General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Binyamin Yisrael on November 07, 2024, 11:40:00 PM

Title: Is Trump the lesser of the evils out of all Presidents since 1948?
Post by: Binyamin Yisrael on November 07, 2024, 11:40:00 PM
Trump is the only President that was good for Israel with the possible exception of Reagan. He still is not perfect. Is the official JTF position that the others are all worse than Trump?

Title: Re: Is Trump the lesser of the evils out of all Presidents since 1948?
Post by: Nachus on November 08, 2024, 12:55:11 AM
  :usa+israel:                                                                                                                       :fist:

   Probably on some levels but not so sure
   regarding Israel which is apparently a
   controversial situation. Some of the
   ‘Founding Fathers’ like Washington,
   Adams, Monroe, Madison for example
   were mostly good with America, the Jewish
   people and Jewish issues and finally Ronald Reagan,
   for multiple reasons, who despite his administration
   initially being less than enamored with the Holy
   state of Israel ultimately, pretty much left the
   Holy land alone, not pressuring them or interfering
   with their political affairs.
Title: Re: Is Trump the lesser of the evils out of all Presidents since 1948?
Post by: Nachus on November 08, 2024, 01:05:39 AM
 :usa+israel:                                                                                                                          :fist:

  Oh, alright, since I mentioned some
  pre 1948 Presidents, then I will have to
  reiterate the mentioning of Ronald Reagan
  who to my knowledge would have to rank
  as one of the “lesser of the evils” at least
  on most fronts.

Title: Re: Is Trump the lesser of the evils out of all Presidents since 1948?
Post by: ChabadKahanist on November 08, 2024, 05:55:10 AM
Trump is the only President that was good for Israel with the possible exception of Reagan. He still is not perfect. Is the official JTF position that the others are all worse than Trump?
Nixon came through in a pinch  for us despite the fact that his Secretary of State self hating intermarried JINO Heinrich Kissinger,YM"S was against it!!
Title: Re: Is Trump the lesser of the evils out of all Presidents since 1948?
Post by: Dr. Dan on November 08, 2024, 02:02:03 PM
He has been the best for Israel since Israel became a state. 
Title: Re: Is Trump the lesser of the evils out of all Presidents since 1948?
Post by: Binyamin Yisrael on November 09, 2024, 08:49:52 PM
Nixon came through in a pinch  for us despite the fact that his Secretary of State self hating intermarried JINO Heinrich Kissinger,YM"S was against it!!

Israel could have liberated up to the Nile and Euphrates if it hadn't been for pressuring Israel in 1973. Israel gave away all the gains after the war and part of Sinai (even before the peanut farmer and the Camp David Accords) and also part of the Golan that became a UN buffer zone. At least on the Syrian front, it brought peace to the border with Syria while retaining the ability to intervene in Syria (especially in the current war). Israel lost the right to intervene in Egypt after Camp David.

Title: Re: Is Trump the lesser of the evils out of all Presidents since 1948?
Post by: Nachus on November 10, 2024, 01:54:10 PM
                                                                                                                                       :usa+israel:                                                                                                                          :fist:

 I concur with ChabadKahanist that bottom line, ‘mixed
 bag’ Nixon (Vietnam war/Watergate) did send equipment,
 etc. to Israel for multiple reasons one of which ‘might’
 have been sympathy from his “Quaker” ancestry as they
 were also oppressed and slaughtered by the Nazis yimach shemam.
 Other “mixed bag,” Reagan, on the other hand, was, among other
 things,preoccupied with the threat of communism spreading, etc.
 I do not believe though that the United States or any other nation
 help the Jewish State for the most part, and are compelled by anything
 else other than strategic motivations and or self interest and in certain
 cases, for  ‘religious and moral’ reasons that are dictated by their

Title: Re: Is Trump the lesser of the evils out of all Presidents since 1948?
Post by: Betar on November 11, 2024, 02:01:57 AM
He has been the best for Israel since Israel became a state.

I agree. Trump is really the best solution for now.