I have been learning the Noahide laws with Rabbi Schulman since 2010.
The only people who impress upon me from Tenak Talk are Tovia Singer and Rabbi Michael Skobac. Rabbi Skobac I truly respect, he really is thorough in his analysis and scholarship. He also makes use of popular culture in his analogies which is a rare quality amongst Rabbis. Tovia Singer I have
some respect for because of his scholastic achievements but he has some serious moral issues that he needs to correct (praising Moslems, waxing nostalgic about his time in Indonesia). He's one person I wouldn't call out in public as I am apt to do, because of said achievement. "Rabbi" Shulman has impressive side curls... So what? "Rabbi" Chaim Coffman I don't respect at all. I once pointed out a simple error he made in the chat during his show, it was ignored and the error was reiterated.
And if you think I'm shy to call out people in public then you should have seen me at the local busy intersection last Friday. I shut down an ensemble of Korean Christian missionaries. The trick is that you have to be crazy and act crazy, because they are crazy. And crazy only responds to crazy.