........ and those are the lying Anti-Serbian propagandists and war criminals that have murdered the Serbs:
http://www.akademediasrbija.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=139:izbrisati-srpski-virus&catid=38:cat-komentari-vesti&Itemid=54SRBIJA JE VEČNA DOK SU JOJ DECA VERNA !
Izbrisati Srpski virus
Mi, Srbi,poznati smo po tome što olako opraštamo,a još brže zaboravljamo. I to je naša najveća tragedija. Dovoljan je samo jedan mali osvrt na sve ono što su drugi godinama govorili o nama kako bi smo shvatili sve ono što smo davno zaboravili. I oprostili.
„Srbe treba spokojno bombardovati, jer će sve brzo zaboraviti” – govorio je Džejms Šej, portparol NATO-a, marta 1999. ne sluteći koliko je bio u pravu što se naše zaboravnosti tiče.
„Trebalo bi da bombardujete Srbe” rekao je Papa Jovan Pavle Drugi. Ove njegove reči bile su upućene predsedniku Klintonu tokom javnog pojavljivanja u Denveru.
„Srbi su narod bez zakona i bez vere. To je narod razbojnika i terorista” bila je izjava Žaka Širaka, tadašnjeg predsednika Francuske, za ručkom, juna 1995. povodom sastanka Šefova vlada država članica EU. Iste one u koju danas tako vrtoglavo jurimo!
„Molim se da se vatra nebeska obruši na Srbe” rekao je Otac Pjer, poznati francuski sveštenik – humanitarac, po povratku iz Sarajeva i posete Markalama 2, na svojoj konferenciji za štampu.
„Što se Srba tiče… To je danas jedan bolestan narod” – General Žak Kot, bivši komandant UNPROFOR-a u Bosni i Hercegovini, Vojni mesečnik Difens nacional, jun 1997. u Pariz.
„Srbi nisu naročito pametni… „Srpska deca se više neće smejati” bila je to zlokobna pretnja Lorensa Inglbergera bivšeg državnog sekretara SAD-a.
„Srbi trguju ljudskim organima svojih žrtava kako bi obezbedili novac za svoj rat… Trebalo bi da đavolski bombardujemo Beograd!” izjava Pola Džeksona, urednika lista „Kalgari san” za Fani star,13.oktobara 1992.
„Mi bismo trebali da Srbiju osudimo na karantin, sve dok se virus koji ona nosi ne izbriše” – David Gompert, stariji direktor za Evropu u Savetu za nacionalnu bezbednost u vreme Bušove administracije, Časopis „Forin afers”, jul-avgust 1994.godine.
„Srbe treba baciti na kolena” bila je izjava Klausa Kinkela, nemačkog ministra inostranih poslova, data 27. maja 1992.godine.
„Srbi su zločinački dupeglavci” reče Ričard Holbruk 6.novembra 1995.godine u „Njujorker”-u, kao tadašnji Klintonov emisar u Jugoslaviji. Isti onaj Ričard Holbruk koji danas vedri i oblači nad Srbima.
„Zaustavite Srbe. Odmah. Zauvek” – Margaret Tačer, bivša premijerka Velike Britanije, u „The New York Times” 4. maj 1994.
”Hrvatska ne želi da u njoj žive ljudi koji pripadaju drugom narodu„. – Bosiljka Mišetić, potpredsednica hrvatske vlade, na press-konferenciji 1995.
Nema mira dok Srbija ne bude vojno poražena„ – Srđa Popović, advokat i potpisnik zahteva svetskih intelektualaca za bombardovanje Beograda, u izjavi za zagrebački ”Globus„ oktobra 1994.
”Suštinski uzrok sukoba je ideologija etničkog čišćenja koju je obnovio gospodin Ćosić, predsednik Srbije, koji je već 1990. objavio Memorandum„ bila je izjava na francuskoj televiziji Žaka Delora, bivšeg predsednika EU, u maju 1994.
”Uostalom, bosanski Srbi su za nas uvek bili i ostali samo banda razbojnika i ubica„ – Johan Fric, direktor bečkog dnevnika Di Prese i direktor Međunarodnog Instituta za Štampu. Gle čuda! Upravo ovaj Johan Fric imao je, u to vreme, veliku moć nad štampom…i velikog udela u satanizovanju Srba!
