jeˌstikyəˈlāSH(ə)n/ a gesture, especially a dramatic one, used instead of speaking or to emphasize one's words.
Non-mudrat gestures cause mudrat frustration, and are the cause of muslim violence. Among everything else one should do to avoid offending clitoris-choppers, one must not move while speaking, or use gestures to speak. Even if you believe you are in a private place, a mudrat may see you from the window, and as such it is advisable to hide in a hole, and do not speak or move in it, to avoid offending muslim sensibilities. They would prefer if that hole contained a coffin.
Kosovo can turn out to be semi useful. Build a very big wall around it, do not allow people to leave other than on a higway out of the country, and not connected to another road, and do not let any Serbians in. They will mostly kill themselves off that way.