General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Israel Chai on January 28, 2017, 10:59:42 PM

Title: I can't speak against Trump any more
Post by: Israel Chai on January 28, 2017, 10:59:42 PM

BREAKING: Refugees Starting To Be Detained At U.S. Airports

January 28, 2017 By Brian Thomas 8 Comments


President Trump’s executive order to temporarily bar entry into the U.S. by citizens of countries with ties to terrorism was put into effect Friday night, and entry for travelers from Iraq, Syria, Iran, Sudan, Libya, Somalia and Yemen will be suspended for up to 120 days.

Many people have been detained at airports across the country due to the executive order.

The New York Times reports:

    Mr. Trump’s order, which suspends entry of all refugees to the United States for 120 days, created a legal limbo for individuals on the way to the United States and panic for families who were awaiting their arrival.

    Mr. Trump’s order also stops the admission of refugees from Syria indefinitely, and it bars entry into the United States for 90 days from seven predominantly Muslim countries linked to concerns about terrorism. Those countries are Iraq, Syria, Iran, Sudan, Libya, Somalia and Yemen.

    […] one of the Iraqis detained at Kennedy Airport, Hameed Khalid Darweesh, had worked on behalf of the U.S. government in Iraq for 10 years. The other, Haider Sameer Abdulkhaleq Alshawi, was coming to the United States to join his wife, who had worked for a U.S. contractor, and young son, the lawyers said. They said both men were detained at the airport Friday night after arriving on separate flights.

Aside from the fact that the New York Times repeatedly addresses the President of the United States as “mister,” it is clear that some detainees who have legal standing in the US have been lumped together with those who don’t.


Read More:

THe Guardian: Donald Trump refugee ban: ‘arrivals from targeted countries stopped at US airports’ – live

CNN: What to know about Trump’s visa and refugee restrictions


Some criteria has already allowed for exception. Religious minorities that experience severe oppression under Sharia law, such as Christians, are given priority when deciding who is allowed entry.

The New York Times continues:

    The executive order, which Mr. Trump said was part of an extreme vetting plan to keep out “radical Islamic terrorists,” also established a religious test for refugees from Muslim nations: He ordered that Christians and others from minority religions be granted priority over Muslims.

    In the arrivals hall at Terminal 4 of Kennedy Airport, Mr. Doss and two other lawyers fought fatigue as they tried to learn the status of their clients on the other side of the security perimeter.

    “We’ve never had an issue once one of our clients was at a port of entry in the United States,” Mr. Doss said. “To see people being detained indefinitely in the country that’s supposed to welcome them is a total shock.”

    “These are people with valid visas and legitimate refugee claims who have already been determined by the State Department and the Department of Homeland Security to be admissible and to be allowed to enter the U.S. and now are being unlawfully detained,” Mr. Doss said.

Proponents of the executive order assert its necessity, worried that loose regulations for entry from extremist states endanger Americans.

ACLU wins legal challenge against immigration ban: ‘Hope Trump enjoys losing’
Hunter Walker
National Correspondent
Yahoo NewsJanuary 28, 2017
U.S. President Donald Trump is signing up a storm. Photo from Getty Images
President Trump is signing up a storm. (Photo: Getty Images)

The American Civil Liberties Union announced Saturday evening that a federal court in New York had issued an emergency stay on President Trump’s executive order banning immigration from seven predominantly Muslim countries. The court’s decision, which will affect people who have been detained in airports, came after the ACLU and other activist groups filed a class action lawsuit on behalf of two Iraqis who were held at John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York as a result of the order.

“I hope Trump enjoys losing. He’s going to lose so much we’re going to get sick and tired of his losing,” ACLU national political director Faiz Shakir told Yahoo News shortly after the decision was announced.

The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment about the court ruling.

