes that retaining more land is actually harmful to Israel's security. I don't agree with their views the way I used to, but I certainly see and understand where they're coming from. They are very interested in seeing Israel survive and are very well educated in history and current events. So I don't see them as being ignorant or self-hating in anyway. I just personally think they're continuing to hold onto the idealism of the Oslo Accords and the peace process. I can definitely understand and identify since this is what I used to believe in up until 2000. The difference is is that I have lost faith in the peace process and they think that we still need to give it more time. I personally think it's idealistic, but no longer realistic to expect this. So that's why I changed my views.
I'm sorry, Daniel.
But if your dad sees NO difference between the actions of nazi germany and Israel humanely relocating hostile arabs, he's morally vaccuous.
All this reminds me of an old joke that most of you have probably heard.
Reuben and Simon, who were old friends, were once riding on a train. Reuben was reading a Jewish newspaper, while Simon was reading an antisemitic newspaper.
Finally, Reuben couldn't stand it anymore, and said irritatingly to Simon, "Why in the world are you reading an antisemitic newspaper? Have you lost your mind?"
To which Simon immediately replied, "Crazy? No way. When you read your Jewish newspaper, all that ever appears there is news from all over the world about how this or that group is oppressing/murdering Jews. But when I read this antisemitic newspaper, I read how Jews control the monetary supply, the oil supply, the banks, all the world's governments....Frankly, I would rather read good news about us Jews for a change!"
I would try to outdo ftf's laughs but I'm too lazy. That was seriously hilarious bro. One of the funniest jokes I've heard in a long time.
You're just not thinking mathematically.
ted... yes of course i know who you are... anon. works for me here as you never know what slime are watching... as for jabotinsky as for hertzl as well there was too much at stake for the coming state of israel to allow it to be put into the hands of true lovers of the land and of the jewish people... even secular ones... and so their deaths were arranged by weizman and ben gurion et al to look natural but they were poisoned... read "the vatican assassins" by eric jon phelps and you will understand... and yes rav meir was killed by bush sr. and the slime israeli power mongers who feared his eventual acclaim by the people of israel when the gulf war hit and israel was prevented from fighting back and also by these slime who knew what horror they were about to unleash upon us all with the advent of oslo... more later if you care to listen... nik. out...
to nikmadam, did you know that rabbi bulman is my second cousin? his mother and my father were first cousins. about eight years ago, i went to one of his pesach seders near ohr sameyach. i sat inches from him. such is my claim to fame.
as for the other things you are telling me, no offense, but i am not much of a conspiracy buff, so i will just have to assume that mainstream history books are correct. of course, i do that with caution; i do not trust things written from a leftist perspective. but if somebody is, say, a neo-conservative like a william bennet, or somebody on the israeli right like Menachem Begin or Rav Kahane, then i feel i can trust such a person to tell the truth.
to daniel, i hope that people do not start to attack your family as people, as i can tell that you have admirable affection for them. yet i think that there is an error in their thinking, especially when they compare israel throwing out the moslems with what the nazis did to us.
the two cases are completely different. the Jews in Germany and Europe in general, were wonderful contributors to their respective countries. remember, that is what we Jews are, the builders of humanity. to throw us out, or worse, to murder us, is not only the epitome of evil, but a destroyer of civilization.
the islamofascists are exactly the opposite of us Jews. we love life; they love death. moslems worships death; their favorite and only hobby is murder. there is an old talmudic expression that silence is agreement; to allow such murderous people as the islamofascists to live in one's society, is to give a nod of approval to those who hate life and love to murder.
is it clear what i am saying? throwing out or murdering Jews, or allowing islamofascists to live amongst a given society, are parallel activities, in that both give a nod of approval for murder, death, and destruction. in contrast, to appreciate and value Jews, as america has thankfully done, or throwing out islamofascists from one's society, are, in turn, also parallel to each other, in that both are affirmations of the value of human life.
if what i am saying is not clear, it is not the fault of anybody reading this, but rather the fault of my defective writing. these last few days around where i live have been super hot, and when it gets this way, i find it unbearable, and it is hard for me to think straight.
All this reminds me of an old joke that most of you have probably heard.
