General Category => Ask JTF => Topic started by: admin on September 24, 2007, 03:03:52 PM
Note To All Posters: Only one post per person is permitted. Please make it a single, short question.
Chaim would love to answer all of your great questions but (unfortunately due to the number of questions and time constraints), if there is more than one short question, it will have to be moved to the Future Ask JTF section. We apologize for this inconvenience and only wish that every person has a chance to be heard on the show.
Or course, comments not directed to Chaim will be moved into a separate thread under The General Discussion.
Chaim has stated that only one short question or comment per poster will be answered. Please remember that even with these rules, the program is over 2 hours long every week! If you want to post a longer question, unfortunately, Chaim may or may not be able to answer it in it's entirety. In this case, you may copy and paste parts of your question for the following week.
Thank you for your kindness and respect regarding these rules.
Dear Chaim,
Thank you for answering my question about cats and birds. You said you like all animals because they are G-d's creatures. But did you specifically like the particular cats you had and the particular bird you had?
How old were you when you decided that people shouldn't have pets in the house?
What is your favorite kind of animal? I like cats the best.
Yacov Menashe Ben Rachamim,
Chief Administrator.
I'm posting this for Yacov Menashe.
Racial taxonimists divided the human species into four races: Caucasian, Negro, Mongolian, and Australoid. Mongolian refers to The Oriental Race. Why did they call them Mongolians if not all Orientals are Mongolian?
Dear Chaim,
I am recently taking a genocide course at Queensborough Community College, and we were learning about the Armenian genocide during World War I. Before the lesson, I heard about how congress was voting to not consider this massacre of innocent Christians a genocide at the hands of the vicious Turkish Muslims. I brought this point up in class, and my professor said there was a method to the madness. Turks today are not responsible for the actions of their ancestors. This didn't make sense, so I continued to state that our alliance with Turkey through NATO is a misguided and dangerous one. The Turks are only assisting us in Iraq due to them being Sunnis and the Iraqis being Shi'ites. My professor admitted this was a bold, but interesting view, but she said that in no way are the Turks of today the same as the Turks who are responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Armenians. This lit a fire within me, and I went on to state that this is what the Koran commands them to do, and that the Turks are Muslims, and as Muslims the Turks want to see us and all non-Muslims, including the Armenians, destroyed. She told me that since the Koran was written in old Arabic the text of the Koran is susceptible to misinterpretation. I responded that a command that calls for the destruction of all non-Muslim people cannot be misinterpreted. Also, old Arabic is very much like modern Arabic with a few changes, just as old English is essentially the same as modern English; the words share the same roots. She said that the Koran wasn't meant to be translated into English. I said that this is because Muslims do not want us to see the evils of their text, and is also a practice of another Koran command, deception. She then said I was generalizing too much, but I insisted that Muslims are Muslims, and if you abide by the Koran, you do want to see the destruction of all non-Muslims. A fellow classmate, who I believe to be Muslim, said that he knows more about the Koran than I do, and that I was taking certain quotes out of context. I said the command to kill all non-Muslims cannot be taken out of context, it is a basic, easy to understand command. She said they all don't want to kill us. I asked how can that be so if it is a command that has been carried out for centuries. My statements inspired a fellow student, who is a self-hating Jew, as he has admitted to hiding the fact that he's Jewish and has rejected Judaism in favor of his own, self-created beliefs, said that how could the Armenian massacre not be considered a genocide and he appeared quite upset. The professor responded that the modern day Turks aren't responsible for the events of the Armenian mass killings, and their was a method to this madness. The professor thanked me for such an interesting discussion, but she wasn't sold on anything. Chaim, I am at the end of my rope with these liberal-minded, pro-Muslim ignoramuses. What do you think of this whole fiasco?
Shalom Chaim,
I heard rumours many years ago about the golden ark of covenant was stolen by the arab islamic filth and is hidden somewhere in that house of satanic worship which for centuries have been desecrating Beit Hamikdash. I also heard that Israelis were disguising themselves as arabs and infiltrating the enemy structure in hopes of finding the ark. In a Kahanist Israel, would you give your blessing to any efforts to find the ark after the islamic filth has been expelled from the area?