Trump’s executive order, which he signed on Friday afternoon, barred people from Sudan, Syria, Yemen, Iran, Iraq, Libya and Somalia from entering the United States for 90 days. It also stopped all refugees from entering the U.S. for 120 days and indefinitely suspended the entry of refugees from Syria. As a result of the order, some people with current visas have already been detained or turned around at airports.

The class action lawsuit sought an immediate injunction barring the Trump administration from blocking immigrants based on the executive order. It argued that the order violates a 1965 law that banned discrimination in immigration based on national origin. According to a copy of the court decision from Judge Ann Donnelly, it will stop officials  from removing individuals with approved refugee applications, holders of valid visas and people from the affected countries who have been authorized to enter — pending completion of a hearing on the matter in court. Donnelly also wrote that the lawsuit would have a “strong likelihood of success.”


“There is imminent danger that, absent the stay of removal, there will be substantial and irreparable injury to refugees, visa holders, and other individuals from nations subject to the January 27, 2017 executive order,” Donnelly said.

Shakir said the stay will affect those who are “currently detained in airports” and that the ACLU’s lawyers “will continue litigating the rest of the people impacted” by the order.

Trump’s order has led to large protests at airports around the country. Critics charge that it amounts to a “Muslim ban,” while Trump and his team have maintained that the order is not designed to target any specific religion and is merely aimed at terror-prone nations.

Yahoo News asked White House press secretary Sean Spicer about the order during his briefing on Wednesday. He framed it as a “necessary step” for dealing with people from countries that have “a propensity to do us harm.” During his presidential bid, Trump called for a “total and complete shutdown of Muslims” entering the U.S. That proposal subsequently evolved into a vague promise of “extreme vetting.”

Trump touted the executive order while speaking to reporters in the Oval Office on Saturday. He said the scenes in the airports were evidence of its success.

“It’s not a Muslim ban, but we were totally prepared. It’s working out very nicely. You see it at the airports, you see it all over,” Trump said, according to a White House press pool report.


Trump is better than Hillary, they were right to support him after Cruz lost, and we should have.
Title: Re: I can't speak against Trump any more
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on January 29, 2017, 02:22:07 AM
I think it's slightly too soon to hop onto the bandwagon. Shlomo, Dr. Dan gave very good posts on this topic.

We'll see how sincere Trump is in going after Islam, but that by itself doesn't necessarily mean much, StørmFrønt is anti-Islam too or so they say.
Title: Re: I can't speak against Trump any more
Post by: Nevski on January 29, 2017, 07:10:51 AM
Yes. Unlike many he doesn't take any bullsh*t. Direct action. Good job Trump!
Title: Re: I can't speak against Trump any more
Post by: Kahane-Was-Right BT on January 29, 2017, 12:11:39 PM
I have a problem with this though.  Saudi Arabia is not included.  And they did 9/11.

However, the reason may be simple.   Guiliani has stated he was asked by Trump to get a group together (including Peter King and others), and inform Trump on how a Muslim ban can be done legally.   They instructed him how to do it.

Notice that all these countries were on Obama's official list of countries with "ties to terrorism."   It's possible this was the only legal means of doing something like this and for that reason cannot include SA unless they get them added to that list at some point.
Title: Re: I can't speak against Trump any more
Post by: Kahane-Was-Right BT on January 29, 2017, 12:13:04 PM
I think it's slightly too soon to hop onto the bandwagon. Shlomo, Dr. Dan gave very good posts on this topic.

We'll see how sincere Trump is in going after Islam, but that by itself doesn't necessarily mean much, StørmFrønt is anti-Islam too or so they say.

It's strange but in altright circles I have seen admiration for Islam because of how it locks up its women as slaves to men.
There is a lot of overlap between altright and the "manosphere" which sometimes contains very low IQ misogynist figures among its leading voices and sometimes slides into women-hatred...

