General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Yerusha on April 27, 2016, 07:53:31 AM
In 2000 and 2004, Chaim pointed out Bush jr's good points, even though he was a mediocre NWO puppet candidate, and why we should vote for him.
Does Trump have enough good points for Chaim to eventually recommend Trump over Hillary?
Or is his animus so great that he could actual say to vote for Clinton?!
If Trump becomes POTUS, will JTF/Chaim be able to 'work' with him?
Or is it unremitting total animosity to the end, no matter what good Trump does?
Chumptard trolls that come out with that smear are pathetic.
#NeverTrump, because conservatives don't support democrats. If Hillary came out in favor of a wall, I still wouldn't support her. #NeverTrump because we're not voting for Hillary or Hillary's friend.
If you think supporting someone that will let Iran get nukes is fine, that's your right, but I reccomend that if Cruz doesn't win, you never again discuss politics, and focus on building bomb shelters in Israel.
If I had a vote to give I think I would still vote for Trump because Clinton is so much worse. Even though Trump is awful. Even though I am having trouble respecting people who claim they are conservative and given a choice between Cruz or Trump they think Trump is the better option, the Alternative which the Democrats offer is keeping full steam on the path to become banana republic that instead of leading the free world its leads western civilization into oblivion.
As bad as Trump is, if you support Hillary, you're an idiot.
I will not support Clinton. I will support Cruz, however, in the unfortunate circumstances that he doesn't get the nomination, i will have no choice but to vote for the republican candidate if it comes down to clinton or sanders.
I will not support Clinton. I will support Cruz, however, in the unfortunate circumstances that he doesn't get the nomination, i will have no choice but to vote for the republican candidate if it comes down to clinton or sanders.
It is a tough choice but I wonder how judgment works for those who support evil, even if they reconcile it as the lesser of two evils? I have often thought about such a dilemma when people were asked to choose between Hitler and Stalin? Or is non-participation the only option acceptable to G-d. Is that indeed the only right choice? I won't vote for a baby murderer or accessory to murdering innocent children. No Hilary, no Donald. I'll do a write-in before I do either one of them.
If I had a vote to give I think I would still vote for Trump because Clinton is so much worse. Even though Trump is awful. Even though I am having trouble respecting people who claim they are conservative and given a choice between Cruz or Trump they think Trump is the better option, the Alternative which the Democrats offer is keeping full steam on the path to become banana republic that instead of leading the free world its leads western civilization into oblivion.
Why don't you break down the policy differences between Trump and Hillary, I haven't noticed any.
If I had a vote to give I think I would still vote for Trump because Clinton is so much worse. Even though Trump is awful. Even though I am having trouble respecting people who claim they are conservative and given a choice between Cruz or Trump they think Trump is the better option, the Alternative which the Democrats offer is keeping full steam on the path to become banana republic that instead of leading the free world its leads western civilization into oblivion.
100% guaranteed Hillary as the Dem nominee, and 100% chance of her as president if Trump runs. I don't care what you do if Cruz isn't the nominee, because there are no numbers that show it will even begin to matter what you do, even if you make your whole neighborhood vote with you. How is Trump going to prevent America from becoming a banana republic, and how do you suppose he will lead the Western world better than previous presidents.
It is a tough choice but I wonder how judgment works for those who support evil, even if they reconcile it as the lesser of two evils? I have often thought about such a dilemma when people were asked to choose between Hitler and Stalin? Or is non-participation the only option acceptable to G-d. Is that indeed the only right choice? I won't vote for a baby murderer or accessory to murdering innocent children. No Hilary, no Donald. I'll do a write-in before I do either one of them.
We have a situation like that discussed in Talmud when the Egyptians were deciding on killing all the Jews. Bottom line: guy who agreed is in a bad place, guy who said nothing had a tough life but got out fine, guy who ran out of the building was blessed. No Cruz, secede.
We have a situation like that discussed in Talmud when the Egyptians were deciding on killing all the Jews. Bottom line: guy who agreed is in a bad place, guy who said nothing had a tough life but got out fine, guy who ran out of the building was blessed. No Cruz, secede.
That is reassuring. The right thing is not always the easiest thing, nor is our survival more important than obedience to G-d.
When one votes and picks a candidate who does a terrible sin to Israel if he becomes the leader, that person has a share in the punishment for that sin from that candidate.
For that reason, Jtf will not endorse trump nor Hillary should they be one the nominees. Rather, a third party candidate or protest vote would be recommended.