Thank you for your time,
Dear Chaim,
What do you think of Clarence Thomas?
Is he qualified to sit on the Supreme Court or was he an Affirmative Action Appointment?
Hello Dear Chaim,
You don’t drive a car as you haven’t learnt how to and have no license.
However, should you wish to have a car, despite the expense, I imagine you would only drive one that is devoid of oil, any petrol-gas oil – as you don’t wish to help the Muslim Nazis, is that correct? You want to do your part in not helping the Muslim terrorist monsters. In addition in helps to walk, as one does not become obese and/or overweight. Thank you. Zev
Shalom Chaim-
We know how much you love the leaders of today and yesterday who represented black America. Of course I'm just kidding. However, how do you feel about "Mean" Joe Clark, the highschool principle carrying the baseball bat, to whip his students into shape? Am I wrong to say there was something Meir Kahanish about him to a certan regard in the way he used tough tactics as many incompetent black and white students, parents, and teachers?
Daniel (cookie)
Shalom Chaim!!
I want to give you an update on my situation I have with my co-op. If you have read the post that I have started, the "man" who wants to throw out all the Jews out of my co-op is running again for the board of directors. On Friday Oct. 5th I recieved the ballot with the statments from him and the other canidates who are also running. In his statement, Bill Kregler wants "management monitor and address the behavior of existing cooperators." I guess now I know who has been making threats against me. Can you encourge my fellow JTFers to sign on my co-op's forum to support me? The address is
Thank you for your support. I understand why you won't start a protest on my behalf. I have been listening to your show. When I posted a question about Sarah's post for me, I didn't hear the ask JTF show at that time. I'm sorry that you had to address that topic again the second week in a row.
Shalom Chaim,
Just wanting to air these truths. Fact: Ron Paul is a German-supremacist Odinist like David Duke. Fact: Paul does not consider non-German whites to be white. Fact: Ron Paul wants America to have an alliance with satan-states like Syria and Iran. Fact: Ron Paul desperately wants to declare war on Israel. Fact: Ron Paul supports sodomy and gay "rights". Fact: Ron Paul wants to legalize drugs. Fact: Ron Paul, as an Odinist, detests Christianity.
The media keeps screaming about the "racism" in Jena, LA, but keep their fat faggot mouths shut on this Nazi ghoul who doesn't only hate all nonwhites and Jews, but also Gentile whites who aren't German! He is a darling of the media and they want him to suck lots of votes from more legitimate GOP candidates like Duncan Hunter and Mike Huckabee.
Question: Do you think that the Adolf Paul fans without German blood in them realize/care that he wants for them the same thing that he wants for Jews?
G-d bless you forever, Chaimfan
Shalom Chaim,
Is it possible that JTF itself is stopping you from gaining entry to Israel, especially the talk of you being future prime minister! Also, thank you for that story you told about those self-hating Jews a while back, I dislike them as much as you do but also because they are wasting such an honour and on that note......
How will you try and convince the self-hating Jews in Israel, since they will be one of your toughest challenges and if in power can ultimately attempt to stop you acheiving most of your goals?
Shalom Chaim
Generally speaking, to what extent has JTF's financial situation improved as a result of this forum's creation?
Shalom Chaim,
Can America and Israel really afford to pay off all the arab's and blacks to leave...
We are talking about millions of people here... i doubt Israel would be able to afford to ship out the Israeli arabs and how much would you want to give them?...
no one is willing to accept them apart from Jordan and the Jordanian government definitely won't take all of them.. with that said the torah commands this of the jews so this scheme definitely needs to come into fruition...
Have a good week ahead
Chaim: You are totally against elective abortion; but, don't you think that if you were married and your 14 year old daughter got impregnated by the stud on the corner, you would take her to the nearest (or farthest) legal abortion clinic and would say nothing about it?
Hello Chaim,
Thank you for the wonderful answer to my last question, I feel much better!
Regarding the Israeli soldiers who were KIDNAPPED, do you ever think they will return home? My brother was a soldier for 15 years and has just retired so I think about it alot.
Thank you so much
Shalom Chaim,
Do you have the time to speak on Paltalk a voice chat forum ? @ www.paltalk.com I've been on this program for years, I believe you could get some more members from that site. G-d bless you.