But they are against muslim immigration at the same time.    Or so it seems.
Title: Re: I can't speak against Trump any more
Post by: syyuge on January 29, 2017, 12:35:05 PM
There shall not be any hurry to jump and support the Trump. So far Trump has taken some strong rightist decisions that can be appreciated but they are not sufficient. Trump shall be fully understood when he takes the decisions which concretely strengthen the positions of the sincere Orthodox Jews.
Title: Re: I can't speak against Trump any more
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on January 29, 2017, 12:45:25 PM
It's strange but in altright circles I have seen admiration for Islam because of how it locks up its women as slaves to men.
There is a lot of overlap between altright and the "manosphere" which sometimes contains very low IQ misogynist figures among its leading voices and sometimes slides into women-hatred...

But they are against muslim immigration at the same time.    Or so it seems.
Yes, which is why I added "so they say". In any case, I don't think it's quite time yet to fall behind Trump; we shall wait and see.
Title: Re: I can't speak against Trump any more
Post by: Kahane-Was-Right BT on January 29, 2017, 01:41:52 PM
Yes, which is why I added "so they say". In any case, I don't think it's quite time yet to fall behind Trump; we shall wait and see.

I respect that stance.   I think he has followed through, or begun to, on a bunch of things people said he'd never keep his word on.  That in itself is already better than most phony politicians we've had to deal with.    And obviously none of these things happen under hilary.
Title: Re: I can't speak against Trump any more
Post by: Lisa on January 29, 2017, 02:13:36 PM
Speaking of the manosphere, I read in the comments of one such blog (which I won't name or link to here) a while back of how they admire Islam for being a so-called alpha male religion.  They liked that it keeps women in check, and that fathers get to choose husbands for their daughters.  One commenter actually expressed a desire to convert.  Another commenter pointed out that Muslims should seek out American converts among divorced men whose ex-wives (presumably) took them to the cleaners. 
Title: Re: I can't speak against Trump any more
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on January 29, 2017, 02:40:33 PM
Speaking of the manosphere, I read in the comments of one such blog (which I won't name or link to here) a while back of how they admire Islam for being a so-called alpha male religion.  They liked that it keeps women in check, and that fathers get to choose husbands for their daughters.  One commenter actually expressed a desire to convert.  Another commenter pointed out that Muslims should seek out American converts among divorced men whose ex-wives (presumably) took them to the cleaners.
You know what, I can see this happening. Of course these desperate, broken suckers would simply be used as shahids; they wouldn't ever get to enjoy the spoils of jihad themselves.
Title: Re: I can't speak against Trump any more
Post by: Kahane-Was-Right BT on January 29, 2017, 03:39:56 PM
Speaking of the manosphere, I read in the comments of one such blog (which I won't name or link to here) a while back of how they admire Islam for being a so-called alpha male religion.  They liked that it keeps women in check, and that fathers get to choose husbands for their daughters.  One commenter actually expressed a desire to convert.  Another commenter pointed out that Muslims should seek out American converts among divorced men whose ex-wives (presumably) took them to the cleaners.

I saw similar pro islam comment sections on a manosphere offshoot blog. (A guy who began there and then built his own following independently)  I suspect it's the same small group of alt right people commenting on all these sites but yea it's there
Title: Re: I can't speak against Trump any more
Post by: Israel Chai on January 29, 2017, 10:06:35 PM
I said he wouldn't do this and he did, I am delighted to know I was wrong and I have the choice between doing it proudly or being shamed onto the bandwagon. The muslims are being banned.

I'm not an idolater, a tariff on Mexican goods in pointless, there's technology for America to outproduce Mexico, and then they'd take so many tens of billions in business from the country, you can build a moat too with the cash, you say there's nothing he can't do 1% better? I just don't think he's a bad person anymore, and I can never put down him or his supporters for their support of him alone, I support this, you all support this don't pretend you don't, and so right now he's doing good, support him.

