Author Topic: Ron Paul  (Read 16666 times)

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Offline Muck DeFuslims

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Re: Ron Paul
« Reply #75 on: December 03, 2007, 07:10:53 PM »
These Ron Paul morons just don't give up.

Show them a Paul quote in which he clearly infers that Israel and the IDF are committing acts of terrorism in the war with Hezballah and the moronic Paul supporters claim it's being taken out of context.

It's not being taken out of context. He's calling the IDF terrorists.

The Paulian morons defend their man refusing to 'take sides' when it comes to Israel as if this is some sort of positive attribute.

The Paulian morons (Cohen in particular) can't understand that Paul's refusal to 'take sides' with Israel is a clear indication that he's not qualified to lead America and is a morally bankrupt, rudderless piece of crap.

Worse yet, by calling the IDF terrorists because they resist moooozie kidnapping, murder and genocide, Paul is actually 'taking sides'---WITH THE MOOOZIES !!! 

Here's another quote from Paul defender Rubystars earlier in this thread regarding Paul's utter lack of concern about Iran getting nukes:

"I think he would try to decide whether or not there was a valid USA interest involved before he acted one way or another. Maybe Iran needs more inspections to start off with."

Paul would have to decide if Iran getting nukes is a valid USA interest ?

He's still undecided whether Iranian nukes are a valid concern ??

Are you freaking kidding me ?!?!

Oh wait, you're not kidding me.

Chaim is 100% correct when he says "ALL Paul supporters are certifiable morons."

Offline Muck DeFuslims

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Re: Ron Paul
« Reply #76 on: December 03, 2007, 08:25:51 PM »
Here's the problem Ruby.

Ron Paul is living in a dream world.

He says "Israel has 300 nukes, nobody's going to touch them."

The problem is Israel is being 'touched'. Continuously being touched by moooozies who want nothing more than to annihilate Israel and the USA.

Israeli nukes certainly didn't stop Egypt from 'touching' Israel in 1973.

Israeli nukes didn't stop Hezballah from 'touching' Israel last summer.

And to compound things, when Israel 'touched' Hezbollah back, Ron Paul had the audacity to stand before Congress and call the IDF terrorists.

But why am I wasting time talking to someone that doesn't think Iran is on the verge of developing nukes ? The centrifuges that are spinning in Iran and enriching uranium are there for peaceful purposes and more inspections are needed to confirm this.

Besides, it's not really a valid USA interest, and we shouldn't take action or jump into a war until we have definitive proof -- like a mushroom cloud over Tel Aviv or NYC.

Please stop trying to defend Ron Paul. He's a piece of crap and by defending him you're becoming one too.

Offline shimon

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Re: Ron Paul
« Reply #77 on: December 03, 2007, 10:08:39 PM »
Muck, I don't think Iran is on the verge of developing nuclear weapons. That's why I feel that we need more inspections before we jump into a war.
is this a joke or just stupidity if we dont stop irans nuclear program by the next few years they will g-d forbid have nuclear weapons. oh yeah and ron paul says america should not have intervened in world war 2 how do you feel about that. to me today germany is like iran and if we dont stop them theyll try to wipe us out. and oh yeah isolationism wont make everything better, ok ban foregin aid but dont let terroist countries have weapons that can destroy earth

Offline RationalThought110

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Re: Ron Paul
« Reply #78 on: December 04, 2007, 10:49:10 AM »
What is in the past, is in the past. World War 2 ended a long, long time ago.

The American public was sold a pack of lies about Iraq being on the verge of developing nuclear weapons. Are you really willing to sit down and listen to that load of crap again about Iran without inspections finding anything suspicious?

I'm not saying that it's impossible, or that he necessarily doesn't have them coming soon, but my B S meter goes off when I hear about some rogue dictator harboring weapons of mass destruction.

Iran has been a top sponsor of terrorism since the Iranian Revolution.  That should be an indicator to you of what their goal is.

JTF stated that it didn't think Iraq had wmd and warned years before the Iraq War, that Iran was a greater threat. 

Offline White Israelite

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Re: Ron Paul
« Reply #79 on: December 04, 2007, 01:37:33 PM »
Muck, I don't think Iran is on the verge of developing nuclear weapons. That's why I feel that we need more inspections before we jump into a war.
is this a joke or just stupidity if we dont stop irans nuclear program by the next few years they will g-d forbid have nuclear weapons. oh yeah and ron paul says america should not have intervened in world war 2 how do you feel about that. to me today germany is like iran and if we dont stop them theyll try to wipe us out. and oh yeah isolationism wont make everything better, ok ban foregin aid but dont let terroist countries have weapons that can destroy earth

Ron Paul never said anything about World War II, The reason the US went into war is that it was a threat to it's national security when Japan attacked the US and then Germany being an ally of Japan declared war on the US.

Ron Paul stated he is not a isolationist when Mccain put in a low blow saying that was the reason Hitler came to power and the troops saying "let us win". Mccain is not anti-war, he is non-interventionist which is different from isolationist. He still wants trade and if something threatens our national security then we will go to war. What he is for is talking with Iran similar to what happened during the cold war and if it indeed does become a threat to our national security, then we would go to war. Ron Paul is simply stating we cannot go to war everytime a conflict arises and we aren't the police men of the world.