Reuben and Simon, who were old friends, were once riding on a train. Reuben was reading a Jewish newspaper, while Simon was reading an antisemitic newspaper.
Finally, Reuben couldn't stand it anymore, and said irritatingly to Simon, "Why in the world are you reading an antisemitic newspaper? Have you lost your mind?"
To which Simon immediately replied, "Crazy? No way. When you read your Jewish newspaper, all that ever appears there is news from all over the world about how this or that group is oppressing/murdering Jews. But when I read this antisemitic newspaper, I read how Jews control the monetary supply, the oil supply, the banks, all the world's governments....Frankly, I would rather read good news about us Jews for a change!"
I would try to outdo ftf's laughs but I'm too lazy. That was seriously hilarious bro. One of the funniest jokes I've heard in a long time.
You're just not thinking mathematically.
that was a really good joke...
ill have to remember that one
Thank you. Of course, I am not clever enough to have made it up. It is one of those jokes that I first heard long ago that gets circulated often enough that I am able to remember it.
tedeth... rabbi bulman was a great, great man... and a tremendous influence upon my judaism and my life... he was the best tenach and hashkafa teacher i've ever known... i knew there was a reason i liked you...
as to your other comment... look... menachem begin and meir kahane do not write or report on what you read and hear which passes for the news... you as most jews everywhere are being led around by the nose and told what to believe and it is all being done so very subtly that you don't even realize that you are being manipulated... and so if there is any one, single message i wish to convey to you all it is this...
Personally, I have complete and utter control over the Starship Enterprise. But that's in the future. But, that's ok since I have a time control device.
What can I say?
We Jews who participate in conspiracies are just uber, super men. The Aryans ain't got nothing on me baby!
I'm sorry, Daniel.
But if your dad sees NO difference between the actions of nazi germany and Israel humanely relocating hostile arabs, he's morally vaccuous.
He's not morally vaccuous just because his morals are different from yours, just morally different.
I'm sorry, Daniel.
But if your dad sees NO difference between the actions of nazi germany and Israel humanely relocating hostile arabs, he's morally vaccuous.
He's not morally vaccuous just because his morals are different from yours, just morally different.
Different morals, I can handle.
But I repeat:"if your dad sees NO difference between the actions of nazi germany and Israel humanely relocating hostile arabs, he's morally vaccuous."
The problem is NOT a differing opinion , but the equating of nazi genocide of innocents with humane relocation of hostiles to their own countries.
I'm sorry, Daniel.
But if your dad sees NO difference between the actions of nazi germany and Israel humanely relocating hostile arabs, he's morally vaccuous.
He's not morally vaccuous just because his morals are different from yours, just morally different.
Different morals, I can handle.
But I repeat:"if your dad sees NO difference between the actions of nazi germany and Israel humanely relocating hostile arabs, he's morally vaccuous."
The problem is NOT a differing opinion , but the equating of nazi genocide of innocents with humane relocation of hostiles to their own countries.
Nazi Germany initially wanted to expel all the Jews. This was also voiced by Mike Wallace in his interview with Kahane.
Anyway, I can see your pop raised you well.
Different morals, I can handle.
But I repeat:"if your dad sees NO difference between the actions of nazi germany and Israel humanely relocating hostile arabs, he's morally vaccuous."
The problem is NOT a differing opinion , but the equating of nazi genocide of innocents with humane relocation of hostiles to their own countries.
Nazi Germany initially wanted to expel all the Jews. This was also voiced by Mike Wallace in his interview with Kahane.
Anyway, I can see your pop raised you well.
There's still NO comparison.
Did germany's Jews ever voive hostility the german sovereignty? commit acts of terrorism? murder germans? demand a Jewish state on german territory?
Sorry.....no cigar.
Moral vaccuousness, like I said.
BTW: At least my father taught ME right from wrong.
Different morals, I can handle.
But I repeat:"if your dad sees NO difference between the actions of nazi germany and Israel humanely relocating hostile arabs, he's morally vaccuous."
The problem is NOT a differing opinion , but the equating of nazi genocide of innocents with humane relocation of hostiles to their own countries.
Nazi Germany initially wanted to expel all the Jews. This was also voiced by Mike Wallace in his interview with Kahane.