There are two videos on youtube made by someone with the screen name of "Meytar" who portrays you speaking accompanied by silly animal noises and flatulence sounds. Is this Roni?
Dear Chaim,
How can we determine what interpretations of Torah are acceptable?
Hello Chaim,
I had a discussion with someone not long ago how Liberals want to bash Christians and Jews and yet even though many of them are Athiests they still find it to have Religous freedom when it comes to Islamic Jihad maniacs. Who really hates this country more in the Jihadists who are sworn foreign enemies who want to destroy this country or the Leftist Liberals who are born in the United States and yet leave this country as open targets?
I think it's very important to make a video telling people that there were Jews who never left Israel. Many people think that all the Jews left Israel in Roman times to go to Europe and say that the Jews have no right to come back. It is important to STRESS that for more than 3000 years there were Jews in the land of Israel, continuously. I believe this would increase support for the state of Israel.
(Also many people don't know the Turks had Israel before the British. Many ignorant people think the Arabs did.)
Shalom aleichem. Why are there such sharp social and economic disparities between Ashkenazim and Sephardim (Mizrachi) Jews in Israel, and do these disparities exist between these groups in the Galut?
Todah Rabah,
Kalman Ben Menachem
Dear Future Prime Minister of Israel,
What will be the marriageable age in Israel under Kahanist government?
Thank you.
Shalom Chaim
Was Rabbi Kahane zt'l involved with the Gush Emunim movement and will this movement be resurrected?
Todah Rabah
Part of the Dark Ages was a period in European history marked by the total dominance of Christianity and the repression of all art, science and progress that was not Christian in nature, and the burning alive of scientists who were considered heretics. At the same time the Muslim savages who built on Greek and Persian sciences were actually more advanced than the Europeans. Today it is because of science that Christian nations can defeat Muslim savages if they wanted to. What do you think about Christianity's role in the dark ages?
Hello Chaim, Long time no see,
I have to ask how close were you to your father? HE seemed like a holy and rightios man. You speak of him highly.
Next year in Jerusalem.
Hi Chaim,
I have a personal rather than political question this time. I'm currently taking care of my father who has end-stage cancer. I have made great sacrafices, including financially, to help him. I get no additional compensation for this but, of course, am happy to do it.
My siblings, however, are quite different. My sister reluctantly helps out and my brother has never even offerred to help. Their biggest concerns seem to be his property and finances. I'm disgusted by their behavior to the point where I can't even look them in the eyes.
After my father dies, I am considering ending my relationship with both of them since they are people of poor character that I don't respect. Is this reasonable, despite them being relatives? This has taken an enormous emotional toll on me.
Why does the world condemn Israel for stopping aid and cutting off electricity to the arabs living in Gaza? From a world's stand point that should be better than bombing them. This is outrageous that the world always condemns Israel for every action it takes!
How low could George Wahabi Bush go? Did you know that the Democrats in the Congress pushed a bill acknowledging the Armenian Genocide and Bush then criticized them for it? If you didn't know this, check out this hyperlink (http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&rlz=1T4GWYE_enUS238US239&q=Bush+administration+criticizes+lawmakers+regarding+Armenian+genocide+measure&btnG=Search (http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&rlz=1T4GWYE_enUS238US239&q=Bush+administration+criticizes+lawmakers+regarding+Armenian+genocide+measure&btnG=Search)) when you're done with Ask JTF. Supposedly we need to kiss up to Turkey because they allow the military entry into northern Iraq but that's baloney especially since the Turks protested and even ordered their ambassador back to Turkey for consultations regardless of Bush's protest.
My question is: What are some good arguments I can use to convince people of Hindu culture to join with us to save both Israel and India?
Sorry I haven't posted any questions in a while. I just haven't had anything good to ask lately. I just want to check in. My latest mission for JTF has been to recruit Hindu allies. I have created a youtube video for this and have gone on some Hindu forums. So far the best I've done was find one person who agrees with me. They have asked me why it is right to relocate "Innocent Muslims" from our countries. I keep telling them that these Muslims Nazis are not innocent and plan to butcher their families, but I don't know how well this is working. I'm going to keep trying for a little bit longer. I don't know much about Hindu culture and sure hope most Hindus are not self-hating like most Jews are.