"Power is always dangerous. Power attracts the worst and corrupts the best." - Edward Abbey

This isn't lala land where "Th*r" and "Os*ris" will give us smoochies and always be predictable like the force of nature they explain. I hope he keeps doing good, but it doesn't help him to keep doing good while we're fighting him, he should get help to do more good.
Title: Re: I can't speak against Trump any more
Post by: ZionIDF on January 29, 2017, 11:23:51 PM
I was behind Trump from day 1 and it amazed me how JTF was unable to see the divine hand of Hashem behind Trump's miraculous victories, he had prophetic visions as well, every time he spoke about a particular danger we would have an incident related to what he just said. I knew from day ONE that Hashem was behind him, many orthodox rabbis agree that he is a messianic figure for the Gentiles comparing him to King Cyrus who helped build the Temple. His victory is in the Torah Codes, famous Kabbalists in Israel had prophetic dreams of his victory when everyone said he would lose. Give the man a chance, we have never seen one man go up against so much evil and claim victory after victory, his strength is SUPER HUMAN, the man has more energy than most 20 year old men, it is clear to me 100% That Hashem is protecting him.
Title: Re: I can't speak against Trump any more
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on January 29, 2017, 11:28:23 PM
I was behind Trump from day 1 and it amazed me how JTF was unable to see the divine hand of Hashem behind Trump's miraculous victories, he had prophetic visions as well, every time he spoke about a particular danger we would have an incident related to what he just said. I knew from day ONE that Hashem was behind him, many orthodox rabbis agree that he is a messianic figure for the Gentiles comparing him to King Cyrus who helped build the Temple. His victory is in the Torah Codes, famous Kabbalists in Israel had prophetic dreams of his victory when everyone said he would lose. Give the man a chance, we have never seen one man go up against so much evil and claim victory after victory, his strength is SUPER HUMAN, the man has more energy than most 20 year old men, it is clear to me 100% That Hashem is protecting him.
Say what?
Title: Re: I can't speak against Trump any more
Post by: ZionIDF on January 29, 2017, 11:35:21 PM
Hashem is with Trump 100% if you can't see the hand of Hashem behind Trump then perhaps Hashem does not want everyone to see the obvious. The man is like a modern day King David but for the Gentiles. Mashiach Essav.



Title: Re: I can't speak against Trump any more
Post by: syyuge on January 30, 2017, 11:33:36 AM
Trump has not done anything extra that Hillary could not have done. But Hillary would have banned the muslamic terrorists only after 10 years and by that time the whole world would have got engulfed in the fires of the global protracted war of the muslamic terrorist infighting. Trump is only trying to nip the problem in the bud. 
Title: Re: I can't speak against Trump any more
Post by: Israel Chai on January 30, 2017, 01:53:19 PM
Like I was going to side with you 100% there, but superhuman strength now?
Title: Re: I can't speak against Trump any more
Post by: Kahane-Was-Right BT on January 30, 2017, 01:58:48 PM
I said he wouldn't do this and he did, I am delighted to know I was wrong and I have the choice between doing it proudly or being shamed onto the bandwagon. The muslims are being banned.

I'm not an idolater, a tariff on Mexican goods in pointless, there's technology for America to outproduce Mexico, and then they'd take so many tens of billions in business from the country, you can build a moat too with the cash, you say there's nothing he can't do 1% better? I just don't think he's a bad person anymore, and I can never put down him or his supporters for their support of him alone, I support this, you all support this don't pretend you don't, and so right now he's doing good, support him.

"Power is always dangerous. Power attracts the worst and corrupts the best." - Edward Abbey

This isn't lala land where "Th*r" and "Os*ris" will give us smoochies and always be predictable like the force of nature they explain. I hope he keeps doing good, but it doesn't help him to keep doing good while we're fighting him, he should get help to do more good.