Anyway, I can see your pop raised you well.
There's still NO comparison.
Did germany's Jews ever voive hostility the german sovereignty? commit acts of terrorism? murder germans? demand a Jewish state on german territory?
Sorry.....no cigar.
Moral vaccuousness, like I said.
BTW: At least my father taught ME right from wrong.
You can disagree with him and say he's wrong. But don't say he's morally vacuos. This is my father you're talking about. So say he's wrong. But I'd appreciate it if you'd watch your [censored] mouth. If you're father taught you that there's only one right and one wrong, then he's the one who's morally vacuous and nazi-like!
You can disagree with him and say he's wrong. But don't say he's morally vacuos. This is my father you're talking about. So say he's wrong. But I'd appreciate it if you'd watch your stupid mouth. If you're father taught you that there's only one right and one wrong, then he's the one who's morally vacuous and nazi-like!
Sorry about the bitter pill.
for the third time:
It's not about differing opinions. It's about equating vile, baseless, anti semited hate against non-hostile innocents versus humanely relocating hostile terrorists with a century long record of unprovoked attack.
Equating those two things is like equating the the FBI's shooting of Baby-Face Nelson to the Son of Sam shooting an innocent person.
IT'S MORALLY VACCUOUS...........sorry, but it's true.
You can disagree with him and say he's wrong. But don't say he's morally vacuos. This is my father you're talking about. So say he's wrong. But I'd appreciate it if you'd watch your stupid mouth. If you're father taught you that there's only one right and one wrong, then he's the one who's morally vacuous and nazi-like!
Sorry about the bitter pill.
for the third time:
It's not about differing opinions. It's about equating vile, baseless, anti semited hate against non-hostile innocents versus humanely relocating hostile terrorists with a century long record of unprovoked attack.
Equating those two things is like equating the the FBI's shooting of Baby-Face Nelson to the Son of Sam shooting an innocent person.
IT'S MORALLY VACCUOUS...........sorry, but it's true.
Make it four and keep going. That's exactly how you rack up your posts.
It's pretty harsh to come out with a definitive statement like that and say "your father is THIS PERIOD". I'm sure your father isn't morally vacuous Daniel, but if he equates the two then that particular belief of his is a reflection of moral vacuousness concerning the issue at hand.
I would just use the term "morally lazy" because it's looking at the surface of the issue and attempting to make a moral judgment on the sheer act, rather than the content of the action and surrounding elements of both situations.
Comparing Kahanists to Nazis just for the fact that on the face of it, yes, it is two population transfers, is very intellectually and morally lazy.
Liberals always look at the sheer actions and physical manifestation of events rather than the purpose, intentions, and frame of mind of the actors involved in the situation.
ie. Israeli jets who accidentally kill Muslim schoolchildren who have let terrorists infiltrate their school and set up shop v. Islamists who intentionally target pre-schools with the intent to kill schoolchildren
Extermination without giving the chance to flee of loyal, hard-working, innocent German people to the expelling of a hostile minority that sides with people who want to destroy the state of Israel and who want to destroy the state of Israel themselves and establish a Muslim state
The Germans even wanted to destroy Jews in Israel, they tried to but failed but for the British army, they wanted to destroy the entire Jewish people.
Kahanists have no intent of killing anyone, they just want arabs out. Nazis never gave Jews the chance to escape the concentration camps to Israel or America. Kahanists would help the arabs move and pack their boxes for them to help them leave.
There's a world of a difference. Any attempt to equate the two is morally and intellectually lazy and vacuous.
If the arabs decided to leave I would move to Israel and becoming a moving man and pack all of their belongings for them. If all the Jews packed up all the arabs' junk we could have them out in a few days.
Thanks, Ze'ev.
I'm happy with that.
It's pretty harsh to come out with a definitive statement like that and say "your father is THIS PERIOD". I'm sure your father isn't morally vacuous Daniel, but if he equates the two then that particular belief of his is a reflection of moral vacuousness concerning the issue at hand.
I would just use the term "morally lazy" because it's looking at the surface of the issue and attempting to make a moral judgment on the sheer act, rather than the content of the action and surrounding elements of both situations.