Hilary Clinton want unlimited immigration and granting illegal aliens with legal status and eligibility for welfare. I don't know if Trump would be able to come up with a real and effective plan to reduce illegal immigration, probably not. I know that Clinton is going to increase it and probably will also increase dramatically the amount of legal "refugees" from terrorist Islamic regions of the world.
Donald Trump proposes some rationalization and reduction in the Tax regime. In particular cutting the 30% double tax on corporate overseas earnings. It is nowhere near as good as Ted Cruz's flat tax plan, yet better the Clinton continuation of the ever growing taxes and regulations.
Biggest difference of all is that Hilary Clinton absolutely hates Israel and without any doubt her policy would be to force Israel into committing national suicide. She is surrounded by self hating Jews whose jobs is basically to come up with ideas how to screw Israel and to constantly enrage on Israel.
I know Donald Trump is not honest and not honorable. I know he can backtrack on any and all promises he makes. It is still my assessment that he makes less of a catastrophe then Hilary Clinton.
As for the Trump supporters, I think you should too be committed to vote for Ted Cruz should he come up as the nominee.
Why don't you break down the policy differences between Trump and Hillary, I haven't noticed any.
There will still be Socialism and Big government under Clinton, she is going to grow the government and continue Obama's destructive agenda, letting more illegals in, and changing everything about America changing it into Europe.
Hilary Clinton want unlimited immigration and granting illegal aliens with legal status and eligibility for welfare. I don't know if Trump would be able to come up with a real and effective plan to reduce illegal immigration, probably not. I know that Clinton is going to increase it and probably will also increase dramatically the amount of legal "refugees" from terrorist Islamic regions of the world.
Donald Trump proposes some rationalization and reduction in the Tax regime. In particular cutting the 30% double tax on corporate overseas earnings. It is nowhere near as good as Ted Cruz's flat tax plan, yet better the Clinton continuation of the ever growing taxes and regulations.
Biggest difference of all is that Hilary Clinton absolutely hates Israel and without any doubt her policy would be to force Israel into committing national suicide. She is surrounded by self hating Jews whose jobs is basically to come up with ideas how to screw Israel and to constantly enrage on Israel.
I know Donald Trump is not honest and not honorable. I know he can backtrack on any and all promises he makes. It is still my assessment that he makes less of a catastrophe then Hilary Clinton.
As for the Trump supporters, I think you should too be committed to vote for Ted Cruz should he come up as the nominee.
Trump's plan is touchback amnesty, which is worse than the new-Rubio amnesty plan.
How is Trump's tax plan different than Hillary's?
One of the people surrounding Hillary is Trump. One of the people surrounding him is Richard Haas. I would rather Obama for Israel than Trump, at least with Hillary or Obama, Jews won't expect a friend, that can stab them in the back.
Trump will probably not let into the USA over 100k of muslim terrorist "refugees" yearly. Under Clinton I think it is very likely. We will have to see what he is going to do about amnesty if anything. Touchback amnesty doesn't make any sense. Is there a possibility he will make it harder on illegals to get hooked on welfare and to obtain driver license? Is he going to perhaps to make sure they and their employers pay the taxes that Ameircan workers must pay? I don't know. It is possible that he is as bad as Hilary on illegals except for the muslim "refugees" issue which in itself is important.
Trump tax plan includes cutting off the 30% double tax that American corporation must pay to bring overseas profits back to the USA. If this tax is reduced to a single digit or eliminated (nearly every other country doesn't double tax its corporation on overseas profits), then it will bring in allot of money to the US that is going to boost the economy. It will also increase tax revenues from dividends. It will also enable US based corporations to better compete and reduce their motivation to re-domicile offshore.
I think that on foreign policy Trump is going to be isolationist and not proactive. Good news for Iran they win either with him or with Hilary. As for Israel, In her case they certainly get screwed I think she takes this issue personally and she is literally surrounded by extreme Jew haters be that Huma Abedin the Islamist plant or her self hating Judenrats like Sidney Blumenthal.
Trump's plan is touchback amnesty, which is worse than the new-Rubio amnesty plan.
How is Trump's tax plan different than Hillary's?
One of the people surrounding Hillary is Trump. One of the people surrounding him is Richard Haas. I would rather Obama for Israel than Trump, at least with Hillary or Obama, Jews won't expect a friend, that can stab them in the back.