It's not a Muslim ban, it's a ban for countries on a list, some of which are muslim.
He did nothing to Saudi Arabia or turkey.
It is for a 120 day review period.  When it ends will you say he unbanned muslims?
Title: Re: I can't speak against Trump any more
Post by: Kahane-Was-Right BT on January 30, 2017, 01:59:31 PM
I was behind Trump from day 1 and it amazed me how JTF was unable to see the divine hand of Hashem behind Trump's miraculous victories, he had prophetic visions as well, every time he spoke about a particular danger we would have an incident related to what he just said. I knew from day ONE that Hashem was behind him, many orthodox rabbis agree that he is a messianic figure for the Gentiles comparing him to King Cyrus who helped build the Temple. His victory is in the Torah Codes, famous Kabbalists in Israel had prophetic dreams of his victory when everyone said he would lose. Give the man a chance, we have never seen one man go up against so much evil and claim victory after victory, his strength is SUPER HUMAN, the man has more energy than most 20 year old men, it is clear to me 100% That Hashem is protecting him.

Lol wtf?
Title: Re: I can't speak against Trump any more
Post by: ZionIDF on January 30, 2017, 03:25:24 PM
Like I was going to side with you 100% there, but superhuman strength now?

Show me a man half his age that does 4-7 speeches in stadiums with 40000 crowd, show me a man that sleeps 3-5 hours a day and does all the things Trump does, Trump did more in 8 days than Obama and Bush did in 16 years. This man has super human strength, he is healthy he never smoked, never drank, never did drugs he works 16-18 hours a day he travels the world all the time constantly busy, show me a man half his age that does this, Obama, Bush, Clinton play Golf all day, Trump never takes a vacation. Believe me I have been watching Trump 24/7 for the past 2 years Ive known him all my life, this is from Hashem 100%
Just look at his children, such class, such beautiful children all well spoken no drugs no alcohol no dirty parties no sex tapes, if you guys can't see how special Trump is then I dont know what to say.
Title: Re: I can't speak against Trump any more
Post by: Kahane-Was-Right BT on January 30, 2017, 05:27:10 PM
Show me a man half his age that does 4-7 speeches in stadiums with 40000 crowd, show me a man that sleeps 3-5 hours a day and does all the things

I guess you never met any rabbis.  Certainly you never met Rabbi Kahane who operated at 100x speed and accomplishment of trump.  They are all simply human and you have a dangerous man worshiping mindset.
Title: Re: I can't speak against Trump any more
Post by: ZionIDF on January 31, 2017, 02:11:50 AM
I guess you never met any rabbis.  Certainly you never met Rabbi Kahane who operated at 100x speed and accomplishment of trump.  They are all simply human and you have a dangerous man worshiping mindset.

Wrong I remember the Rabbi very well sorry but nobody comes close to Trump not at his age, there are to many people who have Sinat Chinam over Trump, Kahane is no longer with us so why even bring him up, we are living in different times, we never had a leader who is willing to go up against so much pressure like Trump, not only is the LEFT against him but many on the RIGHT are against him like some even here but Trump is still standing and I noticed anyone who attacks Trump is cut down one by one, Trump has Hashgachat Hashem 100%, just take for example the Prime Minister of Canada, for a full week he attacked Trump and said he would open his country to all Muslim refugees that Trump denies access, now look what happened to Canada just the other day, an Islamic terror attack on a mosque, I have many other examples like this, every time someone attacks Trump you see Hashem's divine protection. Trump is the most miraculous figure we have ever seen in our lifetime we are witnessing something unseen before, you are going to see great things happening under Trump, I am predicting that Senator Mccain and Sen Graham will be cut down very soon, they will lose power.
Title: Re: I can't speak against Trump any more
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on January 31, 2017, 10:26:09 AM
LKZ, where have all your marbles gone? This is insane.
Title: Re: I can't speak against Trump any more
Post by: Kahane-Was-Right BT on January 31, 2017, 02:57:43 PM
Wrong I remember the Rabbi very well sorry but nobody comes close to Trump not at his age, there are to many people who have Sinat Chinam over Trump, Kahane is no longer with us so why even bring him up, we are living in different times, we never had a leader who is willing to go up against so much pressure like Trump, not only is the LEFT against him but many on the RIGHT are against him like some even here but Trump is still standing and I noticed anyone who attacks Trump is cut down one by one, Trump has Hashgachat Hashem 100%, just take for example the Prime Minister of Canada, for a full week he attacked Trump and said he would open his country to all Muslim refugees that Trump denies access, now look what happened to Canada just the other day, an Islamic terror attack on a mosque, I have many other examples like this, every time someone attacks Trump you see Hashem's divine protection. Trump is the most miraculous figure we have ever seen in our lifetime we are witnessing something unseen before, you are going to see great things happening under Trump, I am predicting that Senator Mccain and Sen Graham will be cut down very soon, they will lose power.

