Save Western Civilization => Save Europe => Topic started by: AdrianaStuijt on October 16, 2007, 08:00:17 AM

Title: Schizoid Muslim-Moroccan shot dead while attacking Dutch policestation
Post by: AdrianaStuijt on October 16, 2007, 08:00:17 AM
Schizoid Muslim man shot dead in attack against Dutch police station - was member of terrorist group'

October 16 2007 - AMSTERDAM. A known Moroccan-born member of an imfamous Dutch terror-group walked into a police station in a Dutch muslim-neighbourhood this past Sunday, pulled a knife and stabbed two female police officers on duty in the charge office.
In the process this man, who under Dutch law is only allowed to be named by his first name "Bilal", then was gunned down with a msot excellent single shot by one of the two (black female) police officers who had just been stabbed.

Now the Dutch government has decided that this could not possibly have been a terrorist attack' even though Bilal had been a very active member of the infamous "Hofstad" terror group in The Hague.
His attack was moreover against the police station inside in a muslim-dominated neighbourhood where practically nobody is fluent in Dutch.

Still the authorities do not view this as a 'terrorist act' because the dead guy together with his brother Mohammed had apparently been a total nutcase whose own parents had been terrified of him.

Bilal and Mohammed however also were close buddies terrorist Mohammed Bouyeri, the convicted murderer of Dutch cineast Theo van Gogh -- and Bouyeri had actually visited Bilal in a Dutch prison when he was being investigated for involvement in a thwarted attack on an El-Al Boeing at Schiphol airport last year.

The only reason 22-year-old Bilal apparently was never tried was that he was as mad as a hatter:  Bilal had been 'treated for suicidal tendencies' by a local mental-health clinic and on Sunday had 'left the control of his guard', somehow managed to arm himself with a knife and walked into the police station.

The Dutch police insist however that this is 'merely a case of a mental patient attacking the police station' and could not be viewed as a 'terrorist act'.

The muslim-dominated neighbourhood's political spokesman Ahmed Marcouch said 'the family should have done everything in their power to have Bilal admitted to a mental hospital.The family themselves referred to him as a 'time-bomb', said Marcouch.

His body has now been released for burial by his family in Marocco, Dutch police said.

Newspapers claim that Bilal and his brother Mohammed were the 'black sheep of a 'successful Maroccan family of immigrants in The Netherlands.'One brother is a doctor, another is a judge.

Meanwhile that brave police officer who shot him dead with a single shot is recovering with her colleague at a local hospital, where they are being showered with flowers and visits from attention-seeking politicians.


Title: Re: Schizoid Muslim-Moroccan shot dead while attacking Dutch policestation
Post by: newman on October 16, 2007, 08:03:19 AM
Stupid, cowardly, self-hating dutch politicians and academics have created the environment for this to happen.
Title: Re: Schizoid Muslim-Moroccan shot dead while attacking Dutch policestation
Post by: mord on October 16, 2007, 08:35:06 AM
The Dutch gave up Religion they became a Moslems playground
Title: Re: Schizoid Muslim-Moroccan shot dead while attacking Dutch policestation
Post by: Mstislav on October 21, 2007, 08:30:40 PM
Still the authorities do not view this as a 'terrorist act' because the dead guy together with his brother Mohammed had apparently been a total nutcase whose own parents had been terrified of him.

ROFLMAO!!  :::D :::D

WOW!! muzzies actually scared of something other than coming into contact with pigs. Still, a muzzie is dead, this calls for a celebration!!