Comparing Kahanists to Nazis just for the fact that on the face of it, yes, it is two population transfers, is very intellectually and morally lazy.
Liberals always look at the sheer actions and physical manifestation of events rather than the purpose, intentions, and frame of mind of the actors involved in the situation.
ie. Israeli jets who accidentally kill Muslim schoolchildren who have let terrorists infiltrate their school and set up shop v. Islamists who intentionally target pre-schools with the intent to kill schoolchildren
Extermination without giving the chance to flee of loyal, hard-working, innocent German people to the expelling of a hostile minority that sides with people who want to destroy the state of Israel and who want to destroy the state of Israel themselves and establish a Muslim state
The Germans even wanted to destroy Jews in Israel, they tried to but failed but for the British army, they wanted to destroy the entire Jewish people.
Kahanists have no intent of killing anyone, they just want arabs out. Nazis never gave Jews the chance to escape the concentration camps to Israel or America. Kahanists would help the arabs move and pack their boxes for them to help them leave.
There's a world of a difference. Any attempt to equate the two is morally and intellectually lazy and vacuous.
If the arabs decided to leave I would move to Israel and becoming a moving man and pack all of their belongings for them. If all the Jews packed up all the arabs' junk we could have them out in a few days.
That's much better spoken and well reasoned. I agree with a lot of what you say. Thanks for attacking the argument and not the person.
Make it four and keep going. That's exactly how you rack up your posts.
That's because thick-headed liberals keep losing the plot.
May I add my two cents in here? This may shock all of you, especially those who know me best, but in reading all this back and forth discussion, I find myself siding with Daniel. It is NOT because I necessarily agree with whatever philosophical points he is making; in fact, chances are I disagree with those, given that I consider myself to be a Kahanist.
However, as King Solomon observed so many thousands of centuries ago, there is a time for everything. And when I read people's very reasoned arguments against Daniel's family, what I read is not amazing feats of logic and empirical evidence, but rather attacks on his family. I think that this is what Daniel is reading in these statements as well.
This cannot be a constructive way to go about things; if anything, it only makes him feel more defensive, because the family whom he loves so much is being attacked. As important as philosophy and politics may be, it cannot take the place of the people who mean the most to us.
I suppose what I am trying to express here is that while there are certainly times when one should engage in intellectual discourse, listening using one's intellect, that perhaps in instances like this, it is better to listen with one's heart.
However, as King Solomon observed so many thousands of centuries ago, there is a time for everything.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I do not believe that King Solomon lived over 100,000 years ago. ;D
wooops! lol...sorry about that, and thank you for the correction. that was quite a mangling of the English language, not to mention a distortion of history, wasn't it? well, please cut me some slack, I wrote that at around 1:30 in the morning.
Just to set the record straight, King Solomon lived approximately 3,000 years ago, NOT "many thousands of centuries ago," lol
study study study
May I add my two cents in here? This may shock all of you, especially those who know me best, but in reading all this back and forth discussion, I find myself siding with Daniel. It is NOT because I necessarily agree with whatever philosophical points he is making; in fact, chances are I disagree with those, given that I consider myself to be a Kahanist.
However, as King Solomon observed so many thousands of centuries ago, there is a time for everything. And when I read people's very reasoned arguments against Daniel's family, what I read is not amazing feats of logic and empirical evidence, but rather attacks on his family. I think that this is what Daniel is reading in these statements as well.
This cannot be a constructive way to go about things; if anything, it only makes him feel more defensive, because the family whom he loves so much is being attacked. As important as philosophy and politics may be, it cannot take the place of the people who mean the most to us.
I suppose what I am trying to express here is that while there are certainly times when one should engage in intellectual discourse, listening using one's intellect, that perhaps in instances like this, it is better to listen with one's heart.
Thanks so much! I really appreciate it very much! You hit the nail RIGHT on the head! You get it!
Of course, I never expected anyone to agree with the views that I posted about my father or anyone else in my family. But I expected the arguments to be disputed. I never expected personal attacks. That's what bothered me and what I felt was inappropriate. Thanks so much for articulating what the real issues were behind this!