It is a tough choice but I wonder how judgment works for those who support evil, even if they reconcile it as the lesser of two evils? I have often thought about such a dilemma when people were asked to choose between Hitler and Stalin? Or is non-participation the only option acceptable to G-d. Is that indeed the only right choice? I won't vote for a baby murderer or accessory to murdering innocent children. No Hilary, no Donald. I'll do a write-in before I do either one of them.
Where did this "write in" stupidity generate from... Who looks at the paper ballot after you shove it into the scanner anyway... They are tossed into a warehouse and then into landfill.. In most cases never looked at by another human eye other than the voters... Just say your not going to vote for a presidential candidate you don't agree with and leave it at that.
Where did this "write in" stupidity generate from... Who looks at the paper ballot after you shove it into the scanner anyway... They are tossed into a warehouse and then into landfill.. In most cases never looked at by another human eye other than the voters... Just say your not going to vote for a presidential candidate you don't agree with and leave it at that.
What I said was I will not vote for anyone who supports abortion or abortionists. G-d will know what name I put on a write in ballot and that is really all that matters. If this country is under judgment, the country chose that course and I won't be part of it.
With Clinton you get Huma Abedin. With Abedin you get CLOSE ties to the muslim brotherhood.
With Trump you get Clinton, no matter who JTF supports.
With Trump you get Clinton, no matter who JTF supports.
A vote for Trump is a vote for Hillary. It's the same thing. If you vote for Trump, you might as well just put a Hillary Clinton bumper sticker on your car.
A vote for Trump is a vote for Hillary. It's the same thing. If you vote for Trump, you might as well just put a Hillary Clinton bumper sticker on your car.
Well ,This is what the liberal media and the establishment Republicans would have people believe however something tells me that this is just not the case... I see Trump being the only one that can take Hillery on and come out a winner.
Well ,This is what the liberal media and the establishment Republicans would have people believe however something tells me that this is just not the case... I see Trump being the only one that can take Hillery on and come out a winner.
Based on your gut but contrary to all polling data and all currently available evidence.
Unless Cruz concedes, while he's still in the race, we need to support him as strongly as possible. Him becoming the nominee is likely the only chance of defeating Hillary. The discussion on who to support should Cruz not win, should not happen and is irrelevant, unless he actually loses first.
Based on your gut but contrary to all polling data and all currently available evidence.
Unless Cruz concedes, while he's still in the race, we need to support him as strongly as possible. Him becoming the nominee is likely the only chance of defeating Hillary. The discussion on who to support should Cruz not win, should not happen and is irrelevant, unless he actually loses first.
Well, I agree with you that JTF should support Cruz until if or when it became pointless to do so... My point in the prior post was my disagreement with the assessment of how things are shaping up in the primary race... I think the media and the RNC is putting up a smoke screen and when the smoke settles Cruz and the governor of Ohio are not going to be happy... As for Trump he already sees that if he don't have the required number come convention time the game will most likely be over for him.
If such a catch22 situation arises, relax as Chaim will have the best idea.
I hope that they don't support Clinton!
"Trump: Israel should keep building in Judea & Samaria"
Either Trump is being better advised, or he is living up to his claim that he is the last true Xtian leader.
"Trump: Israel should keep building in Judea & Samaria"
Either Trump is being better advised, or he is living up to his claim that he is the last true Xtian leader.
It could be divine intervention that is causing this Trump landslide.
It could be divine intervention that is causing this Trump landslide.
Maybe divine intervention delivered Jerusalem to Babylon? Maybe we are experiencing the same flavor of intervention and the same consequences?
Maybe divine intervention delivered Jerusalem to Babylon? Maybe we are experiencing the same flavor of intervention and the same consequences?
Yes. And the crime always fits the punishment in the most chilling, yet just way. If they vote for Trump, they deserve Trump. We gotta get out and Jonah before America is finished.
:usa+israel: :fist:
Even if Trump is being advised to take this position, if he's sincere, then it might very well be Devine intervention, however, we should pretty much accept that he's disingenuous regarding issues such as this and saying it for political gain. One should not consider supporting either one, Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump.
The only good news, if Clinton beats Trump, that means Ted Cruz will be hopefully running in 2020.
If Trump wins, who knows the next time you'll see Cruz run for President.
“If we must have an enemy at the head of Government, let it be one whom we can oppose, and for whom we are not responsible, who will not involve our party in the disgrace of his foolish and bad measures.” - Alexander Hamilton
Either Trump is being better advised, or he is living up to his claim that he is the last true Xtian leader.
I hope you aren't serious. Let me set this straight once and for all.