”Srbija, nesumnjivi agresor, trebalo bi da bude prisiljena UN rezolucijom da snosi čitav teret reparacija„ reče Josif Brodski, ruski jevrejski pesnik-disident i Nobelovac, u dnevniku Internešenel Herald Tribun, 5. avgusta 1993.
”Srbi su dvodimenzionalan narod sa težnjom ka prostakluku… Životinje koriste svoje resurse znatno sređnije nego ovi naopaki stvorovi, čija pripadnost ljudskoj rasi je u velikom zakašnjenju„ – Ser Piter Justinov, glumac i ambasador UNESCO-a, ”The European„ 10. jun 1993.
”Predlažem da se srpskoj deci zabrani u školama učenje srpske nacionalne poezije„ – prof. dr Rolf-Diter Kluge, direktor slavističkog seminara Univerziteta Tibingen, na okruglom stolu Univerziteta u Tibingenu, 1997.
”Srbi su nemilosrdni ljudi, spremni zaklati nožem, što mogu zahvaliti svom slovenskom poreklu„ izjava je Fransoa Kremio-a, pripadnika francuskih snaga SFOR-a,u maju 1995.
”Na nesreću, nisam pobio sve Srbe„ – Tomislav Merčep u govoru na kongresu Hrvatske pučanske stranke, Feral Tribune,1995.godine.
”Neka se Srbi podave u sopstvenom smradu„ izjava (verovatno njemu najdraža) Helmuta Kola, nemačkog kancelara, početkom 1998.godine.
„Vodićemo protiv Srba rat – diplomatski, ekonomski, politički, propagandni i psihološki” – Džejms Bejker, državni sekretar SAD-a na američkoj TV, jun 1992.
„Ovo je borba između dobra i zla, a NATO neće dozvoliti da zlo nadvlada” – Vilijam Koen, američki državni sekretar za odbranu, proleće 1999.
„Rat protiv Srba nije viče samo vojni sukob. To je bitka između dobra i zla, između civilizacije i varvarstva” – Toni Bler, britanski premijer tokom NATO agresije na Srbiju 1999.godine.
„Srbi sprovode teror i siluju albansku decu” – Bil Klinton, američki predsednik, govor na proslavi 50-godišnjice NATO pakta u Vašingtonu, 23-25.april 1999.
”Prošle nedelje imali smo devetoro ubijenih Srba, ove nedelje – osmoro. To je jasan napredak„ – Bernar Kušner, Šef civilne misije UN na Kosovu i Metohiji u izjavi za TV ”France 2„ krajem marta 2000. Isti onaj koji se izdaje za velikog ”mirotvorca„ !
Nobelovac Ginter Gras, napominjući 26.marta ,dva dana posle početka bombardovanja Jugoslavije da nije pacifista, na otvaranju Sajma knjiga u Lajpcigu rekao je :" Krajnje je bilo vreme da se Jugoslavija napadne, nadam se da nije prekasno " !
Sve su ove izjave, danas zaboravljene !
Here is the rough English translation:SERBIA IS ETERNAL while her Children are LOYAL!Delete the Serbian Virus
We Serbs are known for people that easily forgive and forget even faster. And it is our greatest tragedy. It takes only a little reflection on what others are saying about us for years that we realized what we had long forgotten. And what we forgave too:
"Serbs should be peacefully bombed, because it will all be forgotten in their minds" - said James Shea, NATO spokesman in March 1999. not knowing what was right as far as our forgetfulness.
"We should bomb the Serbs," said Pope John Paul II. These words were addressed to President Clinton during a public appearance in Denver.
"The Serbs are a nation without laws and without faith. It is a nation of bandits and terrorists "was the statement by Jacques Chirac, then president of France, at lunch, June 1995. on the occasion of the meeting of heads of government of EU member states. The same one we're after today so giddy!
"I pray that the fire of heaven crashing down on Serbs," said Father Pierre, the famous French priest - humanitarian, after returning from Sarajevo and visit Markale 2, at his press conference.
"As far as the Serbs today ... It's a sick nation" - General Jacques Cotes, former UNPROFOR commander in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Military Difens national monthly magazine, Jun 1997. in Paris.