Are you claiming you knew the Rav personally?   I highly doubt that. 

Your comments about Trump are absurd and reflect a dangerous man-worshiping mindset.
Title: Re: I can't speak against Trump any more
Post by: ZionIDF on February 01, 2017, 12:36:17 AM
Are you claiming you knew the Rav personally?   I highly doubt that. 

Your comments about Trump are absurd and reflect a dangerous man-worshiping mindset.

Im 44 served in the IDF been a Kahanist since I was 13 years old, watched Chaim on TV while living in Manhattan after my IDF service and been a fan ever since not to mention he made me laugh my pants off. Im with Trump its the best we ever had and nobody is perfect, for me whoever shows signs of hating Islam more wins my vote, calling muslims dirty rats is a good start, now if he doesn't follow up on his promise about Jerusalem then I will change my position.
Title: Re: I can't speak against Trump any more
Post by: briann on February 01, 2017, 02:03:17 AM
lol, we still need to be able to speak against him when he does something stupid....

But so far, I do like him way more than Bush, Mccain, or Romney.
Title: Re: I can't speak against Trump any more
Post by: Kahane-Was-Right BT on February 02, 2017, 09:04:51 AM

Im 44 served in the IDF been a Kahanist since I was 13 years old, watched Chaim on TV while living in Manhattan after my IDF service and been a fan ever since not to mention he made me laugh my pants off. Im with Trump its the best we ever had and nobody is perfect, for me whoever shows signs of hating Islam more wins my vote, calling muslims dirty rats is a good start, now if he doesn't follow up on his promise about Jerusalem then I will change my position.

So your answer was no?
Title: Re: I can't speak against Trump any more
Post by: briann on February 02, 2017, 11:11:43 PM

Im 44 served in the IDF been a Kahanist since I was 13 years old, watched Chaim on TV while living in Manhattan after my IDF service and been a fan ever since not to mention he made me laugh my pants off. Im with Trump its the best we ever had and nobody is perfect, for me whoever shows signs of hating Islam more wins my vote, calling muslims dirty rats is a good start, now if he doesn't follow up on his promise about Jerusalem then I will change my position.

The problem is you are putting too much faith into politicians... who always let you down.  My gut tells me he will cave on moving the embassy to Jerusalem.

I'm embarrassed to say that I was gung-ho about George W. Bush and his empty promises....  man what a disappointment he was.  Once he got into power... he became a model for the modern RINO.
Title: Re: I can't speak against Trump any more
Post by: Binyamin Yisrael on August 06, 2018, 05:27:28 PM
I was behind Trump from day 1 and it amazed me how JTF was unable to see the divine hand of Hashem behind Trump's miraculous victories, he had prophetic visions as well, every time he spoke about a particular danger we would have an incident related to what he just said. I knew from day ONE that Hashem was behind him, many orthodox rabbis agree that he is a messianic figure for the Gentiles comparing him to King Cyrus who helped build the Temple. His victory is in the Torah Codes, famous Kabbalists in Israel had prophetic dreams of his victory when everyone said he would lose. Give the man a chance, we have never seen one man go up against so much evil and claim victory after victory, his strength is SUPER HUMAN, the man has more energy than most 20 year old men, it is clear to me 100% That Hashem is protecting him.


