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General Discussion / Re: U.S. Marine found not guilty in a racist trail.
« Last post by Nachus on December 11, 2024, 12:00:05 AM »
                                                                                                                                         :usa+israel:                                                                                                                          :fist:

 There are probably those that feel
 that Penny, with circumstances
 somewhat similar to Bernie Goetz deserve
 a medal or award in the all too frequently
 Orwellian world this is.
 :usa+israel:                                                                                                                         :fist:

  Among other things, Rav Tovia offers an
  interesting take on Leviticus chapter 5.
  Well done, good commentary.
In order to protest violence, Edomites wrap their idol in terrorist swaddling cloths while passing judgment on Israel as going "beyond morality."

Bethlehem artists' Christmas display in St. Peter's Square features Palestinian symbolism amid Pope Francis' calls for peace in the Holy Land.

A nativity scene featuring baby Jesus wrapped in a keffiyeh was unveiled at Pope Francis’ Nativity Scene and Christmas Tree inauguration on Saturday in St. Peter’s Square.

The piece, titled “Nativity of Bethlehem 2024,” was designed by two artists from Bethlehem, Johny Andonia and Faten Nastas Mitwasi.

The main structure is nearly 10 feet tall and has shelves showing various nativity scenes.

At the unveiling, Pope Francis stated that the scene served as a reminder of those who “suffer the tragedy of war in the Holy Land and other parts of the world.”

“Enough with wars, enough of violence!” he said before once again condemning the arms industry “that thrives on war and death.”

The Pope's criticism of Israel
Earlier in November, Pope Francis suggested the global community should study whether Israel was committing a genocide in Gaza.

He has also criticized Israel's airstrikes in Lebanon as going "beyond morality."
General Discussion / Re: U.S. Marine found not guilty in a racist trail.
« Last post by angryChineseKahanist on December 09, 2024, 08:21:42 PM »
Mister Penny is a great hero.
Liked, commented, shared, tweeted.

If the USA implemented these policies, the Arab world would be bankrupt and they would have to raise money the same way Africans do -- by sending scam emails.
General Discussion / U.S. Marine found not guilty in a racist trail.
« Last post by Joe Gutfeld on December 09, 2024, 05:35:21 PM »
In a New York City court, Daniel Penny was found "Not Guilty" by a jury in his manslaughter case.  All the blacks in NYC as well and the "victim's" family is calling the jury "racist" for their verict.  The funny thing is that there were blacks and Latinos on the jury. 
:usa+israel:                                                                                                                         :fist:

I agree even though since he’s in government he changed

  Wilders, “atheist” or not, is one of,
  if not the most principled ‘leaders’
  in all of Europe and has had up to now,
  an unbelievable amount of courage and
General Discussion / Re: Biden Pardens son
« Last post by Betar on December 09, 2024, 03:55:54 AM »
So he finally did the old liar 😂
Torah and Jewish Idea / Re: Dig Deep Till You Hit Water
« Last post by Nachus on December 08, 2024, 11:01:01 PM »
  :usa+israel:                                                                                                                        :fist:

   And furthermore, to his additional
   credit, nothing with Rav Schochet is
   ever “watered down!”
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