General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: OZ77 on October 02, 2007, 05:02:10 PM
The wonderful fans of the "Beitar" Soccer team sent a clear message to the arab team's fans,
it was a beautiful heart warming moment captured on national TV, here are the pictures:
look at the stupid Bolshevik cops standing there, it's beautiful ;D
this is how the streets in Israel will look like with a kahanist government in charge
This is Beitar Yerushalayim, right? I guess the Kach flag fits right in with their team colors.
Brilliant pics !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is Beitar Yerushalayim, right? I guess the Kach flag fits right in with their team colors.
absolutely :)
you have to realize though,
these images you see in the photos, are not taken for granted in Israel,
people were thrown to jail for a lot less, this exhibition of a kahanist flag that big
in a public place on live TV surrounded by police force is truly remarkable
That is so cool.
This is Beitar Yerushalayim, right? I guess the Kach flag fits right in with their team colors.
absolutely :)
you have to realize though,
these images you see in the photos, are not taken for granted in Israel,
people were thrown to jail for a lot less, this exhibition of a kahanist flag that big
in a public place on live TV surrounded by police force is truly remarkable
Oh no, I wasn't trying to belittle the act, I was just saying that it's cool how BY's team colors are the colors of the Kach flag. They're my favorite team now. :)
The Betar fans are almost all Sephardim, that would be a great place for Kahanists to campaign, maybe Chaim should become a Betar Yerushalayim fan ;) He'd get lots of recruits
They're my favorite team now. :)
Yeah... my thoughts exactly :D
I never liked soccer but maybe its time to start
I never liked soccer but maybe its time to start
In Israel soccer is the inequivalent to football or baseball in the US,
it's the main sport here and not so much a niche sport like it is in America
Look at all the people surrounding the banner, they're in full favour and support! Do all these people support Chaim?
great pictures!!! :)
Look at all the people surrounding the banner, they're in full favour and support! Do all these people support Chaim?
Chaim is not very well known in Israel,
So I'm guessing they would support him but most of them
probably don't know about him just yet.
Look at all the people surrounding the banner, they're in full favour and support! Do all these people support Chaim?
Chaim is still not very well known in Israel,
So I'm guessing they would support him but most of them
probably don't know about him just yet.
They need to get on youtube! :)
Most of them love Rabbi Kahane zt'l but arent familiar with Chaim(yet)
What beautiful pictures OZ77. Thanks for sharing them.
Can start making similar banner and logos to distinguish JTF as Real Kahane Group... Our site and forum have become big enough now to make that happen soon, right?
I think each of us should know how to draw the fist that way anytime we want we can show our belief
Thank You for sharing them with us. They are great pictures.
Chaim is not very well known in Israel,
So I'm guessing they would support him but most of them
probably don't know about him just yet.
It wasn't all over the news when Chaim was previously kicked out of Israel?
Great photos Oz.
Chaim is not very well known in Israel,
So I'm guessing they would support him but most of them
probably don't know about him just yet.
It wasn't all over the news when Chaim was previously kicked out of Israel?
he isnt that big of a "celebrity" in Israel.
What a smart idea?!?!?
To spread a flag at an event that is going to be broadcasted on TV with a large audience is better than Youtube!!
The Betar fans are almost all Sephardim, that would be a great place for Kahanists to campaign, maybe Chaim should become a Betar Yerushalayim fan ;) He'd get lots of recruits
You mean Ashkenazim are hopeless in this respect?
The Betar fans are almost all Sephardim, that would be a great place for Kahanists to campaign, maybe Chaim should become a Betar Yerushalayim fan ;) He'd get lots of recruits
You mean Ashkenazim are hopeless in this respect?
Sepaharadim are more religius and/or nationalist; becouse they lived among the A-rabs; they contributed to their hellhole countries but were kicked out with only shirts on their backs; so they know that so called "roadmap to peace" is roadmap to disaster; they know what hudna means; they're 80% of Likud voters etc... although he' himself half Ashkenazi; many Israeli Askenazim back the current establishment and/or are as liberal as awerage American Jew. So Chaim must concentrate on Shas, Likud voters and "Russian" comunity which is not very observant but very nationalist.
you're both right and wrong.
it IS true that in the past,that was the case in general.
however in our days, being a safardi or an ashkenazi
is not really an indication to your social financial or political state.
we have plenty of ashkenazi right wing voters,
and plenty of safardi left-wing traitors.
If you move to Israel, even for a few months,
you'd see this for yourself in the day to day routine life.
I think there are more Secular Sfardic traitors than Secular Ashkenazic Right Wingers. That is because many Sfaradim were brainwashed by the Ashkenazic Bolshevik elite.
It's an evil cursed generation all together... what a shameful time to be a jew
how I wish I was a jew in the great days of King Solomon or David... :embarassed:
As we seen in this pictures they're still great Jews in Israel; we shoud do what we must to further the couse; The G-d gathered the jews from the four corners becouse there's still hope for the redemption; and convenant with Abraham is still valid; There were Goldens calfs in the pat too; but when the winds of wars will shater them they Human race will repent and Worship Hashem. Don't worry as Chaim said A-rab Muslim stupidity is the gift of G-d for Jewish People.
As we seen in this pictures they're still great Jews in Israel; we shoud do what we must to further the couse; The G-d gathered the jews from the four corners becouse there's still hope for the redemption; and convenant with Abraham is still valid; There were Goldens calfs in the pat too; but when the winds of wars will shater them they Human race will repent and Worship Hashem. Don't worry as Chaim said A-rab Muslim stupidity is the gift of G-d for Jewish People.
Well put Ultra Requete.
I Agree, that was just one of those tiny moments of despair, As it is so hard
to see your own people voluntarily destroying themselves day in and day out..
in france that flag was on the champs elysees and in the hands of 2000 loyal kahanist jews of the french JDL until the movement was outlawed
this is so uplifting,i just love those pictures