Hashem performs miracles at multiples of 50.

1917 is when the Turkish Muslims were banished from the Land of Israel (see above link). I read on some website where some moron claimed that people viewed the ANZAC warriors that liberated Be'er Sheva as agents of G-d even though the people in the battle didn't see that. He claims it was made up later. Even if they didn't consider themselves agents of G-d, they were part of His plan. The purpose of World War I was to get the Turkish Muslims out of Israel just like the purpose of World War II was to establish the State of Israel.

1967 is when the Six Day War took place.

2017 is when Trump recognized the Capital of Israel, 100 years after the British recognized that the Land should be the homeland for the Jewish People.

30 years after 1917 (1947), the UN supported creating Israel. The Arabs refused a state. Maybe 30 years the rest of the World will recognize Trump's declaration on Jerusalem. The Arabs refused Trump's plan to divide Jerusalem which will lead to all of Jerusalem being recognized just like the 1949 lines included much more land than the 1947 UN Partition Plan gave us.

Title: Re: I can't speak against Trump any more
Post by: briann on August 06, 2018, 09:55:21 PM


Hashem performs miracles at multiples of 50.

1917 is when the Turkish Muslims were banished from the Land of Israel (see above link). I read on some website where some moron claimed that people viewed the ANZAC warriors that liberated Be'er Sheva as agents of G-d even though the people in the battle didn't see that. He claims it was made up later. Even if they didn't consider themselves agents of G-d, they were part of His plan. The purpose of World War I was to get the Turkish Muslims out of Israel just like the purpose of World War II was to establish the State of Israel.

1967 is when the Six Day War took place.

2017 is when Trump recognized the Capital of Israel, 100 years after the British recognized that the Land should be the homeland for the Jewish People.

30 years after 1917 (1947), the UN supported creating Israel. The Arabs refused a state. Maybe 30 years the rest of the World will recognize Trump's declaration on Jerusalem. The Arabs refused Trump's plan to divide Jerusalem which will lead to all of Jerusalem being recognized just like the 1949 lines included much more land than the 1947 UN Partition Plan gave us.

Yeah, I read that as well.
Title: Re: I can't speak against Trump any more
Post by: Binyamin Yisrael on August 06, 2018, 10:00:57 PM
Yeah, I read that as well.

Read what? About the ANZAC troops or the moron I mentioned that claims people made up years later that they were messengers of G-d?

Title: Re: I can't speak against Trump any more
Post by: Binyamin Yisrael on August 06, 2018, 10:06:07 PM
This is the article I was talking about by an Israel bashing moron.


It doesn't matter what the people thought at the time. G-d uses people. G-d also used Pharaoh. The slavery in Egypt was done by G-d whether the Egyptians knew it or not. The Babylonians and Romans destroyed the Temple for Divine punishment even if their intent was Jew hatred. The same thing is true of good events.

Title: Re: I can't speak against Trump any more
Post by: Yehudayaakov on August 07, 2018, 12:52:16 AM
It s justly when you can't speak anymore than you must speak louder and ask for action
Title: Re: I can't speak against Trump any more
Post by: briann on August 07, 2018, 03:57:15 PM

Read what? About the ANZAC troops or the moron I mentioned that claims people made up years later that they were messengers of G-d?

No, the miracles at multiples of 50.
Title: Re: I can't speak against Trump any more
Post by: ZionIDF on September 03, 2018, 11:14:21 AM
The problem is you are putting too much faith into politicians... who always let you down.  My gut tells me he will cave on moving the embassy to Jerusalem.

I'm embarrassed to say that I was gung-ho about George W. Bush and his empty promises....  man what a disappointment he was.  Once he got into power... he became a model for the modern RINO.

