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 :usa+israel:                                                                                                                          :fist:

  Absolutely concur with you about that
  and it remains to be seen what Trump
  and or Bibi or whoever else runs Israel
  do about this long overdue disarmament
  among other things!
  :usa+israel:                                                                                                                       :fist:

   From various references to Biblical Isaiah
   verses to ‘logical’ “Biblically sound” and
   rational explanations to these “provocative
   questions,” Rav Tovia does yet another
   impressive and interesting commentary.

General Discussion / Re: Can someone explain, how any Jew voted for Kamala Harris
« Last post by Joe Gutfeld on November 28, 2024, 05:34:17 PM »
That's because these liberal Jews are the dumbest Jews on the planet.
General Discussion / Re: Can someone explain, how any Jew voted for Kamala Harris
« Last post by Judah Katz on November 28, 2024, 01:37:36 PM »
My opinion is Jews are emotionalized people from being very disrespected and that is particularly hard for men to deal with and it's mentally weakened our men. Israel is an extreme example of what a country looks like when governed by emotionalized men. Western Europe has become just as extreme. The mental effect of liberalism and feminism eventually turns men into pussies.   
 :usa+israel:                                                                                                                          :fist:

  The brief segment content will “resonate”
  with some and not others. Worth viewing.
 :usa+israel:                                                                                                                         :fist:

  Most, including and especially
  ‘missionaries,’ by all “logic and
  common sense,” should be
  ‘enlightened’ by this well done
  and ‘factual’ presentation regarding
  what is considered by many ‘individuals,’
  as being a topic of at least some

Promoted on Telegram and Reddit.

A successful Russian conquest of Ukraine would be a colossal failure of American foreign policy. When America followed the kind of isolationism you propose, she was dragged into two world wars. 

Please promote this important video everywhere possible.



2 simple reasons

1. Blind unthinking loyalty to the Dem party.
2. Blind unthinking hatred of Trump.
The self hating JINOs that vote Democrat are liberal leftist commie pinko progressive PC SJWs  first & foremost & Jews as an afterthought such JINOs practice little or nothing of Judaism  & are so brainwashed to vote  Democrat that they would vote for a Hitler as long as he had a big letter D after his name!!  Any Jew that has the tiniest bit of self respect  votes Republican & for candidates that are good for Jewish interests & causes!!! To paraphrase Malcolm X (who I am loath to do so but it fits these JINOs)  Anybody who votes Democrat is a chump & a traitor to his/her people!!
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