"The Serbs are not very smart ..." Serbian children will not laugh any longer, "was the ominous Lawrence Inglbergera former Secretary of the United States.
"The Serbs traded human organs of their victims in order to provide money for his war ... We should bomb the hell of Belgrade!" statement of Paul Jackson, editor of "Calgary Dream" for Fannie star, 13 October 1992nd
"We should condemn Serbia in quarantine until the virus she carries is deleted" - David Gompert, senior director for Europe at the National Security Council during the Bush administration, the magazine "Foreign afers", July-August 1994 .
"Serbs should be to its knees," was the statement by Klaus Kinkel, the German foreign minister, made 27th May 1992.
"The Serbs are criminal [censored]" said Richard Holbrooke, November 6, 1995 in the "New Yorker", the emissary as former Clinton in Yugoslavia. The same day that Richard Holbrooke Clouds against Serbs.
"Stop the Serbs. Immediately. Forever "- Margaret Thatcher, former Prime Minister of Great Britain," The New York Times "4 May 1994.
"Croatia does not want to live in it people who belong to other people." - Bosiljka Misetic, vice president of the Croatian government, at a press conference 1995th
No peace until Serbia is defeated militarily "- Srdja Popovic, a lawyer and signer of the world requires intellectuals for the bombing of Belgrade, Zagreb told the" Globe "October 1994.
"The fundamental cause of the conflict is the ideology of ethnic cleansing was renewed by Mr. Cosic, Serbian president, who Već 1990. issued Memorandum "was a statement on French television, Jacques Delors, former president of the EU, in May 1994.
"After all, the Bosnian Serbs for us always and only other gang robbers and murderers" - Johann Fritz, director of the Vienna daily Di Presses and director of the International Press Institute. Lo and behold! It is this Johan Fritz had, at that time, the great power of the press ... and the large proportion of Serbs in satanizovanju!
"Serbia is undoubtedly the aggressor, should be forced to bear the UN resolution, the entire burden of reparations," said Joseph Brodsky, Russian-Jewish poet, dissident and Nobel laureate in daily International Herald Tribune, 5 August 1993.
"The Serbs are the two-dimensional people with a tendency towards vulgarity ... Animals use their resources much more than sređnije these perverse creatures, whose membership in the human race is already very late," - Sir Peter Ustinov, actor and ambassador to UNESCO, "The European" 10 June 1993.
"I propose to ban Serbian children in schools teaching the Serbian national poetry" - prof. Dr. Rolf-Dieter Kluge, director of the University of Tübingen Slavic seminars, round table in the University of Tubingen, 1997.
"The Serbs are ruthless people, willing to stab with a knife, they can thank their Slavic origin," the statement Kremio Francois, a French member of SFOR, in May 1995.
"Unfortunately, I did not kill all Serbs" - Tomislav Mercep in a speech at the Congress party plebeians Croatia, Feral Tribune, 1995.
"Some Serbs were drowned in their own stench" statements (probably his favorite) Helmut Kohl, the German chancellor, at the beginning of 1998.
"Guides war against Serbs - diplomatic, economic, political, psychological and propaganda" - James Baker, U.S. Secretary of State on American TV, June 1992.
"This is a fight between good and evil, and NATO will not allow evil to prevail" - William Cohen, U.S. Secretary of Defense, spring 1999.
"The war against the Serbs did not cry just a military conflict. It's a battle between good and evil, between civilization and barbarism "- Tony Blair, the British prime minister during the NATO aggression against Serbia in 1999.
"Serbs carried terror and rape Albanian children" - Bill Clinton, U.S. President, speaking at the celebration of the 50th anniversary of NATO in Washington, the 23-25.april 1999th
"Last week we had nine killed Serbs, this week - eight. It is clear progress "- Bernard Kouchner, head of the UN mission in Kosovo, told TV" France 2 "at the end of March 2000. The same one that is issued for the great "peacemaker"!
Nobel laureate Guenter Grass, noting March 26, two days after the bombing of Yugoslavia is not a pacifist, at the opening of the Leipzig Book Fair, said: "It was the time to attack Yugoslavia, I hope it's not too late!"