As you can see you and others on JTF were wrong again, he did move the embassy to Jerusalem, Mccain is gone just like I predicted, Senator Graham has become very friendly with Trump and so had Senator Cruz, Trump has also stopped all funding to Palestinian refugees. All of Trump's enemies fall like flies just like I have said in the past, I can see the hand of Hashem using Trump it is so obvious its like you have to be blind if you dont see it. Its time JTF do Tshuvah and stop bashing Trump like Liberal Media does, the same media we call evil.
Title: Re: I can't speak against Trump any more
Post by: Israel Chai on September 03, 2018, 11:26:20 AM
As you can see you and others on JTF were wrong again, he did move the embassy to Jerusalem, Mccain is gone just like I predicted, Senator Graham has become very friendly with Trump and so had Senator Cruz, Trump has also stopped all funding to Palestinian refugees. All of Trump's enemies fall like flies just like I have said in the past, I can see the hand of Hashem using Trump it is so obvious its like you have to be blind if you dont see it. Its time JTF do Tshuvah and stop bashing Trump like Liberal Media does, the same media we call evil.

We didn't care about the embassy, we didn't want someone to pressure Israel to give land, and after he did this became irrelevant. The USA trade deficit is worse than ever and there's no coming back from the new national debt, America will default eventually now, it's a matter of time. Iran is closer than ever to having nukes, and Trump won't touch Turkey killing Kurds or any developing threat.

Cruz was never friendly with Trump, he just didn't attack him early because his out-of-touch advisors said he'd be creamed like the leftists in the RNC attacking him for not being kind to fluffy kittens.

Hashem gives everyone air to breathe and we could see him using Obama too. The media bashes him for lies to promote him, which is still the #1 thing on social media that conservatives support him for. Don't let the liberal media decide who you support.

One way or another, when was it a right wing thing to love a politican for his personality? Not one of us cared what Cruz is like as a person beyond morality, we just wanted good bills and FP. Just the fact that his fans want me to love his sweaty butt is enough to know this is a trap.

The transgenders are still teaching your class. What exactly changed from Obama?
Title: Re: I can't speak against Trump any more
Post by: Debbie Shafer on September 23, 2018, 08:42:43 AM
President Trump is NOT your typical politician.   He doesn't adhere to the country club mentality in Washington,  or the establishment,  thats why they don't like him and continually try to impeach him, and push the false lies.  Some of these corrupt politicians do not want the status quo changed in Washington,  they have been spending,  carousing, and having affairs,  (the House slush fund would expose many many Democrats in Washington,   always a double standard.)   They want our country to go down, no jobs, and a sluggish economy,  we are up to 4% GDP growth.     The Left is doing the same thing to Judge Kavanaugh they did to President Trump with created fabricated lies and actions, false dossiers, and fake bimbo stories to ruin an outstanding Judge.

      The fact that President Trump is pro-American, and not President of the world is a real pain in the side to the socialist left and the rinos Flake and Corker.   No one in their right mind would have voted for the destructive dangerous Iran deal,  abolish Ice,  give illegal aliens all the rights of legal American citizens, give medicare to illegal aliens,   and act like jackals at every turn,  just like Hitler,  once they get your weapons they have total control.  Democrats are bold enough to kill babies,  but NOT our enemies.    They aren't sane enough to govern this country, and we are in for dangerous times if the Left ever gets in control. Their policies have resulted in far more American deaths from drugs, opioids, and MS-13 gangs.

The Supreme Court is very important because we need Justices who will uphold the Constitution, and laws,  especially the Bill of rights.  Look how your free speech has been attacked on Google, and Facebook.      Trump has created jobs and employed so many different races in his construction projects,   HE IS NOT A RACIST.    He's outgoing and outspoken,  but his heart is good, and he wants America to prosper, and be safe!      Confirming that Jerusalem is the Capital of Israel was huge,  Trump was put in office for that reason,  and to bring all prophecies into play.     God wants his HOLY city to be the beacon of the world,  anyone that divides Jerusalem is toast,  especially in the last days.