Dear Chaim,
With both of you, if I'm not mistaken, being half Ashkenazi and half Sephardi, which Minhagim do you follow, and which Minhagim did Rav Kahane ZT"L, HY"D follow?
Thanks as always,
Chaim Shalom, My question is about Mike huckabee,
but before I get to that I have a small remark.
I notice that we as JTF and you Chaim Ben Pesach
are not acknowledged nor mentioned in the kahanist sites.
for example kahane.org
does not mention you or JTF,
but they do mention groups like Yekutial ben yakov's (mike guzofsky) "voice of judea",
plus the revava people whom I hear banned us or we who banned them,
why is that?
OK, back to my question:
I know you "support" huckabee as the lesser of the evils,
but how do you rate his chance to defeat the other candidates and run against Billary?
I didn't catch the debate on Tuesday, but I did see him on youtube and he does debate like a pro,
is it enough? does he have enough name recognition to win?
Oz77 (seventy seven).
p.s - maybe you could tell our English speaking audience a little about the meaning behind the name Oz77,
after all, that legendary battalion literally saved northern Israel...
Shalom Chaim,
JSullivan was going to contact you and inform you of the following about Mike Huckabee but I'm not sure if he did.
About Huckabee:
He panders to the illegal alien lobbies including La Raza and LURAC.
Huckabee refuses to call illegal aliens, illegal. He also wants to give financial aid to illegals and their children. Many Americans have trouble affording school in the US; yet, Huckabee's concern is making it more affordable for illegals. He doesn't care about Americans.
In the Arkansas State Senate a couple years, a state legislature Jim Holt introduced the following:
“Sen. Holt has introduced a bill modeled after Arizona's Proposition 200 to make sure that immigrants without proper documentation don't vote in elections.”
“But the bill goes further, much further, than assuring clean elections. It would require proof of citizenship for state services: education, medical care, any and all.”
And as governor of Arkansas, Huckabee insisted that this would be racism.
Huckabee has stated that illegal aliens should receive amnesty to make up for the wrongdoings of past slavery in America's history. Illegal aliens come to this country illegally (it doesn't that they've been receiving all sorts of free services at the expense of taxpayers) so he should stop trying to compare it to slavery.
Huckabee is so desperate to pander to LaRaza and LUPAC that he calls Americans who are opposed to amnesty, racists and bigots. Doesn't this remind you of the rhetoric of John McCain's friend, senator Lindsey Graham from South Carolina?
I think Huckabee also raised taxes in Arkansas. I don't see how he's any better than McCain on issues. I think Huckabee is a "big government" Republican. If you don't like McCain as a politician (I don't think you do and I don't either), then I don't think you'd like Huckabee.
I don't think Huckabee had a good record as governor of Arkansas. If he were to become president, at best, Huckabee seems like he'd hardly be any better than Bush.
Several weeks ago, there was a debate in Maryland to an audience of mostly blacks. Duncan Hunter, Tom Tancredo and Alan Keyes (I don't think he is seriously running; he wasn't at the most recent debate) explained how what's good for Americans is all good for blacks. They weren't trying to offer all sorts of special treatment toward blacks. On the other hand, Huckabee was clearly pandering to blacks.
Like Senator Sam Brownback (who I want to drop out already), Huckabee thinks conservatives will vote for him because he's pro-life and for traditional marriage. So they each think they appeal to conservatives, based on those issues. But based on most other issues, I don't think I like either one of them.
[On one hotly debated issue, Huckabee endorsed Bush's surge of troops into Iraq, urging more time for that to work and criticizing Democratic proposals to get troops out as an invitation to chaos.
But beyond that, he differed with Bush across the map, using language more often heard from Democrats. He accused the administration of shunning allies and turning world sentiment against the United States.
''They've done a poor job of communicating and consulting countries much as they have, frankly, the American people,'' Huckabee told about 150 people at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, a center-right think tank in Washington. ``Our prestige in the world has been marred.''
On Iran, he said Bush blew a chance to improve relations right after the 2001 terrorist attacks and that the United States should be talking to Iran today.