You are welcome. In reading the various posts, I had the same feeling that you had, that it was a personal attack rather than a legitimate disagreement of the issues. And it was this that was legitimately bothering you, not the various opinions expressed on the political/religious issue at hand.
Not all exchanges involving personal attacks are necessarily a cause for alarm. It all depends on how serious they truly are. Sometimes people just like to take a little dig at each other, just for the fun of it, but mean no harm. But in this case, I did get the feeling that the attacks on your family were very real, and that bothered me.
You are welcome. In reading the various posts, I had the same feeling that you had, that it was a personal attack rather than a legitimate disagreement of the issues. And it was this that was legitimately bothering you, not the various opinions expressed on the political/religious issue at hand.
Not all exchanges involving personal attacks are necessarily a cause for alarm. It all depends on how serious they truly are. Sometimes people just like to take a little dig at each other, just for the fun of it, but mean no harm. But in this case, I did get the feeling that the attacks on your family were very real, and that bothered me.
Once again, you are exactly right and hit the nail right on the head. I personally challenge my father, uncle, and any other family member with more liberal views and disagree with them diplomatically. But I would NEVER call them "morally vacuous" or anything like that, not just because they're family, but because it's just inappropriate and incorrect. Whenever my father or anyone else calls Kahanist policies the same as Nazi Germany's, I state that I understand the argument, but that I disagree with it and don't think it's an accurate comparison since Kahane was never in favor of committing a genocide or ethnically cleansing the Arabs.
I actually think that Rabbi Kahane was the exact opposite of the nazis. I tried to explain this in an earlier post, but I do not think I explained myself well, nor am I sure I could do so even now.
I have not yet watched last night's Republican Presidential debates, but I have watched all of the other ones so far. Of all the things that the various candidates said, the one statement that impressed me the most was the way Mike Huckabee so brilliantly connected a pro-Life stance with being for the war in Iraq. The two topics may seem unrelated on the surface, but as he demonstrated, they are very strongly connected.
The connection is, is that both put a high premium on the value of human life. Those who are pro-life, find the idea of murdering helpless, unborn babies to be despicable. And those who support fighting the islamofascists, do so because the islamofascists are in love with death, their favorite and only hobby being murdering people.
Rabbi Kahane wanted to remove these islamofascist murderers from Israel, because he, too, was pro-life. He saw things very clearly; in spite of the tone of his voice sometimes, he actually saw things in a very rational, even cold way, namely that it makes no sense to allow a culture of death to exist anywhere, let alone in the Jewish State of Israel. Since talking to those savages only encourages them to murder more of us, there are really only two solutions to the islamofascist problem: kick them out, or kill them. Rabbi Kahane advocating throwing them out.
Obviously, the nazis were death worshippers as well. It is no surprise that the moslems were allied with the nazis during the war. A case can be made, in fact, that the islamofascists are even worse than the nazis; but the point is, they are in the same camp, an ideology that glorifies death and hates life.
And so, when the nazis were kicking out and/or murdering Jews, it was a death-cult trying to destroy the value of human life. If the Jews would kick out the moslems, it would be a case of the most life-loving culture on Earth, ridding itself of a death cult. And that is why comparing Rabbi Kahane with the nazis, is the exact opposite of the real truth.
Getting off-topic with the love fest, guys.
Make with the lampooning of the conspiracy whackos.
:laugh: :laugh:The return of Newman :laugh:
It is not a love fest to keep discussions about Israel on that topic as opposed to changing it to personal attacks. I feel protective for our Jewish people not only when islamofascists are murdering us or when some local antisemitic punk is expressing his admiration for adolf shitler, but even when Jews use words to personally attack other Jews.
Remember, Moses became Moses not only when he killed the savage Egyptian, but also when he tried to make peace between two Jews who were having differences with each other.