Reality television's (http://jtf.org/is-trump-really-the-genius-self-made-billionaire-he-plays-on-tv/) Trump has flip flopped on every single issue (http://jtf.org/stephen-colbert-exposes-trumps-flip-flops-in-hilarious-trump-vs-trump-debate/)... all of them. He'll say absolutely anything to get elected (http://jtf.org/trump-advisor-dont-believe-the-things-trump-says/).
And per the Christian thing... vulgar bully (http://jtf.org/vulgarity-wont-hurt-trumps-campaign-its-what-his-campaign-is-based-on/) Donald Trump, who has the first casino in the world to have a strip club AND a gay strip club (http://jtf.org/why-would-any-religious-person-vote-for-trump-countrys-first-strip-club-in-a-casino-coming-to-the-trump-casino/), who's wife was in lesbian porn, who says Israel will need to “reimburse” the US if he's president (http://jtf.org/trump-names-israel-among-countries-that-will-reimburse-u-s-when-hes-president/) and claims he will be “neutral” with the so-called Palestinians (http://jtf.org/no-mr-trump-you-cannot-be-neutral-in-the-middle-east/) who are terrorists (http://jtf.org/the-propaganda-war-against-the-jews-there-is-no-such-thing-as-a-palestinian-state/), who says Planned Parenthood does great things (http://jtf.org/vanity-can-donald-trump-state-he-is-pro-life-and-still-support-planned-parenthood/) and defends abortion (http://jtf.org/proof-trump-is-not-pro-life-the-laws-are-set-on-abortion-i-think-we-have-to-leave-it-that-way/) while wanting to continue taxpayer funding of abortion (http://jtf.org/trump-open-to-idea-of-continuing-taxpayer-funding-of-planned-parenthood/), who supports Russia's Putin (http://jtf.org/trump-the-kremlins-candidate/), who wants amnesty (http://jtf.org/actually-trump-is-the-illegal-amnesty-candidate-has-anyone-read-his-entire-plan/), who ripped off countless people with his Trump University scam (http://jtf.org/the-art-of-the-con-the-trump-university-fraud-case/), who wants to allow transgender men into girl's bathrooms (http://jtf.org/donald-trump-says-grown-men-should-be-allowed-into-girls-bathrooms-new-video/), who is involved in scandals by hitting on beauty contestants (http://jtf.org/report-trump-hit-on-beauty-pageant-founder-contestants/), who's manager is a paid anti-Israel Saudi agent (http://jtf.org/jtf-this-week-trump-is-an-enemy-of-israel-his-manager-is-a-paid-saudi-agent-new-video/), who wants to confiscate Americans' guns (http://jtf.org/trump-wants-to-confiscate-our-guns-destroy-second-amendment-video/), who's senior adviser is a fan of bondage and rape (http://jtf.org/senior-donald-trump-adviser-a-fan-of-nyc-bondage-and-swingers-club/), who wants to create his own socialized version of Obamacare (http://jtf.org/trumps-health-care-plan-just-got-scarier/), who discussed his infant daughters breasts on national television (http://jtf.org/creepy-creepy-creepy-donald-trump-discusses-his-infant-daughters-breasts/), who's campaign manager had to turn himself into the police (http://jtf.org/trump-campaign-manager-turns-self-in-to-police/), who wants to give Saudi Arabia, Japan, and South Korea nuclear weapons (http://jtf.org/jtf-this-week-donald-trump-wants-saudi-arabia-japan-and-south-korea-to-have-nuclear-bombs/) and wants to use nuclear weapons on China (http://jtf.org/jtf-this-week-lunatic-trump-threatens-to-use-nuclear-bombs-and-go-to-war-with-china-new-video/), who actually bribed corrupt left-wing NY democrats (http://jtf.org/donald-trump-bribed-these-corrupt-left-wing-new-york-democrats-new-video/) and supported Hillary Clinton's previous campaign (http://jtf.org/donald-trump-no-i-dont-regret-writing-checks-to-hillary-clintons-campaigns/), who claims he degraded women because he thought he would never run for office (http://jtf.org/trump-explains-his-degrading-comments-on-women-i-never-thought-i-would-run-for-office/), who has mafia ties (http://jtf.org/the-media-is-about-to-blow-the-lid-off-of-trumps-mafia-ties/), who has never even voted in a republican primary (http://jtf.org/trump-has-never-voted-in-a-republican-primary/) in his entire life and who's kids can't even vote for him because they never registered as republicans (http://jtf.org/two-of-trumps-three-oldest-kids-cant-vote-for-him-in-ny-they-didnt-bother-to-register-as-republicans/), who