Since I was a child I opposed even using milk, since we don't ask the cow for permission to take it. But what about plants? I was vegetarian until someone told me that I was unfair to plants, b/c I eat them, while I claimed to respect any living being. I was troubled and stormed several weeks, until I decided that since lions hunt to get food, we can also eat meat. However I don't dare to kill an animal, but buy meat at the butcher's.
Perhaps it would be better to eat only fruits so as to not hurt either animals or plants, and even be carefull to save the seeds inside each fruit. But that's imposible. Sometimes I have felt guilty for eating even bread, since it's made from wheat grain, a potential plant.
But hunting just for pleasure is objectionable, not only for the right of the animal, but because it makes us savage, and strengthens our evil inclination to enjoy cruelty