And yes, of course I know I am no Moses. But one reason why we Jews are encouraged to study the Torah, is to study and to try to emulate our great leaders.
i am currently employed in mossad. we are currently working on a new remote mind control device that will be able to penetrate the tinfoil hat.
i am employed by the ZOG to plan where the designated gentile living quarters will be, to where they will be restricted, we are going to fence off all those gentile areas and implant them with GPS-enabled microchips. one of my plans is to make employment hard in the aryan quarters and make employment in brothells easy. we are also planning to station jew-bots around the gentile quarters, we tried testing out jew-bots in south park, colorado, turns out they are highly sensitive to fire, but i assure you that the next line of jew-bots will be completely fire-proof. some of my colleagues from the other divisions are planning to make poison that will only work on gentiles, we shall put that in our water supply in case some gentile gets the bright idea to illegally immigrate to a jew-only area. we will also not allow any of the brighter gentiles to reproduce, so that the gene pool is dumbed down and the gentile population is easier to control.
this shall all go into effect as of December 21 2012
on the surface im just an 11th grader in high school
KL you know some anti-Semites are so stupid they would actually take that post seriously. ;D
KL you know some anti-Semites are so stupid they would actually take that post seriously. ;D
i wouldnt be surprised if some of them do, i think me adding the jew-bot scene from south park gives it away though.
I am not a Jew. But according to anti-Semites, everyone who disagrees with them is a Jew. I am preparaing the Third World War, since the First and Second I caused where not enough. I want a Jewish State on all our planet Earth. Oooops, I wasn't born at the time of the other World wars! No problem, I caused them with my new time machine Mossad sent me from Jersualem a few years ago. A fromer model of the time machine was not so accurate, it had only been used to cause the extintions of dinosaurs. Why do you think Jurassic Park was produced by a Jew. :::D :::D :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
I am not a Jew. But according to anti-Semites, everyone who disagrees with them is a Jew. I am preparaing the Third World War, since the First and Second I caused where not enough. I want a Jewish State on all our planet Earth. Oooops, I wasn't born at the time of the other World wars! No problem, I caused them with my new time machine Mossad sent me from Jersualem a few years ago. A fromer model of the time machine was not so accurate, it had only been used to cause the extintions of dinosaurs. Why do you think Jurassic Park was produced by a Jew. :::D :::D :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
cant wait till we implement all that in 2012
Someone should link this topic to StørmFrønt and watch the sh*tstorm it creates on there. Just link this to StørmFrønt watch there heads explode
2012 is a Jewish conspìracy. If not, why do you think 12/21/2012 is the date? It's the solstice! The Sun will be still. Sun is Shemesh in Hebrew, which also means servant. Yes the Sun is the servant of Jews! We shall tell the Sun to stop in 2012 and burn all non-Jews. Also the date has twice the number 12 and once the number 21 which is 12 reversed, like the 12 tribes of Israel :::D :::D :::D :::D :::D
By day I run a Kosher bagel shop with the worlds greatest lox cream cheese.
By night I am an international banker who keeps the 3rd world in poverty, and I am also a senior ranking member of the Bilderberg group.
I work for a wireless internet service provider at a call center.
Why was a thread started by a Nazi resurrected?
Why bump a thread from 3 years ago?
Why was a thread started by a Nazi resurrected?
I dunno. I was wondering the same thing.
I am doing my Jewish mission in this world... It must remain secret...
I am doing my Jewish mission in this world... It must remain secret...
I knew it! You're a ninja! :::D
I do research for a living....so you know I'm an Israeli spy! :::D
Al Goldstein controls the porn industry.
Al Goldstein controls the porn industry.
I heard he is really bigger than Bill Gates in his wealth...
Why do we keep reviving this old Nazi thread?
Its like kicking an old dog...
Why do we keep reviving this old Nazi thread?
I was thinking the same thing,, how was this brought back to life?
Re: "Why do we keep reviving this old Nazi thread? "
It's obviously the secret job of some Jew to keep doing so! ;D
All we ever seem to hear about from the WN, StørmFrønt, anti-semite whackos is all the control Jews have over the world and how they manipulate every single thing that happens every minute of the day.
It seems to me that all the Jews I know are working away at very ordinary jobs and running their small businesses as a 'front' while they manipulate currencies, set the gold price, topple governments and run this giant conspiracy.
Therefor, could all the Jewish members please post their 'secret job' that they do behind the scenes while they work at their 'front' jobs or businesses?
If I and other Jews had that much power do you think Jew haters would be running their mouths as much as they do. I would shut them up immediately.