''When we first invaded Afghanistan, Iran helped, especially in dealings with their ally, the Northern Alliance,'' he said. ``They wanted to join us in fighting al Qaeda. ... The CIA and State Department supported a partnership. Some in the White House and beyond did not. And when President Bush included Iran in the axis of evil, everything went downhill pretty fast.''
Even with today's sour relations, he said the United States should talk to Iran and use the promise of better relations and increased trade as well as the threat of economic isolation to persuade the country to abandon its nuclear program.
''The administration has quite properly said it will not take the military option off the table. But if we don't put some other options on the table, eventually the military option becomes the only viable one. Right now we're proceeding down only one track,'' he said. ]
I'm not sure which allies Huckabee wants to impress. For example, Bush's administration has been too nice to Russia's government. Russia has helping Iran build nuclear facilities and nuclear weapons. Russia is also part of the UN Security Council so I'm not sure why the government is depending on the UN to do anything because Russia will probably continue to veto further sanctions on Iran. In contrast to Russia, France, under Sarkozy's leadership, gives the impression that they know Iran poses a very major threat. Despite France's disagreements in the past with the US in the past, I think Sarkozy understands that France needs to side with its Western allies.
I'm not sure why Huckabee thinks that Iran wanted to help the US in Afghanistan. Does he not know that this is the same Iran regime that held US troops hostage while while Jimmy Carter was president? I'm not sure why Huckabee thinks diplomacy is possible with a regime that should either be categorized as terrorists or at least a regime that has already been declared to harbor terrorists (the Revolutionary Guards).
Regarding Iran, Hillary is flip-flopping back-and-forth depending on the audience. She called Barack Obama irresponsible for saying the same thing that she said last year--about wanting to diplomatic relations with Iran without any preconditions. Now she's apparently going back to the tone of having diplomatic relations with Iran. But she did vote for the non-binding revolution of labeling Iran a revolutionary guard (Barack Obama was too cowardly too vote on that but says he would have voted against that--which shows his ignorance) so she apparently wants diplomacy with a regime that harbors terrorists. She just keeps changing her position and shouldn't be trusted.
I previousl y
About Fred Thompson...on another forum that I sometimes browse, someone posted an e-mail that his campaign sent out about the top campaign advisers.
As suspected, Howard Baker is the national chairman of Fred Thompson's campaign. The same former senator, who forced Thompson into running for a senate seat in the 90's.
And two of the three co-chairs are Spencer Abraham and Elizabeth Cheney.
I think Elizabeth Cheney and her husband will be moving back to Wyoming after the 08 election. I doubt Thompson would pick George Allen as his VP nomination--maybe he'd offer him some type of cabinet position.
I've heard some negative things about Spencer Abraham. Apparently, he's affiliated with CAIR, has sent billions of taxpayers money to terrorists and has supported the actions of Yasser Arafat. I'll ask JSullivan to send you an article that you could read about Spencer.
If conservatives weren't so stubborn and voted for the candidate who actually appeals to them--rather than being paranoid if the candidate has name recognition before the general election (there will probably be about 9 months between the end of the primaries and the election date so the media will have to report on both candidates enough so that if a GOP candidate has little name recognition, the candidate should get the necessary name recognition by the time of the general election),-- someone like Duncan Hunter would be the GOP nominee.
If you saw any of the recent debate related to the economy, which took place in Michagan, I was most impressed most with Duncan Hunter and Tom Tancredo. When asked about whether the candidates would allow Dubai to purchase part of the Nasdaq, Duncan Hunter gave a firm no, explained how Dubai has done things that have been against US national security and also how selling it would be bad for the economy and Tom Tancredo agreed with him. The rest of the candidates were unsure and would need to "verify" if it were a national security risk.
Hunter is also did a good job in explaining how he thinks it's important to diminish outsourcing and bring back manufacturing to the US, including Michigan. I believe he has a plan for doing so. I think Hunter would appeal to the "Reagan Democrats" and that Hunter is the real candidate who could potentially defeat Hillary in a general election. But conservatives aren't listening to their instincts and their allowing external media forces to influence them so too many of them think they have to decide between one of the "front-runners".