is supported by the KKK (http://jtf.org/donald-trump-has-a-white-supremacist-problem/), who kisses up to evil dictators (http://jtf.org/emergency-committee-for-israel-why-is-donald-trump-always-kissing-up-to-dictators/), who quotes Italian fascist dictator Mussolini (http://jtf.org/donald-trump-quotes-italian-fascist-dictator-mussolini/), who hires foreign workers (http://jtf.org/trump-i-hire-foreign-workers-because-americans-wont-do-those-jobs/) instead of Americans, who wants to appoint pro-abortion leftists (http://jtf.org/warning-trump-will-appoint-pro-abortion-supreme-court-justices-video/) in the already leftist Supreme Court (http://jtf.org/trump-sure-i-said-my-sister-should-be-on-the-supreme-court-but-i-have-no-idea-what-she-believes/), who filed bankruptcy (http://jtf.org/trump-lies-and-bankruptcy/), who praises Saddam Hussein (http://jtf.org/donald-trump-praises-saddam-hussein-as-a-terrorist-fighter-wait-what/), who supports the government seizing peoples' homes (http://jtf.org/trump-defends-eminent-domain-power-of-government-to-seize-private-property-without-the-owners-consent/) against their will, who endorsed ultra-liberal socialist New York mayor Bill De Blasio (http://jtf.org/donald-trump-endorses-socialist-new-york-mayor-bill-deblasio-new-video/) and Andrew Cuomo (http://jtf.org/cruz-trump-is-pro-abortion-pro-gay-pro-cuomo/), who said on national television that he wanted to date his own daughter (http://jtf.org/donald-trump-says-he-wants-to-date-his-daughter-video/), who supports racist and leftist Al Sharpton (http://jtf.org/donald-trump-strongly-supports-anti-semite-al-sharpton-new-jtf-video/), claims he would consider putting a Muslim in his cabinet (http://jtf.org/trump-i-love-the-muslims-i-think-theyre-great-people/) while claiming the U.S. should accept more Syrian Muslim refugees (http://jtf.org/trump-u-s-should-accept-some-syrian-refugees-while-slamming-kim-davis/), who wants to work another nuclear “deal” with Iran (http://jtf.org/negotiate-with-terrorists-and-nukes-trump-i-will-renegotiate-with-iran/) and claimed Obama wasn't pro-Iran enough (http://jtf.org/trump-criticized-obama-for-not-being-even-more-pro-iran/), who wants to raise taxes (http://jtf.org/liberals-praise-trumps-plan-to-raise-taxes/), and who claims to be a Christian but can't even quote his favorite Bible verse (http://jtf.org/donald-trump-is-really-bad-at-pretending-to-be-religious/)...
Trump (http://jtf.org/farrakhan-supports-trump-because-hes-against-the-jews-and-will-destroy-america-new-video/) has proven he is anti-Israel (http://jtf.org/donald-trump-is-anti-israel/) in his very own words (http://jtf.org/jtf-this-week-donald-trump-proves-hes-anti-israel-in-his-own-words-new-video/). He blamed Israel for terrorism (http://jtf.org/trump-blames-israel-invokes-nazi-style-jewish-stereotypes/) and then claimed as president he can't take Israel's side (http://jtf.org/trump-as-president-i-cant-take-israels-side/) and that a “two state solution” (http://jtf.org/donald-trump-to-push-israel-to-make-a-deal-with-terrorists/) would be the “ultimate deal” (http://jtf.org/trump-on-israel-two-state-solution-is-the-ultimate-deal/).
I mean, what else do you want?
Anyone who supports Trump is evil or an imbecile.
How could any conservative or Jew or Christian support Trump (http://jtf.org/if-you-still-support-trump-after-seeing-this-youre-a-leftist-video/) after knowing all that? Even Jew-hater Jimmy Carter endorsed Trump (http://jtf.org/jimmy-carter-endorses-donald-trump-over-ted-cruz/).
:usa+israel: :fist:
Even if Trump is being advised to take this position, if he's sincere, then it might very well be Devine intervention, however, we should pretty much accept that he's disingenuous regarding issues such as this and saying it for political gain. One should not consider supporting either one, Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump.
it's spelled "divine" you stupid ***** idiot
[Shlomo: do not use that language on the forum]
it's spelled "divine" you stupid ***** idiot
When you cry and hold yourself alone at night, does the loneliness or the weight of all your failures hurt your heart the most?