General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: ChabadKahanist on September 22, 2019, 08:55:37 AM

Title: Even Infamous Jew Hater David Duke,YM"S says that the Khazar theory is false
Post by: ChabadKahanist on September 22, 2019, 08:55:37 AM
Title: Re: Even Infamous Jew Hater David Duke,YM"S says that the Khazar theory is false
Post by: briann on September 25, 2019, 12:08:04 AM

oy vey.   I'm sure 'Dr. Duke' thinks that Jews are from an alien planet or grown in a lab by an evil scientist.   

The khazar theory was always baseless...  but honestly... so is pretty much everything that Muslims believe.
Title: Re: Even Infamous Jew Hater David Duke,YM"S says that the Khazar theory is false
Post by: angryChineseKahanist on September 25, 2019, 01:12:50 AM
Whell, if rabbi Duke says shoo...
Title: Re: Even Infamous Jew Hater David Duke,YM"S says that the Khazar theory is false
Post by: Kahane-Was-Right BT on September 25, 2019, 07:39:12 AM
Hilarious how the lie got obliterated by scientific evidence eventually.  The Arabs featured the Khazar Theory prominently in all their arguments to the UN about why the Jews should not receive a homeland.

Duke is very engaged in trying to refute the "Jews are not a race" talking point, and in doing so he destroys the claims of the Israel haters, citing the genetic studies. But those of us who understand Jewish history and Judaism know that we are to some degree a race/ethnicity (plus converts and whatever admixture happened) in addition to a religion.  Only someone ignorant of the Torah says Jews are not a race.

"Jews are not a race" is what the assimilated Jews claim, hoping racists will give up and go home since they can't be racist against a non-race.   It's like their other catchphrases such as "Tikkun Olam"  and "peace process"  - completely ignorant and Orwellian mantras
Title: Re: Even Infamous Jew Hater David Duke,YM"S says that the Khazar theory is false
Post by: briann on September 25, 2019, 02:54:51 PM
by the way, on a similar note, I noticed a lot of 'Palestinians' are getting angry at 23andme, because their reports rarely show that they have any significant 'levintine' DNA.  Its usually like 10-15% and the rest generic Arab/Middle-Eastern.

Levintine doesn't infer being native from Israel, but it at least says you are from the general area.  So for example, Most Lebanese will have 90 - 100%.

So now 23andme is trying to come up with a 'Palestinian' ethnic category, and asking for people who have all 4 'Palestinian' grandparents to submit their DNA, so they can try to find some sort of commonality, all so that they can pretend that they are native to the area.
Title: Re: Even Infamous Jew Hater David Duke,YM"S says that the Khazar theory is false
Post by: Kahane-Was-Right BT on September 25, 2019, 11:45:43 PM
by the way, on a similar note, I noticed a lot of 'Palestinians' are getting angry at 23andme, because their reports rarely show that they have any significant 'levintine' DNA.  Its usually like 10-15% and the rest generic Arab/Middle-Eastern.

Levintine doesn't infer being native from Israel, but it at least says you are from the general area.  So for example, Most Lebanese will have 90 - 100%.

So now 23andme is trying to come up with a 'Palestinian' ethnic category, and asking for people who have all 4 'Palestinian' grandparents to submit their DNA, so they can try to find some sort of commonality, all so that they can pretend that they are native to the area.

This is f'ing disgusting.  Politics and political correctness like this should have zero involvement in genetics research.
Title: Re: Even Infamous Jew Hater David Duke,YM"S says that the Khazar theory is false
Post by: briann on September 26, 2019, 04:45:24 PM
This is f'ing disgusting.  Politics and political correctness like this should have zero involvement in genetics research.

I agree.   But this tiny percentage cries about everything, and institutions are so scared of being labeled as 'racist' or 'pro-zionist' that they will bend over backwards to appease their stupid requests.