Offline White Israelite

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Re: Ron Paul
« Reply #80 on: December 04, 2007, 02:24:11 PM »
There are Israelis who believe like this guy:

Sunday, October 21, 2007
Questions for The Republican Jewish Coalition
Questions for the Republican Jewish Coalition

Recently, there was a large hoopla in the libertarian areas of the political Internet about the Republican Jewish Coalition. The Coalition – so did the Internet have it – refused to receive Ron Paul at their “Victory 2008 Republican Jewish Coalition Candidates Forum”. According to a variety of sources, Ron Paul was not allowed to get on the forums because he was 'not seen as a top tier contender' and 'opposed aid to Israel'. Given that the Internet is plagued with the kind of folks that'll blame 'the Israeli lobby' for global warming if you let them loose, I was doubtful.

But given that the editors of are very interested in the Ron Paul Revolution, I went out and called the RJC myself to verify. RJC's very kind press secretary (whose surname I was, unfortunately, not able to write down) confirmed to me that this was indeed true: Ron Paul was not invited because he was considered a 'long-shot candidate' and because he 'votes against aid to Israel' and 'criticizes the Israeli lobby'.

I will not discuss the first of these statements – the RJC has invited Huckabee, who polls consistently behind Ron Paul in both straw polls and scientific Gallup and Harris polls, and then refused to replace him with Ron Paul when Huckabee refused to arrive at the Candidates Forum. It is clear to me that the main reason for Ron Paul not being invited is the difference in policy between him and the RJC.

Is Ron Paul an enemy of Israel? He clearly isn't. He supported Israel's action against the Osirak reactor when practically everybody – including the Reagan Administration – condemned Israel. He has steadfastly refused to support congressional condemnation of Israel, or military aid to nations like Saudi Arabia and Egypt.

What seems to be the core of the argument? The military aid to Israel. The 2.25 billion dollars per year of funding that Israel receives. For those not in the know, this aid comes in the form of funds that must be spent on American equipment and services – essentially a subsidy for U.S. companies. As such, it is a subsidy program for both Israel's government and the United States' military-industrial complex.

And yet, is this program necessary for Israel's survival, or even beneficial for its well-being? Certainly not according to the Jerusalem Institute for Advanced Strategic and Political Studies, who state outright: “Foreign aid is the greatest obstacle to economic freedom in Israel.” Certainly not according to Binyamin Netanyahu, who, during his tenure as Prime Minister, hinted quite broadly that Israel would be better off without foreign aid.

Foreign aid does not only destroy Israel's indigenous military industries – even now, production of army shoes, Tavor assault rifles, and other items have been shifted in part or in whole across the Atlantic to qualify for the American funds – but it has a more insidious effect. It acts as a crutch for a military bureacracy that is huge, inept, and corrupt.

Not unlike Third World officials who feel they don't need to modernize their economy because the West will keep pumping in aid and money, Israeli Ministry of Defense officials believe that no matter how bad their own screw-ups are, they are safe – as long as they can fall back on American money and weapons.

As a result, the Israeli MoD is capable of immense amounts of waste – wasting, in fact, more Israeli taxpayer money then it receives in aid from America. When I spoke to Knesset Member Yossi Beilin, he told me that the Knesset members are not even allowed to read most of the military budget before passing it. This allows for truly unprecedented amounts of waste.[2]

There is no place here to speak about army units deploying more vehicles then they have personnel[1], army units purchasing brand new armored personnel carriers and allowing them to rust away on the lawn unused until they are beyond repair. Let us just mention that an IDF officer retiring at the rank of major 33 receives $100,000 in benefits, that the amount of generals in the Israeli army rises 80% every ten years. Israel still practices the draft, which recruits thousands of soldiers the country doesn't need for any sensible military use. Ehud Barak, the Minister of Defense, claims 75% of the nation's non-combat soldiers serve no national defense purpose. The hidden economical costs are estimated to be $15,000 per draftee.

And here's the punchline: the budget for the civilian MoD bureaucracy (not the army) comes up to half the sum of US aid to Israel on its own (4-5 billion NIS). Further, according to the Ministry of Defense, only 20% of the military budget funds actual fighting and combat support units. 80% is the cost of bureacracy and rear-echelon units. That comes out to over ten billion dollars – over FOUR TIMES the size of US aid to Israel.

I would understand support for this sort of 'aid' among the American Democrats – they are known to believe that throwing money at problems solves them. But those are Republicans we're talking about here. And thus I have a few questions for any RJC members who happen to be reading this:

You people are smart enough to realize that welfare to African countries doesn't help them develop. Why do you think welfare to Israel is going to have any different effect? You people are smart enough to oppose subsidies for an abortion clinic in Omaha or a farm in Texas. Why are you willing to throw America's money at a government institution thousands of miles away? Why do you insist throwing money at people who let billions of dollars of their own money go to waste pointlessly? Maybe, just maybe, if Israel was deprived of the American government teat, it would use it's own taxpayer money with more efficiency.

Most importantly, why are you so quick to assume that a person who opposes this welfare program is not a candidate whose opinions bears listening to, if not on this one issue, then on others? Does disagreement on this one point make a candidate unlegitimate to you, even though he agrees with the Republican Jewish Coalition on so many others?

Boris Karpa is a libertarian columnist and professional translator in Ashdod, Israel.
He can be contacted at [email protected]